Series of British CD/digital releases under Extreme Production Music Library.
The majority of its cues were licensed from the German publisher Brillant-Musik, who holds the rights to a lot of Werner Tautz and Heinz Kiessling's works, some of which was previously issued on Harmonic Mood Music Library, as well as various German easy listening labels.
On another thread "Non Stop Music" (
https://librarymusicthemes.com/index.php?topic=5996.0)there was a request to upload some Extreme Music. So, in order to keep our house in order, I've created a separate thread. Feel free to get involved.
Below is a link to a Mega folder with the cd's from XEL 01-30 and the two CD's I have. The Christmas album is an MP3, whereas the rest is in a lossless format. Hopefully someone can continue and provide some albums to fill the gaps from 30 onwards.
EXTREME MUSIC LIBRARYhttp$://mega.nz/folder/mpM2mDSb#INSWSyEo_uDpyz8SeCC-vw