Thank you so much for your efforts there! My download folder is growing with unchecked shares, so I might take some time
My favourite in that matter, when it comes to "Technology" and "Industry" is certainly CAVENDISH MUSIC. They pumped out albums that I'd never want to miss (Full Frontal, Optional Extras, To Every Action..., Blueprints, Dawn Traders, Breaking Glass et cetera). Despite it only released a bit more then a dozen of albums that hits the mark for me, I think I loved all of them and CAV is the most yielding in terms of "awesome tracks / album" ratio.
BRUTON and SONOTON are very guilty for confusing me very hard. SONOTON is the second catalogue I experienced in like 2008 or so, probably because Google knew my location it would suggest me this when I entered it (given that I just live 60 miles away from Munich) and I went through their library thoroughly. Just two weeks ago I learned about their "V" (Vinyl or vault, I can't remember) labelling and found delicious tracks. That made me re-visiting all the libraries again, and BRUTON is also guilty of releasing stuff in the mid-80s that are actually just re-relases from the 70s. I had to re-tag and request some more tracks then
As said above, it was BRUTON that made my over 10 years existing rules of "No music before 1980" go poof (it was "Thug" from "Drama something-someting", 1978).
I also have a bunch of Parry LP tracks in my collection, but I remember it being more "rock'ish" and less synthesized and back then I kind of didn't haven a ear for that style; right now I feel my collection needs more poprock to be more balanced. So I am testing out some libraries I'd never thought I am appealed to.