Author Topic: The Library Catalogue Thread  (Read 39400 times)

Moon Monkey

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Re: The Library Catalogue Thread
« Reply #60 on: February 26, 2025, 06:23:23 AM »

De Wolfe - Unknown 1950s? (thanks to Mr for this one)

De Wolfe 1963 + Supplements

De Wolfe CD Catalogue 1993-94

De Wolfe 1990s (courtesy of a screengrab from Retronic's amazing video - thanks Retronic!)

Moon Monkey

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Re: The Library Catalogue Thread
« Reply #61 on: March 11, 2025, 08:46:25 AM »
Well, I had been using as my image host up till now. My advice to anyone thinking of doing the same is absolutely DON'T. I cut and pasted some sections of this thread into an email, sent only to myself, and a few days later Postimages have blocked most of my links, inviting me to pay for an upgrade to "release" them. And some images that were set to "never expire" are now expiring, and I can't change that. So they can sod off. It's basically blackmail for doing something that isn't even against their terms and conditions as far as I can see. And they're not even replying to my messages. So I'm moving everything to Cubeupload instead. 

I'll be upgrading all the affected sections - I've made a start with a newly repaired (and slightly revised) Boosey and Hawkes section. Everything's back how it was apart from one missing scan of the back cover of the Eddie Shaw discography (don't suppose anyone saved that before it vanished...?)

Everything will be back up and running eventually. Apologies for the inconvenience. And remember - do not use under any circumstances!
« Last Edit: March 11, 2025, 01:16:24 PM by Moon Monkey »

Moon Monkey

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Re: The Library Catalogue Thread
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2025, 08:23:31 PM »

Atmosphere CD Catalogue, c.1991

Hudson Music & Sylvester Music Recorded Music Catalogues, c.1972

JW Theme Music / Weinberger - whole section restored, plus new entries: 1959, 1960 - including tape-only recordings! 1966 and 1976.



Impress - whole section restored + 1957 added
Ready Music, 1979
Bosworth - whole section restored + Bosworth Backgrounds American folder added
Selected Sound 1983-84 + CD 94 (thanks Retronic!)
Sonoton 1981 - expanded with more photos (thanks Mr!)
Sonoton 95
MFA (South Africa)
Themes 1976, 1977 - restored and expanded
Montparnasse 2000 - whole section restored + 1970s Supplements, 1978 catalogue

And remember - do not use under any circumstances!
« Last Edit: March 30, 2025, 06:10:45 AM by Moon Monkey »

Moon Monkey

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Re: The Library Catalogue Thread
« Reply #63 on: March 27, 2025, 11:13:24 AM »

Apollo Sound, 1975
Castle Music (Australia)
De Wolfe - whole section restored, with new/expanded entries for 1973, 1976 and 1988
Ember - added photos from the "Coded" thread. Will add some proper scans at some point.
FDH - section restored with 1953 and 1957 added.
JW Music, 1982
Major Records - whole section restored with various corrections and additions, with Mood Music 1970 and 1972 added.
Paxton - section restored with a few updates.
Southern - section restored with a few updates.
Tele Music, 1976
UBM, 1988

And, very excitingly, Emil Ascher: Complete Catalogue 1961 and First Supplement 1964.