EDIT: As I posted, joakim posted about the guessing if this all the Orange Power albums. Coincidentally, I was writing up this story why there is no more Orange Power Music
![Cool 8]](https://librarymusicthemes.com/Smileys/default/cool.gif)
ORIGNAL POST: Volume 13 is interesting but upon tagging procedure I found absolutely no traces of that album anywhere.
Just in case you are not so familiar with Orange Power member Fritz Köberl - a recording studio owner and a very well-known name amongst the German/Austrian scene and also subject to many tracks shared and requested here - was murdered with four headshots on May, 22nd 1992 after he was lured into a Budapest appartment, drugged by a female accomplice that was a look-alike of his former love. When asleep, he's been assasinated by Helmut Frodl, cut into 17 pieces and his remains put into trash bags which were later found by a homeless..
Köberl figured out that Helmut Frodl - the main guy behind that murder plot - was corrupt and fraudulent and planned to report Frodl to the police.
The tags in the album say it's from 1992 - of course not a problem if it has been produced in the first half of that year before the murdering of the Orange Power member. But obviously, Orange Power ceased to exist and there are no further (mentioned) releases after 1991. This is why their 13th album is a bit odd to me. I have two tracks I'd like to add to my collection but if the tags are unclear, I am somewhat reluctant.