A collector's dilemma, what to do when you hit a "ceiling", be it space, time or money? I've found that digitizing all my music has been the answer. Hard drives are relatively cheap and getting cheaper every year. Over the years, my tastes have grown from R&R (born and raised in Motown) to jazz, classical, easy listening/lounge, then to library. Although I still have all my R&R records form the 70's, I did purge all my CD's (after I digitized them) when we moved out of State. I did save all my bootleg CD's from the 90's. Some things I just can't let go!
Call me a hoarder (You're a Hoarder!). Ok, ok, I'm a music hoarder, yes, guilty as charged! To keep my music organized (200K+ tracks, 2.25TB) I created genre folders (Classical, Jazz, Rock, Library etc), inside these, I sorted by artists (Classical folder is sorted by composer), then album title. For the various-artists albums, I sorted by album title under a "Compilation" folder. Specifically for my Library folder, I sort by music house (Bruton, KPM, Selected Sound), then by album number. It seems to work for me, so far. I may only listen to a record once, but I did it! Having it all digitized means I can always go back if I want to and have a listen. Very rarely do I ever delete songs, but, saying that, I did today! There was a better soundboard version of a Santana concert in Europe in 1972, so I saved the better one and purged the old one.
One suggestion, and its a strong one. Buy a couple of hard drives and back up your music every month or so. HDs are reliable, for the most part. But this is your hard work all on one drive. Back up! Don't be a victim of a crashed drive.
This site has really opened my ears to a whole new realm of music and music interpretation that I never knew existed. The European jazz interpretations are fantastic. I can't seem to get enough! Growing up in a border town, some international influences naturally bled across the river, but it was mostly UK stuff. And that makes sense since Canada, being a part of the Commonwealth, would naturally draw from there. Discovering this site has been a gold mine of continental influences that I appreciate listening to daily. Thanks to everyone who make this site so successful. You all are fantastic!
Ok, back to hoarding, I mean collecting. Ha ha! Its got to be fun, not a chore. Once its a chore, its over. So far, its been a labor of love for me. I enjoy discovering new artists, new music and I want it all!!