Does anyone here have "The Mix Broadcast Music 1" by Sound Ideas without being a demo and full version, the only CD of the album I need is CD 3 that comes with the album, because it has 3 tracks that I'm interested in, one of them is " Street Heat" which is a very good track and one of my favorites and even tears come out just listening to this masterpiece, I only have the main 03 minute version that I got hunting on a website out there, and other variations of 01 minute and another of 30 seconds that comes in the demo version, unfortunately I didn't find other variations that I wanted, because I want a track of "Street Heat" that I suppose is 10 to 15 seconds of short playing, I got to hear it on a station here in my country using this variation of time that I mentioned, another track is also "Second Wind" and "World Champions" although the latter is incredible as it seems I got the extended version of 03 minutes on YouTube and the rest of the variation I got the 2 versions that come in the 01 minute demo and another one of 30 seconds, but whoever has the complete album with all the complete variations and can help me, I will be grateful from the heart and I'm sorry if my English is something wrong, it's because I speak originally in Portuguese PTBR and I usually translate What do I speak in Google Translate if I speak another language that I am not familiar with or do not know how to speak lol