The Kansas albums have a distinctive sound I like a lot. This one features a few great composers.
The first side has a disco-funk sound with a nice rhythm section in the forefront. I think it offers a wonderful sequence of tracks, especially from A3 to A6.
The second side has a more rock oriented style and includes two ballads by Franco Zauli.
[Kansas] LDM-K-17015 - The Monk's Group - Music & Rock - music by Satrital (Dino Cafaro), Franco Bonfanti, Miriam Bordoni (uncredited), Adriana Martini, Reren (Renato Recca) and Jayfield (Franco Zauli)!4DBhkI7D!IyflL0yJhXz7ULNg0iAhMyisxKTgqWOJa-qri7q82p0