Author Topic: German artist pseudonyms (orchestra leaders)  (Read 32209 times)


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German artist pseudonyms (orchestra leaders)
« on: February 01, 2018, 01:59:20 AM »
List started following a comment by MrXmusic.

To explain, these are the artist names listed on German library LPs (typically of "The X Orchestra" or "X and His Orchestra" kind) for which the alias does not appear for writing credits, and can't be tied with certainty to a specific composer. Artist names tied to a related composer alias, such as "Juan Erlando and His Orchestra" are not included here, but can be found ID-ed in the German/Austrian composer alias list. If the name is only identified by a single name, I have included the full group name for context.
Sometimes these only appear on a single release or track, and sometimes several. Some are seemingly obvious when seen in light of their associated composers, such as "Cliff Hammer" and Hans Hammerschmid, but many are not - and some might be entirely unrelated to the composers. My guesses in brackets, followed by a question mark.
Any additions, input and speculation warmly welcome. Your guess is likely to be just as good as mine, haha.

Al Saxon (Konrad Wolf?)
Alexander Martin
Andy Klinkerstone (Konrad Wolf?)
Anthony Cumberland
Antonio Santos (Hans Ehrlinger?)
Antony Wood
Armand Versailles (Herbert Küster?)
Ben Batosch (Werner Tauber?)
Ben Bernard (Bernard Ebbinghouse?)
Benito Bernardo (Bernard Ebbinghouse?)
Ben Cooper (Walter Kubiczeck?)
Benito Bernardo
Benito Gonzalez
Benno Wagner (Helmuth Brandenburg?)
Benny Saltzman
Bernd Bernbach (Werner von Overheidt?)
Berry Simon
Bert Jackson
Billy's (Heribert Thusek)
Bob Morris
Bobby Lee (Earl Sheldon?)
Bobby Setter (Robert Valere "Bob" Verhelst, belgian orchestra leader and vocalist.)
Bud Taylor/Bud Tailor
Buster Beaton (Joachim Ewen?)
Charles Brissot (Dieter Kindl, Peter "Pit" Loew?)
Charlie's Oldtimers (Hagen "Charles" Galatis)
Chester Phillips (Olof Roter?)
Chuck Freeman (Helmuth Brandenburg)
Cliff Hammer (Hans Hammerschmid)
Conny Louis (Harry Theis and Louis Freichel?)
Conny van Dyck
Daniel Clay
Dave's Funnybones (Wolfgang Mäder-Konrad Wolf (David "Dave" Ordini)?)
Dave Martin (Fritz Maldener?)
Dave Perkins (Fritz "Fred" Spannuth & Horst Reipsch?)
David Rosenstein
David Summerfield (Manfred Minnich)
Django Silver
Don Allen (Hans Ehrlinger?)
Don Carlos
Don Kipling
Doringo (Hubert Deuringer?)
Eddy Coulter
Edmund Högemann (Real name. Pianist.)
Felix Morton (Fritz Maldener?)
Fernando Mendoza (Konrad Wolf?, Hans Ehrlinger?)
Francis Broke/Francis Brooke (Earl Sheldon/Jane Jarvis?)
Frank's Dixielanders (Franz Frankenberg?)
Frank Alamo (Heinz Meier?)
Frank Madison (Earl Sheldon/Jane Jarvis?)
Frank Thomas (Thomas Rebensburg?)
Fred Forster (allegedly Werner Drexler)
Fritz Sonnleitner
Gary Boston (Earl Sheldon?)
George Blackmore
George' De Mood
George King (Kai Rautenberg?)
George Winters (Gerhard Narholz, possibly in collaboration with Manfred Minnich?)
Gerry Day (Wolfgang Dauner)
Goody Gudera (Wolfgang Mäder?, Werner von Overheidt?)
Hal Branden (Helmuth Brandenburg?)
Hans Hatter (Heinz Hötter?)
Hans Herchenhan (actually Herchenhahn. German(?) violinist.)
Harry Man (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter?)
Harry Howard (Heinz Hötter?)
Harry West (Hans Schobert?)
Henry Beatinger (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter)
Henry Jackson
Henry King (Heinz Kiessling?)
Henry Malberg (Fritz Maldener?)
Henry Monza (Erich Schneider-Reinerz?)
Herbert Schuster
Honky John (Ferenc Aszodi?)
Howard Jones
Ivo Ivanovic
Jack Barner
Jack Hammer (Hans Hammerschmid?)
Jack Summer
Jack Wolfe (Hans Wolf-Kraus)
James Douglas (Fritz Maldener?)
The Jay Five (German instrumental beat group, "Jay Five" referring to the five members' nicknames; "Jock", "Jerry", "Jay", "Joe" and "Jiggs".)
Jay Harmon (Chris Striegler/Heinz Kretzschmar?)
Jerome Munafo (Ruggero Munafo, belgian guitarist, composer and arranger.)
Joe & Harry (Joe Satory (= Hans Ehrlinger) and Heribert "Harry" Thusek?)
Joe Candlelight (Herbert Küster?)
Joe Corney (Eduard Koeck?)
Joe Fender (Frank Pleyer?)
Joe Palmer (Fritz "Fred" Spannuth & Horst Reipsch?)
Joe Scott (Hans Ehrlinger)
Joe Swingman (Hans Ehrlinger?)
John Oxford
John Popking (Hans Ehrlinger?)
John van Zoot
John Wallis (Hans Ehrlinger?)
K & K ('Kaiserlich und Königlich', Benny Gebauer?)
Kai Martin
Kenny Bird (Fritz Maldener?)
King Mauna (Horst Reipsch-Horst Ackermann?)
Kookie Freeman (Helmuth Brandenburg)
Kosta Lukacs
Lado (Fritz Münzer/Jürgen Wolter?)
Larry Cooper
Leo Mann (Theo Schumann)
Leo Silvestri
Les Searle
Lester Cleveland
Lester Mahl (Fritz Maldener?)
Lew Howard (Howard Lucraft)
Lord Chester
Louis Voss
Lucky Simon (Benito "Luciano" Simoncini, also cover name for one or more Polish orchestra leaders?)
Maurice Pop (Fritz Maldener)
Marcus Österdahl
Mario Monte
Master Jo
Mc Daniel
Mel Pike (Marcel Clement D. Picavet, belgian orchestra leader.)
Michael Coster (Michael Stenz + Klaus Köster?)
Michael Kent
Michael Oliver
Mike Moore (Wolfgang Mürmann)
Mister Wendelin (Werner Lener?)
Mr. Swoboda (Karl Swoboda)
Nick Forest
Norman Barry (Harold Geller and Desmond "Des" Champ?)
Pat Michael (Robert "Bob" Sharples?)
Perry London (Hans Schobert, Bernhard "Bernd" Rabe, Erwin Lehn?)
Pete Springfield
Peter Asam (Edmund Kötscher?)
Peter Franklin
Peter Gordon (Peter Sander-Gordon Langford)
Peter Johns
Peter Trom (pun, "Trompeter")
Phil Chrysander (Heinz Kretschmar?)
Pierre Lavin (Helmuth Brandenburg)
Pitt Fontana (Fritz "Fred" Spannuth & Horst Reipsch?)
Ralf Burger
Ralph Boston (Mladen Franko/Horst Reipsch)
Ralph Haldenby (Uwe Buschkötter in a wig?)
Ray Eden
Raymond Hill
René Clermont
Rex Brown (Friedel Berlipp?)
Riccardo Riccione
Rich Hendersen
Richie Hillman (Heinz Kiessling?)
Robby's Dixieland Seven
Robert James (Giuseppe Solera?)
Robert Wittman (Gerhard Narholz?)
Roger Flynn (Konrad Wolf?)
Roland Baker (Real name. Austrian saxophonist.)
Rolf and Klaus (Rolf Kühn(?) and Klaus Doldinger)
Romain Domani (Jacques Romain-Franco Domani = Benny Gebauer-Heribert Thusek)
Roman Duke (Dieter Kindl and Wolfgang Herzog?)
Ron Beirman/Ron Biermann
Ron Dixon (Heinz Habermann?)
Ronny Winter (Siegfried "Igor" Rosenow and Joachim Döhring?)
Sam Gold (Benny Gebauer & Heribert Thusek?)
Sandor Posa (Horst Reipsch?)
Sandy Love
Shorty Malden (Fritz Maldener?)
Sir Fletcher (Günter Fuhlisch?)
Sparky (an unnamed female vocalist)
Stan Jackson (Hans Ehrlinger?)
Stan Reeves (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter?)
Stan Stanfield (Werner von Overheidt?)
Sue Adams (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter)
Sunny Beam (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter?)
Sunny Livingstone (Benny Gebauer, possibly Konrad Wolf? Pictured*.)
Sunny Lord (Harald "Harry" Winkler-Rauter?)
Ted Berger (Gustav "Gus" Brendel?)
Tim Barry (Jürgen Schröder, Heinz Burow?)
Tino Martini (Real name? Trumpeter.)
Tom "Love Joy" Mason
Tommy Haggard (Georges "Géo" Voumard?)
The Two Beats (Hans Ehrlinger/Gerhard Narholz?)
The Voo Doo's (Helmuth Brandenburg?)
Walt Peters (Peter Waldenmeier?)
Walter Heller (Real name. East German saxophonist.)

* hxxp://

Lord Thames
« Last Edit: April 11, 2020, 12:21:29 AM by Mr »


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Re: German artist pseudonyms (orchestra leaders)
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2018, 01:25:08 AM »
Pretty sure "Buster Beaton" is a pseudonym for someone, being a pun on Buster Keaton, but can't tell you who.

Lord Thames

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Re: German artist pseudonyms (orchestra leaders)
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2018, 01:00:59 AM »
One more to add to the list - David Summerfield is Manfred Minnich.


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Re: German artist pseudonyms (orchestra leaders)
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2018, 03:12:19 AM »