Thanks for this vintage rippage, Roope!
Now, you all want to "hear" a funny story?
Of course you do.
After seeing your rip on LMT, I just checked my external drive i found an old 320 rip of this same LP. I'd downloaded this rip back in 2012. I was deliberating whether to return to the origin to see if that old blog was still active, if the page was up, or even if there was more cover art, etc. that I'd missed the first time.
So I returned. The URL is still there. But the old blog is gone. In it's place is a
Wall of Porn. Literally, it's wall-to-wall-skin.
There's no entry to the site, just that wall of skin. In the top corner is the message,
"Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
And I thought to myself "How rude!"
I don't know if the old blog miester sold the domain, or gave up the blog and some porn-meister set up in his spot. Or maybe he was tired of blogging and decided to go out with bang and a big FU to whomever owns the hoster?
I don't know. I don't know how to find out. And then I wonder, why do I care? Why bother, when there's so much work I have to do now, am I even thinking about this dumb page?
That's my story and I'm sticking to it
Has this ever happened to any of you?
Anyways, thanks again Roope for this fine Harmonic rip! It's a
Roope Rip. (Haha, MD made a funny)