This is a project born in my ideas a very long time ago. But we all know, time is never enough.
And considering the huge dimensions this project was taking as time was passing, well, I lost a bit of belief that it could be possible.
It's all about flutes in library. The original idea was to put together every flute cut I've enjoyed in these years, in one big, multi-volume compilation, eager to celebrate this instrument and his interpreters, both capable to give me great emotions.
But the candidates for this compilation were really too much, just too much. So, the idea has been changing over time and the final thought was to tighten the range of action.
A big shrinkage actually, cause here I present an orgy of italian-only, unprejudiced, flamboyant, sweet, sometimes unorthodox ways to play flutes.
And I wanted it to be in high quality lossless format, to make it even better to everyone's ears.
Obviously there would be more I'd like to add to this work, but my lossless collection don't go that far.
Three volumes, 12 tracks each, also for those who want to burn them to CD's and play them on their home stereo.
Hope you guys will enjoy this work.
Absolute Flute - Unconventional Blazing Flute Tunes From The Italian Library Vaults - Vol.1!OUgCHZbI!DzD2xuo_sPmyUomHk_ukda9mD9RspZa_JgdrV9yHfKcAbsolute Flute - Unconventional Blazing Flute Tunes From The Italian Library Vaults - Vol.2!ic5VDYLC!X1Hfq382ZVAsX2yOwvrOWEH4ON48QnROTSZabfnSiDkAbsolute Flute - Unconventional Blazing Flute Tunes From The Italian Library Vaults - Vol.3!KNpmCLZa!W7YWNPC4GM4sYouVTTvWxfRDFvlNSspYxC0i86RmicI