Author Topic: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue  (Read 4179 times)


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Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« on: July 04, 2018, 06:00:13 PM »

The French label Broc Recordz seem to have established a partnership with Janko Nilovic, and have released some new material by him during the last two years, including "Supra Hip Hop Impressions"(!). They have also recently reissued this library 'cornerstone' on vinyl. For those few of you not yet familiar with it, you should most definitely give it a listen! ;)

It's available for order here:


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2018, 09:21:06 PM »
The best Nilovic's record !

Funny interview by Gasface:


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #2 on: July 10, 2018, 07:39:07 PM »
Heh, nice.


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2018, 09:52:35 PM »


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #4 on: September 20, 2018, 09:29:34 AM »
This is such a great record, not just a great library record. I have the Vadim reissue but the sound on that one is a bit hit or miss. There's so much going on arrangement wise that a lot of it sounds distorted. Was listening to the streaming version of Broc Recordz' new reissue, and the sound is the best I've heard of this (or any Montparnasse 2000) album. I might be wrong about this, but I seem to remember reading that the master tapes of the entire Montparnasse archive is long gone? "Rythmes contemporains" sounds like it's from the masters this time around...


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2018, 07:41:10 PM »
Not sure about the MP 2000 tapes in general, but I at least know the rights have ended up with Kapagama, a subsidiary of EMI France which itself is now under Universal. Some MP 2000 cues have been remastered and reissued under the Kosinus Archives label. They probably have at least a few of the original tapes lying around.

What many people don't know, is that this wasn't originally a library record - it was originally a commercial release, issued as "Giant" on Z Records. The original sleeve lists the personnel of the impressive 30+ member orchestra performing on here. (See my transcription of this list on Discogs.)
- Of course that's André Cecccarelli on drums! ;)
Though absolutely brilliant, I never quite understood how one would employ these 5+ min. long cues to library usage, and it sort of makes sense seeing as how that was never strictly the intention. The rear sleeve of the original MP 2000 library release hilariously attempts to break the dense, long compositions into ready-for-editing sections:
« Last Edit: September 20, 2018, 07:44:59 PM by Mr »


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Re: Janko Nilovic's "Rythmes contemporains" sees vinyl reissue
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2018, 10:25:46 AM »
Not sure about the MP 2000 tapes in general, but I at least know the rights have ended up with Kapagama, a subsidiary of EMI France which itself is now under Universal. Some MP 2000 cues have been remastered and reissued under the Kosinus Archives label. They probably have at least a few of the original tapes lying around.

What many people don't know, is that this wasn't originally a library record - it was originally a commercial release, issued as "Giant" on Z Records. The original sleeve lists the personnel of the impressive 30+ member orchestra performing on here. (See my transcription of this list on Discogs.)
- Of course that's André Cecccarelli on drums! ;)
Though absolutely brilliant, I never quite understood how one would employ these 5+ min. long cues to library usage, and it sort of makes sense seeing as how that was never strictly the intention. The rear sleeve of the original MP 2000 library release hilariously attempts to break the dense, long compositions into ready-for-editing sections:

Many thanks for the informative post, Mr! I've seen the Giant LP listing on Discogs, but assumed it was another MP funded thing. And as you say, it makes sense now. Any music editor trying to use this for film or TV would have been up for a tough challenge! :D