Author Topic: Forever Records  (Read 2065 times)

Muff Diver

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Forever Records
« on: May 28, 2019, 11:35:29 PM »

I've just been to Vslava's Marcelo Giombini's thread --->

A simple music download, which would usually cause a joygasmic mini-celebration by yours truly, has caused all activity @ Muff Productions to screech to a halt. All because I am vexed by a question of Library bona fides and propriety.

I don't know any wise men who sit on mountaintops. There's also no mountains close by, although we do have some pleasant rolling hills close by. Frankly, there's a short supply of wise men in general. But I'm digressing.

OK, I have to ask. Is Forever Records a Library Label?

I recognize Marcello Giombini as a composer of Library Music (among other genres) and in the past I've tended to give Forever Records a pass on the Library side. Also, in the past, LMT has generally accepted Forever Records as a Library label, but now I'm not so sure.

Over the past year I've been learning that "Library Music" per se isn't recognized everywhere as a specific genre of music. Some cultures just lump this genre into the general music category as contemporary, easy listening, etc.

The fact that Forever Music isn't recognized as a Library label universally by Discogs, Music Brainz, or Mr's Music Database doesn't sway my argument. After all, none of these Databases is exhaustive. They're still works-in-progress and mere drops in the buckets of a very large musical ocean.

Is there a general consensus amongst LMT regulars that Forever Records is a Library label, or mere purveyors of easy listening elevator music?

Thanks in advance for your facts and opinions.

Remember, when you share your knowledge and insights, you're helping to illuminate the darkness of my Cro-Magnon ignorance. And I thank you for that  :)

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit


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Re: Forever Records
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2019, 11:53:50 PM »
That a label is not included in LMT's database should by no means be taken as an indication that it is not a library label. It could very well be, but that nobody has gotten around to mentioning it yet.
- And what is claimed to be true on Discogs and MusicBrainz should at all times be taken with a pinch of salt, of course.

To answer your question without delving too deeply into the larger discussion here;
Yes, Forever Records and F.I.R. (the latter not acknowledged on Discogs) both functioned as library labels tied to Dino Siani's publishing company Jorcas Edizioni Musicali - but Forever Records also seems to have issued a number of 'ordinary' commercial records. Vslava's two shares are of the library kind.

... am I a mountaineer?

ps. - Lists will be up as soon as I find the time ;)
« Last Edit: July 11, 2019, 08:58:32 AM by Mr »


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Re: Forever Records
« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2019, 03:07:05 AM »
     I just picked up a couple of these. It looks to me like the F.I.R. ones with the "FIRLP" prefix were Library, based on the simple themes of each record and the somewhat generic cover art.

     The run of Forever Records with the "FVLP" prefix seem to have, possibly, started out as commercial releases; at least for the first few. My copy of FVLP 01005 has a hole punch in the upper right corner which usually means it was an unsold remainder.

Muff Diver

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Re: Forever Records
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2019, 04:13:53 AM »

... am I a mountaineer?

Golly, Mister, the answer to your question would depend on your living on a mountain. Do you reside in a mountain lair? Do you yodel or play those really big horns?

As I read your question, I had the most insane visual that appeared in my mind's eye. If you could only see it!

I pictured you in an old-style DJ booth, changing records from the turntables. When you weren't actually changing the records, you were fondling them. All the while wearing a horned Wiking helmet & wielding a battle axe.

You could be Sven Lutefisk, Wiking DJ!  "He takes requests, yo!"

- ♬ "Play that funky Hawkshaw music!" 𝄞 𝄞  ♪ ♫ 

Yep, Barry Manilow had some big hits back in the day, right?

Do you (or anybody else) recall the original Saturday Night Live cast, aka the "Not Ready For Prime-Time Players" ?

One of my favorites was John Belushi's Samurai character.

In any given week, he'd play a Samurai TV Repairman, a Samurai Optometrist, Samurai Delicatessen, etc.

With your vinyl knowledge (vinyl knowledge is kinda like Carnival Knowledge, only with records. You Perv!) you're a wise man. 

But if you live on elevated, rocky outcroppings with sheer cliffs, that'd make you a Wiking Mountaineer, which is value-added and even better than a mere "smart dude sitting on a mountain"!

Damn, son, you could be a bona fide, legitimate super hero. And in our trying times, we sure could use one!


Sometimes I think if I had any artistic ability to draw or paint those insanely funny-assed images that pop into my sick mind, I'd have an internationally syndicated comic strip. Ah, me.
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