Author Topic: The evolution of the usage of library music labels around the world  (Read 558 times)

KPM Lover

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I decided to do this post because I’m curious about how library music catalogs have been used over the years around the world.

As a Brazilian, I will talk about how these songs were used in the audiovisual productions of my country over the years.

In the 1960s and 1970s, library music labels were most commonly used in TV commercials. TV stations also used them, but rarely. Most of the time, they would sonorized their productions using non-library records or movie soundtracks. Already in the 1980s, there was a transition. In this period, it was still common for TV commercials to use library music tracks a lot, and TV stations rarely, except for SBT, which since its foundation (1981) used many library music tracks (mainly from the Bruton and KPM labels). Even so, this station also used a lot of tracks from non-library records or movie soundtracks. From the 1990s, the use of non-library tracks became more rare and the songs of library music labels began to dominate the audiovisual productions in Brazil.

This is the evolution of library music labels in my country. I am interested in how it has been in other countries, through other members of this forum.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2025, 12:10:31 AM by KPM Lover »