Author Topic: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks  (Read 7408 times)


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ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« on: January 18, 2025, 02:25:19 PM »
I've found a few of the highlight music tracks used by the show on my own, but I'd appreciate any help in identifying these others -- I know some of them have been used for general promos, not just sports highlights. The release dates for each are probably between 1991-2005, most likely 1997-2005. Thanks for any help you can provide!

(3/5/25 EDIT: All others identified -- replacement links for the 6 remaining tracks below have been scrubbed of VO and audio normalized, as with the 7 NEW requested IDs below that)

ADDED 3/5/25: Adding some new ID requests, with VO scrubbed and normalized audio. I thought I was done, but then found a few more. The ID sites seem to be coming up with a blank for each, although one keeps misidentifying track N-28 below as "Andale - TIKK", which isn't really even a close match!

Thanks once again for any assistance!

« Last Edit: March 06, 2025, 01:26:30 PM by rajah_d »


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #1 on: January 21, 2025, 12:57:00 AM »
I have a list in the "Film, TV, and Radio Cues" topic of 51 tracks that I HAVE identified, most published between 1991 and 2002, involving the publishes listed below -- but I'm hitting a wall with these others.

After 2007, the music used by the show increasingly takes a turn to the hard rock / hard alternative / metal genre, and after listening to more tracks online than I can count, I need to clear my head! What I've found and what I'm looking for are tracks that have been distinctive enough to have caught my attention, before they all begin to fuse into one electric guitar-led mass.

Libraries where I've already identified tracks used include AirCraft, Apple Trax, Atmosphere (only one so far; I'm thinking there might be more), Chappell/Warner Chappell, Chronic Trax, De Wolfe, Firstcom (also, surprisingly, only one so far), Hudson, Killer Trax, Manhattan, MasterSource (some of the comparitively newer, harder-edged songs), Match, NYB, and Groove Addicts.

Again, thanks for any help. If there is a way that I can post these clips more effectively for use, please let me know!


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #2 on: January 21, 2025, 11:00:59 PM »
BBT-Missing track 1 - "Speed Games" KPM
#3 & #5 sounds familiar but can't put my finger on it yet
BBT-Missing track 20 - "The Days Of My Life (b)" Chappell Recorded Music Library

If you're able to remove the vocals from these recordings and upload them again, I will gladly re-check them as I bet I could probably knock quite a few off your list

I would recommend using (formerly x-minus) or


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2025, 05:46:59 PM »
Thank you, @Craig-UK! That's a hit on both! I'll check out the program that you recommended and I'll try to work on reuploading the others. I must confess, I hadn't even checked KPM.

Here's the rest of the first 10 (Edited: Deleted tracks identified):

« Last Edit: January 24, 2025, 05:49:11 PM by rajah_d »


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« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 02:48:35 AM by rajah_d »


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2025, 09:19:52 AM »
Thank you for doing those, it has helped
#2 ???
#3 is "In Too Deep" from Amphonic (AVF CD 109)
#4 ???
#5 is "Culture Grunge" from Kosinus (KOS 35)
#6 is "Out of My Head" from BRg Music Works (BRg 3011)
#7 is "Stratosonic" from BRg Music Works (BRg 3015)
#8 is "Stock Car Racer" from MusicHouse (MHE 29)
#9 is "Emergency Rescue 2)" from FirstCom (FC-A11)
#10 is "Dutch Rub" from BRg Music Works (BRg 3011)
#11 is "Catch The Fever" from AirCraft Music Library (ACL 071)
#12 is "Positive Vibrations 2)" from FirstCom (FC-A56)
#13 is "Day By Day 2)" from FirstCom (FC-A40)
#14 is "Axe Man (Underscore)" from AirCraft Music Library (ACL 041)
#15 sounds a little familiar but can't put my finger on it
#16 ???
#17 is "City Heat" from AirCraft Music Library (ACL 018)
#18 is "Kitesailing 1)" from FirstCom (FC-A41)
#19 is "Technosport" from Match Music (MAT 148)
#21 is "Shockwave" from Match Music (MAT 148)
No idea on the last 3 sorry.

Hope that helps anyway


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2025, 05:57:19 PM »
That's nothing short of amazing work! Thank you so much for all your efforts.

I'm embarrassed to say that I'd reviewed two of the albums you identified and had identified other tracks from them, but I didn't consider the leaders for the unidentified tracks, so I didn't immediately recognize them. I'm even more embarrassed to say that I'd already identified "Shockwave" and didn't pick up on the fact that I had it as Unidentified. Guess that happens when you're juggling 60+ tracks in your head!

That said, it looks like the tracks from two Firstcom albums -- FC-A11 (Emergency Rescue - Underscore) and FC-A40 (Day By Day - Underscore) -- don't look like they're available anywhere. It appears that they've been requested elsewhere on this board, but those links are apparently dead now. Would you be able to point me at them? Lossless or lossy, I'd be able to work with either.

Thanks again!
« Last Edit: January 25, 2025, 08:05:15 AM by rajah_d »


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2025, 10:03:18 AM »
Here are the flacs for "Emergency Rescue" and low quality mp3 for "Day By Day" as I do not have the CD - hxxps://


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2025, 12:45:39 PM »
Thank you, Craig!


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #10 on: February 03, 2025, 07:41:53 PM »
I have a different couple of clips for two of the tracks requested above that may help in identification.
(Slightly more of the music can be heard -- Firstcom Corporate, maybe? Have no idea)
(Still no clue at all as to the origin of this one, but it required almost no scrubbing -- this might be a much shorter piece repeated, as it sounds to my ear like it's been edited together)

« Last Edit: February 03, 2025, 09:01:59 PM by rajah_d »


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2025, 10:41:22 PM »
I have a different couple of clips for two of the tracks requested above that may help in identification.
(Slightly more of the music can be heard -- Firstcom Corporate, maybe? Have no idea)
(Still no clue at all as to the origin of this one, but it required almost no scrubbing -- this might be a much shorter piece repeated, as it sounds to my ear like it's been edited together)

That did help

#15 is "Here At Last!" Josef Weinberger (JWCD 2001)


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2025, 03:19:07 AM »
Thank you again, Craig! That's yet another library, and I would have been looking forever for that one. That's now 72 tracks identified, with 20 different labels by my count. Also, thanks to lbjames on the board for sharing this album!

Unfortunately, the scrubbing may have an adverse effect on Track 16, which is the track remaining that I have the most interest in. It's kind of a Southern Rock-boogie with a horn section. Most of it gets lost because there's just no example without constant VO chatter. I'd place the vintage anywhere between 1996 and 2004, if anyone has any ideas on it. I could see someone using this as an intro for wrestling, but I haven't been able to track it down that way either.

The tracks I have labeled as "Touch 'Em All" and "Web Gems" were likely published between the same dates, most likely after 2000.

This YT link has all three of those tracks in use -- #16 at 3:24 (but cuts out before the horns), 59:52 for Touch 'Em All, 1:01:07 for Web Gems.

The rest of them are not particularly important -- 2, 4, and the "Who's Hot Who's Not" track are gravy in comparison to what's been identified already! Thanks again, and I hope this helps anybody who might be working on a video production project.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2025, 03:32:10 AM by rajah_d »


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Re: ESPN Baseball Tonight unidentified tracks
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2025, 12:53:20 PM »
Bump for new ID requests.