I know about the amazing Bruton vinyl directive done by Tony which has been an excellent resource for me and other users on this site. But, I have noticed that there are some minor flaws with it. For example, the album Theme Sets (BRJ 17) runs a bit too fast. However, one aspect I praise is that the directive has an excellent rip of the album Relax (BRD 10) which is much better than the one Universal put out.
But then, I came across an interesting discovery. Vocalion, known for their KPM compilations and releasing the book “The Mood Modern”, released some of the Bruton albums on CD back in 2015.
So I was wondering if anyone had these CDs?
Energism/Futurism: hxxps://www.discogs.com/release/7632298-Francis-Monkman-Paul-Hart-Energism-Futurism (Found! Thanks Nidostar!)
Theme Sets and Life’s Rituals: hxxps://www.discogs.com/release/7533863-John-Scott-Theme-Sets-Lifes-Ritual (Found! Thanks Oliverino!)
The Good Life: hxxps://www.discogs.com/release/7632771-Various-The-Good-Life
Drama Montage Vol. 1&2: hxxps://www.discogs.com/release/7120615-Brian-Bennett-Drama-Montage-Volumes-1-2 (Found! Thanks Greta!)