Author Topic: Your Favourite Library Albums?  (Read 4909 times)


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2024, 04:44:06 PM »
Just a little concerned with the pornography statement - how is this correlation even thought of by yourself for me simply uploading a vinyl record like other users have done using pixeldrain throughout this forum? Even a user in this very thread used pixeldrain for music sharing.
Your comment is weird at the very least.
If I may chip in. It’s not your upload that is the problem MusicMuzak. It is Pixeldrain. From what I understand, Greta is saying that server may have been implicated in a separate issue (nothing to do with LMT) related to child porn hence it has been blacklisted and become inaccessible for users in Italy.


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2024, 05:06:58 PM »

I missed the last part of your post MusicMuzak, but it's exactly as nidostar says.

Nothing to do with you or LMT, it's just pixeldrain implicated in fraudulent issues.


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2024, 10:32:38 PM »
You still didn't answer re your concerning comment about pornography though?


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2024, 10:36:35 PM »
Just a little concerned with the pornography statement - how is this correlation even thought of by yourself for me simply uploading a vinyl record like other users have done using pixeldrain throughout this forum? Even a user in this very thread used pixeldrain for music sharing.
Your comment is weird at the very least.
If I may chip in. It’s not your upload that is the problem MusicMuzak. It is Pixeldrain. From what I understand, Greta is saying that server may have been implicated in a separate issue (nothing to do with LMT) related to child porn hence it has been blacklisted and become inaccessible for users in Italy.

Perhaps mentioning it to ALL users in ya thread would be of great benefit. And to at least be addressed to the OP who wanted preferred pixel uploads of tunes. It appears I was singled out and I'm quitei understandadbly  bothered over the needless comments Greta made and directed at only me.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 10:40:25 PM by MusicMuzak »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2024, 11:35:10 PM »
I'm not sure I understand. What do you mean by mention to ALL users? In posting here it is read by everyone. I think there has been a misunderstanding. Many of us use Pixeldrain including myself to store files for sharing. It is only today that Greta mentioned that she was having difficulty downloading files from that server because she understood that it had been blacklisted in Italy. There was no accusation levelled at you, me or anyone else on the forum. Forgive me if I am being a bit thick but I don't understand your reaction.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2024, 11:40:24 PM by nidostar »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #20 on: April 24, 2024, 12:14:43 AM »
Let's see if MusicMuzak can get what I meant:

Today, trying to download the last De Wolfe shares provided by Retronic here, I found out that Pixeldrain was blacklisted by the postal police here in Italy, and I actually commented it in that thread.

After few minutes, by going around the forum, I saw your posts MusicMuzak, where you were sharing something using Pixeldrain too (the same hoster used by Retro which I discovered to be blacklisted here in Italy) and I wrote that comment in your threads too, and specifying not to hotlink to external sharing sites.
Nothing against you, but just something to inform every member that Pixeldrain was having problems.

I do understand that by reading only my comments on your threads without knowing that I already talked about the issue in Retro's thread, it may have misunderstood you.
But that's what it was, a misunderstanding.

Is that clear now?

ps - it is always understood that hotlinks to external sharing sites are ALWAYS discouraged for EVERYBODY.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 12:46:56 AM by Greta »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #21 on: April 24, 2024, 02:08:04 AM »
I definitely understand about the links. I'm able to comprehend.
But as many users use pixel drain I was the one you seemed to single  out by writing your post.
 Why only my post andd not others?
The OP clearly said they prefer pixel drain uploads and there was not one word of backlash from you about that.

I was, therefore, obviously singled out. At least be balanced in your efforts.
That's my issue. It was simple. I dont want it to become difficult.
Im moving onto the purpose of this site. Music.
Nothing more and nothing less.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 02:13:40 AM by MusicMuzak »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #22 on: April 24, 2024, 12:05:30 PM »
Apparently you still don't get me.

The pixeldrain thing is something that occurred yesterday.
Before yesterday things with pixeldrain were normal. As soon as I got the message from the Italian postal police, I proceeded to inform the board.
In Retro's post and in yours, which were the last ones.

Always and in any case only an information.

I didn't point out anyone else's posts before yesterday just because before yesterday everything was normal and everyone (including me) was using that site which never had something wrong.

I already told you that it wasn't nothing personal, but if you keep thinking it was just about you, then it's really just your issue.

PS, for the record
today it seems like things are back to normal with pixeldrain, I'm not having that message form the postal police and the site is normally reachable here in Italy too.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2024, 12:15:41 PM by Greta »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2024, 10:20:17 AM »
I had hoped this would be fun chat as an introuction to this site, but I seemed to have sparked something that is turning a bit unpleasant.

I originally asked for pixeldrain as that is the service I use and pay for, which makes downloading quicker. My understanding from the various fora is that convention (if nothing else) dictates we do not use hotlinks in these posts, and instead do as Greta suggests, either dropping the https entirely, or amending it to h**ps or the like, so readers can copy and paste and amend.

I see your uploaded file has gone now, MusicMusak - I hope you haven't been put off.

I would still very much welcome hearing your recommendations, and if that includes uploads, all the better!
« Last Edit: May 10, 2024, 10:22:34 AM by lebikini »


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2024, 10:33:19 AM »
I had hoped this would be fun chat as an introuction to this site, but I seemed to have sparked something that is turning a bit unpleasant.

I originally asked for pixeldrain as that is the service I use and pay for, which makes downloading quicker. My understanding from the various fora is that convention (if nothing else) dictates we do not use hotlinks in these posts, and instead do as Greta suggests, either dropping the https entirely, or amending it to h**ps or the like, so readers can copy and paste and amend.

I see your uploaded file has gone now, MusicMusak - I hope you haven't been put off.

I would still very much welcome hearing your recommendations, and if that includes uploads, all the better!
I still continue to use Pixeldrain as do many of us so please don't think you had got off on the wrong foot. It's all fine. Do I take it from your initial post that you are still looking for Flyback's Test Card Classics? If so I'll try to upload it over the weekend.


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #25 on: May 10, 2024, 02:57:33 PM »
Oh, yes please nidostar! That would be great! Thanks!


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #26 on: May 10, 2024, 08:55:23 PM »
Here you go @lebikini. I bought this in a CD store in Crawley in the early 90's when there were such shops around. It wasn't until I found this CD that I realised Test Card music was available to the general public. Needless to say it is a treasured CD.



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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2024, 07:45:24 AM »
A great way to discover things and do that initial navigation can be through comps which is how in the 90's many of us were exposed to library music (or at least knowing what it was).  Here's some key ones from that era:

Blow Up | (KPM)
Jack Arel: Gravure Universelle | (Chappell)
Freak Out At The Facsimile Factory | (early De Wolfe)
Kitsch Pop | (Chappell)
Luke Vibert's Nuggets |
Sound Book - De Wolfe Music Library & Background Sound |

Also If I may be so bold, I have 50 odd DJ sets of solely library music so if you have time to put something on in the background you can discover what you like this way as they are a mixed bag, so you will get an 80's electronic track, followed by a 60's big band, followed by a  70's moody drama piece.


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2024, 07:57:14 AM »
Some more:
Electronic Toys |
Pop Boutique Vol. 1 |
Cinemaphonic - Soul Punch |
Colours Of Funk Vol. 2 |
KPM & Conroy (1970-77) Sounds Of The Times |
Dramatic Themes 1 |


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Re: Your Favourite Library Albums?
« Reply #29 on: May 22, 2024, 09:45:30 AM »
A great way to discover things and do that initial navigation can be through comps which is how in the 90's many of us were exposed to library music (or at least knowing what it was).  Here's some key ones from that era:

Blow Up | (KPM)
Jack Arel: Gravure Universelle | (Chappell)
Freak Out At The Facsimile Factory | (early De Wolfe)
Kitsch Pop | (Chappell)
Luke Vibert's Nuggets |
Sound Book - De Wolfe Music Library & Background Sound |

Also If I may be so bold, I have 50 odd DJ sets of solely library music so if you have time to put something on in the background you can discover what you like this way as they are a mixed bag, so you will get an 80's electronic track, followed by a 60's big band, followed by a  70's moody drama piece.

This is amazing, thank you so much Retronic! I too learned more about library music from such 90s comps - I had Blow Up, but not the others so this is great - thank you again! And I will definitely check out your DJ sets - GOLD!