Excellent write-up, thank you for your work!
I have some additional info:
- The 1985 Themes catalogue is 36 pages.
In addition to the UK catalogues currently listed:
I own a few Focus Music Library-related things;
1) An early 2 page A4 booklet (c. 1991?) with FCD101 through FCD127.
2) It came housed in a paper folder which details releases up to FCD154 and 4 additional CD releases with "t.b.a." listed as cat.#. Undated.
3) And bundled together with a 16-page ringbound "Style-alike list 2002/3" booklet, which also has a catalogue on the last page detailing releases up to FCD180.
I also own a "Cosmos Library Background Music System Catalogue" book. A quite heavy paperback, 368 pages.
No dates, but it has CDs 375.201 through 375.300 and Cosmos Special Select COS-1 through COS-25.
Lastly, I have a "Vedette Records musiche per sonorizzazioni e programmi, catalogo generale". Paperback, 32 pages, 1967. It was mentioned at the end of the
original post.