Yes, 3 labels are there that are on Universal, so I can sample and test-listen there.
I have found one label in which I am interested in, this "Musi-Q". But there lies the problem: The lack of sampling and information.
The only information I could find was on "Musi-Q 003 Wedding Music" that has a copyright of 1992 and thus maybe what I am looking for. Not that particular disk but the year is good (Ironically, 003 is the only one that your friend has NOT in his possession^^). That's why I'd request the years of release first so I know I buy 90s music (by just reading off the disk), order one or two sample disks first (for the full price of course) and then see if I like what I hear.
So once your friend is on LMT, I might ask him to read a few copyrights from the disk and maybe one photo of the cover of one album (as this shows you roughly what to expect, if the cover art is well-made, the music is often too) before I actually order. This might be a bit cumbersome, but I am also hesistant of ordering 12 disks of music I might not really like.