Author Topic: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher  (Read 14785 times)


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2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« on: August 11, 2023, 01:00:28 AM »

Reposting this since the original post got lost in the purge.

2-XL Robot uses music from Emil Ascher. KPM, Bruton, Parry, and Musique Pour L’Image (MPI).

The link above features every track identified including tracks that still have yet to be identified.

Tapes listed here
50s and 60s Nostalgia
Amazing Sports Feats
Amazing World of the Small
Animal World
Basics of ABCs
Challenges of General Science
Exercise with 2-XL
General Information
Math and Number Games
Preschool Bedtime Stories
Robotrivia Game 1/2
Science Fiction
Storyland: 2-XL and the Time Machine
Super Heroes & Comic Book Cavalcade
Talking Calculator and Number Games
TV & Movie Challenge
Word and Sound Games 1/2

« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 01:07:31 AM by musictheorist »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2023, 03:07:55 AM »
Amazing Sports Feats  "Get Funky"

Don't Bother Me No More
Paul Zaza


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2023, 03:37:07 AM »
Amazing World of the Small:

- "Thinking Music" is the title track to Bruton BRD 11 "Summer Thoughts" by David Snell.

Exercise With 2-XL:

- "In Your Face" is "The Computer Composes" by William Merrick Farran and Edgar Vetter from KPM 1085 "Electronic Music".

General Information:

-"A Disco!" is "Funky Stinger" by Steve Gray
- "Chris's Big Spaceship" is "Clarion 6" by Keith Mansfield
- "And Now... the Punchline" (aka "Heather's Spaceship Fanfare") is "The Conjuror" by Wally Asp
- "Wacky Fanfare" is "Corny Playoff" by Wally Asp
-"Frank's Spaceship Fanfare" is "Flourish 2" by David Lindup

All of which come from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".

Math and Number Games:

-"Sandwich Bread?" is "Portrait of a Lumber" by Steve Gray from KPM 1134 "Childhood".
-"Lone Ranger Fanfare" is "Hurried Departure" by David Lindup from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
-"Old Time Movies III" is "Jolly Cut" by Clive Hicks, also from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
-"Old Time Movies IV" is "Coming Corn" by Duncan Lamont, also from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
-"Frank's Spaceship Extended Fanfare" is "Flourish 1" by David Lindup, also from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
-"Newsbreak Fanfare" is "Coming News" by Duncan Lamont, also from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".

Pre-School Bed Time Stories:

-"Strawberryland (BGM)" is "School Days" by Neil Richardson from KPM 1139 "Happy Hearts".
-"Strawberryland Fanfare" is "Animated Links 1-16" by Harold Smart from KPM 1133 "Animation Playtime".
-"Car Ride" is mislabeled as "Roamin' Around" (both by Harold Smart, also from KPM 1133 "Animation Playtime"), as playing in the "It's Greater To Give Than Receive" story.
-"Clarence Fanfare" is "Preface 2" from the Bruton albums BRO 4 "Chivalry", BRD 3 "Little Creatures", and BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges  and Stings - Volume 1" (without the '2' in the title).

Robotrivia - Game 2:

-"Frank and Chris Meet the Aliens (Main Title)" is the "Music Box" sound effect from the Audio Fidelity album, "Sound Effects in Stereo - Volume 3".

TV & Movie Challenges:

-"Asleep in Mississippi" is "Cockney Carousel" by Gareth Walters from KPM 1144 "Harmonica".

Word & Sound Games: Tape No. 1:

-"Fun with 2-XL" is "Parade of Happy Children" by Dave Richmond from KPM 1134 "Childhood".

Word & Sound Games: Tape No. 2:

-"Drums" is "Percussion Link 17" (or Link B (1) on APM/KPM's websites) by Jim Lawless from KPM 1222 "Conflict and Consequence".


-"Dramatic Fanfare I" is "Battle March (End Link)" by Keith Mansfield, also from KPM 1222 "Conflict and Consequence".
-"Old Time Movies I" is "Mischief Maker" by Duncan Lamont from KPM 1134 "Childhood".

And if I were you, I would back this info up on the Production Music wiki, in case of another server crash or, if for whatever reason, the forums shuts down.


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #3 on: September 27, 2023, 11:45:57 PM »
The 2-XL 8 track cartridges also used Capitol Media Music tracks as well. From MELS-10 "Computer / Technical Work" (all composed by Tom Elliot):

- Time Study - Main Title
- Time Study - Theme
- Pulsation - Main Title
- Pulsation - End Title
- Test Run - Main Title
- Test Run - Variation

And from MEGS-9 "Young Life": "Range Rascals" by Henrik Nielsen, which plays in "The Basics of ABCs".

EDIT: Here's the rest of the Emil Ascher cues per the link in the beginning of the first post:

Amazing World of the Small:

- "US Presidents & American History" is "Little Drum and Fife" by Neil Richardson from Bruton BRR 9 "Nursery Rhymes/Christmas Carols".

Challenges of General Science:

- "Announcement Fanfare" is "Pointer 1" by Keith Mansfield from Bruton BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges and Stings - Volume 1"

Exercise With 2-XL:

- "News Bulletin" is "Clarion 2" by Keith Mansfield from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
- "Marching Theme" is "Left About Right" by Laurie Holloway from Standard Music Library ESL 114 "Romantic/Nostalgic/Sad - Comedy/Children".
- "Exercise Rock" is "Bowed Fiddly" by Vic Flick from Amphonic AMPS 1003 "Dynamic Rhythms".
- "The Gangsters" is "Rocky Napoleon" by Vic Flick, also from Amphonic AMPS 1003 "Dynamic Rhythms".
- "Working Elves" is "Xylophone in Motion" by Sam Fonteyn from KPM 1046 "Sounds in Percussion".
- "2-XL the Sailor" is "30 Second Gigue" by Sam Fonteyn, also from KPM 1046 "Sounds in Percussion".

Math and Number Games:

- "Mellow Fanfare I" is "Doc Link" by Brian Bennett from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".

Pre-School Bedtime Stories:

- "Mary Fanfare" is "Victory" by Richard Hill from the Bruton albums BRQ 1 "Conflict/War of Nerves" and BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges and Stings - Volume 1".
- "Munchkin Fanfare" is "Pageantry 5" by Leslie Pearson from Bruton BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges and Stings - Volume 1".
- "Mouse Fanfare" is "Splendour" by Johnny Pearson from the Bruton albums BRJ 1 "Great Expectations" and BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges and Stings - Volume 1".
- "The King (BGM)" is "Pageantry 4" by Leslie Pearson, also from Bruton BRA 1 "Fanfares Links Bridges and Stings - Volume 1".

Robotrivia - Game No. 2:

- "Kiddie Music" is "Harmonica Link (1)" by Gareth Walters from KPM 1144 "Harmonica".
- "Robotrivia Marching Music" is "Frog March" by Norman Warren from Bruton BRE 1 "Playtime".


- "Hey You Frog" is "Winning" by Nick Ingman from Bruton BRG 9 "The Will to Win".

Super Heroes & Comic Book Cavalcade:

- "Super Heroes & Comic Book Cavalcade" is "The Generator" by Paul Zaza from Parry PML 11 "Music Express".
- " 'Chris and Frank Meet the Aliens' Fanfare" is "Presentation (link)" by Brian Bennett from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".

Talking Calculator & Number Games:

- "Rip Van Winkle" is "Mechanical Matinee" by Sam Fonteyn from KPM 1046 "Sounds in Percussion".

TV & Movie Challenges:

- "TV & Movie Challenges" is "Flourish 4" by David Lindup from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
- "Spanish TV Fanfare" is Clarion 9" by Keith Mansfield, also from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
- "Sunrise" is "Yesterday's Dreams" by Mike Vickers from Standard Music Library ESL 114 "Romantic/Nostalgic/Sad - Comedy/Children".

Word & Sound Games: Tape No. 1:

- "Crystal Caverns" is "Programmadate" by John Lewis from Standard Music Library ESL 133 "Encore Electronic".
- "Ghost Stories (Suspense)" is "Visions Of Death - Dramatic Fugue" by Paul Lewis from Studio G LPSG 3008 "Drama and Horror".

Word & Sound Games: Tape No. 2:

- "Word and Sound Games End Theme" is "Time to Kill" by Sam Fonteyn from KPM 1046 "Sounds in Percussion".

Miscellaneous tracks:

- "Mellow Fanfare II" is "Sad Fanfare" by Brian Bennett from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings".
« Last Edit: October 04, 2023, 04:43:37 PM by kablamatic »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #4 on: October 08, 2023, 12:50:49 AM »
Here's one from Capitol Production Music/Ultra Music Services - Volume IV No. 2 (4-PMS-2): "Alley Rock" (a.k.a. Keep 'Em Happy). It plays in "The Basics of ABCs" and "Storyland: 2-XL and the Time Machine".


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #5 on: December 31, 2023, 10:29:08 PM »

Found a new track that plays in Science Fiction II: "Running Smooth" by Paul Kass from Parry Music PML 11 "Music Express".


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #6 on: January 21, 2024, 02:30:06 AM »
*BUMP* again!

The "Parade BGM" track from Pre-School Bed Time Stories is "Marches - Anchors Aweigh" from the Audio Fidelity album "Sound Effects in Stereo - Volume 7":,_Marches_-_Anchors_Aweigh

So I've decided to record all the other unknown tracks from the 2-XL 8-track cartridges off of Audacity that weren't present on the "World of 2-XL" website and compile them with the ones originally posted on the site (as well as additional tracks off of compact cassettes from Tiger Electronics' re-release of 2-XL in the early 90s):

There are two tracks that are recordings of well known tunes ("America the Beautiful" and "Wedding March" from A Midsummer Night's Dream), but don't know the composers who arranged these pieces nor the library albums they came off of. My guess on the former tune could be from Major Records albums 96 ( and "The Authentic Music Box" on the latter (if anyone has a copy of this album somewhere in their collection), given that 2-XL may have also used Major Records/Valentino library music in addition to sound effects. So if anyone has any information regarding these recordings, please let me know.

Many thanks appreciated!

EDIT: Just identified yet another track: "Promotion 6" by Steve Gray from KPM 1146 "Links, Bridges and Stings", which serves as the final unknown track in Talking Calculator & Number Games. Also added more unknown cues from a few select Tiger 2-XL cassette tapes.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2024, 05:34:45 PM by kablamatic »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #7 on: January 23, 2024, 04:14:21 PM »
Can't help you with any of these at the moment, but I have to wonder if those short big band transitions ("page6", "onstage", etc.) are from an Ultra Music Services album.


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #8 on: January 25, 2024, 11:31:46 AM »
Can't help you with any of these at the moment, but I have to wonder if those short big band transitions ("page6", "onstage", etc.) are from an Ultra Music Services album.

Could be. Either that or Capitol Media Music.

Anyways, I've decided to upload all the other remaining tracks from the cassettes onto Dropbox, few of which are possibly the whole track or on a loop. They may also come from the De Wolfe Music library as the 90s releases of 2-XL titles contained tracks from that library in addition to the previously dissolved Emil Ascher library.

I also added a different recording of "America the Beautiful" from "Fascinating Facts", a Tiger 2-XL release. Anyone know the details about this rendition of the song in contrast to the one used in "U.S. Presidents and American History"?

EDIT: Identified "careers3" as "Sports Flame" by Anthony Hobson from De Wolfe DWS/LP 3488 / DWCD 0012 "Over the Moon" and "count on it intro" as "Rag and Bone" by Jack Trombey from Rouge RMS/LP 128 (and later De Wolfe DWCD 0016) "Topsy Turvy".

EDIT 2: Also identified "careers1" as "Superdoop" by Simon Park from De Wolfe DWCD 0021 "Challenge the World" (originally from Rouge RMS/LP 131 "Superdoop").
« Last Edit: January 26, 2024, 03:21:49 AM by kablamatic »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2024, 01:14:00 AM »
Identified "oceans_upbeat music" as "Preacher Man" by Christopher Blackwell and "geography_crossword" as "Hi Energy" by David Hubbard from De Wolfe DWCD 0042 "Prime Cuts Volume 5".

EDIT: Also identified  "Money Money Money - Intstrumental", "Rockin Da House - Instrumental", and "Out of Work - Instrumental" by John Hyde from De Wolfe DWCD 0050 "Chartbreakers 2" as playing in the Tiger 2-XL tapes, Nature & You and All Time Top Topics respectfully.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2024, 05:47:46 AM by kablamatic »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2024, 04:16:46 PM »
I believe that all Ultra Music Services tracks were previously released on Capitol. The announcements of the Ascher deal in Billboard and other trade publications say that the stuff they licensed was existing, they never said anything about Loose/Cadkin planning to produce anything new for Ascher.

At least some of those transitions are indeed Loose/Cadkin, and were in that "CPM Web Series" mass dump of Loose/Cadkin tracks that CPM released online in the late 00s and then delisted. I will use the CPM titles since I don't know the originals.

  • "copshow1" is "Jazz Cut 2"
  • "copshow2" is "Jazz Cut 3"
  • "onstage" is "Jazz Cut 1"
  • "page6" is "News Punctuation 3"
« Last Edit: February 02, 2024, 04:32:35 PM by TServo2049 »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2024, 09:37:56 PM »
Nice work! I also managed to identify more Tiger 2-XL tracks during the site's downtime:

- "High Flyers" by Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (from "Voyage to Outer Space")
- "Give Me One Chance - Instr. Version" by Colin Kiddy [De Wolfe] (from "Food Facts and You")
- "The Marathon - V.1" by John Beckenham and Steve Wickford [De Wolfe] (from "Surprise Package")
- "Pipeline - Version 1" by Tim Souster [De Wolfe] (from "Jurassic Facts")
- "A Jolly Tale - Full Version" by Judd Procter and John Whelan [De Wolfe] (from "Oceans of Fun")
- "Loose On The Juice" by Chris Rae and Sean Whittle [Rouge Music] (from "Count On It")
- "Slinky Link 9" by Martin Doran [De Wolfe] (from "Monsters, Myths, and Dinosaurs")

EDIT: Found some more 2-XL tracks from KPM Music:

- "Nashville Express" by Clive Hicks (from the Mego release, "Super Hero and Comic Books Cavalcade")
- "Klassicle Rag" by Keith Nichols (from the Tiger release, "Surprise Package")
- "Tender Images" by Brian Bennett (from the Tiger release, "Say Hello to Famous Folks")
- "Big City - Link 2" by David Gold (from the Mego release, "Strange But Is It True")
- "Summer's Green" by Joe Griffiths (from the Tiger release, "Storymaker")

EDIT 2: "ducksauce" is "Valse Macabre (Visions of Death)" by Paul Lewis from Studio G LPSG 3008 "Drama and Horror".
« Last Edit: February 04, 2024, 01:49:47 AM by kablamatic »


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #12 on: February 09, 2024, 11:51:21 PM »
Identified "Marie Antoinette" as "Dance of the Swordfighters" by Jan Stoeckart from De Wolfe DWS/LP 3474 "Movie Go Round Vol. 3".


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #13 on: February 17, 2024, 06:54:27 AM »
Found a few Parry Music tracks that play in the Tiger 2-XL releases (all of which come from PML 45 "Short Cuts"):

- "Station Cues 2" by Robin Artus and Paul Kass
- "Station Cues 4" by Robin Artus and Paul Kass
- "Electro Fanfares 5" by Robin Artus
- "Boggles 19" by Robin Artus and Paul Kass

Plus, I've also identified yet another De Wolfe track from DWS/LP 3367 "String Cuts and Electric Organ Moods": "Children and Animals" by Johnny Hawksworth, which plays in the Tiger release, Trivia Time.


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Re: 2-XL Robot Music from Emil Ascher
« Reply #14 on: March 17, 2024, 11:56:00 PM »
It's been about a month since I've identified anything, but I've found the last track that plays in Food Facts and You: "Dank" by Les Hurdle and Frank Ricotti from Bruton BRM 3 "Darkside" and BRI 1 "Terrestrial Journey".
« Last Edit: March 22, 2024, 11:46:04 PM by kablamatic »