I've decided to return to this topic to mention two other KPM albums on APM's website that have duplicate or mismatched audio:
KPM CD 321 - LOGOS, LINKS & STINGS - PART 1: "Rock" 1 & 4 by Jan Cyrka sound exactly the same, but don't know which track is supposed to have a different soundtrack.
KPMLP 1317 (one half of CD 0021) "The Editor's Companion 1" by Dick Walter:
- "Multi National (a)" has the same audio as version "(b)", does not match the track description.
- "Global Expansion (a)" shares the same audio as "Volga Boat Men" from "The Editor's Companion 2" (KPMLP 1318).
- "Celebration" and "Good News (a)" have their first few seconds cut off.
Does anyone have a physical copy of either one of those albums for these tracks listed above to be ripped with the correct audio?
Many thanks in advance!

EDIT 9/1: I've also become aware of yet another track left out of the APM/KPM websites: "Pathfinders" by Graham De Wilde from KPM 1273 "The Red, White and Blue", if anyone has a rip of that track.