Author Topic: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online  (Read 23742 times)


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #15 on: August 11, 2023, 06:35:00 PM »
I probably already have that ripped as it was used a lot in ‘Prisoner’


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #16 on: August 11, 2023, 11:41:57 PM »
Bonus 🙂

What's also missing is
A42 - Comic Tension (a)
A54 - Nice Neighbours (c)
B16 - Down the Pan (b)
Thanks musictheorist. I've enjoyed the Cartoon Coda tracks and the two Nice Neighbours that were included. But you clearly had issues ripping this album such that there are a large number missing. Is there any chance you could re-rip it?


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #17 on: August 12, 2023, 01:41:58 AM »
CS 75 - Pleasure Trip:
A3 and B3:

I've seen this error before where someone is labelling on a cue list and they write the track from the wrong side down and all sorts of confusion ensues.  I'm sure the original handwritten Dawn Of The Dead cue sheet had this error on there.  Similarly, in Russ Meyer's 'Vixen' where she does "the fish dance" he uses A1 Detroit from Mini-Skirt on De Wolfe, but B1 is called Striptease which is most likely what took the editor to that record.  Perhaps they used it thinking it was called 'Striptease' or they just put the wrong side on and decided it went well with the scene.  These little tid-bits fascinate me.
Thanks for the finding.


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #18 on: August 12, 2023, 06:05:26 AM »
Bonus 🙂

What's also missing is
A42 - Comic Tension (a)
A54 - Nice Neighbours (c)
B16 - Down the Pan (b)
Thanks musictheorist. I've enjoyed the Cartoon Coda tracks and the two Nice Neighbours that were included. But you clearly had issues ripping this album such that there are a large number missing. Is there any chance you could re-rip it?

I agree. The rip sounds really messed up. However, the only track I wouldn't worry about is "Comic Tension (a)" as the audio on APM's website is correct for digital reissue of both LP and CD release, because it matches the duration on the album's back cover.


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #19 on: August 12, 2023, 08:06:39 AM »
I don't think it was really messed up- I chose to record just the ones asked for but some info dropped out as it does sometimes so a few tracks were missing and I didn't realise until everything was packed back away.  It feels a bit ungrateful when I've gone to the trouble - my kit is not set up to record so I have to set it up especially.
Here's the unedited file in case I missed anything -


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2023, 01:58:06 PM »
Right. Maybe I was being a little too overdramatic  :o

To my ears, it sounded a bit glitchy like some tracks were playing sooner than expected just by going along with the track listing on the back cover. But all in all, thanks for fixing and re-upping the file for us. This is quite the treat!  ;D

PS- You still skipped "Nice Neighbours (c)" + "Down the Pan" (b + c). Still would have loved to hear the actual tracks. Is there any chance you can do a quick rip of those tracks? Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 11:55:58 PM by kablamatic »


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2023, 02:32:25 PM »
I don't think it was really messed up- I chose to record just the ones asked for but some info dropped out as it does sometimes so a few tracks were missing and I didn't realise until everything was packed back away.  It feels a bit ungrateful when I've gone to the trouble - my kit is not set up to record so I have to set it up especially.
Here's the unedited file in case I missed anything -
It's been a busy weekend in the real world and I clearly lost the plot with this topic! Sorry Retro I hadn't realised it was your rip or that you were focussing on specific tracks. So no wonder it was a little haphazard! I'll pick the bones out of the WAV file you shared. Thanks.

It's not often our shares feature the spoken track number (thank goodness) but you have to marvel at the skill of the "announcer" especially at track nine where he tries to inject some lively interest to the whole proceedings.
« Last Edit: August 13, 2023, 10:33:59 PM by nidostar »


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2023, 03:37:30 PM »
Ooh, I hadn’t noticed.  They’re essential in these LPs with a hundred odd short tracks.   The amount of times I’ve lost my life when they’re not there cos someone distracts me and then you’re physically counting each track on the Audacity track!


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2023, 02:53:47 AM »
I'll pick the bones out of the WAV file you shared. Thanks.

That's what I just did with Audacity!  ;D
« Last Edit: August 15, 2023, 11:54:35 PM by kablamatic »


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #24 on: August 15, 2023, 03:45:43 AM »
... However, you can just do a quick rip of those three and then we'll call it even.  ;)

And Retronic, I understand your pain, but you've only left out three tracks, so there's not too much to count up anyway. You can either stitch the tracks (A54, B16, B17) together into one file like with the previous one you shared (or separately if it makes it easier for you) and just leave it at that. No rush!

Sarcasm doesn't translate well online, kablamatic... and, of course, I do assume you're being sarcastic. I'd hate to think otherwise...
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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #25 on: August 15, 2023, 04:31:34 PM »
I wasn't being sarcastic. I was just saying that it shouldn't be a problem for him if he can rip the last couple tracks he accidentally left out, as opposed to ripping the entire album, which I guess would have been a lot easier than just picking out random tracks. All I wanted were the tracks with the correct audio, because there are some on APM which sound too similar.


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #26 on: August 23, 2023, 04:44:26 PM »
Ooh, I hadn’t noticed.  They’re essential in these LPs with a hundred odd short tracks.   The amount of times I’ve lost my life when they’re not there cos someone distracts me and then you’re physically counting each track on the Audacity track!

They are A54 - Nice Neighbours (c), and B16/17 - Down the Pan (b + c)


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #27 on: August 30, 2023, 02:56:12 AM »
I've decided to return to this topic to mention two other KPM albums on APM's website that have duplicate or mismatched audio:

KPM CD 321 - LOGOS, LINKS & STINGS - PART 1: "Rock" 1 & 4 by Jan Cyrka sound exactly the same, but don't know which track is supposed to have a different soundtrack.

KPMLP 1317 (one half of CD 0021) "The Editor's Companion 1" by Dick Walter:

- "Multi National (a)" has the same audio as version "(b)", does not match the track description.
- "Global Expansion (a)" shares the same audio as "Volga Boat Men" from "The Editor's Companion 2" (KPMLP 1318).
- "Celebration" and "Good News (a)" have their first few seconds cut off.

Does anyone have a physical copy of either one of those albums for these tracks listed above to be ripped with the correct audio?

Many thanks in advance!  :)

EDIT 9/1: I've also become aware of yet another track left out of the APM/KPM websites: "Pathfinders" by Graham De Wilde from KPM 1273 "The Red, White and Blue", if anyone has a rip of that track.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2023, 05:06:12 AM by kablamatic »


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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #28 on: September 04, 2023, 04:15:36 PM »
I spoke to KPM a while ago about this because on KPMLP1299 - Classical Fusion - Graham De Wilde, track 9 should be 20th Century revolution (b), however they have simply uploaded a duplicate of track 8 (The main version).

KPM said that when they digitised the album they used the CD version, which did not include the alternate version (track 9)

Looks like this album isn't the only one to have tracks missing on the CD / Online versions.



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Re: Duplicate audio in some KPMLP tracks online
« Reply #29 on: September 30, 2023, 11:16:17 PM »
I spoke to KPM a while ago about this because on KPMLP1299 - Classical Fusion - Graham De Wilde, track 9 should be 20th Century revolution (b), however they have simply uploaded a duplicate of track 8 (The main version).

KPM said that when they digitised the album they used the CD version, which did not include the alternate version (track 9)

Looks like this album isn't the only one to have tracks missing on the CD / Online versions.

You're right. However, I've found a snippet of what sounds like version B of "20th Century Revolution" as it was used in "The Sword of Knowledge" the first chapter of the "Eye of Eternia" story from "4 Masters of the Universe Stories", a Golden Book Video release:

Notice how similar the melody is from version "a"?