French Cowboys?
A long time ago, in the Federal Republic of Germany
far, far away, I was finally back in my hotel and relaxing after a long day.
On the way back in, I'd bought myself a
big schnitzel sandwich (it was so tasty, I still remember how orgasmicly good it was to this day!) and some ice cold Kraut beer to wash it all down. I sat in my chair, proceeded to get loaded, then I turned on the tv.
Who do you suppose was staring me in the face but Clint Eastwood,
auf Deutsch! I remember watching this film (
Two Mules for Sister Sara) and I couldn't believe I was watching a Kraut Western! I remember looking at my bottle of doppel bock and thinking
"shit, this beer is awesome!"I've watched Mexican Cowboys. Italian Cowboys. Spaniard Cowboys. I even watched an episode of The Prisoner and Patrick McGoohan was Sheriff for an episode
Krautboys? Well, there goes the neighborhood!
Now we've got French Cowboys crashing our International Cowboy Partee?
What's next, Russian Mafia Cowboys, herding underaged strippers to the Pervert Auction?
But I digress. I honestly can't wait to give this a lesson and I"m grateful to 8Deeetective for not only ripping and uploading it for our collective enjoyment, but also for reupping this for me since i missed out the first time.
Cheers to you, sir Deetective! Thank you very much!!