A lovely easy listening album. Thank you for sharing TheRetroElevator. But, and please don't take this the wrong way, do you not think that 24 bit/96KHz is slight overkill?
The sound of one track goes up to 45 kHz. Therefore you need to sample with at least 96 kHz to encode it. Therefore the sampling rate used cannot technically be qualified as overkill. Whether your stereo is capable of reproducing this is another question.
(The answer is: very likely it's incapable. Stereo systems that can reproduce sound up to 50 kHz are in a price range that few people will afford.)
Also even if one could afford a stereo system that could reproduce sound up to 50kHz surely the limitation is that the human ear can only hear sounds up to 20kHz. So 96kHz would not be audible to the average (note average!) human and would just annoy the hell out of the local canine population.
That said I was brought up with 78rpm and later regular vinyl records. So for me even mp3 is a great leap forward. And before anyone says anything, my hearing is still very acute and, yes, I can hear the difference between lossy and lossless files.