Hello everyone-
Happy to have randomly found this site searching for a library record a few weeks back. I've been lurking since then and amazed at the depth of what gets posted, shared, and the knowledge from members. Thank you all! I hope one day to be able to share something not already here.
I produce sample based music as a hobby, which was my intro to library records maybe 15 yrs ago or so. I've collected several on vinyl over the years, but they are incredibly expensive around here (SF bay area) given their appeal to folks like me who seek them out for their sparse instrumentation, cool arrangements, and sample possibilities. For that same reason I've sold most of them back to record stores over the years (d'oh!). I'm especially interested / partial to library records from the mid-late 60's through the 70's, as these tend to match the sound that I love.
My profile / avatar pic is of my first album cover, an EP that I pressed on vinyl and released digitally. The name Collage in Stereo (also the name of my EP) is meant to describe my approach to sampling. The idea being to recontextualize bits of sound in a way a visual collage artist might do with images - and to do so in a way that sounds cool (at least to me!). Some may not like the notion of sampling. That's fine - there is space for everyone

Hope to see you around the forum!