Author Topic: [FOUND] Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single  (Read 7334 times)

Stoneage Saviour

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Track has been found! Take a listen to it here!:

Original Post:

Recently I've made a post here discussing about the song used in a 1966 NFB short film "Toys", directed by Grant Munro. One user pointed out that the track was called "Stone Age" by Sam Fonteyn. I tried looking through the web to see if I could find anything, but to no luck. Any and all results for CBL 569 results in dead ends, much like how in my first post I described how searching for "Musifex" lead me to here and ask this community for help. My results when searching for Harmonic Mood Music Library along with Charles Brull has also lead me to no results except for this Discogs page:

If anyone has a copy of this record, please let me know immediately as you can, and make sure you rip it in the highest quality possible. I am clamouring for this.

My first post on this topic can be found here:
« Last Edit: March 19, 2025, 03:44:34 AM by Stoneage Saviour »
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Stoneage Saviour

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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2023, 06:28:19 PM »
Bumping this up while also adding a few updates:

I contacted the NFB about this song, and their response can be seen here:

TL;DR they told me to contact ASCAP about the song, and told me that it was the same song that the commenter from the official upload had said was also in their database.

I then saw the email contact for Harmonics APM and contacted them immediately about the song in question.

EDIT: They told me that their parent company over in the UK may have some control over the track, but they also sent me the same Discogs page that I had already found before while researching for the song. I asked to speak to the parent company, and I have yet to hear back from them as of now.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2023, 12:15:21 AM by Stoneage Saviour »
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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #2 on: January 28, 2023, 03:20:47 PM »

I have recently contacted KPM over in the UK about this track, as the ASCAP contact told me that they would most likely help me if I did contact them. However, I have not yet heard back from KPM as of now, and could be a little while longer until I hear back from them about the track. They are aware that it exists, but I really would love to listen to it to confirm once and for all that it is the exact track I heard in the film.
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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #3 on: January 28, 2023, 05:10:44 PM »
Well, KPM is digitizing Harmonic 78s right now, but they haven't been released yet, and I'm not sure if they will contain that specific 78 too. You might have to wait a while before they're done digitizing.
Peace, Love, and Library Music!

Stoneage Saviour

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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2023, 04:04:10 PM »
Well, KPM is digitizing Harmonic 78s right now, but they haven't been released yet, and I'm not sure if they will contain that specific 78 too. You might have to wait a while before they're done digitizing.

I really do hope they digitize the track I'm looking for. I don't want to wait much longer.
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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2023, 02:46:55 AM »
Bumping this thread up so more people can see this and can also help me track down a copy of this track somewhere.
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Stoneage Saviour

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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #6 on: February 20, 2023, 03:26:39 AM »
Bumping this once more since it's been a while. I really do hope this song is uploaded somewhere someday.
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Stoneage Saviour

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Bumping this once more, but there are still no updates about the whereabouts on this track anywhere. I tried going on SoulSeek multiple times but nothing came up, same went with Discogs. Hope this track is found soon!
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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #8 on: October 04, 2023, 04:16:41 AM »
Hello everyone,

I know it's been a little while, but I would love to hear some updates on the search that I posted on this forum a while back. I am still very much looking for this track and have not come across a single upload as of now. If anyone still has a copy of this song, or know where I can get a copy, please, please let me know. Thank you.
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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #9 on: October 04, 2023, 11:44:24 AM »
The main collectors don’t have it I would say so you are waiting for someone to find and buy a physical copy.  Funnily enough I did check a few days ago and there isn’t one on Discogs.


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Here's the track, sent to me by Kevin Staplyton.

Stoneage Saviour

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Re: Charles Brull/Harmonic Mood Music Library CBL 569 "Pop Special" Single
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2025, 03:43:25 AM »
Here's the track, sent to me by Kevin Staplyton.

Dude, I haven't logged on in a long ass time, and I basically forgot about this track until recently when I saw the short film again for the first time in a while. I genuinely did not expect anyone to find this, let alone upload it to YouTube, but I am so happy it's been found. Thank you so much!

Please feel free to send me the original audio file in messages, would love to hear it!
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