Hard to imagine that 50 years ago now, season 2 of this show began, and in the following week, began the great search for the source of all this great music. We may not have found everything yet, but I remain certain that we eventually will. The fact we've even come as far as we have in the past few years is a great achievement, and I feel that soon we will find all the cues in season 2 and 3.Happy 50th again to season 2.
Potential Spideys on eBay:Capitol-HI-Q-Production-Library-LP-Lot-of-19ebay.ca/itm/Capitol-HI-Q-Production-Library-LP-Lot-of-19/223179852332?hash=item33f68e4a2c:g:AUYAAOSwMWpbsSDC:rk:2:pf:0D-13/D-14 vg+L-61/L-62 vg-M-27/M-28 vg+M-29/M-30 vg+M-31/M-32 vgM-79/M-80 vg++M-89/M-90 vg++M-103/M-104 vg+X-1/X-2 vg+X-41/X-42 vg+X-59/X-60 vgX-75/X-76 vgX-79/X-80 vg-X-95/X-96 vg+X-97/X-98 vg+X-107/X-108 vg++X-141/X-142 vgX-143/X-144 vg+X-145/X-146 nmAnyone planning on bidding on this? It may have Spider-Man music tracks on it, such as the ones from "Home".
I'll buy them if nobody else does.I think "Totalitarian March" from M-89 will sound just goosy, if you know what I mean.
Purchased. Hope to have them Mid-November (ish)
Quote from: The_Eleventh_Hour on October 31, 2018, 06:09:11 PMPurchased. Hope to have them Mid-November (ish)Thank you!Did you pay for full shipping?Or did you get someone to buy them and ship them to you?
Any updates on the content of that Capitol HI-Q lot? Over the years, I've searched some rather off the beaten path (and offline) estate sales & record stores that had old library music, but I was never fortunate enough to find anything used on S-M/MSH. Patience.....