Author Topic: Aliases in Library - UK  (Read 51755 times)


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Aliases in Library - UK
« on: February 01, 2018, 02:05:01 AM »
This list is very long, so I suggest using your browser's text search function (ctrl + f) to browse it.

The basic key here is:
Real name
Real name:
Alias 1
Alias 2

Temple Abady:
Abady Temple

Marco Abal:

Kofi Abban:
The ?iddler

Alan Victor Abbott

Jeremy Noel William "Jerry" Abbott:
Klaus Oberheim
Morty Vicar
Scott Chegg

Martin Raymond Abbott

Magdy Moustafa Abdel-Rehim

Tajh Abdulsamad

William Rodney "Rod" Abernethy:
Dash Rednote

Keith Donald Abingdon

Paul James Abler

Alexis Nicol "Alex" Abrahams:
Andres D. Money
Warren Terror

Bing Conrad Abrahams

Brian Stanley Abrahams

Andre Abrahamse

Steven "Steve" Abramsamadu (also "Abrasamadu")

Peter Christopher "Bimbo" Acock

Attila Adam

Nicholas Rudy Andrew "Nick" Adam:

Clifford William "Cliff" Adams:
Al Martin
Al Paul
Al Tudor
Harry Anzio
Jack Stanley
Rod Coll
Verity Shauna

James Roger Charles Adams (most commonly "Roger Adams"):
Adams James

John Russell Adams

Justin Alexander Adams

Philip James "Phij" Adams (also "Phil")

Raymond "Ray" Adams:
Ray Avon

Rhys Glyn Adams:
Frankie Valley

Richard Hugh Adams:
Richy Spitz

Robert Christopher "Bob" Adams

Patrick Adamson:
Patrick Dane

Richard John Addicott

Richard Stewart Addinsell

Benjamin Brunel "Ben" Addison:
Ben Human

Scott Percival Addison:

Senab Enitan Adekunle

Titilope M. Ademokun:
Titi Lokei (also "Lo Kei")

Richard John Adlam

Johann Heinrich "Hans" Adler

Larry Adler

Richard Adler

Andrew Adorian:
Andrew Arvin

Luke Aekins-Rielly

Ronald Agee:
Ron Boogie

Marcel Eugene Ageron:
Jacques Larue

Roy Ewing Agnew

Bremner Agostini

Raymond Anheuer Agoult:
Ray Gort

Kwabena Osei Agyeman Amponsa:
Bubbz aka Chief
Lumpy Milk

Shalom Aharoni

Claudio Detlev Ahlers

Adrienne Aiken:
True D

Hans Ailbout:
Bell (note to self: IPI 00002562034)
E. Bell Becker
E. Born
E. Brandt
F. Eilenburg
F. K. Huber
H. Faneau
H. Lange
Hannes Rhin
Hans Ernesti
Jean Boutail
José Ferrin
Konrad Kösen
Torelli (note to self: IPI 00030832708)

Alyn Ainsworth:
Garry Blake
John Ross

Ryan Sterling Ainsworth:
Ryan Ainsworth Audio

Keith Norman Airey

Peter Airey:
Pete Fresh

Simon John Airey

George A. Akerley

Raymond John Akerman

Javed Akhtar:
Salim Javed (also "Javed Salim")

Michael Akhurst (note to self: no IPI)

Jose Alage

Brian George Alberici

Benjamin Stephen "Ben" Albu

Imgrid Laura Alcalde Garcia (also "Ingrid"):
Imon Minor

Shimon Michel Alcoby

Christopher James "Chris" Alcock:
Anthony Young
Chris James
Syd Baylis

Albert Ernest Aldcroft:
Albert Delroy
Charles Fermont
Tito Dimitri

John Richard Alder

Geoffrey "Geoff" Alderson:
Rudi Redlar

Nic Alderton

Ronald Frank "Ronnie" Aldrich:
Richard Alden
Ron Aires

Amanda Christina Elizabeth "Ira" Aldridge:
Montague Ring
Peter Brandt

Wilhelm Aletter:
A. Tellier
Fred Collins
Leo Norden
Herbert Wells Thayer

Anthony Scott "Tony" Alexander

Archibald "Archie" Alexander:
Al Keyes
Gaston Le Bray
Stub Keyes

Michael "Mike" Alexander

Phillipa Anne Alexander

Steven Alexander:
Frankie Youngblood
Hunter McQueen
Steve Ruff

Clement Murdoch "Clem" Alford

Nzinga Alidor (also "Alidor Nzinga")

Andrew Paul "Andy" Allan

Tony Allan

Mendeleyev Allan-Blitz

Mark David Allaway:
Alfons Kroll
Derek Sauvage
Guy Travis
Harvey Wade
Jacob Crown
James Haytock
Juliet Edge
Patrick Cordell
Peter Lavoz
Tim Harvest

Christopher James "Chris" Allen (note to self: IPI 00449605827):
Christian J.

Deryck Neil "Jerry" Allen:
Al Coda
Deryck Neil
Henry Crudd

Eric Allen

Geo. Allen

Jonathan Leonard Allen

Kellie Anne Allen:
Kellie Kanti

Linda Evelyn Allen:
Linda Evelyn Jardim (former marriage)

Michael Ashley Stuart Allen:
Kite Kite
Michael Lee Marson

Nathan Ayodeji Allen

Sean Allen:

Stephen Angus "Steve" Allen:
Gus Stephens
(Amphonic, Cavendish, always under alias)

Stephen Valentine "Steve" Allen:
Buck Hammer
Jeremy Fitch
Mary Anne Jackson
Ross Parker
(one track on Radio Program Music RPM 101)

Simon Roger Allen
(The Nerve)

Simon David Chetwyn Allen

Dorothy Elliot "Dot" Allison:
Jane Smooth

Ryeland Gray Allison

Edwin A. Almonte:

Louis Alter

John Neville Rufus Altman

Robert Simon James Altman:
Bobby Stix

Abigail Sarah Alton

Carlos José Alvarez

Hector Jesus Alvarez, Jr.:
Nino Bless

Rosivaldo "Valdo" Alves Da Silva

Arrigo Amadesi:
A. Gorria (also "Gorrias")

Martha Lynn "Marti" Amado Corr née Berghorst (also "Marty"):
Dayne Ellis

Tom Ambler

Richard Peter Amey

Rach Aminus

Nikolas Joseph "Nik" Ammar:
Dave Oliman
Ronan Carrick
Sonic Implant
The Starstruck Strippers

Lewis Henry Amoroso:
Amo (note to self: IPI 01198135434)

Nicholas Thomas Emmanuel Amour:
Don Hatt

Keith Amos

Jeyaselvan "Jeevan" Anandasivam:
Monkey Marksmen
Monkey Player
Steven Anderson (note to self: IPI 00890924402)

Andrea Maria "Bana" Anastasi

Elizabeth Anastasiou

Charles Ancliffe:
Louis Severne

Stephen Ancliffe:
S. Master

Alicia Anderson

Christopher William Anderson (note to self: IPI 00264236864):
Chris Van Driver
Crayola Lectern

Colin David Anderson

Daniel David Anderson:
Anderson Daniel
Scandalous (note to self: IPI 00434935249)

David Arneil Anderson

Harold B. Anderson (note to self: no IPI)

Ian Robert Anderson:
Spike Demon

John Edgar Thomas Anderson:
H. Self
(Cavendish Music)

John Peter Anderson
(Bosworh Record; 78 era)

Joshua Anderson (note to self: IPI 00434634365):
J. Naum

Leroy Anderson

Mark Anderson:
A and M Anderson (presumably for credits with Alicia Anderson, but registered to him)

Mark Philip "Marco" Anderson
(Big Life Library)

Matthew James Jude Anderson:
Mat Andasun
Speed Eugene

Sean Anthony Anderson:
Moonstar (also "Moon Star")

Simon John Anderson

Lewis Robert Andrew

Doreen Andrews

Kevin Mark Andrews

Ryan Huntley Andrews

Franz-Leo Andries:
André Hoff
Hans Korten
Heini Kronberger
Martino Luardo
Michael Harden
Walter Grundhoff

Stipo Androvic

Jordi Anez:
Seven AM

Shankara Daniel Angadi

Neil Desmond Angilley

John Ansell

Luca Antonini

David Harrison Antrobus:
Dave Antrell (also "Antrel")

John Patrick Anzalone:
Johnny James

Jesse Appiah-Bediakoh:
Troy Matthews

Stanley "Stan" Applebaum:
Cy Seymour
Rita Mann
Stanley Baum (also "Le Baum")

Philip Appleby

Robert "Rob" Appleton

Rebecca Anne Applin Warner

Luis Araque Sancho

David Gwyn "Dave" Arch

Alexis Archangelsky (also "Archangelski")

John Archer (note to self: IPI 00265824250)

Joseph Isaac "Joe" Archer

Alexander Francesco Edward "Alex" Arcoleo

Joshua Denian "Josh" Arcoleo

Eric Hubert Arden:
Inez Holland

Neil Richard Ardley

John Heward Arkell

Albert Arlen

Victoria Louise "Vicky" Arlidge

Edward Frederik Alfred "Eddie" Armer (also "Frederick")

Dave Armstrong (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

David "Dave" Armstrong
(Bosworth; BO BA)

Mark William Armstrong

Timothy Christian Armstrong:
Tuna Butter

Rodney Terence "Rod" Argent:
Jose San

Alexis "Alex" Arias:
Doble A

Felix Arndt

Richard Anthony Sayer "Tony" Arnell

David John Arnold

Joseph Arnold

Maurice Arnold:
Paulo Emmez

Paul John "Bob" Arnold

Peter Arnold (note to self : IPI 00160472980)

Thomas Richard "Tom" Arnold

Wilfred Arnold:
L. M. Elliott

John Raymond "Johnny" Arthey:
Art Raymond
Ray Playford

Andrew Colin Frank "Andy" Arthurs:
Rikki Nono

Patrick Artinian né Shart:
Randy Walsh

Anouska "Ana" Arts

Christian Anthony "Chris" Arvan:
Indrid Cold
Non Human

Magnus Karl Arwenhed:
Junior Frank
Karl Arw
Minimal Youth
Savant Garde

Mark Kwabena Asare:
Mark Asari

Olujimi Oladipupo Alao Aseru:
Jimi Conway
Youngs Teflon

Robert David Ashbridge

Edward John Campbell Ashcroft:
Campbell E Browning

Hilary Charlton Robin Ashe-Roy

James Asher

Philip Grahame "Phil" Asher

Christopher "Chris" Ashley

Clive Ashley (note to self: no IPI)

Richard John Ashley

Alan Phillip "Phil" Ashmore

James Clifford "Jimi" Ashmore:
James Wordsworth

Lawrence "Larry" Ashmore

Stephen James "Steve" Ashmore

Ibrahim Ashq

Sam Ashwell:
Vent (note to self: IPI 00628529130)

Mark James Thomas Ashworth:
Adam (Acid) Strange
James Thomas Jnr.
Ma Saski

Dominic Richard Ashworth

Ron Schlomo Aslan

Svend Harald Christian Asmussen

Joachim Christian Asmussen Svare:

Ronald Arnold "Ron" Aspery

Hamimi Assam

Edwin Thomas "Ted" Astley:
John Karen

Graham Ian Atha

Barnaby William Robert Atherton

Brian Richard Atherton

Malcolm Atkins

Jonathan Paul Atkinson:
Louise Freeman
Nick Mills

Richard Duncan Atkinson

Jeffrey S. "Jeff" Atmajian

Stella Joanne Attar:
Lady X

John Attewell:
Jack Bawcomb

Sem Attic (note to self: no IPI)

Richard John Attree

Alexander Colin "Alex" Attwood

Mark Gregory Aubrey:
Rodney Munch

Louis Philippe Auclair

Marcus Killian Augustus Thompson (also "Kilian"):
Derek Lewars
Harlin James
Marcus Killian
Miles Lianson
Ramzel Devaney
Raphael Lake
Tyler Van Den Berg

Nigel Craig Augustus Thompson

William Patrick "Pat" Aulton

Michael James "Mike" Austen (also "Mick", "Austin")

Derek Stanley Austin:
David Britten

Howard Keith Austwick:
Howie (note to self: IPI 00286443735)

Adewale Tajudeen "Abbi" Awesu:
Isaac Divine
Lewis Hunt

Martyn Axe:

Andrei Axinte:
Futuristic Grooce

Daniel Mark "Dan" Axtell

Hoyt Wayne Axton

John T. Axton

Mae Boren Axton

David Wesley Ayers

Oliver David Aylmer

Mark Richard Ayres

Vezio Bacci

Trevor Back

Peter Backhaus:
Peter Ottmann

Michael Charles Bacon:
Michael Charles (note to self: IPI 00508729632)

Klaus Badelt

Dorothee Ruth Badent

Louise Irene Bagan

Nigel John Bagge

Robert Charles Edwin "Rob" Bagshaw:
Robert Griffin

Leslie James Baguley (also "Bagulay"):
Leslie Durbin

Tony Bagwell

Otto Bahlmann

David Philip Bailey

Ian Laurence "Jess" Bailey

Richard Charles McDonald Bailey

David Richard Bainbridge Reeves:
Edward Ramsay
Reg Tyler

Simon Keith Baisley (also "Keefe")

Adrian Keith Baker

Christopher Barry "Chris" Baker

David Wilson Baker

Frederick Thelonious "Fred" Baker

Jack Louis Baker

John William Baker:
John Matthews

Kenneth "Kenny" Baker

Lee Ahmad "Muddy" Baker:
Doctor Kusanagi

Richard John "Rick" Baker:
John Pitman

Stephen Julian "Steve" Baker:
Steve Adams

Toby Augustus Slade Baker:
Bernt Aüt
Merrick Day
(Extreme Music Library, typically under alias)

Tobias Scott "Toby" Baker
(West One Music)

Todd James Carlin Baker

Samuel Bakkabulindi

Anand Bakshi

Alexander "Alex" Balanescu

Guillaume Balay:
George Bailey

Kenneth Ernest "Ken" Baldock (also "Kenny")

Colin Nicholas Baldry:
Ben Stone
Billy Conrad
Cy Samuels
Dylan Colby
Kick (note to self: IPI 271281478)
Nic Harlock

Allan Charles Baldwin (also "Alan")

Robert John Baldwin

Raymond Edward Baldwin:
G. Force
Ray Russell (also "Russella")

Lorne David Roderick Balfe:
Oswin Mackintosh (also "Macintosh")
Rick Rode

S. Victor Balfour

Reginald F. C. J. "Reggie" Ball:
Toost Corporation

Peter Ronald Marlam Ballam

Alfred "Fred" Ballerini (also "Freddie"):
Van Berlyn

Thomas Richard "Tom" Balmforth:
Nicky Neon
Richard Thomas

Claude Bampton

Troy Anil Banarzi

Peter Hewitt Bancroft Plant

Christopher Paul "Chris" Bangs:
Dickie Long
Freddie Marr
Freddie Mars

Alexander Charles Garrard "Alex" Banks:
Munk 777

Christopher Matthew Banks:
Ammo Teen
Banks and Wag
Bodie and Doyle
Nick Delta

David Christopher Banks:

Donald Oscar "Don" Banks

Earlington Banks:
Billy Fox

Eric Banks

Tristan Banks

Wayne Michael Banks

Granville Ransome Bantock

Nick Bantock

Seymour Barab

Barbara Ungar Barbara née Kaufman:
Barbara Bory
Daniela Dor (also "Dany")

Donald Christoper Barber:
T-Bone Jefferson

Frank Barber:
Michael Chefneux (also "Mike")
Mike Stephen

John Barber

Evi Barbosa (note to self: no IPI)

Alfredo Antonio Maria Barbiroli (also "Barbirolli", "Barirolli")

Nicolo Carlo Guglielmo "Nick" Bardoni

James Philip Bargent

Eric Neville Barker

George Henry Barker:
Willie Gibson

Guy Jeffery Barker

Samuel Martyn Barker (also "Martin")

W. Allen Barker (also "Allan"):
Alwyn Marsh
R. A.(?) Casker-Baron
Dale Denby
Leo Rising
Paul Duncan

Joshue Alan Barlow:
Jungle Josh

Andrew James "Barn" Barnabas

Gary Barnacle

Steven "Steve" Barnacle

Anthony Richard "Tony" Barnard

Albert George "Bert" Barnes:
Buddy Boyd
Jack Tafler

Howard Lee Barnes

Lester Alvin Barnes:
James Lyon
L. Young

Lionel Irwin Barnes, Sr.:
Barnes Lionel Semyhr (also just "Semyhr")

Martin Barnes:
Martin Lee

Ted Brett Barnes

Paul Joseph Barnett

Jonathan Clive "Jon" Barnett-Hunt

Christopher "Chris" Baron

Lionel Vincent Baron Davis

Matthew "Matt" Barr

Nigel Antony Barr

Charles-Eric Florian Jacques Barranger:

Carol Ann Barratt

Denis Mervyn "Bob" Barratt:
Dwayne Detroit

Anthony John "Tony" Barrell

James Andrew Frank Barrett

Richard Edward Barrett

Ruth Danielle Barrett

Thomas Augustine Barrett:
Leslie Stuart

Paul Barretta

Peter Alexander Barringer

Christine Angela "Chris" Barron:
Trevor Peacock
Trevor Stevens
Trevor Stevenson

Ary Evangelista Barroso

Mark Liam Barrott:
White Maison

Fiona Ruth Barrow

John Andrew Barrow

Elaine Barry (note to self: IPI 00161893257)

James M. Barry

Margaret Barry

Trevor Charles Barry

Alan Barson

Michael "Mike" Barson:
Barso Monsieur

Roger Barsotti:
Edwin Carlow
Hiram Hinton

Lionel Bart:
Phil C. Flingle

John F. Barth

Joseph Antoine Bartholomew

Benedict Thomas George Bartleet:
Ben Grif

Victor Bartlett (note to self: no IPI)

Michael James Bartolomei:
Bart Bartolomei
Michael Bart

Dave Barton

Osman Ashraf "Ossi" Bashiri:
Isaac Hunte
James Bond
Jean Pierre Connors
Kent Buchanon
Ossi B.
Otis Mable
Ricardo Villas
Tanya Morehead
Zack Tempest

Larissa "Lari" Basilio Souza Peressim

James "Jimmy" Baskin Kennedy:
George Raymond
James Bascoigne
Joe Baskin
Joe Hamilton
Joe Le May

Delline Bass

Sidney "Sid" Bass

Reginald H. Bassett (note to self: no IPI)

Geoffrey "Geoff" Bastow:
John Milliner
Philip Astraman

Trevor Bastow:
Anthony Hobson
Paul Harmann (also "Harman")

Justin Robert Bates:
Hando Glass

Nigel Mark Bates

Simon Dominic Bates

Mark Hudspith Batey:
Benny Laing
Colin Gammon
Dexter Baxter
Don Sonador
Jean Melange
Mark Gauthier
Mark Marx
Ray Deshossay
Tom Bowler
Toots Earl
Uri Noir

Brian Bath

John Hubert Giffin Bath:
Jean Dore
Ramsay Barr

Thomas Samuel Batham-Brown:
Sidney Samuel Batham

Malcolm John Batt:
John Malcolm

Marc John Battaglia

Michael Jeremy "Mike" Battisson (also "Battison")

Arthur Bauckner

Ray Bauduc

James "Jay" Bauer-Mein (also "Jamie"):
Earl Gray
Nexus Jay

Alan "Jon" Bavin

Damon William Baxter:
Deadly Avenger
We Are Legion

Leslie Thompson "Les" Baxter

Stephen Robert "Steve" Baxter

Christopher Claude "Kris" Baya (also "Chris")

Fredric Bayco:
Guy Desslyn
Peter Keane
William J. Field

Daghan Yakup Baydur

Colin Francis Bayley

Deon Michael Bayley

Bill Anthony Baylis (also "Bayliss"):
Blue Ass Fly
Future Filter 7
The Lost Subway
Slam Dam Brothers

Kenneth Sydney Baynes:
Donald Graham
Jose Hermanos
Ralph Frenkel

Sydney Baynes (also "Sidney")

Henry "Harry" Baynton-Power:
Ambroise Farman
Eric Stern
Erik Nilssen
John Harrison
Mary Nightingale
Meredyth Lee
Nat P. Dane
Phil Dalton

Olive Mary Baynton-Power née Turner:
Anderson Sherwood
S. Kameneff
Tom Howell

Stephen John Xavier Baysted

Irwin A. Bazelon:
Budd Graham (also "Bud")

Leonard Stanley "Len" Beadle:
Frank Weston

Nigel Peter Beaham-Powell

Brendan Charles Beal

Benjamin George Roy "Ben" Beal Nicholls

Graham Bean

Martha Rosalind Hannah Bean:
Hannah Duerden
Lily Bell
Martha Bueno

Robin Beanland:
Miles Ashby

Maxwell Sebastian "Max" Beard

Duncan Ritchie Beat:
Ritchie (note to self: IPI 86207667)

Colin Beaton

James Samuel Beauford Thompson

Doris Margaret Beaumont née Dowler:
Anne Adair
Ed Martin
Jack Day
Joachim Rosada
Kay Harris
Lesley Steele
Margaret Heath
R. Rhodes

Victoria Faith "Tori" Beaumont:
Beau (note to self: IPI 00731388048)
Heidi Karlsson
Rider (note to self: IPI 00815426839)

Keith Martin Beauvais

Zachariah Thomas "Zack" Beauvais (also "Zach")

Jack Beaver:
Alan Ferguson
Hugo Starr

Jack Patrick "Pat" Beaver

Marvin Leigh Beaver:
Dylan Rhymes
Marvin B.
Marvin Palermo

Raymond Elgar "Ray" Beaver:
Ray Elgar
Sebastian Wyrley

Mark Leonard Beazley:

Haydn Ivor Bebb

Giuseppe Becce:
Consalvo Bechstein (also just "Consalvo", "Bechstein")
Franz D'Ambra
Lucio D'Ambra
M. Ondea

Bertrand Bech

John Robert Beck:
Johnny Bivouac

Thavius Ajabu Beck:
Adlib (note to self: IPI 00345422478)

Walter Carl Becker

Jeremy Beckett

John Beckett:
Johnny Bivouac (also "John")

Peter Simon Beckmann:
Special Assignment (note to self: IPI 00405129394)

Richard James Beddow:
James Amber

Christopher John Beeble

P. Beechfield Carver (also "Beechfield-Carver")

Philip Aubrey "Phil" Beer:
Bill Fear

Jack Hamilton Beeson

Julian Robert Beeston:
Mike Beeston

Michael James Begg

Simon George "Si" Begg:
Buckfunk 3000
S. I. Futures

Darius Alexander Behdad:
Axel Stone
Billy Valentino
Darius Alexander
Duke Rogers
Farley Star
Ferris Mueller
Frankie Blanko
Kit Cornell
Levi Stark
Marlon Jupiter
TJ Rex
Zazlo Magic

Hermann Hinrich "T.N.G." Behrens:

Leslie Behunin, Jr.:
Buddy Merrill

Tom Beier

Evan Josef Beigel:
A Tonal Theory

K. Beil (note to self: no IPI)

Benjamin Joseph Stafford "Ben" Beiny:
Andy Choska
Joseph Benny

Duncan Jerome Beiny:
DJ Yoda

Timothy Nolan Belcher:
Flip Fantazia (also "Fantasia")
Mintykoala (also "Minty Koala")
T Mo (note to self: IPI 00624749920)
Tim Sync
Timo Garcia

Richard Belgrave

Asher James Bell:
AB (note to self: IP 00611798634)

Clive Stanley Bell

James Bell (note to self: no IPI)
(organist - Bosworth Record; 78 era)

James Duncan Bell
(Peer/New Southern Library)

Madeline Bell Broadus Reeves

Richard Bell

William "Billy" Bell:
Willi Andrea

Alison Jane Bellany

Christian Pierre Leon Bellest

Thomas Daniel Bellingham

Maxim Julian "Max" Bellos

Christopher Paul "Chris" Bemand:
Achoona Day
Brian De Mercia (also "De Mercier")
Chris B.
Chris Columbo
Jin Mifeng
Kris Stone
Nano Tekky
Oliver Earl Disley
The Crow

Hermann Bender

Theodore "Theo" Bendix

Victor Bendix

Arthur Leslie Benjamin:
Alan Brisbane

Tabitha Lucy Benjamin

Michael David "Mike" Benn

Raymond Henry Bennell:
Paul Raymond

Brian Laurence Bennett:
John Millfield

Peter Anthony "Pete" Bennett:
Kal Storm

Raymond S. C. Bennett

Richard Rodney Bennett

Robert Russell Bennett (also "Russel")

Warren Bennett

Wayne Alexander Bennett:
Lotek also ("Wayne Lotek")

Oliver Daniel "Oli" Benson

Peter James Benson

Simon Richard Benson:
Ben Richardson
Dan Oliver
Oliver Chung
Sophie Sandbanks

Michael Richard Bentham

Martyn Ian Bentley:
Herbie Brenner

Matthew Brian Bento

Reginald Benyon

R. A. Berche (note to self: no IPI)

Linden Jay Berelowitz

Samuel Grant Beresford

Laurence Beresford Hobbs

Robert Morris "Bobby" Berg:
Bobby Bruce (also "Bobby M. Bruce")

Joseph Bergeim

José Marcel Marie Leo Berghmans:
Jack France
Giuseppe Barbarossa

Walter Bergmann:
T. S. Walker

Sol Berkowitz

Daniel "Dan" Berkson:

Rudolph Berliner (note to self: no IPI)

Avery Flint Berman

Charles Berman:
Harry Shaves
Ray Denny
Robin Cree

Gideon Boyer Berman:
Ed Margolis
G. Boyar

Jean Bernard

Raymond Bernard

Steve Bernard

William Ian "Will" Berridge

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry:
Al Dallas
Dick Kolmar
Jack Sharp
Peter Dennis

Dylan Richard Berry:
Enemyone (also "Enemy One")
Pimp Pepper Styles
Solocore Sunshine

Justin Tobias Berry

Leon Brown "Chu" Berry

Roy Berry:
William Asquith

Per James Bertelsen

Marc Severin August Berthomieu:
Marc Severin

Robert Louis Besdesky:
Robert Best

Maurice Besly

Adrienne L. Bess

Jane Mary Best:
Holly Tooke
Stella Bougie

Tobias Graham "Toby" Best:
Bliss N. Tumble
Chalk N. Cheese (also "Chalk & Cheez")

Justin Thomas Beswick Johnson:
K Zen

Gareth Stephen Beswick Johnson:
Stand Alone (also "Stand Alone Productions")

Davyd Albert "Dave" Bethell:
Russell Square
Steve Gold

Dominic Christian Betmead:
Dom Search

Nicole Marie Bettencourt Coelho

Daniel Barry "Dan" Bewick Morris

Eugene Anton Charles Bezodis

Manan Bhansali

Rudolf Bibl

H. Biek (also "Bick"):
Ben Berlin

Charlie Bierman

Daniel James "Dan" Bierton:
The Diamondback Kid

Susan "Sue" Biggs

Lloyd William Billing

Manuel Bilton

Louis John James Bilton-Browning:

Risa Ilise Binder

Philip Robert "Phil" Binding

Ronald Binge:
Ronnie Blake

Henry Daniel Binns:
Zero 7

Georgina Daisy Birch

Jonathan Andrew "Jon" Birch

Frederic Clifford Birchall

Jack William Birchwood

David Thomas Alan Bird

Christopher James "Chris" Birkett

James "Jim" Birkett:
The Zodiac

John Biscomb

Christopher "Chris" Bishop:
(Carlin, Ded Good Music, Match Production Music, Sonoton etc., typically under alias)

Christopher Anthony "Chris" Bishop
(KPM Music)

Michael Steven Bishop:
Gene Dennison

Michael "Mike" Bissell

Nikolaj Bjerre

Lars E. M. Blach

Alexander Drysdale Black:
Sandy Blair

Darren William Black

Matt Black (note to self: IPI 00802843845):
Milton (note to self: IPI 00809547218)
(Score Production Music)

Stanley Black:
Colin Dean
Martin Hughes
Sebastiao Burea

Stewart Robert Dow Black

Alan John Blackham:
Alan Bell
James Abbott
John Beckenham

Nicholas William "Nick" Blackman:

Alan Roy "Blackie" Blackmore

George Henry James Blackmore:
Michael Summers

Julian James Blackmore

Virginia Ruth "Ginny" Blackmore:
Virginia McGrail (also "Ginny")

Charles Vincent Blackwell

Christopher Frederick Edmond "Chris" Blackwell:
The Hood

Mark Carlos "Duck" Blackwell

Scot Blackwell Stafford:
Tristan V. Hagen

Thomas Michael "Tom" Blades

Alan Tudor Blaikley

Michael Timothy Blainey:
Prima Facie
Sniffy Dog

Tommy Blaize

Howard David Blake

Horace Wolseley Blake:

Robin Richard "Rob" Blake

Suzanne Marilyn Blake Davies:
Suzanne Peters

Garry Peter Blakeley

Benjamin Nigel Philip "Ben" Blakeman

Andrew James "Andy" Blaney

Hermann L. Blankenburg (Ludwik, Louis?)

Richard Simon Blaskey

Tomas Blazukas

Alan Gordon Bleay:
DJ Sonix

William Blezard

Mark Rene Blissenden

Ragnar Gustaf Olof Blomström

Jeremy "Jerry" Allan Bloom

David Edward "Dave" Bloor:
Alfie Solo
Dexter Nolan
Edward A. Everitt
Edward Kay (note to self: IPI 00390120984)
Mr. Dexter (note to self: IPI 01081926550)
Pacey Stephen

Linda Beverley Blue (also "Lynda"):
Jordan J. Myson
Robyn Key

Ronald Jay "Ron" Blumenthal:
Ron Thal

Peter James Blumsom:
Pete Dello

Terence William Blunt

Marina "Biddy" Blyth

Peter Edward Kempton Blyth

Andrew Timothy "Andy" Blythe:
Sean Garrett

Carey Blyton:
A. P. C. Rutter
Gavain Snipe
Mark Stevens
Roy Green

Ian Boddy

Nathan John Boddy:
Adele Roberts
Daniel Marantz
Dominic Marsh
Jamie Elder
Nathan Body

Thomas William "Tom" Boddy

Mark Boden

Richard David Bodgers:

Steven Richard "Steve" Bodsworth:
Steven Richards (note to self: IPI 00555781713)

Gudjon Kjarton Bodvarsson Waage:
Gud Jon

David George Boff

Leo Harijs "Harry" Bogdanovs

Kenneth Bolam:
John Henry

François "Francy" Boland:
Gola Feli

Jack E. Bolesworth

Uwe Boll

Amarjeet Singh "Rana" Bolla (also "Amar")

Paul Manfred Boller:
Manfred Paulsen

Cecil James Owen Bolton:
Cecil James
Owen James

James Bolton:
Barry Kite
James Blond

Jennifer Jayne "Jenny" Bolton:
J. Jay
Jenny Jay

Richard James "Ric" Bolton:

Paul Stephen Bond:

Peter Bønding Larsen:
Business Garth
Chill Bill
Marcus Moonbeam
Max Groove
Tony Tapeloop

Jerk "Yak" Bondy:

Marcus Bonfanti

Samantha "Sam" Bonner Walter:
Annie Mouse
Sam K.
Sam Kelser

Adriaan Bonsel (also "Adrian"):

Joh. Bonte:
John Reids

Virginie Bonvalet

Richard Bonynge

Felisha Aileen Booker

Hubert Jean Boone

Jon Anthony Boorman:
Attic (note to self: IPI 01150065895)
Clare Priory
Onion Master

Skylar Phillip Boorman:
Skylar Funk

Blair Bronwen Booth

Harry Robert Booth

Thomas Edmund Bootle:
Tom Kingston

Gaston Louis Cristopher Borch

Paul James Borg:
Charles F. Engle
Scott B. Ingham

Grant Thomas Borland

John Ross Borthwick

Erich Hermann Börschel:
Eric Brodersen
Fred Haller
Heinz Lattmann

Roberto Antonio Borzoni:
Antonio Casali
Mario Rouletta

Patrick Charles "Patch" Boshell

Toby Stephen "Bias" Boshell

David Bossan:
Raoul Draper

Colin Bostock Smith

Christopher Don-Mario "Chris" Boswell

Simon Anthony Boswell

Matthew James Bosworth

Julian L. Bot:
Juliano Flexz

Jacobus Johannes Deew "Johan" Botha, Jr.:
Kobus Botha

Catherine Jane Bott

Richard Paul Bottom:
Richard Burnett

Andrew Charles "Snogger" Boucher

Georges Boulanger

Serge Emmanuel J. Gh. Boulanger:
Serge Emmanuel

Miles Christian Bould

Derek Boulton:
Derek Nelson

Peter Boulton (note to self: IPI 00267989589)

Richard Bourgeault

Jonathan Michael "Jon" Bourne

Matthew John "Matt" Bourne

Michael David Oakley Bourne

Augustin James "Gus" Bousfield:
The All New Three Aviators
The Furious Augustin Meaulnes
Lord Adonis
The Pogo Twins

Bruce C. Bouton

Dennis Curtis Bovell:

Donald Morgan "Don" Bowden:
Morgan Bebb

Cristalle Bowen:
Psalm One

Edwin York Bowen

Roderick John "Rod" Bowkett

Jason Stuart Bowld

Caitlin Charity Bowles

Kenneth Duncan "Ken" Bowley

Harold Elton Box:
Barney Barnard

Kevin Dangello Boyd

Joseph Auduste Eugene Boyer

Peter Stuart Boyes:
Tobias Johansson

Tarquin Boyesen:

Brett Carr Boyett

Douglas Bruce "Doug" Boyle

Myra Antonia Boyle née McMaster

Jeremy John "Jezz" Brace

Pierre Ferdinand Andre Brachet:
Jo Balesme (also "Basleme")

John Bradbury

Peter Charles Bradbury

Edwin Braden

Robert Alan Braden:
Bob Allen (also "Allan")

Curtis Antonio Bradford:
Curt B

Jonathan William Bradley:

Michael Steffan Bradley

Robert Edward "Bob" Bradley, Sr.:
Austin Cooper
Edward Bradley Robert
Erik Mikkelsen
Freddie Reid
Freja Nyberg
Robert Edwards
Sam Taylor
Zev Roth

Roy Charles Bradley:
A Nutcracker
Ron Taft (also "Roy Taft")

David Peter "Dave" Bradnum (also "Bradnam"):
David Peter Lorca Tutaeff
Pedro Cordonazo

John Russell "Rusty" Bradshaw:
Rusty B.
Stephen Lee (note to self: IPI 00807420754)

Anthony Brady (note to self: IPI 00268010974)

Gary Joseph Christopher Brady

Geoffrey Brand

James Andrew Brander

John "Johnny" Brandon:
Al Greeley
Al Yak
By Bailey
Bobby Ward
Buddy Berg
Chick La Salle
Ed Franks
Francis Edwards
Frank Adams
Frank Rich
Gerry Rich
John Geraldson
Lou Scherf
Manuel Roza
Montgomery Fish
Ricardo Martinelli

Arthur Bransby Burnand:
Anton Streletzki (also "Antoine", "Strelezki")
Stepán Esipoff (also "Stephen")

Walther H. Bransen (also "Walter"):
Will Rollins

John Matthew Brant:
Matt Freeman

Laurence Dominic "Loz" Brazil:
Lo Fi Loz
Will Christison

Mary-Clare Breathnach

Jacques Romain Georges Brel

Alexander Hugh Deton "Alex" Brenchley

Randall Wayne Breneman

E. Brennan
(78 era; Conroy)

Paul Hugh "Pol" Brennan:
Pól Ó Braonáin

James Seymour Brett

Justin Howard Brett:
A. J. Scent (also "AJ")
Jolly Justin

Timothy William "Tim" Brett Ellis

Jacques Rene Breux:
Jack Brex

Donald Alec George Brewer:
Don Stephens

Peter Russell Brewis

Susan "Susi" Brice:
Coco (note to self: IPI 00402478968)

Maria Bricheno

Timothy John "Tim" Bricheno:
Alan Newman (note to self: IPI 00856320730)
Lucy Temple
Tuff Cat
Wade Snowman

Toby Bricheno:
Alice Carroll
Gary Router
Montgomery D'Honc
Toby Fortress

Frank Bridge

Nicholas Alan Donald "Nick" Bridge Butler:
Agent N

Donald Ernest Bridger

Ronald Vincent "Ronnie" Bridges:
Arnold Disberg

Ernest Leslie Bridgewater:
Frank Boyce
Lucian Berne
Timothy Norton

Lindsay Adrian Bernard Bridgewater (also "Lyndsay", "Bridgwater")

Leslie Bridgmont:
Arthur Newton
Hans Neilsen
Jimmy Bridges
Paul Gordon

Kathleen Anne "Katie" Brien:
Baby Katy
Katy B.

Jack Brierley

Thomas Paul "Tom" Briers

Aaron Simon Briggs:
Raoul Phillips

Kurt Alan Briggs

Dario Younger Brigham Bowes:
Dario Darnell
Youngr (also "Younger")

James Ian Brighton

Gina Marie Brigida:

Matthew J. Brigida:
Fantasy Matt

Roland Anne-Marie François Brillet de Candé

Robert George "Bob" Brimley:
George William Fry

Muriel Edith "Emmy" Brine

Simon Tracey Brint

Robert Louis Julien Lucien Briot (also "Roberto")

Alan Bristow

Matthew L. Brittain:
Matt MLB

Andrew Michael "Andy" Britton:
Mike Hughes

Corey David Britz

Nigel Douglas Broad

Ian Alan Broadbent:
Paul Cooper

Kevin Broch:

David Brockett

Max Alastair Brodie

Julien "Jules" Bromley:
Alf Alpha
Tyler Hansen

Sydney Bron:
Bernard Sydney
Charles Crane

Anthony John Bronsdon

David Eric "Dave" Bronze

Julian Brook Smith

Michael I. Brook

Benjamin William Arnaud Vautier Brooke

Christopher James Brooke

Nigel James Brooks:
Leslie James

Lou Brotman (no IPI?)

Michael Stuart "Mickey" Brough Taylor
(SRTL Production Music Library, ARTL Production Music Library)

Timothy "Tim" Broughton

Adam Kevin Brown

Craig Bannerman Brown

Daniel Robert Burdett "Dan" Brown

Henry Albert Brown:
Felix Godin

John Robert Brown

Jonathan Brown

Jonathan Finley Brown

Kate Rochelle Brown

Nacio Herb Brown

Nigel John Brown:
James Carter

Philip Thomas Brown

Raymond M. "Ray" Brown

Richard Francis Adrian Brown:
Adrian France

Samuel Rex Ogilvie "Sam" Brown:
Amon Turner
Juno Jackson
Lyn McGinn
Moe Dahl
Rex Ogilvie
Ruben Pimm
Rubik (also "Rubix")
Steve Cabuso
Ty Green

Sean Gerard Brown

Suzanne Elisabeth "Susan" Brown

Terence David "Terry" Brown:
David Bradley

Thelford Leo "Teddy" Brown:
Johnny Christian

Thomas Conway Brown

Trevor Lloyd Brown

William "Will" Brown:
Allen Ron
Barbara Allen
Grant Fisher
Liz Allen
(Deep East Music)

William John "Jack" Brown (also "Jackie"):
John Brunel
(Mood Music)

Kevin Laurence Browne:
Tone Down

Reginald Douglas Brownsmith:
Douglas Hamilton
Douglas Holloway
Ray Benson

Robert James Bruce

Howard Brucker

William Scott "Bill" Bruford

Lothar Brühne:
Frank Eden

Karl "Charles" Brull (né Karel Brüll?):
Charles Calson
Georges Martin
Georges Martine
Jonny Thomas (also "Johnny")
Peter Thomas

Pierre S. Brull:
Charles Pierre

Peter Brunelli

Henry Brunies

Merrit Brunies

Martin John Brunsden

Justin Sebastian Bryant:
Ben Gardner
David Locke
George Hanson
Mike Haydn
Tom Andrews (note to self: IPI 00791200067)

Teri Lesa Bryant

Alan James Mark Bryden

Robert Daniel "Dan" Bryson

Frank Bub

Ernest Bucalossi

Jonathan Brade "Jono" Buchanan

Philip Stuart Buchel (also "Bushel")

Grant Scott Buckerfield:
Beat Da Skreet
Jack Mono
Sonic Lab Music
Sonic UK

John Shoto David Buckley (also "David John Buckley", most commonly "David Buckley")

Roy Frederick Budd:
Roy Fredericks

Matthew David Charles "Matt" Buggins

Robert Bugiolacchi

Ariel Bui

Zoran Bale Bulatovic:
Bale (note to self: IPI 00347437545)
Whatever (note to self: IPI 00347437447)
Z. B. Favorite (also "ZB")

Thomas James "Gibson" Bull

Luke Bullen

Roger Bullivant

Ruth Christine Bulman

Jack Bulterman:
Eduardo Buffo
Jaap De Bie
Van Holland

John Douglas "Bunny" Bundrick (also "Johnny", "Rabbit"):
Bill Foster
David Turner
Doug MacLeod (also "McLeod")
James Eagleheart
James Lincoln
John Blackbear
John Oakley
John Rankin
Nana Raven
Reece Tatum
Rusty Moon
Sam MacKenzie (also "McKenzie")
Samuel Hawk
Steven Riddle
Taylor Crow

Richard Allan Bundy:

Clive William Bunker

Steven D. "Steve" Buonanotte

Neill Charles Burbidge (also "Niall")

Adrian Paul Burch

Rahul Dev Burman

Jonathan George "John" Burden (also "Jon")

Ross David Burden:
DJ Para

Chloe Kate Burgess née Parratt

Laurie James Burgess

Samuel John Burgess

Frank Burgo

Geoffrey Alan Burgon:
John Candover

Stephen Robert "Steve" Burholt

Robert Esler Burke

Maurice Burman:
Mark Cooper

Paul Burnell:
Paul Ipbo

Daniel David "Dan" Burnett

Justin Caine Burnett

Jason E. Burnett:
J. Billion

Adam Paul Courtenay Burns:
Dr. Azimuth
Fat Jabba
Shanks Mansell

Felix Burns

Jeremy Joseph "Jez" Burns:
Carlton Hayes

John MacKenzie Burns (also "McKenzie"):
Graham M. Rogers

Kevin Burns (note to self: IPI 1066136472)

Murray William Burns

Ralph Jospeh Burns

Howard John Burrell

Conor Patrick Burridge

Daniel James Desmond Burridge

Emily Alice Mary Burridge:
Guilty Party
White Horse

Gavin John Burrough

Arthur Wesley Burrowes (also "Burrows")

Brian Colin Burrows:
Brian Rose
Eddie Saffron
Sam Velvetine

Daniel "Dan" Burrows

Marc Jackson Burrows:
Ku Ka Chu
La Rox
Mark JB (also "Marc")
Max Jackson
Van Hej

Rex John William Burrows:
R. Barber Alan
Rex Burr
John Burrows
Alec Hicks
Robert McIntyre (also "MacIntyre")
Roland Rogers
Frankie Russell (also "Frank", "Franklyn")

Joel Burton

Susan Kim Burton:
Kemo Kem Kem Mustapha
Stuart Kim Burton

Alan Haydn "Lad" Busby

Robert "Bob" Busby:
Derek Wainwright
Laddie Enfield
Richard Standen

Andrew Kennedy "Andy" Bush

Christopher Jon "Chris" Bussey:
Sam Roth

Craig Anthony Bussey:
Rex Logan

Duncan Adrian Busto:

Arnold John Butcher

Christopher Steven Butcher

Stanley R. "Stan" Butcher:
Carl Swanson

Andrew John "Andy" Butler:

Colin Butler (note to self: IPI 00037443486)

Gerald Bentley "Gerry" Butler

Jonathan Kenneth Butler

Leon Ashley Butler:
Jack White

Linda Darlene Butler

Peter David Butler

Ralph T. Butler:
A. Bluffa
Andrew Kelvin
Butt Ralter
Clark Cumberland
Cyril Cobb
Felix Gordon
Gerry Durban
Howard Thomas
Jay Wallis
Ralph Sherman
Sam Green

Robert John "Bob" Butterworth:
Brimstone Fade

Louis Buttigieg

David Buttolph (note to self: IPI 00004702624)

Ian John Button:
Anthony Anderson
Ashley Flowers
The Cherry Colas

Robin Michael "Rob" Button:
Freejak (also "Rob Freejak")

Mark Bernard Buys

Jack Allen Byfield:
Frank Bruce
Nino Tirani

F. G. Byford

George Byng

Bethany Catherine Bynum née Drewien

Daniel Myers Bynum:
Double D

Stephen John "Steve" Byrd:
Steve Lycett

Peter Gabriel Paul Byrne

Sean Byrne

Simon John Byrt:
Jeff Stephens

Örjan Bo Olof Byström

Sergio M. Cabral:
Venom Jack

Enrico Cacace

Mauro Domenico Caccialanza:

Amy Caddies McKnight

Alan Christopher Caddy

Enrique Domingo Cadicamo:
Luna Roseno
Yino Luzzi

Lydia Caesar

David Cain

Patrick Alfred Caldwell Moore:
R. T. Fishall

Michael Caley

Joe Callaghan (note to self: no IPI)

George Sylvester "Red" Callender

Albert Edward "Eddie" Calvert

Juldeh Camara

Yacouba "Bruno" Camara

Danilo Camargo Penteado:
Quatro a Zero

Jason Joseph Cambridge:
A Sides
Sumo Slim
The Vagrant
Tight Control

Norman Richard Jochen Cambridge:
Camrin Brown
Joelles Pianoman
Jose Ramos (note to self: IPI 00479879465)
Lucian Levy
Mr Camboso (also "Mr Cambosa" or just "Camboso")
P La Flava

John Cameron

Aaron Hosea Campbell

Barry David "Ziggy" Campbell

Bill Campbell

Colin Campbell

Dirk Montgomery "Mont" Campbell

Erick B. "E" Campbell:
E. Cam

James Kenneth "Ken" Campbell

John Bruce Campbell:
Fred Farmer

Joseph Washington Morton "Joe" Campbell

Malcolm Peter "Mal" Campbell

Murray Malcolm Campbell:
Paul Junior

Steve Antony Campbell (note to self: no IPI)

Patrick Campbell-Lyons:
Patrick O'Magick

Joseph Crawley "Joe" Cang

Matthew Cang

Brian John Canham

Judith Leonie "Jude" Cann Hunt

Tom Canning (note to self: IPI 00708027559):
Thomas Russell (note to self: IPI 00721433183)

Philip Cannon

Ismael Cano Jr.

Peter Canwell:
Peter Vincenti

Joseph Allain Maurice "Joe" Capillaire:

Donald "Don" Caple:
Alvin Gray

Mark Anthony John Capocci:
Potchie Marshall

Liam Martin Capon

Philip F. H. "Phil" Cardew (also "Phillip"):
Franklin Hardy
Peter Cornish
Philip Carthew

John Guy Cardew Barnes

Roberto Enzo Cardinali

David Charles "Dave" Carey:
David Charles

Russell "Russ" Carline:
Roland Cram

Lars Eric Carlsson:
Burt Clinton

Viktor Leif Adam Carlsson:
Vic Adams

Matthew James Carlton:
Sweet Tex
Matt C.
Menthol Man
Justin Time
Ya Programme

Edward Carmer (joint pseudonym?)

John Russell Carmichael

Paul Carmichael

Maria Inmaculada Carmona Luque

Iain Bruce Carnegie (also "Ian")

Jonathan David "Jonny" Carpenter (note to self: IPI 00797437971):
Jam Track Central

MabVuto Carpenter

Howard Carr

Jeremy Carr (note to self: IPI 00504283969)

Leon L. N. Carr

Peter Piotr Carr:
Bala Bala
Peter Peters

Tony Carr

Émile François "Milo" Carrara:
Franck Merol

Dolores Triana Carrasco Ruiz

Jerry Carretta:
Jerry Carr

James Carrington (note to self: no IPI)

Andrew Philip Carroll:
Barney Door

Clive Michael Oliver Carroll

Liane Roberta Carroll

Renny Robert Carroll

Herbert A. Carruthers:
William Fairish

Bennett Lester "Benny" Carter:
Johnny Gomez
King Carter

Christian Paul Frank "Chris" Carter:
Alan Barry
(Connect Music Library, Rouge)

Christopher "Chris" Carter:
T. G. T.
Todd Steele
(Music House)

Ian Robert James Carter:

Mathew David "Mat" Carter

Nicholas "Nick" Carter:
Bert Lindar
Lars Freeday
Nicholas Coakley
Nick Christopher

Richard Jonathan "Rik" Carter:
Richard Johnson
Tony Rutherford

Steven John "Steve" Carter:
Michael Lawrence
Steven John

Toby Daniel Carter

Benjamin "Ben" Cartland

Paul Cartledge:
Oscar Boone

Neil Edward Cartwright

Desi R. Caruso:

Renato Carusone:
Renato Carosone

Charles James Nicholas "Charlie" Casey

Steven Andrew "Justin" Casey

Nicholas John "Nick" Cash

Roger Casini

Jules Cassard

Robert Francis Casserly:
Rob Cass

Patrick Carmel Thomas Cassidy

Richard "Rick" Cassman

Samuel Harry "Sam" Cassman

Reginald Hepworth "Reg" Casson:
E. S. Pana
Nossac D'Laniger
Rex Hepworth
Rex Worth
Rinaldo Vincenzio
Serge Wanoff
Ted Carson

Françoise Christian Castellani:
Sacha Chaty
Sarah Mandiano (also just "Sarah")

Geoffrey Charles "Geoff" Castle

Edward Colin Cater

George Cates:
Ed Richards
Richard Barr
Ricky Edwards
Van Roberts

Alex James Catt:
Alex James Lodder
Alex Session
DJ Session (also just "Session")
Session Productions

Clemente Anselmo Agostino "Clem" Cattini

David D. Cavanaugh:
Chester Teich
Danny Harold
Hank Lentz
Henry Lentz
Jacques Strop
Jay Daniel
Jim Owens
M. E. Gross
M. H. Wax
Mark Handler
Max Wax
Mildred Wax
Murray Berlin
Sammy Watts
Stanley Bass
Stella Koki

John Evan Cave:
Jack Evans

Elizabeth Angelica "Bess" Cavendish:

Thomas Neil Cawley

Barry John Caws

Rupert Fintan "Roo" Caws Garvey:
Finn Razavich
Firefly (note to self: IPI 00805694520)
Goo Rarvey
Harry Camber
Harry Taylor (note to self: IPI 00715384344)
Toby Morran (also "Moran")

Albert Cazabon:
Adrian Cecil

Grailan Kato Ceaser Jr.

Giuseppe Cerciello:
Pippo Ciello
Seppe Cerci

Francis Charles "Frank" Chacksfield:
Jan Layman
Martino Patacano
Roger Senicourt

Leo Chadburn:
Simon Bookish

Cecil Chadwick

Peter Chafer

Alyusha Mamiko Chagrin

Francis Chagrin:
Dermot Doyle

Derrick Chai

Simon David Chamberlain

Carolyne Chambers

Christopher Charles Chambers:
Chris Charles

Gordon Thomas Chambers:
G. Grant

Philip John "Phil" Chambon:
Franc Stopp

Desmond Herbert "Des" Champ:
Alan Keating
Jacky Arthur
Pam Ferguson

Nigel James Alexander Champion

Trevor John Champion

Teranjit Singh "Terry" Chana:
The Indispensable

Arthur Thomas Samuel "Tommy" Chandler (also "Thomas S. Chandler", "Thomas A. Chandler"):
Feodor Gooch (also "Teodor")

David Chandler (note to self: IPI 00160432700):
Lewis Walker (note to self: IPI 00162188079)

Marlene Chandler née Moore

Herman Bruce Chaney

Daniel Francis "Danny" Chang né Potter:
Dylan Owen (note to self: IPI 00250594470)

Jethro Chaplin

Gregory "Greg" Chapman

Michael Chapman

Stanley Chapman

William Granville Chapman:
Charles Claverdale
David Hart
John Hastings

Herbert Reginald "Bert" Chappell:
John Sebastian

Thomas Chappell

Kingdon Te Itinga Chapple-Wilson:

Elena Charbila:
Kid Moxie

William "Bill" Charleson

Michael Anthony Charlton:
Michael Santini

Timothy "Tim" Charlton

Dorian Charnis

Frederick George Charrosin:
F. Carog
Frank Gee
Fred Chirino (also "Ferd. Cherino")
Rico Nisorra

Robert Bruce Chase

Brian Charles Chatton

Dang Khoa Chau:

Ian Roland Cheeseman:
Ian Roland

Oswald Astley Cheesman

Fred Chegwin Berry:
Cuzn Fred

David Cherrett

Mark Alexander Benedict Cherrie:
Boy on a Dolphin

Keith Chesher

Charlie Chester:
Carl Noone

Yan "Yennis" Cheung (also "Yin", "Zhang")

Albert Chevalier

Auguste Chevalier:
Chas Ingle

Abdullah Chhadeh

Charles Emmanuel "Charlie" Chiappe

Joseph-Marie Antoine Simaan Chiari

Cosmas Thobias Chidumule:
Cosmas (note to self: IPI 00176919523)

Charles David Chilton

Garry Chilton

Eddie Yuk Fah "Edi" Chin-Lee

Tara Chantelle Chinn:
Terrifying Tara

Timothy Mark Chipping:
Mark Timothy (also "Mark T.")

Daniel Tyler Chironno

George Chisholm

Roberto Maximiano Chitsondzo

Jatinder Chopra (also "Jatinda")

Saqib Hafeez "John" Choudry:
Djinn (also "Djinn Music")

Pamela "Pam" Chowhan

Michael Alan "Mike" Christer

Charles "Charlie" Christian

Peter Christiansen (note to self: IPI 00494389009)

Alvin St-Joseph Christie:
Christie Darling

Kevin Adam Christie:
Isaac Christopher

Toby Y. Chu

Michael Noel Chubb

Oliphant Chuckerbutty:
William Oliphant
Xavier Duparc

Martin George Chung

Leslie "Les" Cirkel

Stefano Civetta

Gary Clapham (note to self: no IPI)

Kenny Clare

Peter William Clare

Sidney Clare:
Clare Sidney

Alan Clark (also "Clarke")

Ashley Thomas Clark:
Ashley Rose Thomas
Ashley Thomas

John Clark

Jonathan Michael Clark:

Louis Clark

Matthew Simon Clark

Michael Philip "Mike" Clark:

Simon Andrew "Andy" Clark

Toby Sebastien Clark:
Toby Ioi

William George Clark

William S. Clark

Anthony "Tony" Clarke:
Lars Cederstrom
Martin Strummer

Brittany Clarke:
Mercy Mace

Cuthbert Clarke:
Cyril McKenzie (also "MacKenzie")
Elric Olsen

Dominic Windham Chetwode Clarke:
Hector Pow
Windham Hare

Ian Duncan Antony Clarke (also "Clark")

Malcolm John Clarke, Sr.

Robert Theodore "Robin" Clarke:
Arthur Dunt

Simon Charles Clarke

Thomas James Kenelm Clarke (best known as "James Clarke"):
Paul Martin

Timothy Forrester "Tim" Clarke:
Lex Neville
Ray Gunn (note to self: IPI 01006741887)
Scratch Porkins
Su Do
Tim Forrester (also "T. Forrester")

Nathaniel James Clarkson:

Paul Edward Clarvis:
Ronnie Creviss

Charles W. Clay:
Karoli Klay (also "Karoly")

Dolores Clay (note to self: no IPI)

David Maxwell "Dave" Clayton:
Veuelo Madragada

Kenneth Ian "Kenny" Clayton née Wilkinson

Marc Edward Clayton:

Bert Cleaver

Jozef "Jos" Cleber

Paul Clegg

Shawn Kelly Clement

David Adrian "Clem" Clempson (also "Dave")

Anthony "Tony" Cliff

Graham Clifford (also "Graeme"):

Hubert John Clifford:
Alf Poppins
Henri Cheval
Michael Sarsfield

Matthew Robert "Matt" Clifford

Tara Elise Creedon Clifford

William John "Bill" Clift:
Bill Watusi

Tony Clout

Douglas Han "Doug" Clow

Nicholas Michael "Nick" Clow:
Michel Fabrik

George H. Clutsam:
Charles G. Mustal
George Dixon
George Howard
Georges L'Arbalestier
Georges Latour
H. S. Isledon
Mat Mervyn
Paul Aubry
Robert Harrington

Jeffrey Ovid "Jeff" Clyne

Alan Malcolm Coady

Eric Coates:
Charles Hiltern
Jack Arnold

Carol Ann Coats

Robert W. "Bob" Cobert

Garry John Cockbain:
Gaz Cobain (also "Garry")

Philip Cocklin:
Phil Chilton

Benjamin Ian "Ben" Cocks

Julian B. Coco

James Carlo Giorgio Cocozza:
Buffalo Jake
Charlie Williams
Colin Booties
Giorgio Falconi
James Falconi
James Hook
James Loki
Jim Courtney
Jolie Buffon
Loki One
Marlin Cook
Oswyn Valentine
Pop Coco
Remi Chickslam
River Jones
Simon Price

Philip Joseph Codd

Richard Mark Anthony Codrington

Jonathan Charles "Jonny" Coffer

Ryan David Robert Coggins

Edmund Cohen

Jason Laurence Cohen:
Jason Chase (also just "Chase")
Jason Laidback (also just "Laidback")

Maurice Alfred Cohen:
Carl Eifer
Jacob Hymies
Joe Heyman
John P. Powell
Ken Day
M. Debriot
Maurice Beresford (mother's maiden name, copyright-registered as real name)
Mel McCleen (also "MacCleen")
Michael Alfred
Michael Carr
Miguel Dos Pasos
Paul Dupres
Searl Hogarth
Si Simons
Walter Ridley

Michael Gabreil Cohen (also "Gabriel"):
Michael Gabriel (note to self: IPI 00764136829)

Nicholas "Nick" Cohen

James Cohn:
Joe Tunafish
Myron James

Mauro Colavecchi

Cecile Borja "Quito" Colayco-Hertz

Matthew Harvey "Matt" Coldrick

Brian John "BJ" Cole

Stephen Silvester Cole

John Anthony "Johnny" Coleman

Lance Carlton Deandre Coleman

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

Robert John "Jack" Coles:
Paul Stewart

Gareth Edward Colley:

Adrian Michael Collier

Alastair Iain Collingwood

Anthony Vincett Benedictus Collins:
Simon Rhode

Gerald Nathan "Gerry" Collins

James Edward "Ed" Collins

John William Collins

Jonathan David "Johnny" Collins (also "Jonny"):
Donald John Gordon

Michael Collins:
Michael Larsen

Robyn Blaikie Collins

Stuart James Collins:
Stretch Silvester (also just "Stretch")

Walter Roland "Wally" Collins:
Barry Crofts
Paul Barry
Pedro De Bonozi
Ray Barry
Sydney Lawrence

Sacha James Collisson:
Ashley Collins (note to self: IPI 00632403484)
Bjorn Free
Jake Collisson

Franc Georges Fernand "Bory" Combes:
Frank Thomas (also "Franck")

Michael John Comley

Frank G. Comstock

Gavin Ian Conder:
Laten Lowst

Leslie Richard "Les" Condon

Nicholas Jeremy Condron:
Rikki Sylvan

Anne Conlon

Matthew David Cohn:
Matt Black (note to self: IPI 00160019020)

Michael Moises Conn:
Michael Cohn

Patrick Thomas James "Paddy" Conn

Kevin James Conneff

Malcolm Whitfield Connell (also "Malcolmbe"):
Solomon Connell (also "Sol")

Olivia Kathleen "Liv" Connell Clark

Patrick Connelly

Peter James "Pete" Conner

Adam Taylor Connor

Thomas Patrick "Tommie" Connor:
Catherine McCarthy (also "MacCarthy")
Lanny Rogers
Roach Kenly
Victor Royal

William Ernest Francis "Bill" Connor

Con Conrad né Dober (also "Doher")

Mario Conway

John "Jack" Conway Thorpe

David Albert Cook:
David Essex

Eric Cook

Jonathan Nicolas Cook

Martin Douglas Cook

Mathieu Lucas "Matt" Cook

Thomas George Cook

Andrew Lester "Andy" Cooke

David Howard "Dave" Cooke

Gervase Edward Cooke:

Robert "Rob" Cooke (note to self: IPI 00533879910)

Andrew John Cooksley

William Timothy Dominic "Will" Cookson

Oliver William Coombes:

Andrew James "Andy" Cooper (note to self: IPI 00625426750)
Drew James (note to self: IPI 01204578076)
(Score Production Music)

Andrew R. "Andy" Cooper:
(Audio Network)

Geoffrey Richard Cooper:
Hiram Firem
Oran G. Boom

James Richard Cooper (note to self: IPI 00660801363)

Julie Alison Cooper:
Hulie Wooper

Raymond "Ray" Cooper

Thomas David "Tam" Cooper:
Harry T. Croxford
James T. Crawford
Octavius Scruton Blythe

Rosalie Coopman

George Copeland

James "Jim" Copperthwaite:
Anno Domini
Harry Angstrom

Peter Jan Cor Belenky:
Pierre Belenky

Matthew Robert Corbett

Daniel Robert "Dan" Corbin

Frank Cordell:
Francis Meillear

Sam Cordell

Sydney William Cordell

Walter Carlos Cordone

Peter Thorrington Cork

James David Ridgers "Jamie" Corke

Robert Leslie "Bob" Cornford

Jane Antonia Cornish:
L. K. Minelli
Magnum Opus
Sam Bayley

Stephen William Cornish:
Steve Jacques

Abel Felipe Coronel Rueda

José Luis Corrales, Jr.:
Yppah Yppah

Julien Robert Rene Corrales:
DJ Pitchin (also just "Pitchin")
Pitch In

Ruben Angel Correa Plaza:

Benjamin Timothy "Ben" Corrigan

Christopher James Corrigan

Jaqueline Corstorphine:
Jackie James (note to self: IPI 00276889002)

Robert H. D. "Bob" Cort

Edmundo Guimaraes "Ed" Cortes

Patricia Ann Cory

Anthony W. Cossa, Jr.

Daniele Francesco Cossellu

Christabel May Cossins

Chris Costantakos

Andrew Christopher Cottee

Laurence Peter "Laurie" Cottle:
Ron Price

Richard John Cottle:
Eddie Rich

Roger Allen Cotton:
Patience Harco

Geoffrey Alan "Geoff" Cottrell

Andrew "Andy" Coughlan (also "Wally")

Roger Keith Coulam

Philip Michael "Phil" Coulter

Henry Aubrey Horton Counsell

Raymond Bryan Counter:
Bryan Ray

Mark Coupe

Daniel Jonathan Edward "Dan" Couper

Herbert "Bert" Courtley

Aaron Austin "Ronnie" Courtney Stokes

Mark Stephen Cousins:
Barnaby Thomas
David Louden
Tim Sawtell

Brian William Couzens

Rudy Micheal Covington, Jr.:
Shred (note to self: IPI 00194891812)
Verbal Tong

Anthony Gordon Cowell

Neil Allen Cowley:
Allen Pip (also "Pip Allen")

Atticus Matthew Cowper Ross

Desmond "Sonny" Cox:
Alva Nunberg
Sonny Austin

Jessica Anne Frances "Jess" Cox

John D. Cox:
John Everard
Tony Desmond

Julian Adam Cox:
Hoax (note to self: IPI 00263908547)
Loop (note to self: IPI 00253174774)
(KPM Music, West One Music)

Julian Stuart "Jboy" Cox
(Juice Music)

Mark Andrew Cox

Peter Cox

Terence William Harvey "Terry" Cox

Matthew John Coy:

Wayne Allen Coyle

Christopher "Chris" Cozens

Deirdre "Dee" Cozier

Michael A. P. Cozzi

Armand Charles Crabbe

Jessica Charlotte Vanessa Crabtree

Kinneth "Kenny" Craddock

Armik Armir Craft

Josh Stephen Craggs

Michael George Craig

John Harrold Craigie III

Christopher "Chris" Craker

Richard Phillip Craker

David Jonathan Crane

James Richard "Jim" Crane:
Jim Dude
Jimmy Melophonic

Miles Crawford (note to self: IPI 00007048705)

Jason Mark Creasey:
Da Bitch
Papa J

Kathleen Elsie Crees Dauth:
Kay Newman

Barclay MacBride Crenshaw:
Claude Vonstroke

Norman Creswick Flood

John Derrick Crewdson

Arthur H. Crocker

Gary James Crockett:
Junior Di Luca
Sonny Jackson

Jacob Eaton Croft:
JC Flow

Anthony John "Tony" Crombie:
John Anthony (also "Little John Anthony", seemingly never used for library)

David William Crombie

Stuart Crombie

John Crombie Murdoch

William "Bill" Crompton

Peter James Cronin

Mark Brian Crook (also "Marc")

Sidney Simon Crook (also "Crooke"):
Don Granston
Raymond Brigham

Austen Herbert C. Croom-Johnson:
Ginger Johnson
Joe Cobb
Maureen Croom-Johnson

George Frederick Crosbie

Bing Crosby:
Bill Brill

Budd L. Cross (also "Bud") (note to self: no IPI)

Curtis Eugene Cross II

Edward William Cross

Simon David Cross

Timothy Kjell "Tim" Cross:
Leo Afzelius

Vincent Keith Donald "Vince" Cross

Gerald Crossman:
Fay Pincus
Karl Utrecht
Luis Roca

George Thomas Crouch

Nigel Bruce Crouch

Henry Croudson

George Edgar Crow:
Felipe Somba

Claire Helen Crowther:
Elara Live Sax

Benedict John Matthew "Ben" Cruft

Edmund "Edi" Csoka (also "Czoka", "Von Csoka")

Paul James Cuddeford:
Paul James
Wael Paul Cuddeford

Carlos Armando Cuevas Cueron

Xavier Cugat

Belinda Dawn Cullen

James "Jamie" Cullum

Helen Jayne Culver:
Carmen Reece

Dean Patrick Cumberbatch:
Jomo Dean

Edric Cundell

Reginald Cuomo

Ian Gordon Curnow:
Jan Curnow

Lee Curreri:
Lee Q

Gabriel Currington

David Curry

Richard Whalley Anthony Curtis

Ernest Frederic Curzon (also "Frederick"):
Graham Collett
Jose Jordana
Ralph Rutherford
Richard Springfield

Patrick Martin Cusack:
Pete Briquette (also "Peter")

Haris Custovic (also "Harris"):

David James Cutter:

Lorin Thomas Cutts:
Lorin D'Costa

Jan Juzef Cyrka (also "Yan", "Josef")

Alfons Czibulka (also "Alphons")

Graham Philip d'Ancey (also "Dancey"):
G. D. Ancey
G. Dancey

Mark Anthony "Marcos" D'Cruze (also "Dcruze"):
Marshall Elias

Julio Cesar d'Escriban Rincon (also "d'Escrivan")

Nicholas Daniel "Nicky" D'Silva

Bernardo Da Costa Sassetti Paes

Diogo Da Gama Lobo Salemade Souza Vasconcelos (also "Vasoncellos"):
Anthony Dominic
Aurelius Paperface
Dave Odyssey
Gordon Zola
Sofia James

Rodney James Da Rosa:
Darosa (note to self: IPI 00810347667)

Marcelo Da Silva Andrade:
Carlos Santos

Erick Lee Dabney DeVore

Carlos Djanuno Dabo

Richard Basil Victor Dabson

Chen Dacan

Lee Paul Timothy Stephen Dagger

Gina Olivette Daggett:
Gina Bowman (also "Boweman")

Guy Robert Dagul

Marie Cecilie Dahlstrøm

Maria Colleen Daines

Barbara Dalby

John Martin Dalby

Oliver Daldry:
Oliver Wilde

Jeffrey Oliver "Jeff" Dale:
Oliver Peters

Robert "Bob" Dale:
C. Henry
Norman Heller
Phil Gardner
Tod Brown
Wayne Hill

Sydney "Syd" Dale (also "Sid"):
Ian Dee

Nicholas V. Dalessandro (also "D'Alessandro"):
Mono the Maker

Rebecca Davis "Becky" Daley

Andrew James "Andy" Dalrymple Gill:
Lo Fi

Mitchell Robert "Mitch" Dalton

Bryan Daly

Jeffrey Patrick "Jeff" Daly:

Edgard Theodor C. Dame (also "Edgar"):
Erni Made

Stanley J. Damerell:
S. Merrill
Stan Merell
Wu Lung Su

Thomas Dando

Philip Michael "Phil" Dane:

Suzanne Laure Daneau:
Luc Lalain

Patrick Griffen Daniel

Richard Otis Daniel

Clementine Dinah Dankworth née Bullock:
Cleo Laine

John Philip William "Johnny" Dankworth:
Joshua Renault Williams
Phil Williams

Charles G. Dant:
Bud Dant
Gus Call
M. Grass

Alan Thomas Darby

Maximilian Arnold "Max" Darewski

Clive Roy Darien:
Darien Prophecy

Toby John Darling

Royston Terence Darlow:
Dominic Sands
Johnny Durrent

Subhendu Das (also "Das Bapi"):

Paban Das Baul

Purna Das Baul

Subal Das Baul (note to self: no IPI)

Julian Dash

Robert N. "Bob" Daspit

Wanda Janina Daszynska

Lateef Kenneth Daumont:
Dread Piper

Nigel Anthony Davenport Sawyer:
Dick Savage

Austin Davey (note to self: IPI 00610648175)

Martyn David

Paula Lorraine David:
Laura Davies

Solomon K. David:
Jumbo the Garbageman

Neil James Davidge

Alexander H. R. "Sandy" Davidson

Edward Nicholas Euan Davidson:
Hanuman (note to self: IPI 00458413544)

Howard James Davidson

Leslie Charles "Les" Davidson (also "Davidon"):
C. Price
Charlie Chale

Patrick Sean Davidson:
Patrick Martin (note to self: IPI 00794444403)
Sean Martin (note to self: IPI 00794445204)

Thomas William "Tom" Davidson (also "Davidon")

Andrew Philip Davies (also "Phillip")

Bruce William Davies

Daniel Natan "Danny" Davies
(De Wolfe Music)

Daniel Douglass "Dan" Davies
(Westar Music)

Daniel Peter "Danny" Davies
(FTV Media)

David Russell Gordon Davies

Elon John Davies

H. Walford Davies

Irene Elizabeth Davies née Chanter

James Donald "Jim" Davies:
Brian Quid
Brutus (note to self: IPI 00682026060)
George Donaldson
Jimym and the Bastards
Jimmy Rockit
Mad Axe
Martyn Richard Strachan
Max Iken
Nigel Raymond Henry
Sidney Rotter
Tyrion Black

Peter Charles "Pete" Davies

Phillip Ian "Phil" Davies

Ray Davies (also "Davis"):
Ray Kendall
Tom McGowan (also "MacGowan")
(Amphonic Music Ltd., JW Theme Music, Impress Record, The Cavendish Series/Cavendish Music, Programme Production, KPM Music Recorded Library, etc.)

Raymond Douglas "Ray" Davies
(one cue on Carlin Music Corporation CMC "Bits and Pieces")

Rhett Davies

Richard Guy "Jake" Davies

Robert Russell "Rob" Davies

Roy Edward Charles Davies

Simeon Kerry Davies (also misprinted "Sean Davies")

Terence John Rhys "Terry" Davies

Terence Steven "Steve" Davies

William Arthur "Bill" Davies:
Maillaw Seivad
Warren Hill
Wilhelm Davos
(78 and vinyl eras; Bosworth, Chappell, Conroy, JW, Impress, etc.)

William Timothy Howard Davies:
Billy Broadsword
Quentin Hapsburg
(Audio Network)

Allan "Wyn" Windham Davis

Andrew James "Andy" Davis:

Charles Peter Davis:
Henry Davies

Christian B. Davis

Gordon Harvey Davis

James Edward "Jim" Davis

Joseph M. "Joe" Davis:
E. V. Body
Emporia Lefty Scott
Georgia South
Harold Gray
Jack Wood
Joe Sivad
John Palalaiki
Leslie Beacon
Lillian Hardin
Mildred White
Romulo Contreras
Slide Kelly
Sven Svenson
Ward Baker

Karl John Techno Davis

Kyle Alexander I. Davis

Moses Fed Davis

Nathan Davis

Oliver Reynolds Davis:
Jacob Chan
James Denning
Juan Abrego
Ron Baines
Toby Jay

Paul Michael Davis

Peter Jeremy "Pete" Davis

Mark Simon Davison:
Benson Taylor
Luco (note to self: IPI 00668765581)
Simon Taylor (note to self: IPI 00525588723)

Ashton Cristopher Davy

Marcus Paul Duane "Paradise" Dawes:
Paradise the Prolific One
Whoisparadise (also "Who Is Paradise")

Patrick Nigel Francis Dawes

Carl Dawson (note to self: IPI 00805579126)

Mark M. Dawson:
Albert Sol
Pierre La Porte

Frederick E. M. Day:
Al Terego
Edward Montagu (also "Montague")
Montague Edwards
Peter Dawlish

James Christian Day

Richard Owen Day

Stephen Rodney Day

Marcello de Angelis (note to self: IPI 00264471755)

Waldir Carolino de Azevedo

Backer Matthew De Bracey:
Ashley Wanton
Bentley Heath
Harry Muff
Jefferson Parish
Jesus Tiburon
Kjell Arvidsson
Lapsed Catholic
Matt Backer (also "Matthew")
Phillmore Oakes
Precious McKenzie
Preservation Hall
Skip Sandoz
Sonny Tan
Voodoo Benson

Socorro de Castro Landsberg

Domenik "Dom" De Cicco (also "Domenic", "Decicco", "Dominique")

Vincenzo "Vince" De Cicco (also "Vincent," "Decicco")

Johan Henri J. "Jo" De Clercq:
Dennis Peirs (also "Denis Piers")

Mark Gregory de Clive-Lowe

Lorenzo De Feo

Robert Marcel De Fresnes:
Marcel Hope

Antonius Wilhelmus Maria "Hugo" de Groot:
Bill Parker
Goesta Dorel
Hugh Dorel
Hugh Granville
Jef van den Bosch

John De Lacy Wooldridge:
Frederick Wallop

Edgar "Eddie" De Lange

Tristan François De Liege:

Guilherme Augusto "Gui" De Lima Boratto:

Giuseppe William Pietro De Luca

Giulio De Micheli

Anne De Nys

Joao Bosco de Oliveira (also "Deoliveira") (note to self: IPI 00178138154)

Milton de Oliveira

Glaucus de Oliveira Gonzaga Xavier:
Glaucus Linx
Glaucus Xhavier
Xhavier Glaucus

João Lourenço de Paiva Mello (also "Melo")

John De Roberts

Richard "Rich" De Rosa

A. De Rovere

Simon De-Paul

Rob De Silva

Barry De Souza

Francisco Jose Tavares De Souza:
Chico Batera

Richard John Bellevue de Sylva

Alexandre Robert "Alex" de Taeye (also "de Taye"):
Robert Mirrio

Graham Francis de Wilde:
Max Delaney

James Warren Sylvester De Wolfe:
Preston James

Meyer De Wolfe:
Antonio Valotti
Earl C. Berwick
Emdey Wolfe
Peter Merrick
Walter Warren

Warren Sylvester De Wolfe:
Warren Slye

Hamilton Craig Dean:
DJ Ham
Jackson Jones

John Birkby "Johnny" Dean

George Melvyn "Mel" Dean-Gibbons:
Mark Kettleborough
Oscar Martin

Sula May Andrade Deane:
Sula Mae

John M. Deborde IV (also "De Borde")

Christopher James "Chris" Dececio:
James Caston

Gary John Dedman

Brian Colin Dee:
Albert Mayer

John Hill DeFaria (also "De Faria")

Louis Deffes (note to self: no IPI)

John Degatina

Jasdeep Singh Degun

Maurice Eugene François Dehette:
James Wilson (note to self: IPI 00033036816)
Luis Aldino

Sydney del Monte

Jean-Philippe Raymond Delamarre

Eric Delaney

Frederick Delius

Sam Joseph Delves

Stuart Michael Delvin

Norman Demuth

Mark David Denis:
Paul Emerson

Marvin Derrick Denning

Wade F. Denning, Jr.

Adam William Dennis

Noel Kelvin Dennis

Martin Denny

Matthew George Denny

Mickeal Shane Denton

Ron Denton (joint pseudonym?)

Delia Ann Derbyshire:
Li De La Russe

Andrew Derec

Michael Antony Derrick:
Miki Antony (also "Anthony")

Paul Derricott

Georges Julien Derveaux (also "Dervaux"):
J. Caretti

Megan Alicia Dervin-Ackerman:

Nainita K. Desai

Thomas Olivier Dominique Desbouvrie:
Matheo de Bruvisso
Spag Ruckus

Collin Kehau Desha

Peggy Desmond

Maxime Pierre Guy Henry Desprez

Dubravko Detoni:
Marc Antonio Romano

James "Jimmy" Deuchar (also "Jimmie")

Frederic "Fred" Devanlay

John Devereaux:
Jack Daniels

Keith David Devine

Stacey Jan Devine:
Stacey Berkley

Terry Howard Devine-King:
Elliot Bernstein (also "Bernstien")
King Devine
King Divine

Ann Myriam Devleesschauwer:
Ann De Renais

Herre F. DeVos (also "De Vos")

Andrew Peter "Andy" Dewar (also "Dewer")

Gerard John "Gez" Dewar:
Brian Lovechild
Eugene Riley
G. Ezee
Gerhart Schulz

Wally Dewar

Dave Dexter, Jr.:
Bobby Black
Danny Baxter
Dany Michel
Red Burns
Richard Larkin
Phil Stevens
Vernon White

Harry Dexter:
Elizabeth Howard
Frederick Herbert

Raymond David George "Ray" Dexter:
Ray Fish

Roger Stephen Dexter:
Alex Adams
Decka Dee
Steve Wickford

Kaviraj Singh Dhadyalla

Stefano Di Carlo

Manlio Di Veroli:
Frank Hunter
Richard Memory
Richard Oldham
Richard Young

Toumany "Tom" Diakite

Deborah A. "Debbie" Diament:
Debbie Diamond

Joseph Francis Diamond

Laurence Charles Diana:

Amanda Diaz:
Amanda Nicole

Joseph Michael Diaz

Sevilla Julio Diaz-Palacios:

Peter Jonathan Dibbens

Christopher Jonathan "Chris" Dibble:
Morris Miers

Andrew Kenneth "Ken" Dickenson (also "Kenny"):
Kenny Keys

Sando Dicker

Charles Hay Dickie

Alan "Al" Dickinson:
Louis Baker
P. A. Ludlow

John Howard Dickinson (also "Dickenson")

Edward "Ted" Dicks:
Godfrey Elliott

Graham Philip Dickson

John Paul Dickson

Mary Hanna "May" Dickson Brahe Morgan:
Alison Dodd
Donald Crichton
Eric Faulkner
Gavin Hope
George Pointer
Harold George
Henry Lovell
Jean Lucas
Margaret Lucas
Mervyn Banks
Stanley Dickson
Stanton Douglas
Wilbur B. Fox

Ioanis Didilis (also "Jannis", "Yannis")

Bouwe Rein Dijkstra (also "Dykstra")

Martin Paul Dingle

Vincent Paul "Vince" Dingli:
Vince Leigh

Mack Discant (also "Max")

David Matthew "Dave" Disher

Sacha Alexandre Distel

Jonathan Philip Dix:
Jonny Moscow
Spencer Wilson
Yui Tamura

Achaia E. "Ach" Dixon

Alton Demarest Dixon

Andrew Lewis Dixon I

Olivia Magda Dixon

Ramin Djawadi

Basele Djoli

Cameron Tyler Dmytryk:

Sarah do Amaral Freire Oliveira Souza:
Sarah Roston

Carl David Dobbins:
Tommy Gunn

Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Dobbs

Wolf P. Dobermann (note to self: no IPI)

Alex Michael Dobson

Martin John Dobson

Robert Docker

Tod Allen Dockstader

Daniel Matthew Gordon "Dan" Dodd:
Adam Goodman
Matt Gordon

Nicholas Dodd

Walter Patrick "Pat" Dodd

Kevin Dodds (note to self: IPI 00160273004)

Mark Richard Dodgon Fletcher

Richard Lee "Dick" Doerschuk

Paul Doherty (note to self: IPI 00267864908)

Peter Doherty (note to self: IPI 00430250116)

Ralph Dollimore:
Bob Murray

Gary Donaldson

Scott Donaldson:

Louis Nicolas Donati:
Alec Tiburce
Lewis Don't
Luigi Donati

Sofia Donavan-Lafuente:

Anthony Joseph Donlon

Doyle W. Donehoo

Sam Doniger

Robert "Rob" Donnelly

Stephen "Steve" Donnelly

Timothy John "Tim" Donovan

William Patrick Donovan

James Michael "Jim" Dooley

Maria Rose "Rosie" Doonan:
Cissie Redgwick

Colin Iain Doran

Scott Doran:
Holmes Sarah
Parker Jones

Craig Robert Dormer

Timothy Michael "Tim" Dorney

Ralf Christopher Dorrell:
Ralph Dorrel

Jean Edouard Douchamps:
E. Jeanquart
John Sweetfield
Michel Gorin

Brian Robert Dougans:
Stakker Humanoid

Stephen Paul "Steve" Dougherty:
Corben Dallas
The Future
Steve Buick
Vincent Black

Dorrian Denardo Douglas:
Dorian Grimm
Dorian Grimmaldi
Rize Structure

Jaime Clair Douglas:
Jaime Jay
Jaime Summaz

John Henry "Johnny" Douglas:
Jill Hutchinson
Jual Dias
Juanito Gregori
Leonard Martyn
Martin Lewis
Reg Martyn
Weldon Roberts

Richard Roy Douglas:
Richard Charlton

Pavlos Theodoulos Doukanaris:

Victor Hector Douliez:

Angelina Jayne "Angel" Dove:
Arwen Blake

Nicholas Dover

Louise Bernadette Dowd:
Alex Gabriel

Andrew James Julian "Andy" Dowdney

David John "Dave" Dowle (also known as "Duck")

Alexis Guy Watson "Alex" Dowling:
Ill Logic (note to self: IPI 00502269775)

Ian Michael Dowling:
Candy Says

Laura Sara Dowling

William Richard Dowling

Joseph Owen Downard:
J. D. King

Eamonn Patrick Downes (also "Eamon"):
Ame (note to self: IPI 00178307159)

Geoffrey "Geoff" Downes

Raymond "Ray" Downes:
David Neill
John Metcalf

Robert George "Bob" Downes

Alan James Downey

Matthew Dominic "Matt" Downing

Richard James Downing:
James Barlby

James Percival Doyle:
Stephen Reid
Victor Milner

Samuel Christopher "Sammy" Doyle:
Sammy D. (note to self: IPI 00669529687)1

Austin Leigh Drage

Adam Michael Corin Drake:
Zak Jackson

Ralph Drake (note to self: IP 01040135424)

Stewart Harold Draper:

Frantisek Drdla

Paul Anthony Lee Drew

Madeleine Dring

John Michael "Mike" Drinkwater

Arthur Edward Drummond Bliss

Robert Mark Drysdale:
Double Take

Anna Drzewiecki née Anna Antonevitch Berg:
Anna Almero

Przemyslaw Drzewiecki:
Hal Keyne
Jean Kenn
Juan Carmona

Thammarat Duangsiri:
Jack Thammarat

Henri Dubois (no IPI?, an alias?)

Christopher Duckenfield:
John Copeland
Fufkin Arty

Pierre Dudan

Anne Jennifer "Ann" Dudley née Beckingham

James Stuart Duff

Clarence James Dufour

Alexander Michael John "Zands" Duggan

Anthony Christopher "Tony" Duhig:
Terry Jackson

Alfred Henry Vincent Duke:
Henri Vincent

Andrew John Kincaid Duncan

Charles Scott Duncan

Clay Duncan

Natalie Alexis Duncan

Todd Patrick Duncan

David Paul Nicholas Dundas

Thomas F. Dunhill:
F. Duncan Thomas

Kenneth M. "Ken" Dunipace

William Paul Dunlap

Paul Norman Dunmall

F. Vivian Dunn

Michael Lisle "Mike" Dunn:
U.K. Heights
U.Kay Hytz

Rogerio Duprat

Philip Stephen Dupuy (also "Steven")

Ivan Duran Casademunt

Stephen Howard Duro

Andrew Richard "Andi" Durrant

Richard Durrant:
Harry Ferri

Shane Edward Durrant

Peter Leonard "Pete" Durrent:
Peter Dee

William James Duthoit:
James Dawson
W. J. Dawson

Anjali Dutt (also "Anguli")

Emma Lucia Dutton

James Peter "Jim" Dvorak

Petr Dvořák:
Petr Orm (also "Peter")

Igor Natanovich Dvorkin:
David Kidd
I. Smolenskij

David L. Dyas:
Alex Plaster

Stephen Richard "Steve" Dymond (also "Steven"):
Lucas Lister
Reverend James

Mark Christopher Dyson

Colin Eade

Geoffrey Francis "Geoff" Eales

Simon Eames:
Samantha Eames

David Alan Earnest

David Frederick Eastman

Christopher Thomas "Chris" Eaton

Nigel Christopher Eaton

Richard James "Richie" Eaton (also "Eaton Richard James"):
Richie James Follin

Michael Charles "Mike" Eaves:
Charles Holgate

Bernard Ebbinghouse

Benjamin Paul Ebert

Amalia Helen Economos

Kevin Robert Edge:
Kurt Robinson

John David Edmed

Malcolm Edmonstone

Paul Edmund-Davies

Nigel Edmund-Jones

Alan Edwards (note to self: no IPI)

Alfred George "Alf" Edwards:
A. Henderson

Andrew William Edwards

David Travis Edwards:
Nigel William Graham
Tom Courage

Gordon John Edwards

Jack Eustace "Johnny" Edwards (also "John")
(Amphonic Music Ltd., only listed as "Johnny Edwards". Syd Dale-affiliated trombonist, d. 2007.)

John Victor "Rhino" Edwards
(Connect Music Library, collaborating with Steve Byrd. Bassist in the band "Status Quo".)

Lindsay Martin Edwards

Louis James Edwards:
Felix Baristow
The Hepcats
Sheik Yerbouti

R. Edwards (Robert?)
("Celtic Patrol", "Sports Parade")

Robert B. "Rob" Edwards
(Panama Music Library)

Robert Charles "Bob" Edwards

Rod Edwards

Samuel David "Sam" Edwards

Simon John Edwards

Toby James Edwards

Wilfred "Wilf" Edwards:
Earl Ward (also "Earle", "Earlie?")

Daniel Joseph "Danny" Edwardson

Robert Thomas "Bob" Efford

Georgios "George" Efstathiou:
George De Angelis

Christopher Marcus "Chris" Egan:
Christopher Ashmore

Thompson Egbo-Egbo

Yorke "Lazarus" Eghan, Jr.

Chinonso Edmond Egwuonwu (also "Chinoso"):
E. Joox

Rudolf Ehrich

Teunis Eikelboom:
A. Tebley
Les Deux Jeateux
Heer Eyk
Tonny Byk
Tonny Eyk

Richard Eilenberg

Vyvyan John "Bibs" Ekkel:
Boris Ruslanov

Ajamu Khalil Ekulona (also "Ekolona")

Richard George Frederick Elen

Edward William Elgar:
Gustav Francke

Immanuel Franklin "Manny" Elias:
Victor Manly

Annabel Tacy Eliot:
Bella Russell

Robert S. Elkin

John Simon Elleson Hartley:
Michael Benson
Lauren Turner

George Arthur Elliot:
Foster J. Haggerty
(Elliot (single "T"), Charles Brull-Harmonic)

Alexander Charles Elliott:
Alex E
Alex E. Producer

Christopher Andrew Patrick "Chris" Elliott

David James "Dave" Elliott

George Henry Elliott:
Jorge Enrique
(Elliott (double "T"), Mozart Edition-Radio Records, Bruton Music)

Kenneth Gerald "Ken" Elliott (also "Kenny"):
Colonel Elliott
Elliot Nek
Ken Gerald
Kenny Michael

Percy Elliott:
Godfrey Newark
Walter Bush

Robert Allen "Rob" Elliott

Stuart Alexander "Alex" Elliott (also "Elliot"):
Joe Cool

Laurence Peter Elliott-Potter:
Larry Lush

Amy May Ellis

Anita Vivien Patricia Ellis

David Philip "Dave" Ellis

John William Ellis

Richard Earle "Rick" Ellis

Rob Ellis

Vivian Ellis:
Julia Woolf

Thomas Charles Octavian "Tom" Elmhirst

Göran "Greg" Elmquist

Albert George Elms

Timothy Charles Sidney "Tim" Elsenburg (also "Elsenberg")

Antony Clive Elvin

Paul Howard Darren Emanuel:
Paul Emmanuel

Russell Jason Emanuel:
Billy Joe Grace
Black Matt
Captain Black (also "Black Captain")
Colt Smith
Dirty Dick
Harry Boat
Mad Dog Sly
Nineone One (also "Nineoneone")
Rusty Massive (also "Massive Rusty")

Jack Alexander Emblow:
Alex Lincoln
Paul Meyer

Vincent Ignatius Emerson

Julian Emery:
John Lifeson

Matthew Robin Emery:
Harry and the Kanes

Rebecca Anne Emmett

Mark Geoffrey Emney

Paul James Emons

Kenyon "Ken" Emrys-Roberts:
James Fairfield

Elizabeth K. Ender

Luis Cesar "Luca" Enge Raele

Ian Manson Engelmann:
Ian Manson

Benjamin James "Ben" England

Harry Engleman

Joseph Engleman (also "Engelman"):
John Harbury

George Selwyn English

Jessica Ann English

Michael English:
Geoffrey Leach (also "Geoff")

Tobias R. Enhus

Stephen Eric "Steve" Ennever

Brian Peter George Eno

William Ensor

Michael J. Epstein

Clive Erard

Robert "Bobbie" Ericson

Rolf Arne Eriksson:

Richard Erskine

Benjamin Paul Eshmade

Kenneth "Ken" Essex:
Claud Vane (also "Claude")
Derek Dwyer
Edgar Hollis
Howitt Hale (also "Hall")
John Rutland (also "Johnny")
Ken Isaacs
Leslie Manson
Richard Telford

Simon William Etchell:
Pascal Williams
Skid (note to self: IPI 00159744042)

John Michael Glyn Etheridge

David Henry Etherington

John Andrew Etkin-Bell (also just "Bell"):
John Westbourne

Simon Rafael Eugene:

Anthony "Tony" Evans:
Mark Tyme

Arthur Keith Evans:
Keith Grant

Bradley Stephen Evans:
B. Dastardly (also just "Dastardly")
M.B.E. - note to self: IPI 263737646

Braden John Evans

Frank Gordon Evans

Harold Percy "Hal" Evans:
Chris Wynne
Peter Henley

Michael John Evans

Nicholas William "Nick" Evans:
Anthony Salis
Frances Cotton
Gerald Woolf

Stephen George "Steve" Evans (also "Steven")

Thomas Anthony John "Tommy" Evans

Tolchard Evans (also "Toulchard"):
Chris Hannen
Evan Chard
Lee Stuart
Mark Lane
Pedro MacAllister (also "McAllister")
Sydney Edmund
Sydney Westcliffe

Christopher John "Chris" Evans-Ironside

Steven John "Steve" Everitt:
David Roberts
Steve Three

Brinton E. "Brint" Ewart:
Woodro Skillson

James Robert Ewers:
Rob Rewes

Montague George Ewing:
Auguste Cons
Brian Hope
Bud Loring
Buddy Reid
Enid Abbott
Eric O'Neill
Eugene Milton
Ewing Montague
Francis Dale
Frank Osram
Gene K. Warner
George Jenner
Herbert Carrington
Hilary Vaughan
Hubert Lawson
Janet Barclay
Kenneth Lane (also "Ken")
Kennedy Thayne
Louis Castelle
Malton Hopper
Marcel Gosse
Martin Hart
Miguel Costella
Olive Clark (also "Clarke")
Paul Hoffman
Paul Reeder
Pedro Martinez
Phyllis Newton Brown
Pierre Chaventre
R. Fernandez
Ramon Solano (also "Salano")
Richard Dane
Sherman Myers
Stennet George
Stephan Lang
Theodore Graham
Thorpe Reid

Daniel James "Dan" Ewins

Simon James Eyre

Leo Eysoldt

Emmanuel Ifeanyi Ezeonyebuchi

Roland Sebastian Faber

Mark Fabian

Bent Fabricius-Bjerre:
Bent Fabric
Bert Graves
Frank Barcley (also "Barclay")
Frank Bjørn

Matthew Paul Faddy

Omar Medhat "Billy" Fadel

Gideon Johannes Fagan:
Albert Diggenhof

James Anthony Fage

Donald Jay Fagen

Brian Michael Fahey (also "Bryan"):
F. Brian (act. "Fahey Brian")

William Noel Fahey

Christopher Abbott Bernard "Fred" Fairbrass (also "Chris")

Richard Peter John Fairbrass

Peter Anthony Falkner

Michael James Padraic "Mike" Fallon (also "Fallan")

Peter Sean Rawnsley Fallon (also "Fallan")

Oswin John Falquero:
Danny Lee

David Arthur Fanshawe

Robert John "Rob" Fardell

Gauvain Fargeot (also "Gaugain"):

Nicolas "Nico" Farias

Alexander "Sandy" Faris

Michael J. Farkas

Guy James Michael Farley

William Arthur "Bill" Farley

Michael Dennis "Mike" Farmer

David Graham Farnon

John Dennis Farnon:
John Denis
John Dennis
Paul Gerard (also "Gerrard")

Robert "Bob" Farnon:
Derek Farnbert
Phil Roberts

Robert Bruce "Robbie" Farnon, Jr.

Joseph Peter "Joe" Farr:

Daniel Mark "Dan" Farrant:
David Andrews (note to self: IPI 00872239420)
James Grinder
Luke Smyth (note to self: IPI 00832826039)
Marco Fenstein
Mark Daniels
Mark Murello
Kilian Jones
Ryder Phayce
Toby Shore
Tom Jordan
Willie Stevens
Zac Ground

Henry "Harry" Murgatroyd Farrar:
Carl Riess
Eric Sepp
H. M. Finegan
Hilary Stephens (also "Stevens")
John Churston
Rex Wilton
Royd Paignton

Jason Andrew Farrell:
DJ Jaffa

William Merrick Farren (also "Farran"):
P. J. Mulligan

Paul Myles Farrer (also "Porl"):
Douglas Van Holt
Elliott Redwood
Lara Carmenere
Marcus Hitchens

Nicholas Kenneth Farries:
Adrian Wright
Lee Jacobs

Joseph William Thomas Farrington

Otto Friedrich Faster:
Oscar Fetras

Azam Alsadat "Mina" Fatemi:
Mina Minnai

Steven Paul Faux

Martin Fay

James Jordan Fearnley

Diana Grace Fearon (also "Dyanna"):
Toni Stylez

Leonard Aubrey "Lenny" Fearon

Lloyd Fearon (note to self: no IPI)

Nathan Charles Faris Feddo

Heinrich Feischner:
Heinrich Feisner

Jamie Bela Karoly Fekete

Marcus Fellows

Mark Leonard Feltham

Michael John Feltham:
Em Jay
Mick E.

David Felton:
Jake Island

Peter Barnes Fenn

Richard William "Rick" Fenn

Andrew Valentine Cecil Fenner:
Andre Valentio
Charles Ruggles

Benedict Tobias "Ben" Fenner

Douglas Fenner Brown:
James Hayes

Paul Fenoulhet:
Frederick Lowe
Gerry Ley
Guisippi Perarri
Harry Essex
Jack Wise
Jacques Andre
Jimmy Allan
Jose Esperon
Pablo Ferona
Robert Cook
Ziggy Kahn

Bernard Shaw "Bernie" Fenton:
Peter Shaw

William Arthur Fenton:
Arthur Parr

Anthony "Tony" Fenton Fones

Hazel Alexis Fernandes

Adalgiso Ferraris:

Veronique Pasca Ferraro:

Richard Paul Ferris

Catherine Disney Emily "Cate" Ferris-Gleave

Gianluca Ferro (note to self: IPI 00430427884)

Evelyn Jacqueline Ficarra

Bernard C. Fichtner

John Charles Fiddy:
Barry Ryder
Jean-Claude Madonne
Jean-Pierre Fabien
Peter Guntherson
Tom Stanswick (also "Stanwick")

Margaret Murphy Fiedler:
Margaret Chapman

Charles Field (note to self: IPI 00010177824)

Edward Robert "Ed" Field

Jake Jefferson Field:
Pete Jefferson

John Frederick "Jon" Field:
Christian Bold

Paul Donald Field

Jon Sebastian Fielder

Adam Martin Fielding

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields:
Buddy Johnson
Cornelius O'London
Harold Cornelius

Joseph Patrick "Joe" Fields

Susan Mary Fiering Zuckerman

Thomas Oliver Peter "Tom" Figgins:

Luís Alberto Figueira Gonçalves Jardim

Claudia Alicia Ifigenia Figueroa Nicolas (also "Figuroa")   

Harry Oliver Filleul Clarke

Len Fillis:
Billy Hill

Emma Louise Turner Finch:
Emma F. T.

Herman Finck

Daniel Burns Findlay:
Dan F
The Doctor

Robert Mitchell "Bob" Fine

Billie Ray Fingers

Bruce Fingers:
Mick Donald
Skip Armstrong

Matt Fink (no IPI?)

Walter Alan "Walt" Finlayson

Carl Andrew Finlow:
Random Factor
Silicon Scally

Lucille Finvlay (note to self: IPI no IPI)

Javier Enrique Fioramonti:
Don Fiora

Jonathan Firth

Anthony Joseph "Tony" Fisher

Harold Ernest Fisher

Henry Thomas Fisher:
Harry Foster (note to self: IPI 00010594903)

Hilary Clare Fisher née Roberts:
Stephen Kent

John Collingwood Lambert Fisher

Mark Anthony Fisher

W. Howard Fisher:
William Howard
H. Lyall Phillips

Norman Fisher Jones:
Uncle Black

John Austin Fisher Simpson (best known as "John A. Fisher"):
Jack Simpson

Mark Roland Fishlock:
Mark Rousseau

Jack Fishman:
Alan Holliday
Arthur K. Absalom
Brian Reynolds
Danny Maule
Geoff Andrews
Georges Pierre
Georges Sigara
Jack Murphy
Jane Carol
Jerry Eily
Jill Richmond
John Mackie (also "McKie")
Larry Kahn
Lillibet Jackson
Lloyd Hamilton
Michael Mitchell
Michael Robbins
Michael Storke
Mitchell Kerr
Phil Heywood
Ralph Richmond
Salvador Parigini
Sue Terry
Susy Terry
Tod Dennis

Ted Fisk

Claire Elizabeth Fitch

Victor Kenneth Fitch:
Doctor Vic Vibrato
Prof. Vic Sibrato
Vic Sonic

Gregory John "Greg" Fitzgerald

Guy William Fixsen

Jochen Reinhold Flach:
Felix Benz

Herbert Flack Taylor:
Robert Flack
Ronald Flack

Anton Louis Davis Flanders:
Nutty P

George Derek Fleetwood Bell (most commonly just "Derek Bell"):
Fleetwood Bell

John Andrew "00" Fleming:

Sulene Fleming:

Gareth Daniel "Gary" Fletcher

Guy Edward Fletcher

Mervyn Guy Fletcher:
Kit Hill
Conrad Stuart

Paul John Fletcher:
Amy Guy
Bobbie Hazell
Oscar Delta
Spike T
Whammy Boy

Percy Eastman Fletcher:
G. Ellerton
Paul Eastman

Charles Edward Fletcher Stokes:
Bruce Silver
Lance Barry
Michael North
Michael Stokes

Douglas Jackson "Doug" Flett:
Dale Jackson
Stephen Trist

Victor Harold" Vic" Flick

Jonathan Jay Flood

Brian Keith "Herbie" Flowers:
Harry Flowers

Raymond Dean "Ray" Flowers:
Lucas Jones
Ray Dean
Tomas Tichy
Wes London

Anthony William David "Tony" Flynn

James Michael Flynn

Sarah Jane Fogg:
Sarah Jay

Adrian Gerald Foley:
Lord Foley

Robert Elms Folk

Thomas Jack Foley

Gary Foote

Gary Forbes

Joanna Lucy Forbes L'Estrange

Antonio Forcione (also "Foricone")

Barry Hayton Ford

David Mark "Dave" Ford

Eric Ford
(Amphonic, no IPI)

Mark Richard Ford

Paul Richard Ford

Daniel "Dan" Ford Pugsley

Brian Andrew Foreman

Kenneth John "Ken" Foreman

Richard Barry Forgie:
Sound Prospect

Maxx Fallon Forman

Gene Forrell

Keith Forsey

Bruce Forsyth

Gerald Forsyth

Jack Martin Fort Williams

Philip Anthony Forward:
Philip Jap (also "Phil")
Philip Gayle
Max P.
Was P

Dario Forzato

Kelvin Alfred John Fosberry

Douglas Foss (joint pseudonym?)

Paul Antony Foss

Robert Fossey

Ellen Victoria Foster

Ivor R. Foster

James Ian Foster:
Jimmy J.

Michael Ralph "Mo" Foster

Nicholas Anton Dominic "Nick" Foster

Robert John "Bob" Foster (also "Bobby"):
Lee Chu Kiong
Morita Makoto
Sergio Diaz
Usef Ahmadi

Simon Martin Foster

Stanley David "Stan" Foster:
J. Carole
Stephen Forest

Weston Foster Burke

Lawrence Fotinakis:
Larry Fotine (also "Fotin")
Fats Johnson
Nick Donakis

John H. Foulds:
Karl Kotschka

Donald Paul "Don" Fountain:
Don Paul (also "Donald")

John Leighton Fouracre: (note to self: no IPI)
John Leighton

Bruce L. Fowler

Adam Fox (note to self: IPI 00267033865)

Adam Jason "A.J." Fox:
Timmy Kirkland
(West One Music)

John Thomas Fox:
David Bell
Peter Balding

Thomas James "Tom" Fox

Miles Foxx Hill

Jean René Désiré Françaix

Nicolas Michael "Nic" France

Robert Franchi:
Alan Lewis (also "Allan")
Jack Philips
Thomas Elerth

Adrian Sebastian Francis, Jr.

David Francis

Errol John Francis:
32nd Avenue
D. J. Dextrous
Ivor Nidea (also "Nidear")
Lee Nova

John Edward Francis

Lee Scott Francis

Lucy Yasmin Francis:
Lucy Yasmin
Yaasmia Lucy

Marie Francis:
Misj Zafransky

Mark Christopher Francis:
Jamie Kemp
Patrick Tranter

Paul Edward Francis

Paul Lawrence Francis
(Focus Music)

Raymond Francis

Trystan Mark Francis:
Benjamin Marks

José Franco Ribate

Samuel James "Sam" Frank

Steven N. Frank:

Christopher Georg "Chris" Franke (also "Christoph"):
Denny Greenberg

Benjamin Frankel:
Ben Bernard

Douglas Franklin

Mark Charles Franklin:
Marc N Joi
Mark Kulak

Gordon Franks

Karin Elisabet Fransson

John Charles Franz:
Jack Newton (note to self: IPI 00022288107)

Donald Alexander "Alex" Fraser

Colin Robert Fraser

Colin Michael Frechter:

Matthew John Frederick

Clifford John "Cliff" Freeborn

Arnold Freed

Jack Freedman

Jeremy Nikolas "Jerry" Freedman

Barnabas William Henry "Barney" Freeman:
Fergus Williams
William Henries

Frederick Marshall Freeman

Kenneth "Ken" Freeman

Victoria Ann "Tori" Freestone

Guy Freidline (also "Fredline"):
Guy Magenta
Buck Bentley

Harry Frekin:
Leo Arnel

George W. "Gerry" French:
Alan Rogers

Marcus James French:
Vince Vile

Paul Robert French

Toby Daniel French

Joan Fresco

Otto Freudenthal:
George Warwick

Georg Freundorfer

Oliver Erik Fridström Lönn:
Asil Stroem (also "Ström")

Herbert Reginald "Harry" Friedman

Alistair Bruce Henry "Ali" Friend

Howard Charles Friend

Adele Patricia Frodsham

Bob Fromer

William Anthony "Wilf" Frost

Domenico Fruci

Robert S. "Bob" Frye

Julius Fucik

Michael Anthony John "Mickey" Fudge (also "Micky")

Richard William Fuell

David Marcus Fuller:
Henry Jay Archer
Hugo First
Lord Ladyshakes
Louisa Shaw
Rich Mahogany

Francis Jean Claude Fumière:
Rex Hilton

Kyle Gabbidon

Pascal Richard Marcel Ghislain Gabriel:
Emilio Pasquez

Alessandro Gabriele:

Stephen Edward Gadlabarti Goldsmith

Christian Jay Gadsby:
Jay House
Jay Tripwire

Walton Steven "Wally" Gagel

Jordan Gagne

James Rocco "Jim" Gailloreto

Stephen Brett Gaines (also "Steven"):

Samantha Anne Gainsbury

Eric Joseph Galaviz

Carroll "Gus" Galbraith

Claudio "Paul" Galdes (also "Galdez"):
De Cara

John Clifford Gale:
Cliff Johns
David de Lara

Daniel John Gale-Hayes

Francis Peter "Frank" Gallagher

Kevan Gallagher (also "Kevin")

Julian Dominique Gallant

John Patrick Gallen

Henry "Harry" Gallon Amers

Ethan James Galloway:
David Fallon
Jake Underwood
William Clark

Robert Leslie "Bob" Galvin

John Douglas Gamley

Victor Arthur Frederick "Vic" Gammon

Lars Ole Ganderup Payne

Andrew Terry Gangadeen

Allan Anthony Ganley

Paul Louis Alexandre Ganne

Loris Martino Garattoni

Samuel Scott Garay:
Sam Heights

Ian Henry "Harry" Garber:
Buck Halter
Ian Henry

Anne H. Garbus

Sylvia Elena Garcia

Rasmus Emanuel Gardell:

Jonathan Francis "Jon" Gardner

Maurice Gardner:
Alessandro Gardeno (also "Allesandro")
Martin Pollock
Pete Martinique

Pablo Francesco Saverio Gargano:
Liquid Brain
Paul Gaarn

Tim Garland:
Declan Waggett
Louis Chesterson (also "Lou")

Thomas "Tom" Garrad-Cole:
Ben Barlow
Chad Fletcher
Charlie Taylor
Dean Saban
Dennis Devoe
Elliot Nash
Scott Jackson (note to self: IPI 00790820427)

Christian Jerome Michael Garrick

Stephen "Fly" Garrikk:
Stephen Bernard Mayers (also "Steve")

Clarence Roberts Collier "Bob" Garrity:
C. Gerrity

Sophia Caitlin Garvey

Brian Alvery Gascoigne

Jean Jacques Gate

Larry A. Gates

Matthew Alan "Matt" Gates

Gianluca "Luca" Gatti:
Dr. Cat

Daniel Alana "Dan" Gautreau:
Cut One
Marius De La Mer
Nancy Venya
Rab Nezbit
Robin Loxley
Ryan Taylor

Jason Andrew Gaviati

Frederick George "Freddie" Gavita (also "Freddy")

Eddie Gay

John King Gay

Cherie Gears:
Little Violet

Tsedenia Gebremarkos Woldesilassie

Henry E. Geehl:
Adrian Tempest
Alan Braithwaite
Anton Morette
Dennise Fraser
E. Leighton Vancourt
E. Stanford Haigh
Francis Bettye
Franz Werner
Georges Bazin
Kurt Nielsen
Marcel Lautier
Marle Gordon (also "Merle")
Mischa Godowsky
Oscar Keller
Phyllis Quale
Stanley Griffin

Ronald Frederick "Ron" Geesin

Isy Geiger:
Isra (note to self: IPI 00014883090)

William "Bill" Geldard

Harold Geller:
Lionel Supran
Musi Silvio

Paul Simon Gendler (also "Ghendler"):
Charles Tavistock

Michele Generale:

Andreas Georgallis (also "Georgalis")

Michael Panayiotis Georgiades:
George Williams
Jon Alexander

Timothy Ian Geraghty:
Finlay Green

Roberto Gerhard:
Juan Serrallonga

Edward German

Susan Germaney

Emmanuel Ghent

Jonathan Charles "Joe" Gibb:

Christopher Martin "Chris" Gibbons:
Lafayette Lomax
Larry Gomez
Raphael Du Lac

Glenn Joseph Gibbons

Stephen Gibbons

Cecil Armstrong Gibbs

Michael Clement "Mike" Gibbs

Waldemar Gibisch (also "Gibish")

Kenneth Thomas "Ken" Gibson

Stephen John Gibson:
Paul Bernard Jefferies
Tyrone Robert Meek

Zachary Gibson (note to self: IPI 00522588447):
RYLE (also "DJ Ryle")
Zach Ryle

H. E. Gibson-Butler (also "H. G.")

Dieter Charles Frederick Gickel

Harold Eugene "Gene" Gifford

Alessandro Gigante

Roberto Gigante

Aaron "Ron" Gilbert:
Big A
Brett Weir
Mr. Gilbert

Anthony Roland "Tony" Gilbert

Brenda Jean Gilbert

Bruce Clifford Gilbert

Carl J. Gilbert (also "J. C. Gilbert")

Fred Gilbert (note to self: IPI 00121701917)

Herschel Burke Gilbert:
Herman Burke

Mark Edward Gilbert:
Mark Lloyd

Russell Gilbert (note to self: IPI 00406483955)

Timothy Richard "Tim" Gilbert

Benjamin Gilbertson Epand

Barry Gilbey

Miles Brear Gilderdale

Ernest Priestley Giles

Mark Lee Giles:
Noo Noo

Max George Thomas Gilkes

Richard Warren Gilks

Robert Gill:
Peter Francklyn

Douglas Brian Gillam

Jeremy Russell Gillam

Robert Jonathan Gillam:
Lilac Whyte
Robert Whyte (also "White") (note to self: IPI 00259139935)

Ian Janco Gillberg:
Ian Janco

Oliver Baldwin Gillespie

Leigh Gillett (note to self: no IPI)

Hugh Gillick Burns

Tom Gillieron:
Tactic Boffin

Jonathan Peter "Jon" Gillies

Michael "Mike" Gillingham:
Jack Ree

Donald E. "Don" Gillis, Jr.

Reece Karl Gilmore:
Dr. Jawn (also "Jawm")
Sir Realist

Gordon Leonard Giltrap

Patricia Rosemary Ginnett:
Pat Colger
Pat Hughes

Caesar Giovannini

Zoe Nicole Giosa-Hirsch:
Zoe Nicole

Jonathan Richard Girling

Cyril Jean Noel Giroux

Randall John "Randy" Gist

Max Benjamin Gittings

John Robert William Gladstone-Smith (also "John G. Smith")

Joseph David "Joe" Glasman:
Joseph David (note to self: IPI 0012282215)

Dudley Glass

Stanley Glasser

Christopher Winward "Chris" Glassfield:
Chris Winward

Barrie James Gledden:
James Barrie

David John Gledhill

Norman Gledhill:
Don Miller
Leigh Morland

Tom "Tommy" Gleeson

Markus Gleissner (also "Gleißner")

Alan Peter Glen

Andrew John "Andy" Glen:
Andy Vale
Drew Fitzjohn

Evelyn Elizabeth Ann Glennie

Nicholas Hugh "Nick" Glennie-Smith

Judith Ann "Judy" Glew

Ib Niels Carl Glindemann Nielsen:
Erik Markmann (also "Markman")
Dan Kirsten (also "Don Kirsten")

Nigel Ian Glockler

Dominic Glover:
Chuck Witherspoon
Edward Lamarsh
Guido Spumante

Jason Glover:
Davy Jones
Pepe Spumante
Rufus Merryweather

John A. Glover-Kind

Claudia Joanne Glynn

Dominic Francis Glynn:
John Cullen
Luke Warmwater
Nick Francis

Anthony Ian Michael "Ant" Glynne:
Ant Autzwitch
Tony Tampon

Barbara Mary Goddard:
Cool Blu
Future Passed
Hed F.U.K.
Square Wave
T. Best
The Scammers

Pascual Godes Terrats

Charles George Godfrey

Jeremy Peter "Jem" Godfrey:
Digby Reever
Ian Merger
William Walsh (note to self: IPI 00469742409)

Malcolm Godfrey (note to self: IPI 00274056565)

Oliver Adam Godfrey:
Adam Amalfi
Max Morello
Sonny Swire

Percy Godfrey (note to self: no IPI)

Edward James "Ed" Godsall:

Alan Laurence Gold (also "Allen"):
Mister Agzi (also "Mr. Agzi")

David "Dave" Gold

Harry Gold:
David Andrews
Margaret Alexander
Paolo Chavez

Alexander Goldscheider

Adam James Goldsmith

David Stephen Goldsmith:
Ron Stent

Jamie Edward Goldsmith

Jonathan Neal Goldstein

Martin Goldstein:
John Tedraw
Ronnie Dadson

John Goldstone

Yuri Goloubev

Sergey Golovin (note to self: no IPI)

Patrick Gomersall:
Poole Gene

Stephen Llewelyn Gomes:
Even Steven (note to self: IPI 00762990994)
Signal Chain

Monica Gomila:
Monica Palao

Nick Gomm

Guilherme Ramos Goncalves:
Guilherme Kafe

Ronald Duncan "Ron" Gonnella

Louie Lenny Gonzalez

Raymond Gonzales, Jr.

Timothy Paul "Tim" Goodacre

Howard L. Goodall

Medwyn Clifton Reginald Goodall

Richard Charles Goodliff

Benny Goodman

Matthew David "Matt" Goodman

Ronald "Ron" Goodwin:
Christopher Russell
Archibald Cholmondoley II

Finn Samuel Goodwin-Bain

Albert Bernard Gordon

Harry Gordon (note to self: no IPI; b. 1903)

Philip Gordon

Christopher Mark "Chris" Goreham

Michel J. "Mike" Gorman (also "Michael"):
G. Mike

Jay Gorney:
Daniel Jason

Timothy John Adam "Tim" Gosden

Eric Reginald Gosling:
Eric Kirkpatrick

Jake Nathan Gosling

John Michael Curtis Gosling

Peter Gosling:
Telly Tunes

Brian Gossip

Fredy Daniel Gottlieb (also "Freddy")

Daniel James Denis "Dan" Goudie:
Charlie Walshe

Orlando Matthew Leslie Gough

Alec Gould:
James Erst
Will Harrison

John Paul Gould:
The Grove

Christopher James "Chris" Goulstone:
Pete Stanford
Bear Cat Phillips

Gerald William Gouriet

Justin Bernulf Gourlay

William Patrick Gowers:
Adam Morus

Christophe Philippe Gerard Goze

Janine Patricia Grace

Trevor Geoffrey Grace:
Johnny Joy

Leigh McAllister Gracie

Willi Gräff (also "Graff")

Jonathan Robert "Johnny" Graffham

Alan Nicholas "Nick" Graham

John Graham

Keith Valentine Graham:
D. Bernice
Levi Roots
Z. Joseph

Timothy Edward "Tim" Graham

Ronald Erle "Ron" Grainer:
Rohan Yahdahti

Steve John Grainger

Eugenio Grandi

Alfred "Alfie" Granger-Howell:

Alice Louisa Grant

Charles Lockwood T. "Charlie" Grant

David Grant (note to self: IPI 00070598754)

Gregory David "Greg" Grant:
Andrew Simichen
David Haig
G. Sonic (also "Sonic G.")

Hope Grant

James Andrew Grant:
Sweetwave Audio (also "Sweet Wave Audio", "Sweetwaveaudio")
Sweetwave Music (also "Sweetwavemusic")

Nicholas James "Nick" Grant:
Alan Ellsworth
Alvie Stewart
Arnold Drake
Ben Gidsjoy
Benito Blanca
Bob Rockford
Bobby Jamaice
Bruno Morricone
Chris Enderby
Clyde and the KGs
Delacroix (note to self: IPI 00449115946)
Digby Jones
The Dubtings
Jack Doyle (note to self: IPI 00573122272)
Jerry Douala
Jigsaw (note to self: IPI 00449116159)
Mark Dundas
Martin Baez (note to self: IPI 00794379188)
Muddy Funksters
Phase 73
Robert Byrd (note to self: IPI 00634152372)
Sasha Lushlo
Steven Rawson
Tom Collins (note to self: IPI 00750913543)
Vespa (note to self: IPI 00295647222)

Raymond Grant

Rebekah Elizabeth Grant

Kurt Graunke

Merritt Ott Graves

Trevor William "Mick" Graves

Sarah Christine Graves

Alexander Stephen "Alex" Gray:
General Anaesthetic

Catherine Meredith Finnis Gray

David Gray

John Livesey Barry Gray (most commonly just "Barry Gray"):
Jean Durand
John Livesey

John North "Johnnie" Gray:
D. King
Nick MacCoy (also "McCoy")
Sammy North
(Music-De Wolfe)

John Anthony Gray
(JW Media Music)

Matthew James Gray:
Matthew James (note to self: IPI 00496367501)

Stephen "Steve" Gray

Dennis Gray Stoll

James Roger Graydon

Hollis Raumond Greathouse, Jr.

Verushka Grebenar-George (also "Verushka George")

Marie-Josee Paulette Greedus:
Annabel Dudley
Stevie Morrison

Paul Frederick Greedus:
Frank Shelley
Joel Bevan
Simon Holland
Zizi Nero (also "Nero Zizi")

Andrew John "Andy" Green

Barry Ian Green:
Adam Fitzgerald
B. T. Lang
Barry Ian Blue (also just "Barry Blue")
D. J. Midnight
Darcus Knight
Dominic Holmes
Dr. Vibes
Finger Prinz
Fingers of Fun
Head Case
Ian West
Lifeblood (also "Lif3blood")
Luke Warm
Mal Larky
Meat Wagon
Mono Man
Odd Bob
Simmons Trent
Steve Manning
T Boyz
Wall Banga
Whittaker Parish

Bobby Joseph Kennedy Green:
Bobby L'Avenir (also "Lavenir")
Devon Groves

Colin Green

Harry Philip "Phil" Green:
Don Felipe
Dorothy Mann
Ephraim Lifshey
John Temple
Jose Belmonte
Joseph MacCarthy
Louise Duke
Mary Mann
Patrick Toohey
Pepe Cortez
Perry Carter
The Pilgrim
Ricardo Lamarr

Jennifer Alys Elizabeth Green

Lloyd Lamar Green

Oliver Benjamin "Olly" Green (note to self: IPI 00687592972)

Richard Harry Green

Samuel Nathan "Sam" Green

Wendy Laura Elizabeth Green

Gavin Greenaway:
Gavin De Grunweg

Simon Greenaway:
Slide (note to self: IPI 00176971817)

Harry Furnell Greene

Jessica Leonie Rose "Jess" Greenfield

Jason Robert Greenhalgh:
Q Project

John D. H. Greenwood

Max Greenwood (note to self: IPI 00591141069)

Thomas Kealan "Tom" Greenwood:
Arthur Benoit
Dan Cassady
Leon Tate
The Pirates
Theo Williams
(Noise Pump, West One)

Thomas Michael "Tom" Greenwood:
Erica Paz
Ethan Young
Gerhard Rawls
Jay Cicero
Nicki Van Kruger Karlsson (also just "Nicki Karlsson")
Savannah Miles
(Abaco, Atmosphere, Cavendish, Firstcom, Killer Tracks, Sonoton, etc.)

Tony Greenwood

John "Primo" Gregori:
Chris Carpenter
John Gregory (also "Johnny")
Nino Rico

Harry David Gregson-Williams (also "Williams-Gregson" and just "Harry Gregson", "Harry Williams")

Rupert William Gregson-Williams:
Rod Williams

Bob Greig

Daniel Louis "Dan" Gresham:

Mary Ann Gresham née Cooper

John William David Greswell:
John Viola

Lee John Gretton:
Charlee Wilkes
Eddie Rodgers
Franz Bogen
Harvey Halensberg
Henrik Dupont
In Production Music
Lonzo Nunez
Oli Jaeger
Si Phelps

Maurice Grew

Alistair Richard Griffin

Daryl Neil Alexander Griffith

Andrew Griffiths

Colin Griffiths (note to self: no IPI)

Daniel Lewis Griffiths

Edward "Eddie" Griffiths (note to self: IPI 00012707908)

Leslie Joseph "Joe" Griffiths

Edward John Alexander "Ted" Griggs

John Albert "Johnny" Griggs:
Jim Hemingway
John Alexander
John Gregg
John Stax
Jonah Hampton

Ross William Griggs:
Billy Unbelievable
Louis Carlton
Mike Verlane
William Umber

Octave Cesar Charles Albert Grillaert:
Ernest Bradshaw
Harry King
Joe Beider

Ray Grindell (also "Roy") (note to self: no IPI)

Anthony Emilio "Tony" Grisoni

Heather D. Grody:
Heather Reid

Ferde Grofé

Gerhard Groitzsch (also "Groitzch")

Robert Eduard Fl. Groslot:
Domenico Di Montebello

Andrew Whitson "Andy" Grossart:
Chris Wishart
Martin Whitson

Stefan Grossman

Lincoln Thomas Grounds:
Winston Green

Lee Austin Groves:
Lee Gee
Louis Benajoud
William Gibran

Tom Robert Groves Quick:
Thomas Redfern

Clare Ewing Grundman:
Carlos Guermo

Jean-Jacques Charles Grünenwald:
Jean Dalve

Robert George Guarino

Giovanni Guazzotti

Alfred Roy Gubby:
Roy Dawson Gubby

Sheelagh Mary Gudgeon:
Cecilia Fiore
Maria Ghiozzo

Alex William Raj Gulati

Brian Douglas Gulland

Harald Gundhus (also "Gundhu")

James Agnes John Gunn:

Angus Gunn Campbell:
Angus Gunn Clark
Calvin Khan
E. Z. Wide
El Perro
Gussy G
Joey J. Kramer
Johnny Walsh

Sara Viktoria Gunnarsson:
Ess Bogale
Lee Bowie 2
Sara Bogale

Christopher "Chris" Gunning

Yue Guo (also "Guo Yue") (note to self: IPI 00162588157)

Michael Gary Gurley

Gerard Henri Jacques Gustin:
Gerard Clubman

Steven Mihael Gutheinz

Matthew Earl Guthrie

Robin Andrew Guthrie

Edgardo Gutierrez Montero

Felipe Gutierrez Reyes:
Phillip Kings

Philip Michael Guyler:
Alex Norton
Booker Douglas
G. Philip
Mark Anderson
Michael Palmer
Philip Michael
Sam Nolan
Tom Quincy
Zack Arnold

George Alexander Gwinnell

Severin Andy Gygax:
DJ Invincible

Frederich Wilhelm Haarhaus (note to self: no IPI)

Jeremy Giles Hackett

Louis Hackett:
B. Ludvick
Louis Slipperz (also "DJ Louis Slipperz")

Norman P. Hackforth

Gustave Walter Haenschen:
Anne Hampton
Austin Huntley
Carl Fenton
Clinton Standish
Cyril Crossing
Frank Jaxson
J. Walter Edwards
Paul Crane
Paul Dupont (also "A. Dupont")

John Milton "Milt" Hagen:
Chelwyn Pounds
Juan De Negah
Menlo Mayfield
Paolo Alto
Sterling Sherwin

Patrick Pieter Paul Hagenaar:
Jack Wins

Ring Hager

Robert Haggart

Robert James "Rob" Haggett

Per Olof "Peo" Häggström

Christopher John "Chris" Haigh
(JW Media Music Ltd.)

Christopher Phillip "Chris" Haigh
(Audio Network)

Nicolas Peter "Nick" Haigh

Herbert E. Haines

W. G. "Will E." Haines (also "Billy")

Peter Elliott Hajioff

Zacharia George "Sugar" Hajishacalli

Alan Hakin Howe:
John Collins

James Hakin Howe:
A. W. Sherriff (also "Arthur W.")

Andrew Rowland Hall:
Albert Hall

Carlton George "Carl" Hall:
Carl Saint Clair (also "St. Clair")

Clifford Frederick "Cliff" Hall

Dale E. Hall

Danny E. Hall

Danniebelle Hall

George Hall (note to self: no IPI)

Georges Derrone "Derry" Hall:
Hall Derry

Jon Hall:
Jon The Baptist

Lawrence Hall

Peter Hall:
Pete Gibbons

Robert Leonard "Bob" Hall

Tony Hall (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

William Hall (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

A. W. "Hal" Hallifax

Ian Wilfred Hamer

Christopher "Chris" Hamill:

Andrew Kevin "Andy" Hamilton

Rachel Anne Hamilton:

Stephen James "Steve" Hamilton (also "Steven")

Andrea Christine Hamilton Binley

Ena Rosina Hamilton-Brown née Baga

Julian Nicholas Hamlin

Thomas Nigel Hammond:
Tom Corazon

Richard Hanbury

John Andrew Hancock

Roderick Bruce "Rod" Hancock:
Chris Fazer

Damian John Hand

Roger Hand

Michael Neville "Mike" Hankinson:
Gerry Hart

Charles Hanley (note to self: IPI 00013345814)

James F. Hanley

Ronald Charles Douglas "Ronnie" Hanmer:
Hal Morton
John Gaunt
Steve Arden

Erik Hansen

Stephan Hansen:
Steve Hanson

Christopher William "Chris" Hanson:
Stereo Scum

Wilgot Hansson:

Jane Harbour

Jonathan William Harcourt Harvey:
Hotel Flamingo

Aston Rudi Hardacre:
Aston Rudi
Aston Rudi Redz
Rudi Redz

Paul Lewis Hardcastle:
Frank Hitachi
Paul Lewis III

Ronan Padraig Hardiman:

Paul John Harding

Lewis Howard Harding Porter:
Axel Nordberg
Django Jetta
Hunter Janssen
Noah Bryce
Sonny Starboy

Craig Paul Hardy

Kenneth William "Ken" Hare

Robert Joseph Hargreaves

Sean Colin Hargreaves

Roland George Harker

David James Harkins

Neil Francis Harland

Frank Crossley Harlow

Philip "Phil" Harmer:
Spencer Wainwright

Andrew "Addie" Harper

Laurence Francis "Laurie" Harper

William Donald "Don" Harper:
Donald Jackson (also "Don")
Rodd Thompson

Katie Harrigan (note to self: no IPI)

Andrea Caroline Ellis Harris:
Hannah Jones

Bernard Denis "Bunny" Harris:
Al Kohler
Colin Dell
Denis Simmons
Dennis Harris
Ned Browning
Tom Osage

Bernard Wilfred "Bernie" Harris:
Alan Wynn (also "Wynne")
Bernard Last
David Aprichard
Gerald Dorset (also "Dorsett")
John Rhodes
Steven Simmons
Wilfred Burns

Bob Harris (note to self: IPI 00472404959)

Chris B. Harris:
DJ Scrilla (also just "Scrilla")

Frederick John Harris:

Jade America Harris

John Stanley Livingstone "Johnny" Harris:
Johnny Stanley

Marcas Lenard Harris:

Matthew Richard Harris:
Blackjack Beats
Mad Aris

Max Harris

Paul Michael "Harry" Harris

Peter Brian Harris:
Pete Q. Harris

Richard Leigh Harris

Robert Keith "Bob" Harris

Stephen Harward "Steve" Harris

William Henry Harris

Anthony Lionel "Tony" Harrison

Charles A. "Charley" Harrison

Edwin "Ted" Harrison

Gavin Martin Harrison:
Martin Hilton

James Nicholas "Nick" Harrison

Mark Harrison

Aaron Rodney Blaise Harry:
Rod Decosta

Ashley Hart:
Angel Davanport

Lester B. Hart (joint pseudonym?)

Paul Brian Hart

Alexis Harte:
Ah Pollen
Alex Hurd

David "Dave" Hartley

Fred W. Hartley:
Eric Lindberg
Harry Cameron
Iris Taylor
Jacques Martell
Jim Burns
Pedro Franco
Richard Pomfret

James Hartley (note to self: IPI 00013509514)

Jeffrey Robert "Jeff" Hartley

Ray Hartley

Daniel Earl "Dan" Hartman

Kieron Richard Hartnett

Phillip "Phil" Hartnoll:

Hamilton Harty

Carl Anthony Harvey

Da Nelle Harvey (also "Danelle"):
Da Nelle
Dan Elle
Janet Greenaway

Edward L. "Eddie" Harvey (also "Eddy")

John Joseph Harvey

Nicholas John "Nick" Harvey:
Gibson Roffe

Paul Adrian Harvey

Richard Allen Harvey:
R. Hook-Norton
Zheng Yue Wen

Rupert George Harvey

Daniel Frank Hannibal Harwood

Jan Hasenöhrl (also "Hasenöehrl", "Hasen öehrl"):
Brass Master
Ferdinand Oberhauser (note to self: IPI 00866828187)
Hasen Honza

Peter Jeffrey "Pete" Haslam

Hossam Abbas Ibrahim Hassan:
Hossam Ramzy (also "Ramzy Hossam")

Daniel Scott "Dan" Hastie

Anthony Peter "Tony" Hatch:
Antonio Pedro Hatch
Fred Nightingale
Mark Anthony

Andrew Alexander "Andy" Hatchett Chandler

Guy James Hatfield

Gregory Charles "Greg" Hatwell:
Jake Ray
Jon Corleone
Jonny Jones
Lenny Charles
Ray Dixie

Gabriel Peter Havard Davies:
Teddy Smiley
Yung Delete

Matthew Conor Havard Davies:
Dr. Fluke
Glock Wan
Idle Creature
Macs Martin
Matt Martin
Matthew Conor
Yung Child

Daniel Alexander "Dan" Havers:
DC Breaks
DJ Samurai
Vent (note to self: IPI 00559830805)

David Thomas Hawes

Patrick Thomas Hawes

Jack Francis Hawitt:
Jack Frank

Andy Hawkes

Alistair Paul Hawkins (also "Alistaire")

Craig Hawkins (no IPI?)

David Edward Hawkins

Erskine Hawkins

John Edward "Johnny" Hawkins

Mark Kendall Miles Hawkins

Mark Timothy Hawkins:
Nick Fisher

Kirsty Hawkshaw

Sheldon Hawkshaw

William Alan Hawkshaw:
M. Hawk
William Parrish

Denis John "Johnny" Hawksworth:
Bunny J. Browne
John Steinway
Paul Kass

Jacqueline Diana "Jacky" Hawthorn Sander née Hawthorn Binns

Matthew Benjamin "Matt" Hay

Yoshihiro "Yoshi" Hayata

Daniel Owen Hayden

Edward Brian "Tubby" Hayes

Elfed Hayes (also "Elfred")

John Trevor Hayes

Nigel Jon Hayes:
The Prophet

Trevor Hayes

William "Billy" Hayes

Doris Ernestine Hays Sorrell:

Christopher John Hayman

Arnold George Haynes Middleton:
Arnold Safroni (also "Safroni-Middleton")

Robert John "Bob" Haynes

Peter Haysom-Craddy:
James Warr
Peter Hayson
Peter Rayson

James Philip Hayward

Clifford Eric "Cliff" Haywood:
Charles Durand
Jake Jarvis
Kenny Herb
Leo Tate
Marcus Fox
Mr. Stix
Sam Hamilton

James T. Haywood (also "J. H.", "Heywood"):
Thomas James

Martin James Hazell

Ronald "Ronnie" Hazlehurst:
Alan Warwick
Barry Austin

Carey Adams Head

Harry Clarence Head

Michael Dewar Head:
Oliver Hardy

Christopher James "Chris" Healings:
Aurelio Rosa Sanchez

Mark Andrew Heaney

Seldon N. Heaps (note to self: no IPI)

Antoine Jermaine Heard:
Silence (note to self: IPI 00594678094)

David William Hearn

Brian Anthony Hearty:
Brian Green
Tony Kelly (also "Anthony")

Daniel Law Heath:
Max Leith

Geoffrey Heath:
James Godfrey

Malcolm Robert "Bobby" Heath

Stephen James Heath (also "Steven")

Melissa Jo Heathcote

Arthur Melouston "Art" Heatlie

Robert Raymond "Bobbie" Heatlie (also "Bob")

Sharlene Evette Hector

David Edward Hedger:

Peter Mark "Pete" Hedges Giles

John Hedges Ross

Alexander Gabriel "Alex" Heffes:
Earle Gray (also "Earl")
Vince Gabriel
Zoltan Biscotti

Anton Heiller

Nachum Heiman

Joachim Fritz Heimbächer

Steven Guy "Steve" Hellier

Jonathan Henry "Jon" Helmer:
Brother Joe
Camajan Central
Cannibal Quiche
Cookie Club
Crazy Flames
Digital Drip
Distortion Station
Downtown Abbey
Dr. Diode
Empire of the Scum
Fidel Marti
Forest Floor
Ghost Kicker
Groucho Ramone
Head Case
Head Hunter
Jack Horner
Jesus Mercedes
Juan Sanchez
King Midas
King Rhythm
Liquid Squid
San Hautey
Santo Silva
Silver Surfer
Soul Samba
Sound Farm
Sparky Lewis
Terry Wrist
The Beach Bugs
The Beatless
The Blackjacks
The Carbonas
The City Cats
The Fantones
The Hot Shots
The Rockaways
Tinsel Toes
Wild Sam Slide
Wolf Tattoo

William Helmore

B. L. Helps

C. Victor Hely-Hutchinson

Jack Helyer:
Juan Zapapor
Victor Birch

Stuart Vincent Hemphill

Alex James Henderson:

Forbes Alasdair Henderson

Jonathan David "Jonny" Henderson

Melvin Marlon Henderson

Norman Henderson:
Eddie Simms
José Norman (also "Joseph")

Thomas Henderson

Jan Paul "Jamal" Hendrickse

Bart K. Hendrickson:
Alpha Dog
Cody West
Jacob Mullins
Samuel James

Benedict Hugh Noel "Ben" Heneghan

Dominic Michael Heneghan

Kieran Joseph Michael Heneghan (also "Henegan"):
Hands Randall

David William Heneker:
David Cavendish
Max Maurice
Stephen Williams

Gerard Hengeveld:
Hans Munodi

Geoffrey Henman:

Seamus Michael "Shay" Hennessy:
Jim Blake

Frederick Bartholomew Henriet:
Frederick Van Doren

Chuck K. Henry:
Ace Bentley

Kate Mary Henshaw

Rosie Amelia Henshaw:

Christian Leslie Henson:
Jefferson Chambers

Joe Henson:
Taffey Lewis
James Freiderich Sebastian

Lauren Henson:

Robert Henthorne:
Slim White

Richard Daniel Heptinstall:
Skinny Lister

Royston Herbert:
Frederick R. Caffell (also "Frederic")

Sara Dorothy Maria "Sally" Herbert

Julio Alberto Hernández

Herman Herrington Wilson

Kurt Herrlinger (also "J. Herrlinger", "R. Herrlinger"):
Fred Werra
Harry Berger
James Crolling

Ian Herron

Heinz Herschmann:
Algenon De Vere
Charles Meldrum

Isobel Ann Herschmann:
Irene Alberti
Phillida Moncrieff

Toby Nicholas Herschmann

Jerry Herst

Glenn Herweijer:
Darren Wall
Glenn Gabbiadini
Larry Le-Creuset
Maurice Sun
Stephen Green (note to self: IPI 00794316806)
T-Man (note to self: IPI 00600002341)
Von Hemingway

Peter "Pete" Hesketh Hughes:
Hugh Pierre
Roberto Perez

Jason Edward Heslewood:
Arch Deacon
D. Con

William "Will" Hesling Rayner (also "Bill")

George William Hespe

Nigel John Hess

Richard Heuberger:
Josef Leiss

Michael John "Mike" Hewer

Michael John Hewitt

Thomas Spencer Hewitt Jones:
Bones McChewitt
Lucia Fanculo
Michael Priestman
Spencer Allison

Daniel Hewson:
Boyo Bernard
Dan Factory Spook

David Graham "Dave" Hewson:
Hugh T. Davidson

Richard Anthony Hewson:
Shock Taktix

Rokhsan Massumeh Heydari

Andrea Heyes

Martyn "Max" Heyes

Johannes Jacobus "Jonny" Heykens

Nicholas Peter "Nick" Heyward

Christopher James "Chris" Heywood:
Oscar van Geldern

Brian Frank Hibbert:
Eric Peters

Martin John Hickey

Percy Hickman

Lisa Yvonne Hickox

Clive Redvers Hicks

David Godfrey Hicks

Ian Andrew Hicks:
2-Bit Man
Baron Mordant
Broadway Danny Rose
Danny Rose
Mordant Music
Mr. Maxted

Jacqueline "Jacqui" Hicks

Thomas Hicks:
Jimmy Bennett
Tommy Steele

Kenneth Elvin Higginbotham, Jr.

Amy Louise Higgins:
Amelie Blake
Amy Collins

Paul Martin Higgs:
Paul Martin

Alfred Francis Hill:
John Cobbett

Benjamin Hill (note to self: IPI 00894257000)

Isabella Marie "Izzy" Hill

John Roger Hill:
James Semaine

Matthew Christopher "Matt" Hill

Mirrie Hill née Solomon:
Adam Moore
Graeme Herd
Manuel Carlos

Nicholas Jonathan "Nick" Hill:
Thomas Squibs

Richard Vincent Hill

Robert Walter Jordan Hill:
Charles Brown

Scott Arthur Hill:
Mzungi L'Enchanteur

Simon Jan Hill

Thomas Richard "Tom" Hill:
HSP (note to self: IPI 00448738317)

William Robert Hill (note to self: IPI 682132259):
Will Matta
Will Robert

Anthony Toby "Tony" Hiller (also "Hillier"):
Sammy Hiller
Samuel Miller

Christopher Robert "Chris" Hills

John Winston Hillyard:
Charlie Harper
John Winston

Derek Redvers Hilton:
John Snow

Stella Hinckley

Herbert Barrie Hingley

Anthony James "Tony" Hinnigan:
Dr Devious

Richard Arthur Hinsley

Julian Victor Hinton

Peter Derek "Pete" Hinton

Simon Derek Hipps

Joji "George" Hirota

Walter Hirsch

Jennifer "Jen" Hirsh

Tim Paul Hiscox:
Johan Piedra
Random Scratch

Nigel Glen Hitchcock

Shawn Travis Hlookoff:
Shawn Hook
Shawn Travis

Marc Hoad

Arthur Samuel Hoare:
Tony Ross

Sam Hobbs (note to self: IPI 00179045648):
Blue Puddy

Larry B. Hochman

Philip Hochstrate:
Andrew Craig
Aron Wright
Ben Fisher (note to self: IPI 00691294419)
Jacob Gray
Liam Harris (note to self: IPI 00773363325)
Marc Taylor (note to self: IPI 00581973606)
Martin Clark
Martin Finke
Matthew Anderson (note to self: IPI 00773363717)
Michael Challenger (note to self: IPI 01114135021)
Michael Sims (note to self: IPI 00548700933)
Paul Lewis (note to self: IPI 00691294517)
Thomas Greenberg
Tom White (note to self: IPI 01114135217)

Stephen William Hodd (note to self: IPI 00587640900):
Burnett Billy
Ragged Rebel City
Savage Acoustic
Stephen Junior
William Burnett

Jonathan Philip "John" Hodge

Joshua James Hodge:
Adam Baum

Nicholas Charles "Nik" Hodges

Thomas Kanayalal Garfield "Tom" Hodge:
Another I
Garfield Thomas

Colin Thomas Hodgkinson

Brian Garner Hodgson:
Nikki Saint George (also "St. George")
Nikky Saint Clair (also "St. Clair")

Richard Andrew "Ricci" Hodgson

Marvin Hodlin

Mary Hogan

Robin Nicholas Hogarth

Aidan Dowling Hogg

John Christopher Hogg

Edward Patrick Hogston:
Ed Patrick

Magnus Hohler

Lee Hoiby

Josef Holbrooke (also "Joseph")

Laurence David Holcombe:
Don Sonik
Rebel Sonix

David Edward "Dave" Holden:
Winston Thomas Orwell

Lyndrey Lavere "Scholar" Holder

Andrew Gregory "Andy" Holdsworth

Werner Holdt:
Jacques Fana
Werner Brezelinski

Justin Holets:

Friedrich Hollaender:
Frederick Hollander

Vincent Joseph "Vince" Holland:
Jo Martin

Kenny Hollick

John C. Holliday

John David Holliday

Bethany-Jo Holloway

Guy William Robert Holloway

Laurence "Laurie" Holloway:
Lance Navarra

Nicholas Leslie "Nicky" Holloway

John Nigel Holman

Roger Holman

Alvin Leroy Holmes:
Charles Crestwood
Jimmy Valentine
Paul Purcell
Peter Bennett

Edward Charles Holmes:
Edward Charles
Ted Barnaby

Katherine Lucy "Kate" Holmes

Natalie Anne Holmes

Oliver James Holmes

Alan Roger "Bob" Holroyd:
Martin Litchfield

Gustav Theodore Holst

Jane A. Jensen

Kim Holst Jensen

Ciaran David Jeremiah

Leslie J. Jeremiah

Philip James Jewson:
Freddie Harriet
James Frank Hillier

Andrew Thomas Holt

Derek John Holt

G. Dana Holt (note to self: no IPI)

Michael Philip "Mike" Holt

Nicholas John "Nick" Holywell-Walker

Arthur Oscar Honegger

Jack Henry Honeyborne

Ian A. Honeyman:
Elton Vargas
Jake Madison
John Bosler
Rocky Calhoun

Arend Honhoff:
D. Arendo

Daniel Scott Hoock

Nicholas Timothy "Nick" Hooper

H. Ashworth Hope:
Pat Ryott

Harvey Thomas Hope

Peter Hope:
William Gardner

Wyn Swanson Hope

Vyvyan James "Vyv" Hope-Scott

Andrew James "Andy" Hopkins:
Claude Foncept
Fuckin A
Jeff Facteur
Lorna Pedersen
Thom Powell
Tord Jungsten

Edward John "Ed" Hopkins (note to self: IPI 00803884134)

Nigel Richard Hopkins

Edmund Gerald Horabin

Rex William Horan

John Douglas Horler

Douglas Edward "Doug" Horley

Mark Alan Hornby:
The Wolf

Yvette Marie Eugenie Hornere (also "Drosch-Hornere", "Dresch", "Droesch"):
Maria Foresto
Yvette Horner

George Faed Hornsby (note to self: no IPI)

Joseph L. Hornsby:
Lee Thornsby

Joseph Horovitz:
Joe Arthur

John David Horrocks

Frank Horrox

Oliver Charles Horton

Adam Alexander Horvath:
Adam Alexander

James Grant Laird Hossack

Rene Marcel L. Hosselet:
Rene Alain

Beth Hough (also "SFC Beth Hough")

Richard James House:

Gary Houston

Nyles Isaiah Houston:
Nyda Renee Rosalind

Abbie Laura Howard

Bruce Vincent Howard

Kenneth Charles "Ken" Howard

Leslie John Howard

Nicholas Patrick "Nick" Howard

Robert Stanley "Bob" Howard

Roger Graham Howard

Peter Laurence "Pete" Howarth

Tim John Howarth

Albert Percy Howe

George Richard Ian Howe:
George Farid
George Fenton

Thomas Richard Peter "Tom" Howe:
Jack Parker
Oliver Jackson
Kent Richard
Tom Hill

Arthur Campbell Howell

Christopher "Chris" Read Howell:
3 x Dope
The Outsider

Dion Charmain Fiona Howell née Thelma Charmaine Fiona Howell:
Ayem Tupeem
Ed Fones
FFS (note to self: IPI 00867814099)
Marga Darg
Mic All Jacks On
Mouse (note to self: IPI 00867813592)
PT (note to self: IPI 00867813396)
Treble Deaf
You Ess Bee

Peter Howell

Robert Frederick "Bob" Howes

Richard Howgill:
Edouard Patou
Frederic Noyes

Nicholas David Howiantz (also "Nickolas")

Gil Howland

Charles John William Howlett (note to self: IPI 00014480802)

Jeffrey "Jeff" Howlett

David Alan "Dave" Howman

Ole Høyer (also "Hoyer"):
David Alldrich
Norman Dane

Ciro Paul Hoyle

David Martin Hoyle

Aleksandrs Hromcovs:
Lars Kristen
Max Bronco
Stephen Roast

Chou Chin Hua

David Hubbard:
Craig Whipsnade
David J Monroe
David Lake
Douglas Hubbard

Max Huber

Martin Handel Huckridge:
Jack Dorsey
Jack Richardson

Harry Hudson:
Roy Regan

Jabula Taiwo Hudson:
Baretta (note to self: IPI 00345121496)
Stress (note to self: IPI 00345121398)

Keith Linberg Hudson

Lee Hudson (note to self: no IPI)

Will Hudson

Barry James Hudson-Taylor:
Bryer (note to self: IPI 01164424667)
Elijah Reeves
Miran (note to self: IPI 01143092391)
Nihil Sentio
Quies Mentis
Zenon (note to self: IPI 01164424373)

John Hufton

Rolf Hug:
Ralph Zappalino

Susanne Midori Hug:
Eve O. Lution
Fawn Farewell
Herbin Cowgirl
Laze Vog
Sioux Chef

Dorothy Elaine Hugh-Jones

Andrew Simon John Hughes:
Scuta Salamanca
Soviet Science

Arwel Hughes

Daniel Richard Hughes:
The Incredible Danny Hughes

David Alan Hughes

Gareth "Garry" Hughes:
Justin Wales
(Abaco Music Library, Deep East Music, often collaborating with Jimmy Kaleth, Bob Mitchell and Jez Pike)

Gareth McLean "Gary" Hughes (also "Garry")
(Southern Library of Recorded Music, Chappell Recorded Music Library, Harmonic Mood Music Library, KPM Music Recorded Library, Mood Music, etc.)

Herbert Hughes

Ian Robert Hughes

James George Hughes:
James George

John Geraint Wyn Hughes:
Max West

Neville Marcus Hughes

Richard Pryde Hughes III:

Robert Hywel Knoyle "Rob" Hughes

William Thomas Hughes

Simon Eric Hughes Burton:
Mr. President

Louis Maxime Arnaud Huguenin:

David Gordon Hulbert

Simon Leigh Hulbert:

Toby William Hulbert:
Ohno Rolo

Herman A. Hummel (note to self: no IPI)

Russell Wellington Humphrey

Barry Humphries

Frederick Humphries:
Bovis Valdimar
Richard Varney

Catherine Aiyumi "Cathy" Humphris:
Catherine Okada

Ian Hamilton Hunt

Laura-Jayne Hunter

Leonard Welford "Len" Hunter

Michael James Hunter:
Butch Cassidy

Riddle Hunter (joint pseudonym?)

Robert Hunter
(Spectrum Mood Library)

Robert Joseph "Robbie" Hunter III
(Audio Network, as "Robbie Hunter")

Tab Hunter

Neil James Huntsman:
James Hunter
Howlin Wilf

Helen Margaret Hurden:
Sammy Hurden

Celia Jane Hurdle née Watson

Leslie George William "Les" Hurdle:
Bruton Band
Frank Famous
Fred Famous
The Frog
George L. Williams
Paul Manning
Phil Famous

William Jean Martial Hurion

James Frederick Hurr:
James Saint James

Dick Hurran:
Don Webster

Eddie Hurran (note to self: no IPI)

Michael Hurst (note to self: no IPI)

Sophia Vina May Hurst (also "Sophie"):
Sophia May

Shahbaz Hussain

James Andrew "Jim" Hustwit:
Acoustic Jim
Dirk Egloff
Flint Smith
Jay Copper

Alex Micheal Hutchings

Joseph Harry Hutchings

James Oliver Hutchinson:
James Oliver

Milton Bilford "Bill" Hutchinson:
Billy Hutch

Andrew McAdam "Roon" Hutton

Alan William Hyde

John Hyde:
James Harrington
John Saunders

Monica Hyde née Beale:
Edwina Schwarz

Clarence Walford Hyden:
Mark Audin
Mark Kowski

Francis John Hylton

Richard R. "Dick" Hyman:
Arthur Charleston
Carter Phillips
J. Gaines
Jack Schwartz
Rocky Smith
Stanley Sokol
Tony Feldman

Samuel "Sam" Hyman:
Small Power

Anthony James Keith "Tony" Hymas

Iratxe Ibaibarriaga Ibeas

Christopher Chizulu Ikechukwu:
Chris Ike

Dennis James "Denny" Ilett

Andrew Peter Illingworth

Patrick Hugh "Pat" Illingworth

Martyn Shaun Imrei:

Errol Lloyd Ince (note to self: IPI 00059706158)

Ken Ingarfield (also "Ingerfield) (note to self: no IPI)

Christopher John Robert "Chris" Ingham:
Chris Six

Nicholas Dan "Nick" Ingman:
Thomas Sutherland
Tony Page

Cairo James Anthony Ingman-Wright

Roy Ingraham

Arnaldo Iñigo Martinez:
Aldo Martinez

Charlie William Inman

Horace Daniel Inman:
Neil Roache (also "Niel")

Donald Skinner "Don" Innes

Daniel "Dan" Insley

Lawrence Edwin Insula

Elliot Greenway Ireland

John Ireland

Malcolm Arthur Ironton:
Christopher Pledge

James Lawrence Irvin

Brian Clifford Irvine

Jacqueline Anne Irvine:
Brave Little Note

Gareth Irvine Hale

Denis William Irving

Matthew George "Matt" Irving:
John Irving

Robert Michael "Rob" Irving:
Emma Ralds
Robert Humphreys

Anthony Philip "Tony" Isaac (also "Antony")

Ike Isaacs:
Mo Villiers

Gerald Nathan Isaacson:
Gerry Collins

Jonathan "Jon" Cobern Isbell

Adolf Ischpold

Stephen Roger "Steve" Isles (also "Steven")

Azusa Itou (also "Ito")

Tristan Ivemy:
Danny J. Grace
Edwin Penn
Sammy Robinson Jnr.
Taylor Jones
Will May

Charles Malcolm Ives:
Rita Ford

Steve K. Jablonsky

Cy Jack

Kevin Jerrod Jack

Nicola Kathryn "Nicki" Jack

Gregory Charles "Greg" Jackman (also "Gregg")

Arthur Jackson

Benjamin James "Ben" Jackson (also "Benji")

David Allan Jackson

David John Jackson
(Panama Music Library)

David Richard Jackson

Hamish Michael Jackson

Hannah Elizabeth Jackson

Haydn Christopher Jackson

Herman Lee Jackson III

Luke Brandon Jackson

Martin Neil Jackson:
Clive Duncan
Oscar Jenkins
Rupert Morris
Slick Rick
The Wedge

Pam Jackson

Roger Jackson:
Fenix Albright

Gordon Jacob

Klaus Jacob (also "Jakob") (note to self: IPI 00014980682):
Gregor Baskin
Thomas Critchley

Ryan Francis Jacob

Julius Jacobsen:
Frank Guiela

André Louis Jacquemin

Richard Adrian Jacques:
Philip Geaves

Cecil Henry Jaeger

Lothar Lincoln Jaeger

Saam Jafarzadeh Khamneh

Peter Jonathan Mark Jagger

Michael Robert "Jakko" Jakszyk:
Johnny Eagle

Roger Elie Jalowicz:
Roger J. Sinclair

Guillaume Emile Jambel:
Charles Eston

Anthony Eric "Tony" James:
Generation X

Curtis Anthony James

Darren Justin James

David Raymond Richard "Dave" James:
Andy Ward
David Robert James

Eliot Peter James

Josephine Ellen "Josie" James

Laurence James

Michael Anthony James
(Panama Music Library)

Michael David "Mike" James

Michael Nolan James (note to self: IPI 00436847918):
Jacques Camus
James Darnley
Sergio Belem

Paul Gareth James
(Digitalvision, West One Music)

Paul Richard James (note to self: IPI 00161762277)
(Atmosphere; usually co-written with Mark Hawkins or David Shepherd)

Rebecca Elizabeth James

Samuel David James (note to self: IPI 00808562035)

Stephen James (note to self: IPI 00252947155)

Brian Sean Jameson

Andrew James Jamieson Hall

Harrison Bobette Jamison

Robert Newlin "Bob" Jamison

Gertrude "Gerty" Janaczek:
Gera Jana
Phil Dallas

Maitreya Jani:

A. H. "Guus" Jansen:
Gio Badowsky
Gus Howard
Fred Borring

Glen Gabriel Jansson:
Glen Gabriel

Henry C. Jarman

Cory Michael Jarnagin:
Cory J.

Kevin Edward Jarvis:
Chunky Nelson
Nick Hobbs
Roger Drew

Olivia Louise Jarvis:
Livia Roland

Toby James Jarvis

Derek Jasnoch

Levan Javakhishvili:
Lady Lee
Levan J.

Alfredo Javaloyes Lopez

Edward Anthony "Eddy" Jay

Graham Matthew Jay

Keith Jay

Ronald Valentine Jayasuriya

Simon Montague Jefferis

Daniel Conrad "Dan" Jeffries

Steven "Steve" Jeffries:
Steve Jaffa

Jeremy Charles Jekyll

Johann "Hanns" Jelinek:
H. J. Hirsch
Hanns Elin

Cyril Jenkins:
Norman Douglas
Norman King
Peter Nash

Evan Alan Jenkins:

Jody Karl Jenkins:
Soho Jo

Karl William Pamp Jenkins:
J. D. Mumbles

Nigel Gilmore Ronald Jenkins:
C. Dobbie
Z. Jenkins (also "Zed")

Rae Jenkins:
Henri Lambart

Terence Ronald "Terry" Jenkins

Thomas Charles "Tom" Jenkins

Caroline Mary "Chip" Jenkins Pinkham

Ezra Jenkinson

John Vincent Jennings:
Segs (also "Seggs", "John Segs", "Vincent Segs")

Cody Jensen Page

Li Jiang (also "Jiang Li")
Meng Xing Kong

Brendan James "Bren" Jimenez:
Bren James

Rayner Joel

Thomas Ross Johansen

Benedict Noel "Ben" John

David William John (note to self: IPI 00538097918):
Eddie Nomates
Teddy Johnston

Michael John:
Nicholas Sands

Mark Thomas Christopher Johns

Albert "Budd" Johnson

Anthony Perri "Ant" Johnson

Aubrey T. Johnson

Clair W. Johnson

Cyril Johnson (note to self: IPI 00787339977)

David Johnson

David Johnson (note to self: IPI 01091784241)
(Panama Music Library)

Denise Josephine Johnson (also "Josephine Denise")

Dominik Luke Marsden "Dom" Johnson (also "Dominic"):
Alix Bohemia
Django Jones
Dom Bohemia
Dom York
Harmony Bohemia
Jacamo Jones
Richard York (note to self: IPI 01018810976)
Rohan (note to self: IPI 00384985300)
Rohan Jones
Rohan York
Rory Sheridan
Zin Fandel

John Wyatt Johnson

Laurence Reginald Ward "Laurie" Johnson (also "Lawrence"):
J. Laurenz

Leroy Johnson (note to self: no IPI)

Oliver James Johnson:
Jovian Four
Oh Jay

Samuel Colin Johnson

Steven Alan "Steve" Johnson (also "Stephen")

Travis Lee Brandon Johnson

William Luther Johnson

F. B. Johnston (note to self: no IPI)

James Johnston
(Music House)

James "Jim" Johnstone
(Chappell Recorded Music Library)

Sean Johnston (note to self: IPI 00236576646)

Richard Johnstone (note to self: IPI 00192544164)

Craig David Joiner

Bangalore Krishna Chandrashekhar Jois:
Chandru Shekhar

Fabien Jolivet (also "Fabian")

Steven Ernest "Steve" Jolliffe

Daniel Colenso Jones

David Edward Jones

Douglas Morgan Jones

Edwin Allan "Eddie" Jones

Gary Alan Jones (note to self: IPI 00445132873)

Gem Maria Jones

George Edward Jones:
Agent Caine

Glyn Jones:
Alec Glen
Peter Warren
Peter Wynn

Glynis Patricia Jones

Guy Sidney Jones:
A. Sczynetski
Al Frisk
Dan Mangan
Gi Lopez
Guilda Jover
Guy Stanley
Jack Derrick
Jay Kaia
Mary Salterne
Max Irwin
Merle Reber

Harold Jones

Howard Alan Jones

Huw Teilo Jones:
Carlos Kopinski
Chance (note to self: IPI 00793164220)
Eben Stone
Jai Adair
Josh Steilo
Kiko da Silva
Shuggie Jones
Stan Dewulf
Thor Sorrenson
Tor Sorenson
Zeiss (note to self: IPI 00587244712)

John-Paul "JP" Jones:
Jackson Buckley
Mo Buckley

Kenneth Baden "Ken" Jones:
Carl Orphan
Emil Javroque
(Apollo Sound)

Kenneth Evan "Ken" Jones:
John Kenyon
Ken Willis
Stan More
(Standard Music Library)

Kenneth Thomas "Ken" Jones (also "Kenney")
(KPM Music Recorded Library)

Keri Lakia "Coco" Jones

Kevin Michael Jones

Kieran Rhys Jones:
Cloudburst (note to self: IPI 01233913864)

Leslie Julian Jones

Nigel Edmund Jones

Paul Donovan Jones

Rael Jones

Raymond Cyril "Ray" Jones

Rebecca Louise "Becky" Jones

Robin Denise Jones:
Robin Vanser

Roderick Glyn Jones:

Stephen David "Stevie" Jones (also "Steve")

Steven Thomas Jones:
Steve Dub (also "Steve Dub Jones", "Dubbs")

Stuart Michael Jones:
S. J. Bluewater
Spankt Buzm
Stuart Coldfield
Stuart Michael

Trevor Andrew Jones:
John Du Prez

Eliot Gabriel Emerson "Eddie" Jones-West

Orlando Jopling:
Joe Morris

Carolyn Margaret Jordan

Herberte Jordan

Ian David Jordan:

Jack Jordan:
John Anthony (seemingly never used for library)
John Reddington
Douglas Jordan Jordan
Jose Rafael
Verte Capucine

Sarah "Sass" Jordan

Albert P. "Al" Joseph

Colin Joseph (note to self: no IPI)

Julian Eugene Joseph:

Wilfred Josephs:
Maynard Nelson
Wilfred Wylam

Neema Joshi:

Marten Andrew Joustra:
Jack Hudson
Henry White

Jonathan Paul Jowett:
Daffyd Williams
Horatio Townsend
Jonny Absolute
Thom Summers

Archibald "Arthur" Joyce:
Arthur Donaldson
Jack Drummond
Margot Cranford

Catherine Mary "Cath" Joyce née Baxter

Jack Joyce:
Harry Hall

Justin David Joyce

Laurence Arthur Joyce

Paul Kevin Joyce

Sandor Mihaly "Alex" Jozsa:
Andy J. Westfield
Gabriel P. Clark
Mike Gallagher

Richard Beau "Rick" Juckes

Frederick Judd

Garry Donald William Judd:
Emily Thomas
Henry Will

Donald Ray "Don" Julian

Louis-Antoine Jullien:
Roch Albert

Lily Jennifer Juniper:
Jennifer June

Eric Stanley Jupp:
Alan Morrison
Dave Lester
Lee Chester
Michael Tudor

Max Fabian Juras:
Fabian Saruj (also "Suraj")

Thomas Johannes "Thomm" Jutz

Bernard Kabanda

Martin Felix Kaczmarski:
Rex Maeve

Wolfgang Käfer (also "Kæfer"):
Käfer Wolfgang

Violetta Kafourides

Jeremy M. Kahn

Nicholas Denis "Nick" Kail

Melvin "Mel" Kaiser

James Patrick "Jimmy" Kaleth (also "Jamie"):
Alice Smith
Ashley Kramer
Atomic Jock
Dynamite Joe
Felix Rocke
Frank De Kova
Gary Bishop
Hans Hummer
Hans Romann
J. Kalete
Jack Tempest
Jacob King
Jacob Kravitz
James Warner
Jamie Harrington
Jim Luckie (also "Lucky")
Jimmy Spectre
Jman (also "The Jman")
Jocko Sharke
Joe Kale
Jon Christian
Jonas Kovacs
The Man with No Name
Molly Jackson
Nora St. John
Otis Wolfe
Piper Moon
Sophie Budd
Thank You
Tom Graves
Victor Lazlo

Nanne S. Kalma

Koshi Kamada (also "Kohshi", "Kamata")

Arsalan Kamkar

Ravi Kanda

Dominic Clifton "Dom" Kane:
Dave Ryman

Thomas "Tom" Kane:
Clark Thomas
John Trudeau
Leo Myers
Sam H. Keaton
Will Palmer

Skaila Kanga née Lewzey

Nino "Kakob" Kann:
Eddie Engel

Maneshchandra Kansara

Karl "Charles" Kapeller

Aret Emma Patricia Kapetanovic:
Aret Komlosy

Sanjiv Alias Ruhan Kapoor

Sidhant Sanjiv Kapoor

Jacob A. Kappey

Chris Karan

Laura Anne Karpman

Tolga Kashif

Guy Katach ("Katich"?)

Charles Katz (note to self: IPI 00015958174):
Barino Lorenzi
Michael Carroll (note to self: IPI 00005355119)

Dill Katz

Ethan D. Kaufmann

Bernhard Kaun:
Bernard Bernard

Hershy Kay

Karen Kay

Norman Forber Kay:
Ronald Field

Sydney John "Syd" Kay:
John Kurt Kay

Henry John Kaye

Samuel "Sam" Kaylin

John Oliver "Sean" Keane

Ellsworth "Shake" Keane

John Keating:
Kevin Martin

John Barry "Johnny" Keating

Terence "Terry" Keating:
Juan Jesús Bolivar
Terry Evans

Caspar John Valentine Kedros:
Johnny James (note to self: IPI 00574847600)
Jordan Cage
Peter Frank (note to self: IPI 00628671031)
The Third Man

Graham John Keeble

Geoffrey Graham "Geoff" Keezer

Rajan Kehra

Janet "Jan" Keighley née Hurst

Erwin Keiles

Glenn Keiles

J. H. Keith

Jon Dennis Keliehor

Brian Kellner

Steven "Steve" Kellner

Albert Edward Kelly

Anthony John "Tony" Kelly

Bryan George Kelly

David Christopher Kelly:
David Elder
David Molyneux
David Weston
K. David
Monaco 88

David William "Dave" Kelly

Gerard Patrick Kelly

Kevin Michael Kelly (note to self: IPI 00497104734)

Patrick Joseph "Pete" Kelly (also "Peter")

Robin Christian "Rob" Kelly:
James Sharp

Thomas Christopher Kelly

Mark Phillip Kelser

Jeff Kemp (note to self: no IPI)

Martin Kemp (note to self: no IPI)

Matthew Stuart "Matt" Kemp:
Matt Fisher (note to self: IPI 00832682037)
Saul Ablett
Stuart James (note to self: IPI 00832682233)

Kevin Bruce Kendle

Claudia Georgette Kennaugh

Vivian Kennard

Jessica Elizabeth "Jess" Kennedy

John Brodbin Kennedy

Joseph Kennedy:
Joe Wilson

Michael Kennedy (note to self: IPI 00177224171)

Rachel Elizabeth "Elvy" Kennedy

Thomas Alexander Kennedy:

Marjory Kennedy-Fraser

Horatio Arthur Kenney

Nicholas "Nick" Kenny:
Damien Richie

Terence Alan "Terry" Kenny

Arthur Kent

Thomas Arthur "Tom" Kent

Richard "Rick" Kenton (also "Rik")

Paul Alan Keogh

Jonathan Brian Kermode

Anthony Michael Kerr

Paul Kevin Kerr

Kevin Roy Kerrigan

Jon Kerry

Martin John Kershaw

Nicholas David "Nik" Kershaw:
Nick Berlin

Philip Anthony "Phil" Kershaw

Albert W. Ketèlbey:
A. William Aston
Andre De Basque
Anton Vodorinski
Denis Dupre (possibly a misattribution?)
Dennis Charlton
Geoffrey Kaye
Raoul Clifford

Gary George Kettel

Robert Keys

Harry George Keyworth

Aram Ilich Khatchatourian (also "Iljitsch", "Chatschaturian", "Khachaturian", "Khachaturjan", "Khachaturyan", "Khatchadourian", "Khatchaturian", "Khatschaturian")

Amjad Ali Khan

Ustad-Bismillah Khan

Govind "Gove" Kidao:

John Michael Kidd:
Mickey Barrow

Colin Neville Kiddy:
Nick Lloyd

Carl Kiefert:
Lew Stern

James Llewelyn Kiek:
James Llewellyn

Mary Josephine "Mara" Kiek

Wilhelm Kienzl:

McKenzie Wheeler Kilborne

Anthony David "Tony" Kiley (also "Kylie")

Hamish Robert Kilgour

Sandy Kilgour

Fritz Killer:
Fritz Roland
Hans Riss
Juan Guapo
Ricardo Del Monte

Richard Orlando Dixon Kimber

Katherine Louise "Kath" Kimber McTiffen (also "MacTiffen")

Richard Kimmings:
James Harris
RK Masters
Spike Dunstan

Martin Kinberg

Mogens Frederik "Fred" Kinck Petersen

Alastair John King:
Eric Windle

Denis Andrew King (also "Dennis"):
Andy Prince

Dominic Roy King:
Dominic Bugatti
Enrico Valdez

George Joseph King

Martin Brian King

Nathan King

Peter John "Pete" King

Reginald King:
Al Stevens
Rex Andrews

Stephen Ray King, Jr.

Thomas Lewis "Tom" King:
Alistair McBride
(West One, KPM; CD era)

Tom King (note to self: no IPI)
(Bosworth Record; 78 era)

Travis Adam King

Jonathan Edward Kingham

Patrick "Paddy" Kingsland:
James Brooke

Patrick Richard John King
(Panama Music Library)

Andrew Peter "Andy" Kingslow

Robert Charles "Bob" Kingston:
Barry White
Kenneth Charles

Nicholas John "Nick" Kingswell

William Kingswood:
Xavier von Taxis

Megan Melissa Kinney

Cyril Anthony "Tony" Kinsey

Philip Ronald Kirby

Stuart Barry Kirby:
Mr. Lager

Basil Kirchin:
Phil Kaye

David Shaun Kirkpatrick

William Hendry Kirkpatrick:
David Mack

Barry Anthony Kirsch

Nicola Zara Kirsch

Anne Kiruthi

Kathleen Jean Greta "Katie" Kissoon

Keiko Kitamura Walker

Charalambos Theodosis "Chaz" Kkoshi:
Charalambos Theodosis
Chaz Dabat

Alan Charles Klein

Harry Klein

John M. Klein

Joshua Herschel "Josh" Klein:
J. M. Beckett
Jax Jenkins

Ludwig "Lulu" Kletsch:
Luigi Cheletto
Lul Clay
W. Baeckers

F. Henri Klickmann (also "Klickman"):
Billy Brown (note to self: IPI 00004334332)
Henri Clique

Scott L. Kluesener (also "Kluesner"):
DJ Rectangle

Barry Gordon Kneller:
James Kneller
Marcus Jade
Mike Kneller

Daniel Peter Knight:
Aldous Finch
Blake Blumentahl
Danny Fernleigh
Disposable Youth
Emerson Ware
Flaming Vito
Grayson Voltaire
Huxley Ware
Jerry Thomas
Micky Mikkelson
Project 49
Slam Proof
Zazzmaster General

James Alexander Knight:
Dr. Fun
Jonathan Max Arthur

Peter Norman Knight:
Peter Valier

Stephen Andrew "Steve" Knightley

Theodor Helmut "Theo" Knobel, Jr. (also "Knobl"):
H. C. Alden

Gysbert "Gregory" Knop

Herbert Knorr:
H. Nore (possibly a typo)

Daniel Wilfred Knott

Jeffrey Andrew "Jeff" Knowler:
Bill Leonard
Jimmy McRee

John Gregory "Greg" Knowles

Michael "Mike" Koch (note to self: IPI 00124840492)

Jackson Henry Koeper:

Harry Kogen

Dev Kohli

Keith S. Kohn

Sergey Kolosov

Karl "Charles" Komzak II

John Theodore Kongos

Franz Königshofer (note to self: IPI 00016470895)

Konstantin Konstantinoff:

Dembo Konte

Horace Koolman

Mikheil Korkashvili:
Misha Twins

Erno Kostal

Mehboob Alam Kotwal:

Kadialy Kouyate

Kornelije "Kornell" Kovač:
Damjan Vilotić
Zoran A. Kostić

Alexander Sebastian "Alex" Kovacs

Stefan Kozuharov

John Ogetti Kpiaye:
Brownie T.

Joseph T. "Joe" Kraemer

Karl Krafft-Lortzing

Karl C. Kraft

Kevin Bruce Kraft

Johann Nepomuk Kral

Lawrence J. "Larry" Kraman

M. Kraus (no IPI?)

Henry Krein:
Gaby Fleury (also "Fleuri")

Andrew Myer Kremer

Herbert Kretzmer

Henry Maria Krips né Heinrich Josef Krips:
Henry Cripps
Henry Wagons

Emilie Krogh Johannessen

Hermann Krome:
Fred Ralph
Hans Berger
Hermann Lustig
James Huntley
Pat Colden
Werner Altmann

Zoë Esther Kronberger née De Souza

Ché Dylan Kropp

Jeffrey Sonny "Jeff" Kruger:
Howard Robert

Ting Ying Charles "Jay" Kuei (also "Charles Ting Kuei", "Ethan Kuei"):
Bruce Norris
Charlie Chang
Charlie Kaye
Charlie Tenku
Chuck Lee
Cornelius Wong
Crunk Uncle
Edmund Honda
Karl Karlsson
Master Porksklatch
Rolf Klein
Shang Tsung
Sifu (also "Master Sifu")
Simon Chowell
Tim Kaye

Leonhard K. Kuhmärker:
Hardy Cowmar
Leonard K. Marker (also "Leonhard", "Märker")
Léonard Marco

Willy Kuhn (note to self: IPI 00016841394)

Jangeet Kular (also "Jageet")

L. Kumalo

Rasmus Kunckel Nielsen (also "Nielson")

Albert Kunzelmann:
Eddie Elcome
Edi Elkom
Tom Crandell

Irene Kunzelmann (née Patay?):
Fred Korten
Nick Rosen

Mehmet "Memo" Kürt (also "Kurt")

Kausv Kuyateh

Redvers "Red" Kyle

Cato Kyvik:
Cato Gilmour
Drake Gilmore
Huitfeldt Gilmour

Alexander Richard William L'Estrange (also "Lestrange")

Gerald Mark La Coff:
Gerry Mark
Richard Coff

Dorothy La Pell Subota:
Dorothy Lapelle

Simon David Lacey

Richard James Lacy:
Brad Miller

Sarah Elizabeth Lacy:
Sarah Lacy Bird

Thorsten "Thor" Laewe

Charles Henry Truong Vinh "Charlie" Laffer

Guy Denis Fernand Lafitte

Martin James Laight (also "Martyn")

Franz F. A. Laitl

Anthony Charles "Tony" Lally:
Anton Dörfler
Antonio Paesano

James "Jimmy" Lally:
Arthur Lally
Colin Stewart
Hugh James
Jimmy Hughes
Jimmy Lyall

On Ki Angel Lam:
An Qi Lin
Jia Hui Lin
Ka Wai Lam

Jerome Rene Fernand Lamasset

Robert Valentine "Bobby" Lamb (also "Bob")

Joseph "Joe" Lambert (note to self: IPI 00569976664):
Caper (note to self: IPI 00717904236)
TNG (note to self: IPI 00717904334)

Stephen Elvin "Steve" Lambert (also "Steven")

Simon David Lambros

Benedic Jude Lamdin

Duncan Lamont:
Don Warren

Ross James Lamont

Handel Lancaster

Ian George Lancefield

Timothy Henzell "Tim" Land

Walter Landauer

Samuel Peter "Sam" Landell Mills

Christopher Al "Chris" Landon

Dean Landon

Norman Landsberg:
Manny Moka

Julian John Landymore

Marc Lane:
Frank Cooper
Frank Pistone
Marc Mooney
Marc Robin
Mark Kent
Rob Numa
Sparky Buddha

Philip Thomas Lane:
Con Van Ardt
Philip Arundel

Robert Charles Richard Lane

Bradley "Brad" Lang

Philip E. J. Lang

Gordon Maris Colman Langford:
Marcel Desgranges

Tasha Langford:
Abyss ThaByssness

Frederic Thomas Langlais

Justin Langlands

Stephen Langstaff

Toby Roland Langton-Gilks

Paul Lani

Daniel Roland Lanois

Alcides Emigdio Lanza

Vincent Daniel Jean-François Lapie

Timothy Elliott "Tim" Larcombe (also "Rolf"):
Elliott Malloy
Yuell Logg

Jeffrey Steven "Jeff" Lardner:
Ajum Mehood
Ben Dixon
Gemma Green
Harry Collins
Jack Kingman
Josh Campbell
Jurgen Frey
Sam Henry
Scott Donaldson
Thierry Barnier
Toby Marsden
Zach Rowan

Eris Drew Larsen née Nathan Drew Larsen:
Eris Drew
House of Black Dress

Philip Larsen:
Manhattan Clique

Martin David Lascelles

Benjamin Mark "Ben" Lasker Wallfisch:
Mark Jones
Static Cat

Karl Latann (also "Carl") (note to self: IPI 00017377187)

Carmi Esta Latham (also "Carmel"):
Bella Rize
Carm Ella
Carmel Ray
Carmi Casa
Carmi Cavendish
Carmi Embez
Carmi Esta
Esta Blue
Esta Yates
Hazel Ray

Clive Andrew Latham:
Clive L of the Elevators
The Cobra
Klaus Warnerr

David Alexander Latreille:
La Davey

Brandon Yingho Lau:
The Sovereign

Christopher Anthony "Chris" Laurence

Donald Raithe Laurence:

Zack Laurence:
Laurence Zack
Michael Robes
Michael Vogel

Remo Lauricella:
Raymond Lauri (also "Laurie")

Willi Lautenschläger, Sr.:
Edwin Haller
James Wanson
Jose Armandola
Udo Tuermer

André Claude Jacques Lavagne:
André Demurgere (also "Demurger")

Edmond Alexandre Lavagne

Paul Lavalle

Lisa Ann "La" Law

Paul Lawler:
Brad Stones
Luther Walton

Peter John Lawlor (note to self: IPI 00160629479)

Hugh James "Jim" Lawless

Martin Paul Lawrence

Maury Laws

David Clive "Dave" Lawson

Ian Wilson Lawson:
Iain James Veitch

Leigh Lawson

Malcolm Richard Laws

Raam Laxman

Timothy Andrew "Tim" Laycock

Marc Kenneth Layton-Bennett:
Dextrus Matra (also "Matra Dextrus")

Mark Alexander Lazeski:

Adam Aukai Le Blanc

Jeroen Hendrik O. Le Compte:
H. D'Haese

Toby Le Messurier Scott

William Alfred "Bill" Le Sage

George Le Vaye

Simon David Lea

James "Jimmy" Leach:
Elise Hertz
Jerome Clare
Jimmy Stowe
Josef Galento
Roberto Rico
Tex Grant

Jeffery Graham Leach

John Herbert Leach:
Ali Isfahan (also "Ishfahan")
Janos Lehar

Thomas Stuart Llewelyn "Tom" Leach:

Harry Leader:
Al Brown
Don Wain
John Mason
Johnny Martin
Jose Primo
Lena Ribana
M. Johns
Martin Roberts

Joyce Rona Leader née Gray:
Red Budtree

Brian Leake

Christopher Dean Stephen Leandre

Keith Leary

Michael Frederick "Mike" Lease (also "Meic")

Kevin Richard Leavy né Smith:
Kevin Tiplady

David M. Lebolt:
Martin D. Grove

Eleanor Ruth "Ele" Leckie

Oliver Simon Charles Ledbury (also "Ledberry", "Redbury")

Adrian Stuart Lee

David "Dave" Lee (note to self: IPI 00017625786):
Tom Gregory

Michael Lee (no IPI?)

Peter Edward Lee:
Alex Rhodes
Steven Ryder

Philip Robert "Phil" Lee

Phillip John Lee (also "Philip")

Timothy Wilfred Charles "Love" Lee (also "Tim", "Tim Love"):
Disco Inserts

Benedict John "Ben" Lee Delisle

Barry James Leef

Anthony Spencer Leeming

Benjamin George Lees

Neil H. Lees

William Franklin "Will" Lee IV

Philip Ashley "Phil" Legg

Ernest Leggett

Jason Luke Leggett:

Robert Legray

Johannes "Joe" Legwabe:

Elisabetha Nina Mary Frederica "Liza" Lehmann

Erik Leidzén (also "Leidsen")

Tom Leigh

Donovan Phillips Leitch:

Michael Francis Leith (also "Miguel")

Zachary Scott "Zach" Lemmon

Brian Lemon

Laura Gertrude Lemon

Ronald Lemus:

Hans Jan Lengsfelder:
Günther Brehm
Hans Felder
Hans Siegried Lentis (also "Siegfried")
Harry Lenk (also "Henry")
Johannes Heider
John Peters (also "John Peter")
Juan Campolargo
Pelle Peeters
Thomas Köck (also "Kock")
Wolfgang Ronegg

Michael Joseph Martin "Mike" Lennon

Paul Lennon

Peter Anthony Lennon

Harry Leon né Aaron "Harry" Sugarman:
Al Freeman
Al Harrison
Alan Goodchild
Alex Carrol
Art Noel
Gustave Nieumere
Harry Blessing
Harry Freed
Howick Hall
Jake Mahoney
Louis Victor
Oscar Martinez
Roy Marlow
Willy Schuman

George Conrad "Con" Leonard:
Lee Stanley

Lawrence Leonard:
Nikki Miklos

Simon Gavin Lawrence Leonard

Christopher Paul Leonard-Morgan:
Christopher Wallace

Hans Günter Leonhardt:
Marco Palao

Bohuslav Leopold

Vincent Diego Lepage:
Vin S. Da Cuero

Alan Jay Lerner

Nathan Marius Frederick "Natty" Lerner:
Natty Bo

Jérôme Leroy

Michael "Mike" Lesirge:
Alex Valentine

Desmond Leslie

Garron Mark Leslie

Kenneth "Ken" Leslie-Smith:
Paul Shooter

Daniel Edward "Dan" Lessner

Bryan Lester

Daniel Jean Yves Lesur

Georges Maurice Letourneau:
P. Lemel

Theodor Robert Leuschner:
Artur Stoebeck

Robin Charles "Rob" Lever

Elizaveta Levina:
Elizabeth Levine

James Scott "Jimmy" Levine

Stephen Alec "Steve" Levine

Eli Levinson

Eunice Hazel Levy-Frost née Russ

Giles Francis Lewin

Anthony Carey Lewis

Christopher "Chris" Lewis (note to self: IPI 00406280680):
Levi Kristensen
Thom Franck
Will Royston
(Audio Network, KPM)

Christopher James "Chris" Lewis:
Clinton James
(Peer International Library Limited, under alias)

Daniel John "Danny" Lewis:
Empire State
Hubert Hudson
Vida Loca

Jade Lewis

Joan Lewis

John Lewis

John David Lewis
(Panama Music Library)

Laura Lewis (note to self: IPI 01157616840)

Paul Rupert Lewis:
Rupert Burston
Rupert Paul

Rebecca Dorothy May Lewis

Richard Kenneth Lewis (note to self: IPI 00477540234):
Diggler (note to self: IPI 00853146438)
Ice Man (note to self: IPI 00481875025)
Panic Boiiiee

Titus Udell Lewis:
Sir Titus
Titus the Emcee (also "the M.C.")

Samuel William Edward "Sam" Lewis-Eaton (most commonly just "Sam Lewis")

Rudolf Lewysohn:
Rudolf Nelson

Derek William "Eggy" Ley

Layla Ley (also "Leyla")

Thomas Kin Sing Li

Sven Erik Libæk (most commonly "Libaek")

Michael Joseph Licari

David Anthony Lidderdale:
Ben Firman
Dave Travis

Charles Lidgey

Edward Lee "Eddie" Liggitt III:

Jack Daniel Paul Light

Matthew "Matt" Lightbourn

Harry George Lightfoot:
George Hollingdrake

Janette Lightowlers:
Janette Mason

Julien Jean Germain Lignon:
Kinetic Pho

Rafael Elias Lijtman:
Simon Rock

Anthony Frederick Lilly:
Ary Fernando
Ian Langley
Jean De Lys
Tony King (also "Anthony")

Roger James Limb:
Robin Artus

Paul Limonius:
Limo (note to self: IPI 00128897133)

Paul Dominic Linale

Paul Lincke:
Emilio Maravilla

Oluf Lindberg

Carsten D. Lindberg Hansen:
C. Note

Wilhelm Lindemann:
C. Komzak
Carlo Borne
Curt Baumeister
Ernst Eckstein
Fritze Bollmann
L. Gust
Waldemar Alfredo
Wilhelm Müller

Tom Maria "Tommy" Linden:
Ned Milton

Harold Andrew "Hal" Lindes

John Lindesay Hooper:
John Lindsay

Sharon Maria Lindo

David Lindup:
Michael Phillips

Shannon Paul "Shiney" Lingwood

Caitlin Donerly Linney

George F. Linstead:
Frederick L. George

Jonathan David "Jony" Lipsey (also "Tony"):
Jony Rockstar

A. C. Liscombe (note to self: no IPI)

Alan Thomas Lisk

Octave Pierre Lucas Lissner

Michael John "Mick" Lister

Benny George Litchfield

Monia Liter:
Antonio Amado
Betty Mason
Paul Hamilton
Squire Mason

Stefan Adam Litrownik

Dudley "Tiny" Little

Julian Nicholas Hugh Littman

Gary Liu (note to self: IPI 00560643849)

Ian Paul Livingstone

John Stanley "Johnny" Livingstone Harris:
Johnny Stanley

Thomas Edmund Nicholas Livingstone

Per Olof Ljungqvist:
Heavy Rotation
Mobile Mansion
Per QX

Adrian Dean Lloyd:

Hardress Anthony Llewellyn "Harry" Lloyd

Jonathan Samuel Lloyd

Richard Lloyd (note to self: IPI 00127270688)

Tania Frances Lloyd

Colin Lloyd-Tucker:
Colin Lloyd
Doctor Helicopter
Gemini Forque

Julian Lloyd Webber

William Southcombe Lloyd-Webber:
Clive Chapel
Lloyd Webber
Peter Wade

Joseph P. "Joe" Locke

Peter Robert "Pete" Lockett:

Joshua Deon "Josh" Lockhart:

Mark Lockheart:
Mark Chalmers

Trevor Lockie

Jonathan Joseph Lockie Race

Edward Lockspeiser

Dave Lockwood (note to self: no IPI)
(Score Production Music)

David A. Lockwood
(Panama Music Library)

Malcolm Neville Lockyer:
Geoff Clarke
Howard Shaw
Mel Dixon
Peter Todd

Simon Donald Lockyer

Stephen John "Steve" Lodder

Andrew George "Andy" Lodge

Giovanni Lodigiani:

John Jacob Loeb

Frederick Loewe

Thomas Howard Loffman:
Loft (note to self: IPI 00806597706)

Frederick Knight Logan

Gerad Olufemi Daniel Logan:
Soundbwoy (note to self: 00474044461)

Keith Lawrence Anthony Logan:
Keith Lawrence (note to self: IPI 00468638014)

Sinclair Adair Logan

Stavros Logaridis (also "Logarides"):
Stef (note to self: IPI 00244076480)

Patrick Robert Logothetti

Henning Lohner

Hanns Löhr:
Jack Morning
Jean Elroh
Harry Weber (note to self: IPI 00032607703)

Frederic Hermann Löhr

Nicholas Christopher Loizides:
Nick Wiz

Stavroula Loizidou:

Steven Frederick "Steve" Lomas

Mario D. Lombardo

Christopher Patrick "Chris" Lonergan

Helen Jane Long:
Lei Fallone

John P. Long:
Bert Longden
Jay Plong

John Basil Longmire

Francees Angelica "Francesca" Longrigg:
Frankie Long

Joseph Harry "Joe" Lonsdale:
Mac Liansky

Guilherme Lopes Rodrigues

Julian Francis Lopez:
Massive Power Strike
Mod Con

Maria Concepcion Lopez Rodriguez:

Robert Lord

Carl Lorens (also "Karl", "Charles", "Lorenz")

Adolf Lotter:
A. W. Hart
D. Maravilla (also "Marvilla")
Eileen Mehegan
Jan Loos
Jose Juancito
Leon Baga
S. Petroff
Val Cheyne

Oliver Erik "Ollie" Loudon:
Luminous Twin

James Richard Loughrey

Oscar Louis (note to self: No IPI)

Jacques Loussier

Haroldo Lobo

Ian Lovatt:
DJ Fuk
DJ Rocs

Geoffrey "Geoff" Love:
Alistair Burton
John Blair
Jose Burgos
Larry Evans

Terence Charles Love

Laurence Love-Greed

Darren Barrie Loveday

Robert Ewoud "Bob" Loveday

Stephen James Loveday:
Steve Tallens

William Lovelock:
Brent Carey

Peter George Lowe

David Hodson Lowe:
Touch & Go
(West One Music)

David William Lowes
(Music-De Wolfe)

Thomas Howdon Lowrey

Anthony "Tony" Lowry:
Lewis Anthony
Rex Lowton

Kester James "Kes" Loy:
Bell James Hunter
Edward Angus
James Hunter Bell
Thomas Patrick

James Lozito

Jeremy Michael Lubbock

Mark H. Lubbock

Leighton Lucas

Jose Marcos Lucchesi:
Jean Nalle
Leal Pescador

Howard Lucraft:
Al Tolano
Bob Mervan
Buzz Salton

Carmelo Luigi Luggeri

Marcelo Luis (note to self: IPI 00684749979)

Ivana Lukic:

Clive Neal Lukover:
Clive Neal

Robin "Rob" St. John Lumley

Desmond "Des" Lumsdon

Steinar Lund (also "Steiner"):

Stephen Alfred Luscombe (also "Steven")

Gordon Douglas "Don" Lusher

Charles Augustus Lutterodt

Agnes Elisabeth Lutyens (also "Elizabeth")

Frederick "Fred" Lydiate:
Dominic Paul

David Norman Lyon:
Leo Norman
Noel Moran

Graham John Lyons

Sean Michael Lyons

Juliet Lyons Menon:
Miss Zizi

Edele Claire Lynch

Keavy Jane Lynch

Ian Stuart Lynn

Kirstin Ann Lynn

Richard Paxton "Pat" Lynn:
Bobby Aston
Richard Benjamin

Allan MacBeth

Neill MacColl (also "McColl")

Keir Frank MacCulloch:
Araya (note to self: IPI 00617960330)
Keir Capitals
Keir Commands
KFM (note to self: IPI 00732651452)

Kathleen MacDonald

Phillip James "Phil" MacDonald (also "McDonald")

Sarah Joanne MacDonald:
Sarah Mac

James John Christopher MacDonald Gray:
Pablo Bastille
Serge Vegas

William Henry MacDonnell:
Billy Mack

Tobias "Toby" MacFarlaine (also "McFarlaine")

Chirag Rajesh Machhar

Duncan MacCallum Mackay

Rhona MacKay

Kyle Donald Mackenzie:
Kyle Commands

Neil Andrew Mackenzie (also "McKenzie")

Anthony Scott MacKinnon (also "McKinnon"):
Tony Scott (also "Anthony")

John Archibald MacLellan (also "McLellan")

Colin MacLeod Campbell

William "Bill" MacLurg (also "McLurg"):
David Wilson (note to self: IPI 00033031537)
Jonathan Barnes (note to self: IPI 00002120664)

George MacIlwham (also "McIlwham")

Charles MacKerras (also "McKerras")

Percival Mackey

Kenneth "Ken" MacKintosh (also "McKintosh"):
B. Wood
Jack Brent
Jack Morris
Ken Brent
Ken Burke
Ken Burton
Ken Harvey
Ken Howard
Ken Morris
Les Brent
Nick Harvey

Grahame Roy Maclean (also "McLean", "Graham"):
Brendan O'Neil
Emily Shreve
Helen Rhodes
Jean Louis Bassett
John Denon
Joseph Wade
Kati Hope (also "Katie")
Louis Verlaine
Oliver Wright
Peter Willmann
Ross Lovegrove
Stephan North
Tony Bachus
Wolfgang Klaus

Desmond MacMahon (also "McMahon")

Ian Andrew MacPherson (also "McPherson"):
Eustace P MacGargle (also "McGargle")

Roderick Hal "Sandy" MacPherson (also "McPherson"):
Joe Carnegie
Rod Hallowell

William Wylie "Bill" MacPherson Martin

Angus James William MacRae:
Espen Fahlen
Will James

David Scott "Dave" MacRae

Charles David Maddocks

Michael Taylor Maddocks

Thomas Jacob "Tom" Maddocks:

James Thomas Maddren

Christopher Bernard "Chris" Madin

Sponge Madix:
Horizontal Champion

Pascal Magdinier:
Dexter Bennett
Monty Jackson

Hywel Gwyn Maggs

Herbert "Herb" Magidson

Nicholas Andrew "Nick" Magnus

Brian Francis Mahon

Dean Mahoney:
Danny Cullen
Ella Ryan
Jez Hurst
Marc Frampton
Stacey Leon
Trent Larsen

Brian David Maillard

Hans Mainzer

Alec Makinson:
Jack Danson
Richard Goodfellow
Tim Woodburn

Clive Eric Malabar

Gian Gaetano Malaponti:

Albert Victor "Vic" Malcolm:

Robert Alexander Malcolm

Gualtiero "Walter" Malgoni:
J. Pogancho

Anu Malik (also "Annu", "Anoo")

Nonkululekho Nomvula "Vula" Malinga

Daniel William David "Dan" Mallender

Remy James Mallett

Mark A. Malone (Adams?)

Anthony Edward "Tony" Maloney

Christopher Patrick Maloney

Kevin Paul Malpass

Raymond Bernard "Ray" Manderson

Carmen Jane Manley:
Carmen Daye
Sofia Bijar

Charleene Reena Mann:
Charleene Rena

Stephen Edwin Phillip "Steve" Mann

Zeke Manners

Sylvester Maurice Manning:
Vess Dynamick

Bobby Lee Mansfield

Keith Mansfield:
Richard Neve

Marc François S. C. M. "Alec" Mansion:
Marc O'Pitch
Thierry Romain (also "Romain Thierry")

Santiago Mantas

Annunzio Paolo Mantovani:
Ivan Fosello
Jack Moss
Jo Debonnaire
Ken Moss
Mike Trevor
Paolo Cortesi
Paul Franz
Paul Lambrecht
Paul Remy
Paul Vane
Roy Faye
Tulio Julio Trapani

Reginald "Reg" Manus

Frederic Michel Eugene Maquinghen:
Freddy French
Freddy McQuinn

Tobias Marberger

Richard Patrick Marcangelo

Steven Michael "Steve" March-Torme

Hector L. Marchese

Giacomo B. Marchisio

Jean Alcide Marie Marcland:
Marc Lanjean

Alan Jerome Marcus

Eric Mareo:
Edgar Martell
Eric Curtis
Eric Dolman
Evan Marsden
Garry Foster
Guy Franklyn
Leo Verney

Peter George Marett:
Kahil Shirer
Pierre Benajoud

Clement Odoi Marfo

Matthew Maynard "Matt" Margeson

Gabriel Prosper Marie:
G. Margieri

Gioacchino Marincola

Jonathan David Maris

James Albert "Bert" Marland:
Kurt Burling

Andrew Jack "Andy" Marlow

Julia Marie "Juli" Marlow née Brace

Mitchell Ray Marlow

Jeffrey Alan Marmelzat

Paul A. Marquardt

Ronald S. Marquisee

Alan William Marr Reekie (also "Allan")

Christian Luc Patrice Ma Marsac:
Dermot Roy Simpson
Tommi Syracuse

Joe Marsala

Bernard John "Bernie" Marsden

David Marsden

Carl Lorimer Marsh

Ian Henry Murray Marsh

Roland George Nathaniel "Roy" Marsh

Christopher William "Chris" Marshall:
Matt V. Sinclair

King Wasiu Ayinde Marshall

Michael James "Mike" Marshall (note to self: IPI 00160297673)

Philip E. "Phil" Marshall

Philip "Phil" Martell

Bram Martin

Celetia Verona Louise Martin

Evan Joshua Martin

Gary Martin

George Henry Martin:
Graham Fisher
John Chisholm

Irving Lawrence Martin:
Denise Beadle

John Corry "Jack" Martin:
Pat Corry (also "Patrick")

Justin Laurent Martin

Peter Martin

Raymond Stuart "Ray" Martin:
Buddy Mortimer
Chris Armstrong
Fred Beverley
George Livius
Gus Latimer
Gus Mortimer
Hans Gotwald
Harry Nelson
Jane Hemp
Lester Powell
Marshall Ross
Ricardo Suerte
The Rover
Tony Simmonds

Rus Andrew Martin

Vincent John Martin:
Vince Clark (also "Vincent")

Colin Nigel Martinez:
Nigel Wilkinson Martinez

Hugo Martinez-Garcia:
Hugo Bechstein

Renato Martini:

Douglas "Doug" Martins Fonseca

Hank Brian Marvin:
Brian Robson Rankin

Claudia Natalia Marzec:
Pastel Clouds

Eric Albert Maschwitz:
Earl Martin
Holt Marvell
Jack Harker
Marvell Holt
St. John Curzon

Peter Paul "Pete" Masitti

Terence John Maskill

Derrick Llewelyn Mason:
John Waring

Glen Mason

James Gunnar Mason

Leanne Melisa Mason:
Leanne Brown
Sweet Female Attitude

Brandi Massey

David J. Massey:
Brother Nature
Christian Lacroix
Didier Lacroix
Jon Schulze

John Massari:
Biggy G
David Inlander

Paul Kevin Masterson:

Marco Luca Benedetto Mastrocola:
Mark Masters

Nigel Matherson

George Prince Mathews:
Fingaz McGee

James Muir Mathieson

Idris Cece Vassy Mato:

Juan Andres Matos

Albert Edward Matt

Tariq Ashley Naim "Taz" Mattar:
Brewster Nolan
Dead Astronaut

Carl Antony Matthews

David Geoffrey Matthews

Jessica Rachel Matthews

Thomas George Roderick "Roddy" Matthews

Alan Mawdsley:
Mr. Focus (also "Al Focus")

Anthony W. Mawer:
Denys Andrew

Michael William "Mike" Maxfield:
Marcel Lyon
Thomas De Silva

Robert "Maxi" Maxfield (also "Rob") (note to self: IPI 00178073354)

Ernest Maxin (also "Maxim"):
Jean Paul Verne

Amy May née Wilson (note to self: IPI 00489874669):
Beatrix Benedict
Beatrix Benedict

Andrew Michael George "Andy" May

Hans May:
Hal West
Mac Adams
Woodrow May

Karl Michael May:
C. Thomas
Carl Adler
Charles Michel
Charles Michel May
F. C. Adler
Karl Maier
Karl Mayer
Karl Michael

Philip Arthur Dennis "Phil" May

Ralph May:
John Gibson
Ralph McTell (also "MacTell")

Simon May:
Kit Hall
Matt Freeman

John Henry Mayer

William "Billy" Mayerl

Leonard Mayne

Peter Henry Mayne:
Henry Gower

Alexander "Alex" Mayor:
Algy Watts

Enrico Mayson (alias?)

Kevin Joseph McAlea (also "MacAlea")

Robert James Paul "Rob" McAndrews:
Elijah Hudson

Alan James McArdle

William "Bill" Easton McArthur (also "MacArthur")

William James "Blue" McAuley III (also "MacAuley"):
Bleu (note to self: IPI 00339870819)

Benjamin Peter McAvoy:
Jacob Jenson
Walter Magnum Peterson

Cameron Ian McBride (also "Macbride"):
Ray Sonny (also "Sonny Rider")

John McCabe

Nicholas Gregory McCall

Robert Malcolm "Roby" McCallum Lang

Patrick Michael Owen McCann (also "Patric", "MacCann"):
Michael Owen

Daniel James "Danny" McCarthy:
Art Illery
Danny James
Theory in Motion

Stephen R. "Steve" McCarthy (also "MacCarthy"):
Stevie Mac (also "Stephen")

Thomas Gerard "Tom" McCarthy:
Finan Jacob
Thomas Hayes (also "Tom")

William Alexander "Bill" McCauley (also "Mac Cauley")

John Anthony McCleary (also "MacCleary"):
John Anthony
(KPM Music, CD/digital eras)

Marion McClellan (also "MacClellan"):
Marion Goodale

James McCluskey (no IPI?)

James Gerard McColl (also "MacColl"):
Gerry Mack
James Iveson

John Alexander McCollough (also "MacCollough")

Kelly McCollough:
Kelly Mac
Kelly Nova

Nicola Jayne McCollum (also "MacCollum"):
Niki Mak

George B. McConnell (also "MacConnell")

Gerard Francis "Gerry" McConnell (also "MacConnell")

Brenton Scott "Brent" McCorkle

Richard James McCoull:
Dexter Macsworth

Vincent Edward McCreith:
Max Doyle
Stuart Winters

Frank B. McCright:
DJ Love (note to self: IPI 00469986472)

Andrew William John McCrorie-Shand (also "MacCrorie-Shand", "Williamjohn"):
Andrew Faulkner (note to self: IPI 00176886313)
Andrew Miller (note to self: IPI 00160469375)

Michael Gerard McCullagh:
Mick Nice

Alistair "Ali" McCulloch (also "MacCulloch")

Gordon McCulloch (also "MacCulloch")

Gareth Iain McCulloch Roberton:
Elijah Baley
Ian Robertson
Jason Taverner
Mike Dexter
Nicholas St. James
Robert Kerans
Shane Hunter
Ulrich Zunder

Ian McCutcheon (also "MacCutcheon")

Lana McDonagh:
Evie Maroon

Caspian Michael Reuben McDonald

Christopher Anthony "Chris" McDonald:
Chris McD

Frank McDonald (also "MacDonald")

Gregory James "Greg" McDonald (also "MacDonald"):
Eugene Birch
Greg Tierney
P. F. Moon
Paschal Moon

Anna Phoebe McElligott:
Anna Phoebe

Ian David McElligott (also "McElligot", "MacElligott")

Nicholas Sean "Nick" McEnally:
Sean Macc

Adam Peter McEvoy:
Ad Man

Michael John McEvoy (also "MacEvoy")

Tim McEwan

Celsey McFadden:
Eclectic Submarine
Jim Smith (note to self: IPI 00718640437)

Gary R. McFarland (also "MacFarland")

George Robertson McFarlane (also "MacFarlane"):
Dee Tone
Force 1
G. Man
Jesse Mac
Johnny Cage
Otis Joy

Charles Brian McGabhann Smith (also "MacGabhann")

James Alexander McGarvie Munn:
James What

Bill "Billy" McGee

Wes McGhee (also "MacGhee"):
Joaquin Romas

Steven Francis "Steve" McGill

Barbara Louise McGillivray:
Barbara Courtney-King

Paul James McGillivray

William "Bill" McGillivray (also "MacGillivray", "Billy")

David Michael McGinnis

Richard Ian "Rolo" McGinty (also "Ron", "MacGinty"):
Antony Rigg
DJ Applebad

Maxime Carlton McGowan

Ian McGowan

Francis "Frank" McGrath (also "MacGrath"):
Frankie Dexter

Gavin McGrath

James McGrath (note to self: IPI 00267990805)

William "Bill" McGuffie (also "Billy", "MacGuffin"):
Jack Whiting
Raphael Maertek
Vaughan Lawrence

Thomas John Christopher "Tom" McGuinness (also "MacGuinness", "McGuiness"):
John Hayes

Mark Daniel McGuire, Jr.

Peter McGurk (note to self: no IPI)

Elizabeth Jane McInerney (also "MacInerney"):
Eliza Jaye
Lady Ethanol
Lily Cole

John McInnes Smith

Lani McIntire (also "McIntyre", "MacIntire")

Robert Brodrick James "Robbie" McIntosh (also "MacIntosh")

Thomas Cameron McIntyre:
Ray Cameron

Brett William McKee

Carol Anne McKee (also "MacKee"):
Rory Nelson
Scott James

Max John McKellar:
Hunter Jones
Patrick Forney
River Mahlano

Ian Donald McKenzie

Jamie Ale McKenzie (also "MacKenzie")

Timothy Lee McKenzie:
Da Lab

Stephen Charles McKeon (also "MacKeon"):
Steve Stevens (also "Stephen Charles")

Ray McKinley (also "MacKinley")

Andrew Hugh McKinney

Curtis J. McKonly (also "MacKonly")

Michael Edwarrd "Mike" McLafferty

John McLaughlin (note to self: IPI 00071686851)

James Alexander Wallace "Jim" McLean (also "MacLean")

Paula McLean

Ross Andrew McLean:
Andrew Ross
Blue Feds
Jack Catfish
The Lawless
Tokyo Crow

Alexander Allinn "Sandy" McLelland (also "MacLelland")

Anthony Bosco McManus:
Anthony Wall (also "Wall-McManus")

John Patrick McManus (also "MacManus")

John James McMaster (also "MacMaster"):
James Mac (note to self: IPI 00279095326)

Stuart Drummond McMillan (also "MacMillan")

Tony McNabb (note to self: no IPI)

James Ross McNair

Russell Stephen McNamara (also "MacNamara"):
Billy Mac
Frank Diamond
Frankly Diamond
Olivier Foubert
Stephen Dean
Warm Alan

Timothy Edward McNary

Michael David "Mike" McNaught (also "MacNaught")

Thomas Carlton McNeice

Brian Ernest Brown McNeill (also "MacNeill")

Marian McPartland (also "MacPartland")

Kevin Ronnie McPherson:
Aaron Levy
Cut (note to self: IPI 00560151190)
Dale Ditchfield
Edward Scott-Bleming
Hans Bodicker
Javier Fernando
Jermain Brown
Ye-Shun Sohn

Lazarus Maurice McRae:

Robert James "Bobby" McVey (also "MacVay", "Mac-Vey", "McVay")

Thomas Patrick "Tom" McWilliams

James Robert "Jim" Meacock:
Fruit Synaptic

Oliver James "Olly" Meacock:
M. Ollie

Richard Gareth Mead

Paige Hosea Meade:
Paigey Cakey

John Philip Mealing

Dudley Mecum

Benjamin Terence "Ben" Medcalf:
The Rogue Element

James Stanley "Stan" Medcalf Harpham (also just "Stan Medcalf", "James Harpham")

Miguel Medeiros Pais Simoes:
Chris Luna
Nick Simon

Erich Meder:
Ernst Berger
Hans Maler
Karl Edelhofer

Paul Medhurst

Monti C. Medley

Simon "Sie" Medway Smith

Jeffrey Scott "Jeff" Meegan:
Scott Rockwell

Brendan Meehan

Daniel Joseph Anthony "Tony" Meehan

George Milliades Melachrino:
Robert Emms

Nicholas James Melara:

Alexander Alan "Alex" Melia:
Reso (note to self: IPI 00546189916)

Alian Melian

Richard Meller

Violet "Letty" Mellick née Katts (also "Lettie")

Dennis Roy Mellis

David Graham Mellor

David John Mellor
(Chappell, BML, David Mellor Production Music Library, etc.)

Nicholas William "Nick" Melvin:
Sparkle (also "Sparkle (UK)")

Niri Menashe Sadeh

Rubens Mendonça de Souza:
Rubs Troll
Rubinho Troll

Mario Alexander Menjivar:
Mario Sterling

William T. "Will" Menter

Aladar Ari Menzer

José "Sol" Mercado Sacristán

Christopher Leighton "Chris" Mercer
(KPM Music Recorded Library; LP era)

Christopher William "Chris" Mercer:
Rusko Banton (also "Banton Rusko")
(KPM; CD era)

Roy John Merchant

Alexander McClain "Alex" Mercier

Guy Charles Thomas Meredith

John Robert Meredith

Jacob Louis Merkur

Davide Merola Tammaro

Emilio Merone

Crispin Merrell:
Pete Dietrich

Ray Merrell:
Mark Saint Claire (also "St. Claire")

Sarah J. Merrifield

Robert D. "Bob" Mersey:
David Morse

Roger Messer

Gerardo Metallo

Stephen Barry Metcalfe

Audrey Meyer

A. Meyer Eigen:
Alfons Paar
Austin Egen
Ed Kronberger

Erik Meyer Helmund (also "Meyer-Helmund")

Cindy Ann Meyers:
Angel C. Herlihy
Rockin Angel C.

David Victor Meyers (also "Myers")

Alice Meynell:
Al de Meynell
Al Dumesnil
Floyd Lee
Lee Bevis
Tony Carbone

Sifiso Lencelotte Mgcina:
R. Black

Simphiwe Gift Mgcina:

Mark Miceli

Edward Salim Michaël:
Edward Ben Michael

Michalis Stelios Michael:
MSM Engineer (also "Msmengineer")

Christos Michalis (note to self: no IPI):
Chris Mike

Jo Michell:
Henryk Braun

Keith Joseph Michell

Guy Alford Michelmore

Julie Michels (note to self: no IPI)

Jørgen Michelsen

Todd Malcolm Michiles:
Old Man Malcolm

Horace Middleton

Maxwell George "Max" Middleton

Bob Midgley

Frans Adriaan Mijts (also "Myts"):
Alfred Mecca
Frank Rothman

Heather Mikkelsen

Joseph David "Joe" Milburn:

Richard Paul Miles

Walter E. Miles

Hans Millar (also "Miller") (note to self: no IPI)

Alexander Dean "Alex" Miller

Brian Roy Miller

Daniel Miller

Gerald Mark "Jez" Miller:
Morgan Kramer
Vic Wolfe

James Mason "Jim" Miller:
The Runt

Kyndyl Miller:

Robert Keith "Rob" Miller

Daniel Steven "Dan" Millidge:
James B. Roberts

Andrew James "Drew" Milligan:
Zed Minus

Terence Alan "Spike" Milligan

Stephen Francis "Steve" Millington

Karl "Charles" Millöcker

Adam Jon Mills (also "John")

Gary E. Mills

Irving Mills:
Joe Primrose

Peter Derek Patrick Mills

Richard Charles "Dick" Mills

Thomas Derek "Thom" Mills (also "Tom")

William Michael "Will" Mills:
Beck Sharp
Chairman Meow

Francis Anthony "Frank" Millum

Patrick Howard "Pat" Milne

Edward Cecil Milner

Richard Anthony "Rich" Milner (also "Richie")

Ashley Peter "Ash" Milton:
Farley Arvidsson

Seymour Cairns Milton:
Spencer De Vere

Li Xu Ming

Brian Keith Minnis

Paul Keith Minns

Lee James Mintram:
Feature Cast
Lee James (note to self: IPI 00454929815)

Vicenzo "Enzo" Miraglia:
Double Version
N'ZO (also "N ZO")

Carlos Miranda

David Rex Mitcham

Annabelle Margaret Mitchell

Gilbert Mitchell

Grant Christopher Mitchell

Grover Mitchell

Mark Adrian Mitchell

Richard Gordon Mitchell

Robert Buchanan "Roy" Mitchell

Royston Mitchell

Sidney D. Mitchell

Paul Charles Mitchell-Davidson

Bobby Godfrey Mitchell-Halstead (also "Robert", "Bob"):
Hal Stead
Robert Umi

Daniel James Mizen

Frank Mizen:
John Frankel

Jakub Lukas Mleczko

Moeketsi John Moabi

Gary Mark Moberley:
Gary Keyes (also "Keys")

Owen Peter Mockford

Louis "Lou" Mofsie

Salah El Dine Abdel Fa Mohamed (also "El Din"):
Salah El Sayar

Jechiel Mohar

Ikenna Mokwe

Deimar Molina Redondo

Danilo Mollari

Benedict "Ben" Ivitsky Molleson

James L. Molloy

John George Pearce Molloy

Thomas Matthew "Matt" Molloy

James Lynam Molly

Patrick "Paddy" Moloney

Lynsey Monckton Rubin:
Lynsey De Paul

Anthony Francis Keigwin Monkman

Brian Randall Monroney

Bernard Monshin:
Antonio Alma
B. H. Moonshin
B. Monarez
Hendryk Mulka
Johann Glicker
John Foyle

William Arthur "Will" Montague Johnstone:
Will M-J
Will Wolf (also "Mr. Wolf")

Roger Allen "Ram" Montgomery

James Francis "Frank" Montgomery Collinson

James Moody:
Christopher Dane
Enrico Montez

Barbara Moore

Daniel Joseph "Dan" Moore (also "Danny")

David Antony "Dave" Moore

Dudley Stuart John Moore

Matthew John Moore:
Dave Southcote
Howling Snake Slayer

Peter "Pete" Moore:
Lee Mason
Piet Van Meren

Richard Steven Moore

Roy Moore

Simon Dominic Moore

Sylvia Grace Moore:
Bernard Broere

George Alan Moorhouse:
Al Lorraine
Ricardo Ramirez

John Augustine Moran

Michael "Mike" Moran

Paul Moran

Angeline Morand

Sebastian Morawietz:
SMM Productions

Richard John "Rick" Morcombe

Louis Mordish:
Allan Lynne
Armand Rodriguez
Arthur Rank
Barney Cantor
Betsie Astor
Elem Maloney
Gwen Harris
Linda Arlen
Luigi Mordelli
Pierre Lafonte
Reggie Astor
Walter Penn

Jonathan Richard "Jon" More

Nikolas Ryan Moreno

Art Morgan

Arthur Theodore Morgan, Jr.

Brett Morgan

Christopher John "Kit" Morgan

Jerome Barry Morgan

John Charles "Charlie" Morgan, Jr.

Kenneth James "Ken" Morgan

Peter Ernest "Pete" Morgan

Robert Badgett "Bob" Morgan

Roy Morgan:
Roy Stone

Terry Steven Morgan:

William David Andrew Morgan

Kenneth James "Ken" Morgon

Sophia Indgrid Anabelle Morizet:
Sophia Magpie

Adam Robin Peter Morley:
Naughty Jack

Angela Morley née Walter "Wally" Stott

Vicente Moro Lanchares:

Steven H. Morrell

Craig Morris:
$10 Haircut (also "10 Dollar Haircut")
DJ Fury

Christopher Geoffrey "Chris" Morris

John Leonard "Len" Morris:
John Gower

Michaela Ruth Katherine Naomi Morris

Peter Morris (note to self: IPI 00176910844)

Peter Howard Morris
(BML Production Music Library, Dennis Music Recorded Music Library, Red Bus Music Library)

Reginald "Reg" Morris (note to self: IP 00253458951)

Trevor Andrew Morris

Kenneth Donald "Ken" Morrison

Robin Blue Morrison:
Marius Ford

Moneta Morrison Eagles

David Thomas Morrison Maclean (also "David Ward Maclean"):
John Gillson

Daniel Peter "Dan" Morrissey

Geoffrey Stanton "Geoff" Morrow

Anthony "Tony" Morson

Harry Mortimer:
H. R. Moreton (also "Morton")
Rodney Martyn

John Henry Mortimer

Daniel Sean Mortimer (also misprinted "Simeon Mortimer")

Adam Roger Morton

Chris Morton (note to self: no IPI)

Pawel Morytko

Karl Mosheimer:
Karl Damsek
Karl Schaedl

Xavier Lorenzo Mosley:
Chief Xcel

Harold Moss

Peter Stephen Moss

Thomas William "Tom" Moss

Abe Most

Sam Most

David Christopher Simon Motion

Paul Jeremy Mottram

Lea Bernard Roger Moulds:
Lea Edwards (also "Lea Roger Edwards")

Desmond Moule (joint pseudonym?)

Kenneth John "Ken" Moule

Paul Roy Mousley:
Paul Miro

Hylton Matthew Mowday

Maria Del Carmen Moya Perez

Mapendla Daniel Moyo:
Danny Wheeler

Mungamba Ramazani "Remmy" Mtoro Ongala:
The Doctor (also "The Dr.")
Doctor Remmy (also "Dr. Remmy")

Hélène Charlotte Evelyn Muddiman:
Helene Faifrax

Darren Guy Mudge:
Guy Masters
Peter Cecil
Tom Masters

Thomas Athelstan Mugridge

Benjamin "Ben" Mühlethaler (also "Müehlethaler"):
Ben Thaler
Benjamin Lewis Holl
Benjamin Lewis
BJ aka the Grooveprofessor
The Grooveprofessor

Muazzam Mujahid Ali Khan (also "Muazam")

Rizwan Mujahid Ali Khan

Pavan Anil Mukhi:
Buck Shinez
Orifice Vulgatron

Rory Christopher Muldoon

Neil James Mulholland

Anthony "Anton" Mullan

Nigel Christopher Mullaney:
Christian Black
Crane Workz
Damien Darkq
Denzil Christo
Diablo Disk
Flex Cola
Klark Simmons
Luther Static
Phono Pulse
Simion Tempo
Taff Davis
Tim Sonik
Tread State
Voodoo Bull (also "Voodoobull")

Frederic Mullen (also "Frederick"):
Anton Lemieux
Armand Michel
Bertrand Lesonne
Cyril Burgess
Cyril Thorne
Denis Dupre
Eileen Ashton
Emil Durand
Gaston Lemune
Gustave Lind
H. Rigaud
Jean Bonneval
Jean Leclerq
Jean Morel
Jean Valjean
John Ashton (note to self: IPI 00001478219)
Leon Adam
Lucien Clement
M. Lepine
Paul Andre
Paul Beaupre
Paul Lestere
Paul Vardon
Philippe Carton
Pierre Lescaut
Victor Salcede (also "Salcède")

Gordon Nicholas Mulrain:

Barbara Ann Mulree

Daniel James "Dan" Mumford:
Anna Dale
Darwin Wetherby
Elody Amsel
Frank Abington
Hamilton Birch
Heston Mimms
Karl Park
Leigh Frankley
Peter Enfield
Richard Charnock

James R. Mundy

Alexander Richard "Alex" Munk:
Max Alexander

William "Billy" Munn

James Edward Munns (note to self: IPI 00279613334)

Ian Grant Munro

Murray Neil Munro

Ronald George "Ronnie" Munro:
Andre Picon
Buddy Rose
Dave Ornum

Wendy Jane Munro

Lillian Florence Munsie:
Len Siemun

Simon Munting

Jideofor Ikemafuna "Jim" Muotune

Patrick Robert Murdoch:
Dale Portland
Jeff Coates
Jennifer Wythe
Warren Martinez

John Edwin Julius "Muff" Murfin:
Edwin Greg
Old Smithy
Smithy Old

Desmond Patrick "Dez" Murphy (also "Des")

Gavin Emmanuel Murphy

John Paul Murphy:
Christophe Blaus
Curtis Mooney

Peter Lewis Keane Murphy

Robert McArtney Murphy:
Angus Duncan

Alan Robert Murray

Andrew Ian Murray:
Devon May
Stanley James (note to self: IPI 00867120237)

Holly Marie Murray

Lyn Murray

Michael Philip Murray

Wayne Anthony Murray:
Dylan Patrick

Stephen Derek "Steve" Murrell:
Steve Johnson

Valerie "Val" Murtagh:
Patricia Jenner
Val Avon

Robert S. "Bob" Musel:
Roberto Lopez

Jonathan Mark "Jon" Musgrave (also "John"):
Charlie Drummond
Ethan Tate
Guy Kirby

Frank John Musker

Albert Victor "Vic" Mustard

Rebecca Muthoni Mwangi

Tim Mycroft

William Henry Myddleton

Justin Guy Nicholas Myers

Neil James Myers:
Petra Freeman
Rachel Wine

Stanley Myers (also "Meyers")

Milroy Nadarajah

Kaoru Nagashima

Rajesh Roshan Nagrath:
Rajesh Roshan

James Marek Nahmmacher:
Marek von Namacher

Garo Nahoulakian

Lynton John Naiff

Benjamin Kalfa Meir Orson Nakache:

Georgios "George" Nakas:
Donnie Dragon
Freddie Fog
John Brooklyn
Mason Gomez
Sonny Switch

Maziar "Mazi" Namvar:
Audio Soul Project

Chantelle Nandi Masuku

Dominic Paul Nangle:
Downs Lewis
Juno Victor
Leckie Marcus
Zealous Bobby

Julian Anthony Adrian Napolitano:
JN (note to self: IPI 00880613333)
Jochen Simms
Jules Skinner

Walter Gilbert "Wally" Napper

Daniel "Dan" Naqvi (also "Naqui"):
D Boy

Curtis Hilton Stewart Nash

Edward H. Nash:
Bernard Cassel
Rudy Helm

Gresby Race Nash:
Diogo do Santos
Too Many Funerals

Matthew Arif "Matt" Nasir

Pino Nasti

Robert Casey Natale:
Your Sister's Canary

Jack Nathan:
Alexis Perez
Pat Worth

John Amor Nau

Frank Naylor:
Francisco Rolani
Lou Rogers

Oscar Naylor

Patrick Reginald Naylor

Majahawodwa Ndlovu:
Jeys Marabini

Ion Neagu:
Jean Neago

Alfred Lyndon Neale:
Dylan Goldstone

Richard James "Chad" Neale:
Leopold Ponzio
Maurice Conchis
Maugrim De Wolfe
Ragnar Nealson

Mark Neary

Nicole Jeannine Neely

Matthew Joseph Nelmes:
Mat Nelson

Kenya Rashid Nelson

Ryan Matthew Nelson:

Shelley Elizabeth Nelson

William "Bill" Nelson

Josef Nemeti:
Ira Temen

Paul William Nesbitt (also "Nesbit"):
Paul Hofner

Mark Ness

Heinz Nessizius:
Benno Schilling

John Ramon Nettleton:
John Ramon

Lawrence Thomas "Loz" Netto:
Loz Notto

Robert Peter Neufeld:
Robert Freechild

Andrew Laurence "Andy" Neve

Robert S. "Robbie" Nevil

Ethelbert Woodbridge Nevin

Bryan Chuck New:
Chris Bevington

Derek Joseph John New:
Chico Romero
Don Neux

Harold "Harry" New

Thomas James New:
Christian Bachatori
D. J. Hardcore
Jeremy Blackman
Optical Sound

Alasdair Robert Prentice Newbigging

Philip Newbould

Cosey Christine Carol Newby:
Cosey Fanni Tutti

Simon Newby

Norman Newell:
Alan Curtis
Alan Trevor
Boyd Miller
Bruce Day
Colin Clifford
Craig Stevens
Dave Burke
David Lane
David Ray
David West
Frank Mason
Gerry Blake
John Moran
John Richards
Johnny King
Johnny Scott
Ken Rivers
Les Morgan
Mary Bond
Peter Cooper
Peter Roberts
Ray Baron
Ray Collins
Richards Baker Ross (also "Richards, Baker & Ross")
Robin Boyd
Robin Scott
Ronnie Dale
Rudy Slavin
Teddie Wallace
Tony Dacre

Al Newman (Alan?)

Oscar Newman (no IPI?)

Kyle Aaron Newmaster

Mike John Newport (also "Michael")

Roy Newsome

Peter Richard Newton:
Beat Deville
Gravity Sound

Rodney Stephen Newton

Y. Ngani

Hung Tran Ngoc Truong

Maighread Ni Dhomhnaill

Julian Conan Nicholas

Philip Ian "Phil" Nicholas

Phillip John "Phil" Nicholl

Justin Nicholls:

Hal G. Nichols

Keith Charles Nichols (also "Nicholls")

Jack Nichols-Marcy

Nicole Mwanda Nicholson (also "Nicolson"):

Roy Leslie Nicholson

Daniel Gaetano Nicoletti

Werder Niedermeier (note to self: no IPI)

Mark Adrian Niedzwiedz:
Mark Angelo

Peter Nielsen

Alfred Nieman:
Alfred Merlin

Caron Lyn Nightingale:
Carnie Hall

Tam Nightingale:
Art Moses
Cactus (note to self: IPI 495541131)
K-Bab (also "Kbab")
K-Babs (also "Kbabs")
Kevin Bab
Kevin Babs
Paul Clarkson (note to self: IPI 00495540918)

Trevor John Nightingale

Samuel "Sem" Nijveen:
John Brinkman

Richard Niles

Erik Nilson (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

James Robert Nisbet

Gina Nivelli-Schwarz:
Paul Hendrick
Richard Lane

Lothar Noack:
Ingolf Ratol

Paul Walter Noack:
Francoir Jonar
Franz Jonar
James Reed
Mc Laughlin
Paul Dillinger
Ted Morton

Gary David Noakes:
Leon Dean
Steven Carpenter

Mkulu Wilfred Fikile Nobadula:
Mkay Ultra
Mkulu "MK" Lee

Adam William Noble

Robert Derek "Bob" Noble

Mateus Nogueira Asato

Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Nolan:
Kenji Takamoto
Doc Martin
Detroit Jackson
Billy Sonic
Bryon Michael Gillan

Richard Samuel Nolan

Brian Desmond Noon

Graham Noon

Tristan Lewis "Tris" Noon

Erik Nordgren

Per David Norén

Cecil "Chick" Norman:
Cosy Lee
Norman Hoffman

Matthew Laurence "Matt" Norman:
Alexander Silver
Saskia Golding

Rich Norman (no IPI?)

Erik Normann (note to self: no IPI)

Clifton H. "Clif" Norrell

Richard Leslie "Nicky" North

Roger D. North:
Spear Royal

Robert Michael Joseph Northcott:
Robson Di Cotto

Christopher Garth "Chris" Norton:
Daniel Scott
David Marcus
Geoffrey Stevens
Scott Lefanu

Frederic Norton:
Ewan Dale

William Ian "Willy" Norton

Munyaradzi "Murenga" Nota:

Julian Francis Kandahar Nott

Dingi Ntuli

Barbara Nugent

Joseph Nussbaum (note to self: no IPI)

Charles Samuel Creed Nutbrown

Edward William Frederick Nutbrown

James David Nutt:
Brandon Marlow

Alexander Patrick "Sandy" Nuttgens

Oronne Chimzi Nwaneri

Wilfred Munyaradzi Nyamande:
Lost Wolf

Sharron Ropafadzo Nyarambi:
Sharon Rose

Elisabeth Nygaard

Iarla Seosaimh Peadar Ó Lionáird

David O'Brien:

Ewan O'Brien:
Johnny Lithium

Joseph Michael O'Brien (also "Obrien"):
Henry Williams
Jake Clarke
James Andrews
Mason Jones
Pat Robert
Vincent Elliot

Paul Richard O'Brien

John O'Brien-Docker:
Leon Village
Sep Shank

Desmond Bernard O'Connor:
Benny Lamarr (also "Lemarr")

Karen O'Connor

Richard Paul O'Connor:
Frankie Mendez
Shay Tyler

Luke O'Dea

Cahir Daniel O'Doherty

Bertram Walton "Bandy" O'Donnell

Michael John "Mike" O'Donnell

Stephen Martin "Steve" O'Donnell

Alex William O'Donovan

Kathleen "Kay" O'Dwyer:
Don Rhys
Kay Rudd

Asya O'Flaherty

Hyo Sung David O'Grady:
David King

Mark Charles O'Grady:
Colonel Reefa
Joshua Hargreaves

Nigel Ronan O'Grady:
Gerry O'Grady (also "Gerrard", "Ogrady")

Liza Marie O'Hagan:
Lizzie Marie
Lizzie Nightingale

John Mark O'Hara

Paul Brendon O'Kane:

Sean Francis O'Leary

Eileen Megan O'Mara

George William O'Neil Keane:
Catching Flies
George Georgia
George Indigo
George King
George Williams
Indigo Soul
Mr. Blue
Mr. Boss
Only Emily

Bernard Anthony O'Neill

Grainne Catherine O'Neill

Michael Dennis O'Neill

Norman O'Neill

Ross Paul O'Reilly (note to self: IPI 00541731176)

Lawrence James "Larry" Oakley (also "Laurence"):
Joe Corman

Linn Maria Öberg

Kate Lorraine Ockenden:
K. L. Bullock (also "Kate")

Brian Odgers

Trevor Alfred "Travis" Oerton:
Antony Trevor

Jason Offen

Miles Kwaku Ofosu Danso

Oyejuwon Babatunde Adetokunbo "Juwon" Ogungbe

Pedro Elias Ojeda Acosta:
Los Proprios Bateros

Martin Odozea Okasili

Teishiro Okitsu:
Hibiki Ichikawa

Seth J. Olansky:
Esso (note to self: IPI 00521409879)
Wayfarer (note to self: IPI 00705219467)

Oluwafemi Agolabi "Femi" Olasehinde:
Blak Magik (also "Magic", "Majik")
Tekno Dred (also "Techno")
Ivor Nuone
Junkie Dred
Love Nation
Mike Meup
Stress Eads
Voodoo Don

Terence Raymond "Terry" Oldfield

James Oldfield Turner:
Jack Howard

Eddie Oldo (also "Eddy")

Peter Nicholas Oldroyd (also "Olroyd"):
Lars Neumann
Straw (note to self: IPI 00405159088)

Bijan Anthony Olia

Charles David Andrew "Charlie" Olins

Jacques Mathias Oliveira:
Jacques Mathias

Joshua Peter "Josh" Oliver

Melvin J. "Sy" Oliver

Rusty Oliver

William Joseph "Bill" Oliver:
Joe Rivello

Antoine Jean Andre Olivier

Norah Nneka Opara

Joe Oprych

James Ord Hume:
A. E. Reyloff
Dora Hartness
Eugene Verner
Hubert Stainer
Lilian Raymond
Oliver Herzer
Paul Hakke
Rod MacKenzie (also "McKenzie")
William German
William Raymond

John Ord Hume:
Jacques Lafont
Robert Ferguson

Andrea Ori

Franco Orlandini:
O. Franco

Simon Cyril Ornadel:
Shoshana Shapira

Manuel Ornellas Ramos

Buxton Daeblitz Orr:
Louis Daeblitz
Roy Buxton

Örvarr Atli Örvarsson (also "Örvarrsson")

John Arthur Osborn (also "Osbourne"):
Billy Karloff

Edward Benjamin "Tony" Osborne:
Benny Mason
Gary Anthony
Joe Kost
Ozzie Warloc (also "Warlock")
Sordo Gomez

Leslie Herbert Osborne:
Bert Leslie
Leslie Herbert

Teddy Francis Osei

Iman Farouk Osman

Amanda Ososami

Christopher Otero Duffy

Marcello Ottimo

Robert Oughton

Katherine Claire "Katie" Overbury

Graham T. Overgard:
Eric Boyer
Lee F. Labo

Alan Rene Ronald Owen:
Alan Langford

Albert Alan Owen:
Charles Hill

Christopher Andrew "Chris" Owen:
Distrikt Productions

Glyn Michael Owen:
Emily V. Owen
Grim M. Omen

Martin John Owen

Reginald "Reg" Owen:
Glen Somers
Laurie Driver

Matthew John "Matt" Owens

Martin Luther Owusu

James Thomas Oxborrow

Peter Oxendale:
Peter Chill

Sarah Michelle Ozelle

Rudolf Paardje:
Rud. Cheval

Norman John Pace

Carlo Paccotto

Alois Pachernegg:
Ali Pach
Georges Sardosti

Donna Mary Susan Pacifici:
Donna Rhodes

Stephen Thomas Packe

William Edward Brian "Bill" Padley

Christopher Michael Padrick:
DJ Seep

Robert Osborne "Bobby" Pagan

Bhaba Pagla (note to self: no IPI)

Alexander Thomas "Alex" Painter:
Alex Thomas

Mark Lambert Painter:
Sir Bald Diddley (also just "Sir Bald")

Robert Charles "Bob" Painter

Simon John Painter

Irina Pakkanen

Cesar Giovanni Pallares Garcia:

Bradley Grant Palmer:
Bradley James

Cedric King Palmer:
Da Paula Bana (also "Bana Da Paula")
Henry Sherwood
Karl Vodsky
Liam Howlett
Niklas Krotsch
Palmer King
Peter Kane
Richard North
Richard Penn
Zoe Nicholls

Christopher Francis Palmer

Del Palmer

Neil Charles Palmer:
Dust Devil

Richard Jeffrey Charles Palmer

Stewart Glen Palmer:
Stewart James

Winifred "Wyn" Palmer née Henry:
Henry Wyn

Angelo "Angy" Palumbo

Ian Michael Page:
Ian Paine

Nicholas Plato "Nikos" Page:
Dubulah (also "Count Dubulah")
D. Tax (also "Tax D")

Rui Wen Pan:
VinnyxProd (also just "Vinny")

Andreas Lambrou "Andy" Panayi

Sonny Chrisanthos Panayiotou:
Capo Di Capi

Georgios "George" Panayiotou Kallis

Dinesh Kumae Pandit:
Pandit Dinesh

Lalitraj Pratapnarayan Pandit:
Lalit (also "Jatin Lalit")

Brijesh Ashvin Pandya

Douglas Andrew Henry Panton:
Tom Barnes

Philip Peter Dudley "Phil" Panton:
Brook Lodge Studios

Jeremy James "Jem" Panufnik:
Jem Stone

Peter "Pete" Papini:
Peter Yellowstone (also "Pete")

Keith Thomas Papworth:
Charles Turnvill (also "Turnville")
Ernest Copley
Thomas Elherth
Thomas Garwood

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
A. Newington
Alex Lee
Alfredo Poredo
Arnold Mendriques
Charles Hale
Douglas Goulan
Douglas Mendip
Frank Cooper
George Grieger
Graham Pace
Greg Gerardine
Hans Steiger
Harold Sensior
J. T. Evens
Jacob Needersohn
Jim Gustard
John Deeley
Johny Glaydon
Joseph Seener
Laurie Prince
Miguel Valdez
Milt Holloway
Nino Tavische
Noel Carter
Phil Silversteed
Ronnie Morris
Sammy Verney
Sydney Norman
Teddy Peters

Gabriel Philippe Charles Parès:
G. Derouy

Philippe Gabriel Hippolyte Emm Parès:
Jean Bauval
Jim Wakerfield
Robert Enton

Thomas Sebastian Parisch

John Alexander William Parish:
Scott Tracey

Simon Douglas Stewart Park:
Martin Doran
Simon Haseley

Dorothy Parke:
Dinah Barlow

Alan Frederick Parker:
Ashley Kessin
Graham Lane

Brian Thomas Parker:
Bryan Perez

Clifton "Cliff" Parker

Elizabeth Parker

James Mavin "Jim" Parker

Lewis Bradley Parker

Matthew James "Matt" Parker

Michael John Keith "Mick" Parker:
Annie Cash
Keith Bessant

Nicholas Josef Stanley "Nick" Parker

Owen James Parker:
James Oliver (note to self: IPI 00618670629)

Thomas Arthur "Tom" Parker

Timothy Jerome Parker:
The Gift of Gab

Eric Parkin

Charles Ralph Parmenter

Luke Parmeter-Richards (most commonly just "Luke Richards")

John Russell "Jack" Parnell

William Russell "Will" Parnell

Don Parr

J. Parr

Christopher Donald "Chris" Parren

Richard Alan Parrett

Robert William "Rob" Parrett:
W. Delancey

Giovanni Antonio "John" Parricelli:
Paolo Maddaloni
Parauchi Nawahi

Derrick Alexander Parris

Benjamin William "Ben" Parry

Cyril Walter "Cy" Parry

Jo Parry

Robin John Parry:
Dr. Kimono

Henry Richard Obree Parsley:
Matthew Fleming
Tom Wilson

Benjamin James "Ben" Parsons:
Super Babaloo

Bradley Roy "Brad" Parsons:
Bradley Roy
Leo Wilde
Theo Robbins

Nicholas John "Nick" Parsons:
Nick Parr

Gary R. Partin

David Robert "Dave" Pash:
David Pashkovietsky

Andrew Howard "Andy" Pask

Dominic Edward James Passmore:
Dom James (also "Dominic")
Marshall Robinson

Glenard Kojo "Glen" Patnelli

James Alexander Patchett:
Alec Grahame

Liam Ross Paton:
William Connolly (note to self: IPI 00608017571)

Harold Patrick (note to self: no IPI)

John Charles "Johnny" Patrick

Wendy Lana Patrick

Paul Leslie Patterson

Rodney Hugh Alexander "Rod" Patterson:
Guru Music

Brian Thomas Paturalski:
Duffy Sylvander
Jean-Luc Labasse
Thomas Collins (note to self: IPI 00657168710)

Alan Paul:
Peter Young

Karl Pauspertl

Martin Pavey:
Martin Young

Paul Anthony Pavey

Katherine Elizabeth "Kat" Pawlak

Diamond Paye

Christopher John "Chris" Payne:
Luc Hemard
(Chappell Recorded Music Library, Bruton Music, Carlin Production Music)

Christopher Robert "Chris" Payne
(The Artful Production Music Library)

Cyril John "Cy" Payne:
Dave Long (also "David")

Margaret Tennant Payne:
Billy Bond
Carl Stressen
Carol Loublique
Lester Rome
Margaret Cochrane
Martin Foster
Max Beer
Noel Jackson
Peggy Cochrane
Rae Roy
Ray Roy

Joss Vincent Peach:
Vincent Beaumont

Andrew David Peacock

Nick Peacock

Charles "Charlie" Pearce

David Charles Austin Pearce

Stephen Miles "Steve" Pearce

Alison Pearse

Howard John Pearse:
Guy Rosa
Howard John (note to self: IPI 00719400163)
Josh Cooper
7 Fields (also "Seven Fields")

Michael Robert Pearse:
Miguel Gomez Perez
Mykonos Papadopoulos

Guy Christopher Pearson

John Valmore "Johnny" Pearson:
Johnny Valmore
Jose Floris

Leslie Pearson

Neville John Pearson

Robert "Rob" Pearson

Valerie Jean "Val" Pearson

Jason Matthew "Jay" Pedder:
Jack Knight
Sergio Alma

Kevin James Peek

Samuel Charles Pegg

Nicholas Jon "Nick" Peill

Michael Alexis "Mike" Pelanconi:
Prince Fatty

Matthew Robert Pelling:

Everis Pellius

Bryan Pendleton:
Frank Fare (also "Francis")

Ivan Joseph Penfold

Ling Peng

Angela Dawne Penhaligon:
Bea Parks
Piney Gir

Tim David Penner

Alice Sophie Penrose:
Ali Rose

Donald John "Don" Percival

Norman Robert Percival:
Robert Bowen

Noemia Filipa Peres Alves:

Anika T. Peress:
Anika Paris

Don Peretz

Andres Eduardo Perez:
Andre MC
(Audio Network)

Andres Antonio "Andy" Perez:
Space Boy Boogie X
(Deep East Music)

Franck Marc "François" Perez:
Toulon Perez
Vallance Franck

Lorena Andreina Perez Batista (also "Perez-Batista")

Ryan Palmer Perez-Daple:
Guy Wallace
Hank Harmony

Stuart Frederick "Jaime" Perkins

Thomas Rory "Tommy" Perman

John Giles Francis Perring:
Gilles Cheques

Frank Ernest Perry

John Gerald Perry

Harry Arnold Persson:
Harry Arnold
Jose Valesca
Mel Young
Pat Morgan

Jonas Christian Persson

Thomas Stephen "Tom" Petais

Brian Haydon Peters

Michael Peters (note to self: IPI 00437521855)

Mike Peters

Thomas Lanyon "Tom" Peters:
Lanyon Peterson

William Francis Peters

André Maurice Petiot:
André P. Baretje

Mark John Petrie

Jason M. Petrin

Benjamin Michael Easter "Ben" Pettit:
DJ Zinc
Dope Skills

Rupert John Reynolds Pfaff

Daniel Gustaf Lennart Pherson (also "Persson")

Guy Fraser Phethean

Pule Pheto:
Da 88

Ludo Philipp:
Clive Bennett

Adam Lee Phillips:
Various Production

Andrew David James Phillips:
Elliot Greenhip
Frank Brydon

Anthony Edwin Phillips:
Dirk Smorgasbord
Kurt Kroll

Clifford Phillips

Daniel "Danny" Phillips

Donald David "Don" Phillips:
Buddy Brooks
Enrico Fernandoz
Gus Jones
Helen Brooks
Jose Ricordi
Ramon Pedro

Dudley Nicholas Andrew Phillips

Ethan Phillips (note to self: IPI 00339042669)

Frederick "Freddie" Phillips (also "Fred"):
Frederico Gillan y Montez
Joachim Quinto
Sean Laffeaty

Isadore Simon "Sid" Phillips (also "Syd"):
Arthur Brooks

Kenneth Edward "Ken" Phillips

Martyn John Courtenay Phillips

Montague F. Phillips

Patrick Phillips (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

Timothy Robert "Tim" Phillips:
Bunk Dogger

Tony Phillips

Winifred Patricia "Win" Phillips

Woolf Phillips:
Joseph Brower

Jonathan Charles "Josh" Phillips Gorse

Tanya Cristina Cara Beatrix Phoenix

Lucas "Lou" Photos (also "Loucas", "Loukas")

Vincent Pierre Louis "Vinny" Piana

James David Pickering:

Stephen John "Steve" Pickering

Alfred Pickert

Stephen Pickup (also "Stephan")

Geoffrey James "Geoff" Pidcock Holroyde:
Dink Winkerson
Jack Saturday

William John Piercy:
Gordon Zola
P. Escoffier
P. Vilmos
R. van Winkle (note to self: IPI 00033072714)

Julien François Paul Pierre:
Pierre La Seyne

Claudio Pietronik

Lorenzo Piggici

Michael "Mike" Piggott

Matthew Stephen "Matt" Pike:
Aer (note to self: IPI 00682848202)

Nathan Lee Pike:
N. L. Pyke

Jonathan David Pilcher:
Jonny Weevil

Rennie Pilgrem:
Rennie P.

John Henle Pillitz:
John Paris

Andrew Clinton Pilmer

Douglas "Dougie" Pincock (also "Doug")

Paul Pinder

David Richard Pine

Xu Pingxin

Anna Maria Pink

Ronald Pinney

James Henry "Harry" Pinnock

Mario Pira

Michelle Pira (note to self: no IPI)

M. R. Pischek (note to self: no IPI)

Harold Cecil "Harry" Pitch

Mark Richard Pitchforth

Jacob Louis Plant:
Damian Rhodes

Richard David "Dick" Plant

Denis J. Plater:
P. Ronchetti

Annabelle Platon

Andrew Anthony "Andy" Platts

Mark Stephen Platts:
Mark Platz

Anthony Michael Pleeth (also "Antony")

Dimitrios "Mimis" Plessas (also "Pleassas")

Peter Plum

Waldemar Jerzy "Val" Podlasinski

Marcel Georges François Poincignon:
Jan Boutoux
Jim Butline
Johann Lieber
Juan Pinares
Marc Taynor
Tex Buffalo

Dmitrij Viktorovich Pokrovskij (also "Dmitri", "Pokrovsky")

Valerio Anthony Poliuto

Lew Pollack:
Louis Leazer

Neil John Pollard

Jan William Aubone Pomerans:
Dieter Fobyac
Robert Ford

Lee Keith Pomeroy:
Dr. Prog
Luke Fox

Manuel Maria Ponce Cuellar

Gary Brian Poole:
Gary Paul (note to self: IPI 0258183743)

Jeremy Davies "Jez" Poole:
Frankie Bloodaxe
Les Vegas
Neptune Ayres

Robert Shane "Rob" Poole

David Nicholas Poore

Paul Adrian Pond:
Emmet Norman
Manfred Mann
Paul Jones
Paul Saunders

Ernest John "Ernie" Ponticelli:
Lloyd Payne
Peter Jeffries

Rupert Vyvyan Kenrick "Ru" Pope:
Aro (note to self: IPI 00842018658)
Deep Cut
Jives 1
Phat Daddy
Roan (note to self: IPI 01023266302)
Sly Silver
The Jives

Philip Robert Justin "Phil" Pope

Tayo Popoola

Daniel Graham "Dan" Popplewell:
Bethany Oberheim
Dan Graham
David Ashton
Gothic Storm

Jack Popplewell

Kathleen "Kath" Poppy

Frans Poptie

Julien Porret:
Nat Sing

Francis Samuel "Frank" Porretta:
Frank Samuels

Leo Portnoff

John Henry Porter:
Johnny Stevens

Simon Charles Porter

Vernon Haven "Jake" Porter

Reginald Porter Brown

Nicholas Jonathan Portlock:
David McClaughlan
Peter Nicholas

Rachel Mary Berkeley Portman

Alfred "Freddy" Poser:
Fred Purser
Jimmy Ross
Nicholas Carol

George Benjamin Ashwel Posford

Mary Alice Post:
Maryalicia Post

Bob Potter

Christopher James "Chris" Potter

Nicolas "Nic" Potter

Jonathan Potts

Andrew Stuart "Pendle" Poucher:
Poppy Nogood
Tiberius Smith

Jonathan Leslie "John" Povey

Andrew James "Andy" Powell:
Andy James (also "Andrew")
Andy Powelltergeist

David John "Dave" Powell

John James Powell

Joshua Frederick "Josh" Powell:
Emmanuel North
Raphael West

Kenneth "Kenny" Powell

Mark Edward Powell:
Eammon Kavanagh
Gerard Vaughan
Mark Britten
Niall Donovan

Melvyn "Mel" Powell

Richard John Powell

Thomas James Powell

Brendan John Power

James Hugh "Jimmy" Power:
James Blackford

Scott William Pragnell

Andrew James Prahlow

Alfred Pratt:
Oliver Cussans

Johnathan Delance Pratt

Michael John "Mike" Pratt:
Phil Skye

Lou Preager:
Jack Lewis
Johnny Rowlands
Lou Lewis
Louie Troward
Louis De Murcia

Raymond Eugene "Ray" Premru

Daniele Prencipe:
Ettore Della Sporca

Adam Daniel Prendergast

John Barry Prendergast:
John Barry
M. Angelo

Hans Prepal

Gerard Presencer

Graham Donald Harry Preskett:
Glenn Phidick

Frederick George Alan "Freddie" Prest:
Fred Quest

Denis Preston:
David Berkwood

Richard Adrian Maxwell Preston:
Randolph Stubbs

Andrew Mark Price

Christopher "Chris" Price (note to self: IPI 00598828570)

Jason Terence "Jay" Price:
Billy Silver
Crispin Jones
Gil Silver
Johnny Bernstein
Josh Neve
Kenzo Bond
Miles Dylan
Opium Inc
Serge Coltrane
Terence Fontaine

Martin John Price:
David Michael
MC Organ
Richard John

Michael Price:
Andrew Michael Ernest
Eveline Masters

Oliver Price:
Moi Moi Moi
Olly the Octopus
River Police

Richard David Price

Ronald Frederick "Ronnie" Price

Steven Brian "Steve" Price (also "Stephen")

Amandus Karl Prietzel

Jean-Yves Prieur:
Kid Bravo

Eric Prince

Ben Napier Pringle

David Morris Pringle

Stephen Phillip "Steve" Pringle

Matthew James Charles "Matt" Prior

Mark Pritchard:
Mark Meecham
Parrot William

Paul Martin Pritchard

W. E. A. Pritchard (William Edward?)

Judd Proctor (also "Procter"):
Gibson Houseley
Meakin Jones

Spencer Daniel Proffer (also "Samuel")

Andrew David Prosser

Stuart Anthony Prudent (also "Stewart"):
Skeme (note to self: IPI 00293186148)

Craig Waldo Pruess

Andrew Pryce Jackman

Henry Pryce Jackman

Brian Pugh:
Mark Ross

Wilson Simonal Pugliese De Castro (also "Pugliesi"):
Simoninha (also "Wilson Simoninha")

Damir Puh

Janet Lee "Jan" Pulsford:
Athena Blue
Jana Kyomoon

Josh Purcell (also "James")

Luke Benjamin Purcell

Jessica Purdy (also "Purdey")

Rayshun Lamarr Purefoy:
Rayshun Lamarr

William Purefoy

Darren Leigh Purkiss:
AudioAndroid (also "Audio Android")
Cao Cao
Count Zero
Nexus Trix
Sound Cell
Urban Pastoral
Zero One Zero One

Edward "Eddie" Purkiss

Sophy Olivia Purnell:
Sofi Wren

Simon Matthew Purton:

Marcel Allan Pusey

Peter D. Pusey

Jade Elizabeth "Py" Pybus (also "Pie")

Andrew Charles Pye
(West One Music)

Andrew Leonard Pye
(Audio Network)

Julian Josiah "Jules" Pyke:
Remedy (note to self: IPI 00432754560)

Martin Pyne

Nicholas "Nick" Pynn

Ivor Peter Charles Pyres (also "Pirez"):
Pepper Angeliss
Theo Chakra

Rolf Quenzel

Robert Alexis Quickenden:
Alex Roberts

Roger Cuthbert Quilter:
Romney Marsh

Andrew James "Andy" Quin:
James Hillside

Joseph "Joe" Quinlan

Jamie Stephen Quinn:
Matrix (note to self: IPI 00719337135)

Matthew Francis "Matt" Quinn:
Area 39

Robert Quinn

Sean Sebastian Quinn

Liam James Quinn-Roost

Juan José "Cheito" Quiñones, Jr.

Lazaro Quintero Quintero

Barnaby George "Barney" Quinton (also "Barny"):
Barry F. Goodman
Ponderous Arc

Harry Rabinowitz:
Andy Thurlow
Hal Rubens
Henry Olliver
Milton Hunter

Dominic Val Rablah

Stephen Russell "Steve" Race:
Ben Rifka
Esteban Cera

Romani Rad

Philip Jeremy "Phil" Radford:
Jez Pike
Terry Caster

Alison Clair Radley

Christopher John "Chris" Radley

John Charles Bodman Rae

Christopher "Chris" Rae

Max Raebel

George Raftopoulos

Andreas Gregory Ragavelas (also "Ragavalas")

Joseph Alexander Raggett:
Joseph Alexander
Joseph Heath

Allahrakka Rahman (also "Allah Rakka", "A.R.")

Lutz Rahn:
Christian Steinbock

Shyamlal Harlal Rai Indivar:
Indivaar (also "Indeewar")

Lucy Elizabeth Railton

Max Louis François Marie Raio de San Lazaro:
Max François
Peter Somebody

Thomas Rajna

Mark Stuart Ralph

Alfred Abraham "Alf" Ralston:
Pedro Mazzi

David Edward "Dave" Ralston:
Dave Edward

R. Raman

Emre Ramazanoglu (also "Ramazzanoglu", "Ramazanogulu")

Jorge Luis Ramirez Martin (most commonly just "Jorge Ramirez"):
Jorge Ram

Nicholas David "Nick" Ramm

Rico Ramone-Edmond

Harold Arthur Ramsay

Nicholas Paul "Nico" Ramsden:
Nico Cassavetti

Geoffrey John A. "Geoff" Rana

Geoffrey Rand

Elliot John Randall

Gordon Clifford "Cliff" Randall

Carlie Randall-Smith

Grant Warren Ransom

Hemant Rao

Shahrooz Raoofi:
Alex Benson
Sample Magic

Erno Rapee

Edmund Felton Rapley:
Edmund Lancaster
Elton Lee
Jose Miranda
Peter Barrington
Rudolph Duponte

James David Rast

Mark Stuart Ratcliff

Johannes H. W. "Hans" Rath

Michael Roland "Mike" Ratledge

James Camillus "Jim" Rattigan:
Thomas Bayes

Raphael Griffin "Raff" Ravenscroft (also "Raf")

Georgina Rawle

Leonard George "Len" Rawle (also "Leonard Rawle MBE")

Charles Arthur Rawlings:
Alphonse Menier
Andre Pontin
Angelo Martino
Beryl Vincent
Carl Ritz
Carl Rubens
Christine Williams
Claude de Vere
Denis Dupré
Eileen Dore
Emerson James
Emile Bronte (also "Bonte")
Emile Sachs
Eugene Delacassa
Faulkner Brandon
Francois Lemara
Gilbert Loewe
Gordon Temple
Hans Sachs
Harrington Leigh
Henri Clermont
Herman Straus
Isadore Bonheur
Jean Augarde
Jean Bartelet
Jean Douste
John Gresham
Leon Delcasse
Leon du Terail
Louis Brandon
Maurice Telma
Maxim Heller
Oscar Verne
Otto Bonheur
Paul Perrier
Ralph Seymour
Robert Graham
Seymour Ellis
Sidney West
Theo Bonheur
Thomas Thome
Vernon Rey
Wellington Rawlings

Kate Lucy Rawlings

Terry Rawlings

Paul Christopher Rawson:
Billy Shears
Bing Edrinker
Broke Finger
Elmore King
Hannah Bloomfield
Martin Lucarotti
Ron Vogue
Sally Bonham
Slim Perkins
Sue Denim
Zak Handley

Lawrence Christopher Ray

Iain Raymond

Jean-Louis Maximilian "Max" Raymond

Ivor Raymonde:
Eddie Hirst
Larry Wood
Max Lewis
Nick Simons
Tex Slade

Austin Fred Rayner:
Brett Bernard

Daniel Peter Rayner:

Peter John Rayner

Richard Peter "Ricky" Rayner

Timothy John  Rayner:
Trip Fontaine
Wolf Type Dog

Cecil Rayners

Andy Razaf

John Meirion Rea

Ezra Read

Dominic William Read-Jones:
Jack Human
Jamie Octagon
Polar Cities

Paul Geoffrey Reade

Kimberley Emma "Kimmy" Reader

David John Reading

Kevin James Reardon:
Briskin Petters
Gus Renner

Jason Matthew Rebello

Michael Richard Reddyhoff:
Mike Redway

Francesco Redig De Campos

Don Redman

Reginald Redman

Miguel Angel Redondo Moreno

Stefan Christian Redtenbacher

Robert John Martin "Robbie" Redway

Gordon Reed

Henry Reed:
Roger Greenwood

Leslie David "Les" Reed

Michael Garry "Mike" Reed:
Lucas Owenson
Nick Morse

Charlotte Samantha Anne "Charlie" Rees

Gordon Melville Rees:
Melville Farley
Vaughan Young

Stephen Andrew Rees (also "Steven"):
Belinda Andrews
Peter Hanon
Robin Brightman
William Westwood

Alexander James "Alex" Reeves

Paul Louis Reeves:
Ali Stewart
Bruce Haliday
Harry Spencer
Hugo Valentine
Oliver Wyatt

Heinz Reiche:
Christian Berfurt

James A. Reichert

Alan Reid

Dan "Danny" Reid

Dennis "Deni" Reid

Errol Paul Reid

Errol Victor Reid (most commonly just "Victor Reid"):
DJ Paleface

Julian Graham Reid:
J. Lofi

Stuart Alexander "Xander" Reid

William Gordon "Billy" Reid

Anthony Dominic Gino "Francesco" Reidy (also "Cesco")

Anthony Francis Guido Reidy (also "Guido Antonio Francesco Reidy")

Frank Reidy

John Peter Christian Mark Reidy:
Peadar Ó Riada

Paul Reif

David Thomas Reilly:
Paul Rey

Timothy Jon "Tim" Reilly:
Adam Huxley

Robert Logan Reilly Wilson

Josias Johannes "Sias" Reinecke:
Sean Wayne

Max Adrian Reinsch:
Max Billy

Alois Reiser

Franz Reistenstein:
Francis Stone

Berthold "Bert" Reisfeld:
Albert H. Stanley
Hannes Reimar
Hans Herda
Hans Wehrle
José Rivada
Percy Royce
Pierre Lene
René Dorian (also "Renée", "Dorean")
Sandy Stevens
Toni Birkhofer

Bettie Reitz

William Relton

John William Mark Renbourn

Donald Percy "Don" Rendell

Francisco Renno

Pierre Louis Stanslas Renouf:

Timothy John Pearson "Tim" Renwick

Toby Christopher Renwick

Paul Leslie Ressel:
Paul Rez

Michael J. Retford

Mark Peter Revell

Matthew Rey

Austin Reynolds

Bruce Reynolds:
John Oakley

David "Dave" Reynolds

Elizabeth "Liz" Reynolds

Jack Frederick Reynolds

James Francis Reynolds:
Bl3ss (note to self: IPI 01157503466)
Black and White
Dodger (note to self: IPI 01157503662)
Schwing (note to self: IPI 00265852636)
Solid State (note to self: IPI 00265852832)
Tonka (note to self: IPI 00265852734)

Walter Reynolds:
Newman Wolsey

William Todd Reynolds (also "W. Todd"):

Wynford Reynolds:
Hugh Raeburn

Joyce Reynolds Cochrane:
Jane Cameron
Mary Neave

Harold Reynolds East

Paul Daniel "Dan" Reynolds-Leary (also just "Leary")

Michael Rheault

Burt Rhodes:
Art Benson

Dani Rhodes (alias?)

Carlos "Carles" Riba Faura:
Mad Rider

Joel E. La Riccia:
La Riccia (note to self: IPI 00129120502)

Ellis Seymour Rich

Albert Anthony Richards:
Cat Alley (also "Alley Cat")

David Richards (note to self: no IPI)

Eric Richards (also "SFC Eric Richards")

Frederick Harvey Richards

Godfrey "Goff" Richards

Julian Matthew William Richards

W. V. Richards

Christopher Gordon Richardson

Clive Richardson:
Don Richardo
Paul Chantarelle
Paul Delfonte

Graham Richardson

Lee Christopher Richardson (note to self: IPI 00479557690):
Alex Smith (note to self: IPI 01134718469)
Charlie Madson
Henri Huit
Jack Sound
Jak Uzi
Jay Briggs
Joe Slash
Ken Lee (note to self: IPI 01231309598)
Leek Soup
Leroy Brown (note to self: IPI 00748481603)
Mike Gun
Simon Street
Slick Danger

Neil Grant Richardson

Norman Maurice Richardson:
Allan Powell
Douglas Ashmore
Peter Bye

Peter Geoffrey Richardson

Robert E. "Bob" Richardson

Saul Miles Richards:
Edmundo Delgado
Johnny Wishbone (note to self: IPI 00792798371)
Steve Science
Selwyn Froggit
Terry Barbosa
Tyrone Green

Simon Mark Richardson:

Thomas "Tom" Richardson:
Billy Hamilton
E.M. Pickering
Eric Pickering
Ted Richards

W. V. Richards (William?)

Anthony Edward Thomas Richmond

David Henry "Dave" Richmond:
Raithe Thompson

Max Richter

Colin Trevor Rickards

Eric Ricketts:
Eric Geoffrey
Eric Lewis
Leslie Coward

Frederick Joseph Ricketts:
Kenneth J. Alford

R. R. Ricketts:
Leo Stanley

Frank Ricotti:
Gilberto Candido
Rocky Odile
Saulo Fernandez

Reginald Clifford "Reg" Ridewood:
Markus Zete

Jake Damien "Jack" Ridley:

Alan John Ridout

Hugo Riesenfeld:
Martin Dunning

Alan "Michael" Rigg

Alexander George "Al" Riley

Audrey Jayne Riley

Bill Riley:
Will Pollet

Colin John Riley

Edward William Riley:
Alan Kent

George William David Riley

Nicholas James "Nick" Riley

Robin David Rimbaud:
Robin Aspel

Madi Rindge:
Madison Bisharat

Benjamin Tobias Franz "Ben" Ringham:
Tobias Durante

Maximilian John Adelbert "Max" Ringham:
Felix Nowacki

Jean-Philippe Pascal Rio-Py:
Major Arkana
Riopy (also "Jean Philippe Riopy")
Roma Liun
Tune Your Mind

Paul Riordan

Sérgio Alejandro Rios

Efrain Ezequiel Rios Morales

Eric Aubrey Rippingale

Dylan Anthony Rippon:
Benjamin Falls
John Turner Johnstone (also "JT", "J.T." or just "Johnstone")
Lee Fields (note to self: IPI 00297022165)

Daniel Anthony "Donny" Risi

Alistair Gordon Ritchie

Samuel James Alexander "Sam" Ritchie:
James Davis

Simon Leslie Ritchie

Kathryn "Kathy" Rives Diamond:
Kathryn Scaife
Kathy Deaton

Aurelien Alain Francis Riviere:

Rowland John Rivron

Josef "Joe" Rixner:
Georg Kadneys

Alessandro Pasquale Rizzo

Joe Rizzo

Rodney Colin "Rod" Roach

Linda Catherine Roan

Benedict John "Ben" Robbins

Sherelle Rebecca Robbins

James Allen Roberson

Carlos Roberto de Lima

Hugh Stevenson Roberton:
Mary Sim
P. A. Grand

Anthony Jeffrey "Tony" Roberts

Harold F. "Harry" Roberts:
David Deane

John Douglas Roberts

John Godfrey Owen "Paddy" Roberts:
Billy Smith
Bob Godfrey
Juan Bobo

Joy Roberts:
Johnny Donelli
Sarah Ellen

Julian Roberts

Keith Andrew Roberts

Mark Richard Antony Roberts:
Digglar (also "Da Digglar", "Diggler")
Marc Williams (also "Mark")
Thumpin 1

Michael David Roberts
(Focus Music Library, etc.)

Michael Seth Roberts

Sheila Marie Roberts:
Nova Carmina

Wayne Roberts (note to self: IPI 00177244849):
Heavy Deviance
The Inner City Youth Movement
Juan Le Jack

Amelia Grace Robertson

Laura Melody Robertson

Matthew James "Matt" Robertson:
Mark James
James Roberts

Paul Simon Robertson-Brown (note to self: IPI 00661557040):
Paul Simmons (also "DJ Paul Simmons")
Phaze 3

Barry Robinson

Benedict Edward "Ben" Robinson

Bluey Alexander Robinson

Christopher Michael Robinson

Francis Damian Robinson

Gary James Robinson

Kevin Robinson (no IPI?)

Noel Hugh Robinson

Stanford Robinson

Wayne Robinson

Carl Robrecht:
Robert Brecht

Barnaby John Robson

Christine "Chris" Robson

Ian Robson (also "Iain")

Richard Robson (note to self: IPI 00404330410)

Matthew Patrick "Matt" Robson-Scott

John Rocchetti (note to self: no IPI)

Andrea Rocha

Joel Gerard Rocher

Steven James "Steve" Rodford

Brian Rodgers (also "Rogers")

Jair Claudino Rodrigues Junior:
Junior Deep

Francis Paul Sylvester Rodriguez:
Manuel Teshera
Skitt Siven

Juan Carlos Rodriguez (note to self: IPI 00355934730)

Diego Hernan Rodriguez Alba

Enrique Antonio "Henry" Rodriguez Araña

Orlando Felice Rodriguez Di Pietro

Daniel James "Dan" Roe

Karel Hendrik Roessingh

David Victor "Dave" Rogers:
Johannes Von Schniltz
Lez Bonner (also "Les Bonner")

Dylan Forster Rogers:
J Tropic

Florence May Rogers

Paul John Rogers

Sulaiman Ernest Rogers (also "Sooliman", "Soolyman", "Souleman", "Souliman"):
S. E. Rogie (also "Rodgie", "Rowgie")

Timothy Damien Rohde

Jatin Kumar Rohilla (also "Jaitn")

Satta Rojanagatanyoo:
Satta R.

David D. Rojas:
Legacy (note to self: IPI 00343799426)

Ronald Ernest Alfred "Ron" Roker

Gaston Roland (alias?)

Marc Roland né Adolf Beneke

Reinhard "Reiny" Roland né Müller:
Pierre Orlande

David "Dave" Rollins

Jon Rolls

Rosita Sofie Romano

Martin Romberg

Ricardo Romero:
José Moreno
Juan Mendez
Tomás Moscoso

Jeffrey C. "Jeff" Rona

Neil Andrew Rooney

Jan H. "John" Roos

Stephen James Root (also "Steven")

Alan Roper:
Paul Francis

Terence "Terry" Roper

Edmundo William Ros:
Jose Rios

Fidel Ernesto Rosales Ulloa:
Levii Funkiipapa

Fred K. Rose:
Bart Dawson
Floyd Jenkins

Gordon Anthony Rose

Michael Anthony Rose:
MC Neat

Peter Anthony Rose

Tim Rose-Price

Alfred Rosenberg:
Alexander Berg

Robert Jay "Bob" Rosenblum:
Bob Bushmeadow

Christian Rosenthal

Thomas Paul Pym "Tom" Rosenthal

Mathieu Guillaume Rosenzweig

Stuart Andrew Roslyn (also "Stewart"):
Carter William
George Carter
Human Origin
Music by Arrangement

Albert Ronald "Ronnie" Ross

John Francis Campbell Ross:
A. Racket
Alex Johnson (note to self: IPI 00627387030)
Blaise Pascal (note to self: IPI 00479876670)
John Hedges Ross
The Ronster

Laurie James Ross:
Dallas Ramirez
Eagles for Hands
Oscar Hill
Rudy Silverman

Frederick Rosse

Jeffrey A. "Jefferson" Ross

Paul Anthony Ross

Laura Julietta Rossi

Nicola Louise Rost

Erik Rostrup Bøyesen:
Bob Ronelli

Miklos Rozsa (also "Niklos"):
Nic Roger
Nic Tomay

Ronald George "Ronnie" Roullier (also "Ron")

Martine Clementine Mariette Rouquart:
Janu M.

Lee Rous

Jake Joseph Rousham

Oliver James Bernard Route

Adam Francis Routh:
Hugo Starck

Jason Patrick Rowan (also "Rowen")

David Eric "Dave" Rowberry

John Rowcroft:
Domenico Rossi

Hailey Elizabeth Rowe

Geoffrey Alan "Geoff" Rowell:
Red Fox

Alec Rowley:
Stuart Wade

Benjamin Timothy Florin Rowntree

Lodewijk Jacobus O. "Bep" Rowold

Harry Roy:
Alec Haye
Buddy Browne
Eddie Small
Jack Kellogg
Jimmie Nolan
Joe Sycamore
Johnny Downs
Johnny Roe
Val Gordon

David Peter "Dave" Roylance:
David Burns
Ray Freelance

Edward Rubach:
A. Guthrie

Joseph Alan Rubel

Jules Ruben

Paul A. Rubens

Ephraim Lionel Rubin:
Ephraim Plasco

Bernard "Bernie" Rubinstein

Alexander Paul Rudd

Arik Rudich

Paul R. Ruhland

Thomas "Tommy" Rundle Reilly:
David Nelson
John Harding
Tommy Young

Daryl Bernard Runswick

Nigel Adrian Rush:
Bill Wolfe
Luc Dubois
Majo (note to self: IPI 00121645600)

John Paul Rushton:
Hikaru Fujimoto
Joseph Rickers

Larry James Rushton

Clinton Patrick Rusich:
Patrick Cianciarulo

Damian Frazer Paul Russell:

Dan Russell

Edward John "Ed" Russell:
Nick Easy
Onni Macca
OST (also "O.S.T") (note to self: IPI 00581506449)

Juliet Diane Russell

Keith Antony Caeser "Tony" Russell

Margaret Russell:
Lesly Desmond

Mark Jonathan Russell

Martin Russell (note to self: IPI 00256667040)

Simon Christopher Russell:
Sig Denizen
Zed Tuvan

Thomas Benson Russell:
Carly Foxton
Gary Jameson
Jay North
The Ruu Brothers
Sally Tarka
Stig Hansen
Truss (note to self: IPI 00556555031)

Michele Russi

Mark Joseph Rutherford

Robin James Rutherford Jeffrey

Philip Reginald Rutherford Hill:
J. Arthur Wilberforce

Anthony James Rutt:
Anthony James

Pavel Růžička:
Pavel Orm (also "Paul")

Nick Ryan

Lee Ryda

Jonathan Mark Ryman:
Agent Jay-R
Blind Alley

Martin Sack

Ishmael Nii Afla Sackey

Noah M. Sacré:
François Oxford

Stu C. Saddoris

Anthony George "Tony" Sadler

Gaynor Elsbeth "Gayna" Sadler

Neil Francis Sadler

Arabella "Bella" Saer

Eddie Safranski

Sidney Sager

Miles Francis Geoffrey John Sagnia:
Hans Höff
Merlin Hancock

Floyd J. Saint Clair (also "St. Clair"):
Daniel Stewart
David Lauver
F. Jackson
Horace Page
Jack Monroe
S. J. Floyd

Keni Saint George:
D. Ozoloke
Kenny George
Marcias De Negri

Philip P. Sainton

Solomon Sait

George M. Saker

Alberto Salas

Johan Adrian Salcedo Ortiz:
MC Magico

Boris Salchak

Edham Mehmed Salim:
Valá Kurtiz

Gunther Manuel Salinger Ehrenfried (also "Manuel G. Salinger"):
Manuel Salina

Benjamin "Ben" Salisbury

James Peter "Jamie" Salisbury:
Jonas West
Magnus Prior

Jan Paul Salisbury:

Adam John Salkeld

Franz Salmhofer

Ralph Alan Salmins

Keith Joseph Salmon:
Keith J. Blainville

Kenneth Arthur "Kenny" Salmon:
Kenny Arthur

Richard Mark Salmon:
Jo Gold (also "Joseph")
Mark Rich
Mark Snow (note to self: IPI 00873587780)
Paul Adams (note to self: IPI 00682755800)
Richard Simon (note to self: IPI 00682755408)
Rik Markus

Christopher Mark "Chris" Salt:
Ben Ashford
Danny Eldridge
David Arcadia
Diaz Chico
Edgar Cruz
Hernan Santos
Hugh Brody
Jake Irwin
James Carter
James Rothko
Jamie Rhodes
Karl Escher
Lima Jorge
Monty Nash
Owen Cross
Phil Denning
Tate McCoy

Matthew Richard Salvage

Michael Anthony "Mike" Sampey

Clarence Charles "Clarrie" Sampson

Edgar M. Sampson

Harry Cecil Samuel:
Jack Wellgarth

Nicholas Maurice "Nick" Samuel

Joel Samuels

Milton Samuels:
Edward Ross

Matthew Brett "Matt" Sanchez:
Alexis King
Ben Grenville
Brett Bianco

Koici C. "KC" Sanchez-Imahashi:
Flynn O'Mallery
Sachiko Nezich

Gary Philip Sanctuary

Clarence G. "Doc" Sandberg

Lars Simon Sandberg

Mark Christopher Sandell:
Dan Gibson
Jonathon Britain (also "Jonathan", "M. Britain")

Peter Sander

Justin Sandercoe

Brian Lynden "Bob" Sanders (also "Lindon"):
David Milne

George Timothy Sanderson:
George Timothy

Marcus Roger "Mark" Sanderson

Tommy Sanderson

Wilfrid Sanderson:
Edward Beverley
Noel Fielden
William Arnold

Arthur Sandford

Paul Antony Sandrone:
Joby Sheene

John Grant "Johnny" Sangster

Robert Christopher Sangster III

Thomas Peter "Tom" Sankey

Piero Sanna

W. S. "Bill" Sapsford

Blues Saraceno

Melody Rebecca Yeliz Saracoglu

Mark-Henning Brough Sargent:
Mark-Henning (also "Mark Henning")

Nicholas Peter Malcolm "Nick" Sargent

Kimberley Renee Sarni:
Kim Williams

Keshaw N. Sathe

Stephen Mark "Steve" Satterthwaite

Julie Anne Saucke:
Julie Dunlap

Malcolm Saul

Adam Saunders:
Andrew Deeley
James Goodchild
Pancho Gonzales
Ray Eastwood

Albert Bokhara "Tally" Saunders:
A. B. Abess
Abe Johnson
Albert Earl
Albert Evelyn
Albert Trebla
Arthur Lom
B. S. Albert
Bert Rache
Charles Spencer
Clement Scott (note to self: the only active IPI; 00028678254)
Eric Lincoln
Florence Hope
Gordon Spensler
Gregory Brittain
Henry Clayton
Irvine Ewing
John Omaha
Kahl Kahyyam
Oliver Wallace
Paul Bronte
R. E. Joyce
T. Morse
Victor Carlton
Victor Claire
Victor Willnor
W. H. Corona

Herbert Maximillian Joseph "Max" Saunders:
Max Cramer

Paul James Saunders

Robin Paul "Rob" Savage:
Rob Rocker

Jonn Savannah né Donald Harry "Don" Snow (also "John")

David Savcic

Jan Pieter Jozef Savenberg:

Charlotte Jane "Charlie" Savigar:
Jane Phoenix

Edmund Swithin Savigear Jolliffe

Philip George "Phil" Sawyer

Natalie Kate Sayer née Barowitz:
Elsie Mills

Paul Vincent Sayer

Mark Ian Sayer-Wade:
Rubin Banks

Gary Leslie Scargill

Douglas Raymond Scarratt

Walter Schacht:
Karl Hank

Rafael "Rafi" Schacter

Willis Helmuth "Will" Schaefer (also "Schaeffer"):
Stewart Schaefer

Zachary A. Schaffer

Gregory Covey "Greg" Schappert:

Victoria Scharlau née von Valter:
Dick Olden
Don Ray

Jeffrey Allan "Jeff" Scheetz

Johannes "Pi" Scheffer:
Bill Seidel
Jack Hollister
Jan De Vlieger

Kurt Schick

Otto-Erich Schilling:

Gerhard Schindler:
Pete Alamont

Pieter Alexander Schlosser

David K. Schmal

Martin Schmeling

Franz Schmidt

Franz Schmidt-Hagen

Hanns Schmidt Theissen:
John G. Tyssen

Barak Daniel Schmool

Phillip John "Phil" Schofield:
Du Riche

Daniel Nathan "Danny" Schogger:
Danny Daniels

James Matthew Scholes

Hendrik Wilhelm "Roy" Schoombie

Artur Clemens Schreckenberger:
Artur Assberg
Claus Cordia
Clemens Casalla

Arthur Bruce "Artie" Schroeck

Jeremy Schultz:
Jeremy Shaw

Curtis Frederick Schwartz

L. S. A. L. Schwarz:
Louis Noiret

David Aubrey Schweitzer

Zachary Josiah Ricardo Scipio:
Skopez CPO

Justin Joseph Sconza

Cyril Scott:
Lundy Arkwright

David Charles "Dave" Scott

Deakin Bradley Scott:
Ben Myers
Bullet Proof Sounds
Chris Doyle
DJ Artwerk
Feather Boom
Katman Novik
Kocham Ciebie
LDN Omni Bomb
Phoenix Diaz
Sodding Cobwebs
Willy Pearl

Derek Thomas Scott

Frank Scott

Julian Robert Scott:

Juliana Rae "Julie" Scott née Macchia:

Michael John "Mike" Scott (also "Spike Scott", "MJ") (note to self: IPI 00135123412)
(De Wolfe Music)

Michael Ronald Scott
(Audio Network)

Natalie Scott (note to self: no IPI)

Patrick John Michael O'Hara "Johnny" Scott (best known as "John Scott")

Robin Michael Scott

William "Billy" Scott (also nicknamed "Uke"):
Elliam Scott

William David "Willie" Scott

George Scott-Wood:
Domenico Capaldi
Jules Gabarro
Rex Wood
Roscoe Kern
Scott Wood

Nigel Philip An Scragg

Philip James "Phil" Scragg

Harold Thomas Scull:
Thomas S. Harold

Robin H. Scutt:
Mark Paul

Keith Sealy (note to self: no IPI)

Leslie "Les" Searle:
Stevie Tollimann

Job Ouko Seda:
Ayub Ogada

Becky Seddiki

Paul Sedgewick

Maxwell Cadien "Max" Sedgley:

Matthew Ronald "Mat" Seegelaar

Scott B. Seely:
Stewart Buckley

Assaf Seewi:
MC Crazy
House of Tudor
The Amazing Assaf

Paul Maurice Segnitz:
Jean Raive

Wolfgang Seidel

Lloyd Henry Seivright:
Andy Lloyd
Floyd Lloyd

Ilona Sekacz

Damien Christopher Selby:
Twin Owls

Daniel James "Dan" Selby

Derrick Royce Selby:
Denny Lavish

Seamus Frederick Sell

Gatty Sellars

Mert D. Sells III:
Merty Shango

Jevgenijs Semelis

Sanjiv Kumar "Sanj" Sen:
Indian Rope Man

Frank Gino Serafine

Nick Serre (no IPI?)

Adam Michael Seymour:
Liam Cooke

Brian D. Seymour

Lewis Jack Seymour

Patrick Anthony "Pat" Seymour

Marco Sfogli

Peter Ernest Michael Shade

Charles Shadwell

Jonathan Peter "Jon" Shakesby (also "John", "Johnathan")

Simon Andrew Shakesby

Joan Pauline Shakespeare:
Joan Fennah

John Lloyd Shakespeare

John Nicholas "Nick" Shakespeare:
John Carter

Gillian Irene Shakespeare

Bonnie Lee Shaljean

Peter Cornelius Shand:
Cornelius Adolphus
Mandy Marricce
Neil Peters

Gopal Shankar Mishra

Harold David "Hal" Shaper:
Beaufort West
Derek Hilary
G. Clarke
Jesse Brandon
John Harris (also "Johne") (note to self: IPIs 00013469694, 00087076646)
Mercer Fielding

Aaron John Shapiro

Michael Gordon "Mike" Shapiro:
Joe the Circle

Anju Sharda

Rahul Sharma

David Andrew "Dave" Sharp

Derek John Sharp

Glenn Michael Sharp:
G-Sharp (note to self: IPI 00457650239)

Jonathan Hodgson Sharp (also "Sharpe"):
J. S. 9
(Cavendish Music, Focus Music Library, Mediatracks Music Library)

Jonathan Peter "Johnny" Sharp:
Jonny Dollar
(Audio Network)

John Rufus "Jack" Sharpe:
George E. Primrose

Richard Milne Sharples

Robert "Bob" Sharples:
Robert Earley (also "Early")
Roy Stuart

Alfred Shaughnessy

Alex Nathaniel Shaw:
Alex Nathaniel

Alison Jane Shaw

David Regis "Dave" Shaw

Francis Richard Shaw

George Andrew Shaw

James Ian "Jim" Shaw

Paul John Shaw:
Mark Lawton
Willhelm Von Schniltz

Roland Shaw:
Richard Ketteringham

Sydney "Sid" Shaw

Timothy Charles "Tim" Shaw:
Tim Exile

Timothy Kingsley "Tim" Shaxson

Julian Shay

Jacob Shea:
Dave Randel
Edward Elliot

John Edmund Sheahan (also "Sheehan")

Aaron "Ari" Sheehan

Colin Glen Sheen

Christopher John Simon "Chris" Sheldon

Alan Shelley

Gladys Shelley:
Constance Shane

Ann Lesley Shenton:
Large Number

Amber Louise "Amba" Shepherd:
Little Darling
Sounds like Summer

Amberly Jemma Shepherd

David Joseph "Dave" Shepherd

Gavin Christopher Shepherd (also "Sheperd")

Horace Shepherd

Howard William "Shep" Shepherd

Neil Shepherd

William "Bill" Shepherd:
Ben Ashley
David Farr
Kim Drake

Philip David Sheppard

Walter Sheppard Owen:
Eric Ashley
Wally Kent (also "Walter")

Catharina Wilhelminagemma Shepstone:
Catharine Courage
Thea Fleming

Michael James Roger "Mike" Shepstone:
James Roger

Robert Sherlaw Johnson

Barry Sherlock

Jeremy Hugh Sherman

Jordan Jesse Sherman

Manning Sherwin

Helen May Shields

George Edward Shilling:
Dr C. D. Mille
Gonzo Lagonda

Jake Shillingford:
Ben Bodie
Milford Markx

Lifford David Shillingford:
Jack Markfield

Mieko "Mico" Shimizu (note to self: IPI 00258934230):
Apache 61

Nigel Howard Shipway

Spencer John Shires:
Spencer Shiroda

Steven Joel Shone

Jonathan Craig "Jon" Short

Timothy Tyson "Tim" Short:
Tim Tyson

Jon Shorten

Mark Shreeve

Patrick Noel "Pat" Shuldham Shaw:
Padrig Farfog

Earl S. Shuman (also "Schumann")

Gerald Roland "Gerry" Shury

Sizakele "Siza" Sibeko

Wandile Abraham Sibiya

Eric Siday

Thomas Edward "Tom" Sidebottom

Steven "Steve" Sidelnyk (also "Sidelnyc")

Jeremy Neil Sidwell

Stephen John "Steve" Sidwell

Josef Rudolf Silberfeld:
Josef Rudolf Sills

Benedict Silberman:
Bert Van Doorn
Emile Papier
Otto Hohnwald
Sil Benedict

Francis William Silkstone

Tilmann Sillescu (also "Tilman")

Lucas Fabricio Silva Rodriguez

Andrew Frederick Lionel Basset Silver:
Andrew Basil
Bassett Silver
David Anthony

Benjamin Savva Tsion Silver

Thomas Edward "Tom" Silvester:
Bud Powers
Dusty Wrangler
Edward Snooks (also "Ed")
Xavier Edmunds

Johnny F. Silvio

David John Taylor Sim

Iain Norman Fraser Sim

Gwilym Raymond "Will" Simcock

Benjamin Hugh Simmonds:
Ben Burns

Andrew Neil "Andy" Kesterton Simmons

Christopher William Simmons:
Christian Simons
Will Christison

Norvelle Lee Simmons

Ernst Simon:
Thomas Reich

Michael Dale Simon

Victor Jon Simonelli

Ilona Simons

Dudley George Simpson

Eric William Simpson:
Eric Boswell

James Frederick Simpson

Reginald Harold Charles Simpson

Jack Randall Sims III:
King Chronos
Randall Jones

Michael Phillip Sinclair né Mark Philipp Wirtz:
C. Philwit (also "M. Philwit")
J. Ferdy
Marc Peters
Marc Wirtz-Peters
P. V. Godenau

Louis C. "Lou" Singer

Bhawanie Singh

Gurdev Singh

Harbhajan Singh

Navinder Pal Singh

Kuljit "Kamal" Singh Bhamra

Kulwant "Kully" Singh Bhamra:
Burt Wagner
Kully B
Lil Winston
The Bamster

Jagdeep "Jay" Singh Ghattaura:
2am Project
Episode 13

Sampooran Singh Gulzar

Jaspal "Jas" Singh Mattu

Yadwinder Singh Pal:
Baboo (also "Baboo Das Baul")

Alla Pavlivna Sirenko (also "Pavlovna")

Oriol Dalip Sirinathsingh

Mischa Sissermann:
George Grant
Henri Jacques (also "Jaques")
Mischa Michaeloff
Moreno Minetti
Nick Arden

Charles John "Charlie" Skarbek

Roderick Mursell "Roddy" Skeaping

Thomas Skelton (note to self: no IPI)

David Skiba

Kenneth Skingle:
Kenny Graham

Adam George Simon Skinner

Augustus Sebastian Edwin Skinner:
Augustus Dicadillac

Daniel Oliver C. "Dan" Skinner

Gavin Skinner (note to self: IPI 00153330111):

Jake Edward Skinner:
Apout 9

Simon Michael Skinner

David Skipper

Sam Sklair:
Milt Rotterdam

Joseph E. Skornicka

Sunny Skylar né Selig Shaftel:
Michael Vaughn

Christopher Peter "Chris" Slack

Ivor Ernst Slaney (also "Stanley"):
Adrian Ludlow
Ivor Osborne
Jan Brener
Luis Menari
Roy Ernst

Mary Dawn Slaney née Ludlow:
Dolores Ventura
Rin Maidana
Santos Broqua

Sonia Jessica Slany

Christopher Jan "Chris" Slaski

Ashley William Slater:
C. Occipit
Ego Walter

Christine Maria Slater

Samuel "Sam" Slater (note to self: IPI 00580368435)

Jonathan William David Slatter:
Jono Slater
Sounds Visual Music (also "SV", "SVM")
Yopo Music

Matthew Derek "Matt" Slater

William John "Will" Slater:
Mark Deutsch
Music Malarky

Gilbert "Gil" Slavin:
Guil Slavine

Martin Slavin:
Sammy Lester

George Edward Olav Sleightholme

Alies Christina Sluiter

Tom Patrick Smail

Harold Charles Norbert Smart:
Derek Brookes
Harold Kent
Jon Petroff
Robert Delersy

Simon Geoffrey Smart:

Timothy Bartel "Tim" Smit

Adrian David Smith:
Adrian Carson
Harry Douglas

Alexander William James Smith

Alexis Leon Smith:
Alexey Leonov
Leon Karlsson

Andrew David "Andy" Smith (note to self: IPI 00294955313)

Anthony Richard Michael Smith

Arthur John Charles Smith:
Chris Anderson
Chris Richardson
John Young

Bryan Thomas Smith:
Colin Paul

Christopher A. "Chris" Smith (usually "Chris A. Smith") (note to self: IPI 00353798520)
(KPM; Bad Ass Music)

Christopher John "Chris" Smith (note to self: IPI 00122180716):
Chris Gane
Lazy Curtis
(Imagem Production Music, KPM - usually in collaboration with Robert White and Alex Gray)

Colin Ranger Smith
(Refuel Music)

David William "Dave" Smith (note to self: IPI 00526585334)

Dennis Asquith Smith:
Dennis Alcapone

Dominic Joseph Smith:
Dynamite MC (also "M. C. Dynamite")

Eric Smith (note to self: no IPI)

Frank H. Smith

Fraser Montgomery Smith

George Stanley Smith

H. Elliott Smith (also "Elliot") (note to self: IPI 00028987924)

Harrison Smith (note to self: IPI 00161937166)

Ian David Smith:
Charles Stratton

Jack Robert Smith

Jake Alan Smith:
Jake (note to self: IPI 00282618942)

James McKee Smith

Jamie Smith (note to self: IPI 01010211852)

Jason Smith (note to self: IPI 00452170384)

Jonathan Barrack Smith

Kate Helen Smith

Kenneth Douglas "Ken" Smith

Kyla-Rose Smith

Kyle David Smith (note to self: IPI 00886075496)

Leroy Thomas Smith (note to self: IPI 01167194930)
Lone Apostrophe

Marietta Smith

Marshall Stuart Smith

Martin Andrew Smith:
Andrew Martin

Matthew Bruce "Matt" Smith

Michael Harvey "Mick" Smith (note to self: IPI 00179740040):
Mick Harvey
(Score Production Music)

Michael Ronald "Mike" Smith
(Chappell Recorded Music Library, typically collaborating with Ian Herron)

Nicholas Paul Smith:
Assasins Sonic
Sound Vandal

Paul Brian Smith:
Funky Technicians
Total Science
(Carlin Production Music, Match Music Library, The Ded Good Music Library, etc., typically under alias.)

Paul Joseph Smith:
Carl Vega
Paul Bloodsucking Smith
Vladimir von Neckbitter
(Atmosphere Music Library, SATV)

Paul William Smith (note to self: IPI 00280483657):
(Bosworth Record; 78 era)

Peter Leslie "Pete" Smith

Philip Neville "Phil" Smith

Reginald Leonard Smith:
Frere Manston
Marty Wilde
Reginald Leonard

Ronald Henry "Ronnie" Smith:
Ronnie Sassow

Steve Antonio Smith

Thomas Charles Smith:
Thomas Hawtin

Tobias David Martin "Toby" Smith (also "Toby David Smith"):
Secret State
Tobias Schmidt (note to self: IPI 00275463054)

William Smith:
Gordon McKenzie (also "MacKenzie")
Leon Gautier
Mackenzie King

Janie "Jeanie" Smith Hopper

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters:
Edrich Siebert

Charles Smitton:
Chris Carter
Danny Hay
Martin Reesves

Adrian Geoffrey Snell

David Snell:
Dwight Saint John (also "St. John")

Armando Soares

Samuel "Sam" Soden:
Sam Fonteyn (also "Fontain")

Oscar Carl Söderberg:
Oscar Fogelström

Christian Marie J. Ch. Gh. Soete:
Cooky Cue

Pietro "Piero" Soffici:
P. Cox

Naresh Kumar Sohal

Jose Sola Sanchez:
Geo Lasan

Leslie J. Solley:
Leslie Clair

Daniel Kenneth Solovitz

Horace Somerville:
John Buckingham
John Felindre
Peter Amersham
William Crome

Reginald Somerville

Sam Timothy Sommerfeld

Qendresa Sopa-Nishevci

Noah Aaron Sorota:
Steven Berlin

Jonathan Lindsday Sorrell

Anna Sosenko

Arsene Souffriau

Timothy Andrew James "Tim" Souster:
Kevin Birnbaum

Henry Percy "Harry" South

Michael Souza (no IPI?)
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

Fela Sowande:
Charles Taylor

Joshua Bryant Spacht

Brendon Spain

Daniel Marks Sparham:
Dr. Def

Alan Victor Sparkes:
Christian Fields

Jason Lee Sparkes

Jason Paul Sparks

Victor Sparrey

Guy Amadeus Speakman

Todd Karne Speakman

Eric Spear:
Allen Powell
Arthur Pitt
Erico Lanza
Francis Pitt
John Maydew
John Sinclair

Jason Daniel Speck

Christopher John "Chris" Spedding

Oscar Rudi Speed:
Oscar Rudi
Speed Speed

Eddy Spence

Jerome Henry Spence:
J. Henry

Patrick Dermot Spence-Lewis

Frank Spencer:
Bryan Holmes
Leonard Lexham

Paul Geoffrey "Geoff" Spencer

Trevor George Spencer

Ryan Spendlove

Richard Sperber (note to self: no IPI)

Miriam Catherine Speyer

William Spielter (note to self: no IPI)

Joanne Maria "Jo" Spilios

John Spiller

Harold Jacob Spiro

Stephen Ashley "Steve" Spiro (also "Stevie Boy"):
4 to the Floor (also "Four")
Papa Rage

Tomas Spisak

Mischa "Michael" Spoliansky:
Arno Billing
Chris Kelly
Eddy Reinwald

Henry Richard Spritzer Frank (most commonly just "Richard Frank"):
Antonio Liebana (also "Antonia", "Leibana")
Igor Molescu

Anthony Martin "Tony" Spurgin:
A. Anthony Picon

William Henry Squire

Nigel Mark Squires

Harbans Singh Srih (also "Harbens")

Uppalapu "Master" Srinivas

Brendan Norman St. Ledger

Robbie Stacy

Oskar Stalla:
Otto Reinhofer

Frederick Charles Walter "Freddy" Staff (also "Freddie"):
Frederick Swakeley

H. J. Stafford (Harry James?)

Felix Stahl (also "Staahl"):
Alex Condra
Victor Delta
Victor Sett

Bobbie Lee Stamper (also "Bobby")

Christian Cecil "Chris" Standring

Edward Stanelli:
Stanley De Groot

Charles Villiers Stanford

Laura Stanford (note to self: no IPI)

Trevor Herbert "Terry" Stanford:
Bob Griffiths
Bob Stanley
Pat Ranella
Trevor Stanley

James Oliver Stanson:
Justin Black
Maurice Williams (note to self: IPI 00895677263)

Dominic Charles Stanton:
Domu (note to self: IPI 00418831452)
Sonar Circle
Sonar's Ghost

Frank L. Stanton

Leonard Stanton Jefferies:
Jeffries Stanton

Cyril Stapleton:
Bill Shaftesbury
Bob Barrett
Clive Douglas
Clyde Hamilton
Fred Huston
Robert Hamilton
Ted Huston

Jeremy Desmond "Jay" Stapley

Anthony Lewis Starble

Hermann Starke

Jonathan Charles Starkey:
Simon J. Charles

Frank Leslie Statham (also "Stratham"):
Arnold Steck

Raymond Victor "Ray" Steadman-Allen:
Len Rayal
Michael Collins
Ray Allen

Mark Adrian Grosvenor Lloyd Steeds (also "Adrian Lloyd", "Grosvenor Lloyd", "Mark Steeds")

David Andrew "Dave" Steel

Henry Steele

Laurie Brian Steele

Crispian Gay Steele-Perkins (also "Chrispian", "Steel")

Wouter Jan Jelmer Steenhuis:
Jon Jelmer
Jonnie Moorea
Walter Renaud

Victoria Jane Steer

Charles Edward "Charley" Stefl

Siegfried Alex Stein:
Alex Alstone
Alex Stone
Gaston Lecoque

Max Steiner

Alexander Steinert

Robert Walter "Rob" Steininger

Norman Stenfalt

Marissa Steingold:
Mrs. Marissa Enhus

John William David Stephen

Katy Stephen (note to self: no IPI)

Geoffrey "Geoff" Stephens:
Bud Beadle
Filter De Luxe

James Ellis Burnel Stephenson

Katherine Elizabeth "Kate" Stephenson:
Kate Christopher

Robin David Stephenson

Sam H. Stept:
Vincent Leslie

John James "JJ" Sterry:
Richie Fondue

Catherine "Cathy" Stevens

Herbert Leonard "Len" Stevens

Paul James Stevens:
Flor Parentis
Paul James
Ronnie Strauss
Rovin Jackson

Rohan Robert Stevenson:
Dr. Ignatius Cole
Red Earth (also "Redearth")
Red Rackham

Abraham Benjamin "Abe" Stewart

Dermot Albert Stewart (also "Dermott")

Jonathan Alexander "Jon" Stewart

Mark William Stewart

Robert John "Bob" Stewart:
Grisly Glow

Simon Gerard Lewis Stewart (also "Stuart"):
Art Lewy
Art Louie
Simon T. Jones
Twisted Transmission

Walter Stewart (note to self: IPI 00029640382)

Rachel Alana Stewart Newman:
Alana Shelton Newman
Alana Sveta

Cody Douglas Still

Al Stillman né Silverman:
Alberto Silvio

Jemima Rose Adelaide "Mima" Stilwell

Victoria Killey Stilwell

Simon Mark Stirling (also "Sterling")

Stuart Lindsley Stirling

Terrence Stith:
Aquaman Chill

Michael Gordon "Mike" Stobbie:
Michael Aberdeen

Alexandra Louise "Lexie" Stobie

Lawrence "Larry" Stock:
Andre Pierre
L. Rosenstock

Alexander Charles "Alex" Stockley

Miriam Arlene Stockley née Keiles

Samuel James Stockton

Jan Stoeckart:
Jack Trombey
Julius Steffaro
Peter Milray

Anna S. M. Stoeckart Vuijst:
Jill Answell
Willy Faust

John Christopher Stokes:
John Buchanan

Solfrid Zahrema Stokke:
Elii Geba
Zahrema Di Starce
Zahrema Starace

James Thomas "Jim" Stokoe:
Jay T. Virgo

David Michael Stoll

Barry Stuart "Rhet" Stoller:
Adam Best
Hugh Cortley
Stuart Barrie

Christopher L. Stone (note to self: IPI 00029698240)

Claire Barbara Stone:
Melanie Mansfield
Julia Barry
Rickie James
Sonja Laws
Stevie Love

Darren Peter Stone

Timothy Edward "Tim" Stone

Henry James "Harry" Stoneham:
Dick Hunter
Ted Nord

Martyn Kevin Stonehouse:

Michael John William Storey

Peter "Pete" Storr Willmott

Donald Stott

Anthony Brian Stout:
Kanetic Source

Jean Paul Anthony Strachan:
Jean Paul Esq.
Paul Anthony Wilks

Jack Strachey

Tina Strala

Otto Stransky

Blake Mitchell Straus

Arthur "Art" Strauss:
Alvin Stuart
John Hardy
Sammy Joyce

Allan Street:
Barrie Chester

Andrew Edmund "Andy" Street

Karen Jane Street

William Arthur "Will" Street

Cyril Edwin "Eddie" Strevens

Robert Edward Stribling:

Daniel Benjamin Stringer (note to self: no IPI)

Christopher S. "Chris" Strone:
Christo (note to self: IPI 00354040593)

Jeremy Strother

George Richard Stroud:
Herbie Lansdown
Logan Addison

Paul Allen Stroud

Electra Stuart

Thomas Kenneth Stubbs:
Tom Mansi

Ian Howell Sturgess

Patrick Sim Sturrock (also "Strurrock"):
Charlie Page
Crunk Daddy P
James Bonham

James George "Big Jim" Sullivan

Kirk Sullivan (note to self: IPI 00029881549)

Stanley Ernest "Stan" Sulzmann

Harvey Lee Summers:
Deep Sounds (note to self: IPI 00529410266)

Andrew Borradaile Sunnucks:
Duncan Pittock

Morris Surdin

Ian Sutherland (no IPI?)

James "Jim" Sutherland

Royce Glenn Sutton (also "Glen")

Samuel Rupert Cole "Sam" Sutton

Peter Sölve Svensson

Freda Swain:
Colin Dale
Mary Brandon
Val Peters

Kevin Swain

Martin John Swain (also "Martyn")

Oliver Richard "Oli" Swan:
Sli Owan

Thomas Hunter "Tom" Swann:
Swanny (note to self: IPI 00580259245)

Andrew Philip Swarbrick

Hans Fritz Swarsenski (also "Swarsenki")

Gordon Frederick "Glen" Sweeney

Jared Nathan Sweetman:
Lawrence Young (note to self: IPI 00651354458)

Alexander Thomas "Al" Swettenham:
Geek Boy

Kay Swift

Thomas Arthur "Tom" Swindells:
Itchy Kid

Raymond "Ray" Swinfield

John Raymond Sykes

Stanislaw Syrewicz (also "Stanislas")

Thomas Andrew Zachary "Tom" Szirtes:
Shur I. Ken

Tewabe Tadesse (also "Tewade")

Pavlos Tagkaloglou:

Mauricio Leão Tagliari (also "Tagliare")

Bobby Baback Tahouri:
Plim Murphy
Vincent Lee Amberson

Basil Tait

James Robert "Jamie" Talbot:
Mike Parker (note to self: IPI 00835101079)

Rula Talhouni

Anthony "Tony" Tamburello

Norma Cecilia Tanega

Kit Tang (note to self: no IPI)

Sepp Tanzer:
Klaus Weimer

Norbert Tapodi (note to self: IPI 00743547038)

Frank Harold Tapp:
Graeme Stuart

James L. Tarver

Jason David Allen Tarver:
Astrid Nilsson
Benton Schwartz
Bernt Berg
Cold Foot
Joe Mesch
Kriss Karlsson
Krissie Van Cleaver Karlsson (also just "Krissie Karlsson")
Matthew Rancher
Mickey Van Toulson
Mo Malmo
Riley Cooper
Stacey Ruttledge

Charles Llewelyn "Charlie" Tate:

Barry Tattenhall:
Michael Barry (note to self: IPI 00002199903)

Richard Frederick "Ric" Tattersall (also "Richie")

Michael David Taubenfligel:
Joshua Lawrence (also "Laurence")
Mike Tauben (also "Michael")

Vilem Tausky

Joachim "Jogi" Tautz

Hekel Tavares (also "Heckel")

Keren Or Tayar:
Keren (note to self: IPI 674797384)

Andrew Charles "Andy" Taylor:
Alley Cat
Big Andy
Giles Miller

Brian "Dolph" Taylor (also "Dolphin"):
Carrie Harry
Coover Hicks
Doyle McCormick
Jaz Baz
Jim Daniels
Manny Fly
Max Power
Wyatt Hylton

Christopher Lionel "Chris" Taylor

Christopher Murphy "Chris" Taylor
(KPM; CD era)

Corrina Jane Taylor

Dawson Taylor

Emily Taylor (note to self: IPI 00647660226):
Fen T.
Kai Irving
Kai Taylor (note to self: IPI 00713540766)
Taylor (note to self: IPI 00716473340)

Graeme David Taylor

Helen Taylor:
Henry Bingham
Jane Hart
Joan Gilchrist
John Marvell
John Mumford
Kathleen Stuart
Maria Rocca
Mary Marriott
Maryon Essex
Rose Crawford
Sydney Ellacott

James Patrick Taylor

John Free "Jack" Taylor:

Jonathan Mark Taylor

Joseph Robert Taylor

Matthew David Taylor
(Audio Network)

Matthew Robert "Matt" Taylor (note to self: IPI 00432487456)

Michael James "Mike" Taylor
(Carlin Recorded Music Library)

Neil Martin Taylor

Nigel John Taylor

Paul Stirling Taylor:
Paul Stylus

Peter Taylor:
John Eady

Philip Martin "Phil" Taylor (note to self: IPI 00122530814):
Axel Falkner

Richard Taylor
(JW; "Some Like It Simple")

Richard Clifford "Dick" Taylor

Robert Dennis William Taylor:
Pop Heads
Snizzer Berg
Teddy Johns

Robert Matthew "Bob" Taylor (also "Rob"):
RT Songs
Tailor (note to self: IPI 00793280905)

Sebastian James "Seb" Taylor

Simon Paul Mark Taylor

Terence Martin "Terry" Taylor

William James Taylor

Sarah Taylor-Morris

Lina Tebbs née Dvorkin:
Ellie Kidd

Maryann Tedstone

Michael Tedstone

Nahum Tefera:

Marc Frederick Teitler (also "Mark"):
Jon Lorca
Mattheus Sogyal

Jorge Humberto Teixeira Boratto Filho:

Juan Telleria Arrizabalaga

Keith Tenniswood

Daniel Jacob "Dan" Teper:
Alphonso Duke
Danny Fromajio
Davo De Davis

Liber Teran Gomez

Frederick William "Billy" Ternent:
Cy Miller

Andrea Terrano:
Dino Ferretto

Raymond Neil "Ray" Terry

Alan Stanley Tew

Jaime Texidor Dalmau

Richard Miles "Rich" Thair:
Cool N. Deadly

George Thomas Thalben-Ball

Leslie Charles "Les" Thatcher

Ali Dee Theodore

Eric Harding Thiman

Frode Thingnæs

Annette Geraldine Thistlethwaite:
Annette Green
Annie De Vere

Werner Thöni (also "Thoeni")

Alwyn Thomas

Anjani Thomas:

Edward "Eddie" Thomas
(Chappell, Conroy)

Edward Gregory Thomas
(DMPML Music Production Library Music Library)

Gary Thomas (note to self: no IPI)

Hannah Elizabeth Thomas

Henry Leonard Thomas

Ian Thomas (note to self: IPI 00160506991):
Albert T. Hall

John Ashton Thomas:
J. A. Maxwell-Saunders
Westway Sound

Mark Thomas

Matthew Thomas (note to self: IPI 00267992015)

Neville Newton Thomas

Owen Frazer Elliott Thomas:
Daddy Love

Peter James "Pete" Thomas
(Atmosphere Music Library)

Rhys Donald Lloyd Thomas:
Colin Smith
David Hughes
Jean Marcel
John Barclay
Pedro Gonzalez
Stuart Penn

Richard Keith Madoc Thomas:
Thomas Plug

Steven Lee "Steve" Thomas

Johann Wilhelm Thome:
Bert Claus
Jean Thomé
Jo Gröder

Benjamin Alexander Thompson

Colin Henry Thompson

Duncan Fraser Thompson

Eddie Thompson (note to self: IPI 00059840449)

Erik Thompson (also "Thomson"):
Erik the Viking
Tbag Thompson
Viking Trance

Johnny C. Charles Thompson

Katherine Dawn "Katie" Thompson

Keith Thompson (note to self: IPI 00046709958)

Lawrence Anthony "Lawrie" Thompson

Mark Edmund Thompson

Rodney Broughton "Rod" Thompson

Ryan Thompson (no IPI?)

Sarah Michelle Thompson:
Deedee Ray

Vivian Anthony Thompson:

Peter James "Pete" Thoms
(Focus Music Library, De Wolfe Music)

Alan Thomson

George Nicholas Thomson:
George Demure

Paul Ross Thomson (also "Thompson")

William James "Will" Thomson

Duncan Thomson McCrone (also "MacCrone"):
Duncan Aran

Donald Thorne

Louis Edward Thorne (also "Thorn")

Karin K. Thornton (also "Karen"):
K. Nita

Robert S. Thornton (also "R. G.") (note to self: no IPI)

John Richard Thorpe:
Peter Kane
Richard Kane
Richard Mullan

Dominic Jon Thrupp:
Dom T

T. W. "Billy" Thurban (Thomas William?) (also "C. W."):
Al Richards

Graham John Thurgood

James Tiago

Kathryn Derran Tickell

Martin Tillmann (also "Tillman")

Reginald "Reg" Tilsley:
Dick Bradford
Henry Norman

Derrick Ronald Timms (also "Derik")

Jacob Jim "Jake" Tinley

Keith Gordon William Tipping

Jason Titley

Harry Tobias:
Elliott Tobias

David Jonathan "Dave" Tobin:
Edward Josephs

Felix Roderick Tod

Graham Todd:
Jonathan Christopher Swift
Mark G. Todd
Todd MacKilroy (also "McKilroy")

Phil Todd (no IPI?)

Philip Alan "Phil" Todd

Rita Edith Todd:

Wilfred Ivan "Wilf" Todd:
Carlos Romanos
Mark Todd

Richard Maurice Toeman:
Adam Carstairs

Alexander "Alex" Toff

James "Jim" Tollan

Peteroy "Pete" Tolson

Alessandro Tomei (note to self: IPI 00449445135)

Ernest Tomlinson:
Alan Perry
Eric Lynn

Fred Tomlinson:
Frederick Culpan

David Glenn Tommey:
David Tommy

Roger Kenneth Toms

Sheridan Paul Tongue:
Zac Jordan

John Alfred Tonks

Michael "Mac" Tontoh

James Henly "Jim" Toomey

Sidney Torch:
Denis Rycoth

Michael Andre Tordjman

Dag Patrick Torgersbraten:
Dag Nabbit

Stuart Torrance

Andre Nicholas Touhey:
Andre Nicholas

Michael Christopher Bede "Mike" Tourle

Frank E. Tours

Adir Abraham Tov:
Issac Frank

Daniel Tovey:

Jayme Tovey (also "Jamie"):
T. Jolivia

Leonard Elias "Leo" Blitz:
Al Burken
Alan Keith
Alan Sinclair
Carroll Martin
Eugene Rodgers
Gene Summers
Hazel Allen
Jack Lennard
Jack Leonard
Jean Lindsay
Leo Bliss
Leo Henriques
Leo Jackson
Leo Towers
Louis Wertrich
Roy Alan

David Lee Towery:
David Lee Stone

Colin William Towns

Robert "Rob" Townsend

Stanley William "Stan" Tracey

Howard Andrew Trafford:
Howard Devoto
Mohl Rothman

Siegfried Translateur

Jeremy Tranter

Seth Benjamin Travins

Theodore John "Theo" Travis

Rose Treacher

David Neil Blake Treahearn

Doreen Trebilco

Leonard Charles Trebilco né Trebilcock:
Steve Bretton
Trevor Duncan

Ian Stuart Tregoning (also "Stewart"):
Bob Maximum
Inky Blackness
Northern Magnetic (also "Magnetik North")

George Trevare

Nicholas Frank "Nic" Tribe (also "Nick")

Michael John "Mike" Trim:
Jay Michaels

Ian Michael Croxton Tripp:
The Wave Cutter

Stephanie Ann "Steph" Trivison

Pasquale Troise (also known as just "Troise"):
Giuseppe Giordano

Thomas Trombetta:
Tommy Dalton

Alex James Troup:

Hayley Linda Trower

Terence Victor "Terry" Trower

Samuel Life Troxel:

Andrew David "Andi" Truesdale Baxter (also "Andy"):
Ashley Duncan (note to self: IPI 00279589000)
Daniel Hoffman (note to self: IPI 00279589198)
Edward Maluka
James Spaer
Richard Doyle (note to self: IPI 00289263229)

Charlotte Anne Truman née Rogers:
Charlotte James

Michael Samuel "Mike" Truman

William Louis Trytel:
B. Barham
H. E. Henner
Hugo Ruhman
Louis Alma
Louis Victor
S. Bresner
Val Louis
Victor Williams
Will Louie

Michael Stephen Tubridy:
Mr. Poetic

Terig Tucci

Tancredi Tucconi (note to self: no IPI)

Julie Anne "Jules" Tulley (also "Julianne")

Ian David Tunstall:

Jonathan Ching Ming Lim "John" Turnbull:
Angry Crane
J. C. M. (note to self: IPI 00145625867)
J. T. Splice

Christopher Laurence "Chris" Turner

Jason Andrew Turner

Kevin Turner (note to self: IPI 00268012380)

Neil Matthew Turner

Simon John Fisher Turner:
Claudine Coule

Terence T. Turner:
Terry Love

Burnet C. Tuthill

Robin James Twelftree:
12 Tree

Clifford "Cliff" Twemlow

Henry Patrick Twinch:
Henry Silver

Thomas "Tommy" Tycho

Jonathan Andrew "Jon" Tye:
Jack Tree
Juan Garcia
Juan Trippe
Magnus Mix
Mark Glass
Sam Lowe
Taylor Nathan

Ted Tyle (note to self: IPI 00058530670)

David Steven "Dave" Tyler

Jeff Tymoschuk

Jack Joseph Tyson-Charles

Mika Tapani Tyyskä

Martin Uhl

Cécile Unia

Andrew John "Andy" Upton

Barry John Upton

Edward Arthur David "Ed" Upton:
David Michael Cross

Brian Blake Urnovitz:
Brian Blake
Roundabout Way

Aaron Urquhart

Wayne Charlton Ambrose Urquhart:
Wayne Hart

Joseph "Johny" Uvergolts:
Palma Musique

Michael "Mick" Vail Blum

Michael James Dawson Valenta

Michael Valentini

Richard Valenzuela:
Ritchie Valens (also "Vallens")

Richard Paul "Rick" Vallance:
Guy Clearwater

Jacques Vallez

Harry van Berne

Francis Saltus Van Boskerck (note to self: no IPI)

Alexander Van Cleve Phillips:
Van Phillips

Harry van der Kamp

David Gijsbert "Dolf" van der Linden (also "Dave"):
Alex Pinto
Nat Nyl (also "Nyll")

Christoffel Hendrik van der Schyf:
Chris Vander

Melanie Jane van Looy

George Lezar Van Dyk (also "Lezer")

Else Antonia "Els" van Epen-de Groot (also "Elsa"):
Derek Laren

Peter John "Pete" Van Hooke (also "Van Hook")

Alan Van Kleef

Leslie Patrick Van Trease

Marius van Wyk de Vries (also "Devries")

Rocus van Yperen

Richard Thomas "Dick" Vance

Jules Edouard D. Vandemaele:
Jules Demaele

Raymond Henry "Ray" Vanderby:
Remi Raven

Alexander Hywel "Alex" Vann

Adam Bernard Vanryne

Robert Vanryne

Kathyjo E. Varco

Vincent Phillip Varco

Melissa Mary Vardey-Lubbock

Brian "Halo" Varga

Alberto "Beto" Vargas Botero

Emma Jade Varley

Thomas Kenneth "Tom" Varrall

Olaf Vas

Rudolf Leo Vasata:
Fr. Nistell
Jan Rydl (note to self: IPI 00027114612)

Julie Marie "Julz" Vass (also "Jewels")

Christian Maurice "Xian" Vassie

Ian Vaughan Thomas

Ralph Vaughan Williams

Benjamin William Arnaud "Ben" Vautier Brooke

Norberto Luis "Louis" Vecchio

Desider Josef Vecsei (also "Vecski")

Radhika Narendra Vekaria

Benjamin Oliver "Ben" Vella:
Oliver Butler
Michael Holborn
Steven Haller

John Francis H. Vella

Thomas Robert "Tom" Vella

Mauricio Enrique Venegas-Astorga

Marita F. W. Verberk Kruijswijk (also "Kruyswyk"):
De Perelaar

Mark John Verney

Thomas Mark "Tom" Vernon:

Susan Jane "Sue" Verran:
Lotty Lush

Ronald Thomas "Ronnie" Verrell

Michael Verzi

Oliver James Vessey:

Edgar Alfred James Vetter

Paul Jonathan Ivan Vials:
Pablo Love

Mervyn Vicars

Michael William "Mike" Vickerage:
Anna Scarlett
George Raphael
Giles Warren
Mo Dimaggio
William Presland

Michael Graham "Mike" Vickers

Susan Elizabeth "Sue" Vickers

Gerard Thomas Joseph Victory:
Alan Loraine
Mae An G. Bhuadha
Mac An Bhua Gearoid
Felim O'Flynn

Finn Viderø:
Jacob Pinneberg (also "Pinneburg")

Theodore Richard Vidgen

Andrés Villalobo (note to self: IPI 00441197074)

Leslie William Vinall

Barrington Anthony "Barry" Vincent:
Barry V

Robert W. "Walt" Vincent

Matthew Quenault Vine

Gilbert Vinter:
Buddy Abinger
Chesney Pedell
Don Pato
James Greenway
Nicholas Andrews
Pablo Pareno (also "Parino")

Fayyaz Huesin Virji

Anthony E. "Tony" Visconti

Duran Hans Visek

Dirk H. M. "Dick" Visser

Sabrina Nadia Vogelsperger:

Michel Thomas "Mitch" Von Arx:
Chavlon Remix

Sebastian "Bastien" von Bischopink

Gene von Hallberg:
Arthur Baron
Gene Hall

Erland von Koch

Wolfgang von Pappritz:
Paul Flieger
Wolfgang Bock

Joachim Volker von Starkenburg Horsley

Johann von Valter:
Andrew Berg
Jack Bova
John Valter

David Glyn "Dave" Vorhaus

Nicholas Voronoff (note to self: no IPI)

Riaan Eames Vosloo

Louis Voss:
Ian Regor
Ian Roger
Lew Vincent
Luigi Voselli
Roger Karzan
Stefan Rogez (also "Roger", "Rojez")

Harold Vousden Purcell

Lucien Victor Leon "Laurent" Voulzy:
Luc Verghen (also "Cerghen")

Matthew Alan "Matt" Vowles

John Vroman:
John Froman
Juan Alegre

Roger Ferdinand Vuataz:

Matthew R. "Matt" Vucic

Drostan Roderick Paul "Dobs" Vye (also "Dobbs")

John Dixon Waddell

Mary E. Waddell

Charles St. John "Charlie" Waddington

Kevin Waddington

Brian Wade (note to self: IPI 00069672042)

Brian David Wade
(Bruton Music)

Hugh A. Wade

Simon Paul Wadmore:
Simon Smugg

Derek Wadsworth:
Benny Clayton

Adrian John Wagner:
The Androids
Disco Dream
Ebenezer Moog

Joseph Franz Wagner

Michael Paul Gerhard Wagner

John Lewis Wagstaff:
Jonathan Torres
Lee Kristofferson

Caroline Wairia

Anthony Arthur "Tony" Wakefield:
Anthony Field

Charles Wakefield Cadman

Adam Wakeman

Anthony John Julius Waldeck

Christopher Waldekrantz

John Walden

Samuel Kent Waldo

Reginald G. "Reg" Wale:
David Law

Christine Walker (note to self: no IPI)

Christopher John Albert "Chris" Walker

Clifford Mervyn Walker

Frikki Walker (note to self: no IPI)

Graham Morgan Walker

James Kevin "Jim" Walker

Matt Damon Walker

Matthew William "Matt" Walker

John V. "Jack" Wall

Daniel Charles Wallace:
Daniel Merlot

Nathaniel "Nat" Wallace

Alan Edward "Wally" Waller:
Wally Allen

Allen Ernest Walley

Lucy Wallis

Terry Wallwork

Alison Leigh Walsh:
Alison Barry

Thomas "Tom" Walsh:
Hector Glenfinnan

Anne Walter

David Benjamin Walter

Richard Stephen "Dick" Walter

Timothy John "Tim" Walter

Ashley Anthony Walters:
D. Asher

David Luke Philip Walters:
David Galvez
David Lucas
Ethan Hunter
Fruity Luke
Luke Phillip
The Echelon Effect

Gareth Ranwyn Walters:
John Derwyn

Owen Walters

Albert E. Walton

Anthony Walton (also "Antony")

Jesse Thomas Walton

John "Jake" Walton

Nigel Sinclair Walton

Peter Walton

Robert Lee Walton

Lewis "Lew" Warburton

Alexander Patrick Ward

Francis Ward

Jeffrey Leon "Jeff" Ward

John Joseph Wardle:
Jah Wobble

Thomas Benjamin Wardle

Peter William Wareham:
Elliott Bailey

Colin Wark:
Michael Leslie (note to self: IPI 00017908084)

Christopher James "Chris" Warner:
Aiden James

Ken Warner:
Amando Valenciaga
Onslow Kent

Zula Jake Warner:

David Alexander "Alex" Warnes

Derek John Warnes:
Derek Warne

Stephen Dominic "Steve" Warr

Terence George "Terry" Warr

Anthony Warren:

Guy Warren:

Norman John Warren:
Jack Camden
Nicholas Silver
Warren Norman

Richard Daniel Warren:

Robert Huw Warren

Ned Washington

Sarah Louise Wassall

Mark Nigel Waterman

Eliza Mae Waters

Ronald Edward Waterworth

Derek Roy Watkins

Geraint Meurig Vaughan Watkins:
Lightnin' Watkins
Otis Watkins

Michael Sinclair Watkins

Walter Samuel "Sam" Watmough:
Sam Bones

Bruce S. Watson:
Chu Toi

James "Jim" Watson (note to self: IPI 00272541375)

John Watson

Liam Benedick Watson

Neil Andrew Watson:
Michael Pride (allso "Micheal")

Stephanie Irene "Stevie" Watson:

Thomas Mitchell "Tommy" Watt:
Lee Green

Garth Philip Watt-Roy:
Leon Paul-Phillips (also "Phillips Leon Paul")
Watt R. Garth

Henry Cyril Watters:
Cyril Walsh
Cyril Warren
Cyril Wayne
Joe Cheyenne

David "Dave" Watts:
Charlie Newhouse

Greig David Watts (also "Greg"):
DWB (note to self: IPI 00740662352)
Jack Door

Raymond George "Nainz" Watts:
Pig (note to self: IPI 00249300775)

Derrick G. Waugh

Robin "Rob" Waugh:

John Robert "Johnny" Waughman:
Johnny Warman

Darryl Richard Way:

Charles Archibald Waygood:
Joe Kerre

John Frank Wayre

Craig B. Wazbinski:
Waz (note to self: IPI 00419835532)

Robert James Weatherburn

Albert Webb

Julia Anne Webb

Ralston Alexander Webb

Reginald William "Reg" Webb

Robin David Webb

Roger John Webb

Rosemary A. Webb

William Simon Pieter Webb

Cayte Mary Louise Webber

Theodore Tetlow "Teddy" Weber (also "Ted")

Gary John Webster:
Brigett Reznor
Van Basten (note to self: IPI 00274943141)

George Webster (note to self: no IPI)

Philip Graeme Webster

Simon Peter Webster

Terence Edward "Terry" Webster:
Tony Brook (also "Terry")

Samuel "Sam" Wedgwood

Tom A. Wedvik (also "Vedvik")

Benjamin Treston Weedon

Herbert Maurice William "Bert" Weedon

Melle Weersma:
Don Porfirio Camar
Ivan Moskovich

Sunna Elisa Wehrmeijer

Fred Weinberg:
Fred West

Josef Weinberger

Edward William "Ed" Welch:
Max Maxworth

Matthew Daniel "Matt" Welch:
Atomic Hooligan
Love Your Sleep

Robert Welch (no IPI?)

Joshua Thomas "Josh" Weller:
Rab Dokyree

Jacob Peter Wellfair

Bernard Wells

Matthew Philip Wells

Michael John Wells:
Dataflow Productions

Richard Everard Lawrence Wells

Colin Welsh:

Nicholas "Nick" Welsh

Desmond Oliniyi "Des" Welstead

Daniel Benjamin Weltlinger

Daniel Patrick "Dan" Weniger

John Eugene "Jaylien" Wesley:
Jay Wes

John Edward "Jorden" Wesley-Milnes (also "Jordan")

Susan Angela "Sue" Wesley-Milnes:
Ginna Milnes

Melvyn Thomas "Mel" Wesson (also "Wess"):
Chuck Gorman

Amy West

Andrew Philip "Andy" West

Con "Jack" West:
Harold Spencer

Patrick Talbot Richard "Pat" West:
Buddy Thompson

Francis B. Westbrook (note to self: no IPI)

Michael Adam "Mike" Westergaard

Cody Daniel Westheimer:
Henry Chowmix
Henry E. West

David Stephen Westlake

Robert Joseph "Bob" Weston

Frank C. Westphal (also "W. Westphal"):
Nancy Lee

Paul Michael Westwood

Eric David Wetherell:
Eric Davids

Kenneth Alwyn Wetherell:
Kenneth Alwyn

Hilary Davan Wetton

Lionel Wharton

Robert Wharton (alias?)

Edward Patrick "Ted" Whealing

Joshua Mark "Josh" Wheatley

Martin Russell Wheatley:
Ambrose Kimber

Paul Barry Wheatley

Aaron Frederick Laszlo Wheeler:
Laszlo Frederick

Benjamin Joshua Stephen "Ben" Wheeler:
Mad Dog Max
Stuntman Mike

Keith Wheeler (note to self: IPI 00253075874)

Kenneth Vincent John "Kenny" Wheeler (also "Ken")

John Whelan (note to self: IPI 00121699571)

Christopher Whelen

Graham Dudley Whettam:
Dudley Matthew (also "Matthews")
Howard Woodstock
Montague Swinton
Oliver Armstrong
Quinton Harper

Burnell Leonard "Burnie" Whibley

Charles Adams "Adam" Whitaker III

David Whitaker (note to self: IPI 00051415805)

Guy Lawrence Andrew Whitby

Andrew Michael "Drew" White (note to self: IPI 00248201097):
Fiona Flange
Norman Basset

Christopher Timothy "Chris" White:
Ben Howells

Darren Michael White:
Bad Company UK (also just "Bad Company")

Edward "Teddy" White:
Carlo Cadiz

Henry Jacob Sebastian White:
Exmoor Emperor
(Audio Network)

Joseph M. White

Matthew "Matt" White

Peter Charles White:
Mazlo Bangi

Raphael Stuart Gerald White

Robert Alexander White (note to self: IPI 00121560024)
(KPM Music)

Robert Henry Peter White

Tarjas Lavail "T" White

William Kyle White:
Cecilia Harpo
Roger Source

Nathan Reed Whitehead:
Sando Reed

Paul Whitehead (also "Taylor-Whitehead") (note to self: IPI 00675226431):
Ben Ford (note to self: IPI 00372448253)
Feast of Feasts
Gerald Preston
Ian Murdock
The Outrider

Brian Whitehouse

Scott Virgil Whitelaw:
Scott Whyte (note to self: IPI 00599891655)

Timothy Roland "Tim" Whitelaw

Norman Whiteley:
Jules Verner
Ullman Fash

Lewis Solly "Lou" Whiteson:
Luiz Gomez
Melvyn Gordon
Michel Joubert
Mike Lewis
Pablo Lopez

Ian Charles Whitewood

Daniel Robert Henry "Dan" Whitfield

Paul Whitfield

Richard A. Whiting

Andrew David "Andy" Whitmore:
David Andrew
DJ in Awe
Missy G

Timothy Julian "Tim" Whitnell

David James Whittaker

Sarah Whittaker Gilbey

Sean Whittle

Thomas "Tommy" Whittle (also "Tom")

Benedict David William "Ben" Whynes:
Magnus Larson
William Falk

Mark Andrew Wickenden

Paul Philip John "Wix" Wickens (also "Phillip")

Thomas Russell Wicks

Ossi Joonas Widenius

Stuart Wiener

Ralf Wienrich (also "Ralph"):
Jan Kehlchen

Jonathan D. "JJ" Wiesler:
Jay Wise (note to self: IPI 00800336289)

Paul Aaron Wigens

Philip Robert "Phil" Wigger

Joshua Alexander Wiggins:
Stanza (note to self: IPI 00513531195)

Fiachra Terence "Fi" Wilbraham Trench

Simon Wilcox (note to self: IPI 00278372824):
Memphis Teriyaki

Harry James Wild

Daniel Mark Wilde

Alec Wilder:
Al Alder

Christopher "Chris" Wildig

Thomas Bruce Wilding

Brynley James "Bryn" Wildish (né Knight?):
Eden James

Major Wiley

Julius Wilhelm

Michael Scott "Mike" Wilkie (also "Mikey"):
The Pikey Project

Arthur Harold Wilkinson

D. Wilkinson

Geoffrey "Geoff" Wilkinson (note to self: IPI 00162587454)

Marcus Kwabena Fosu Wilkinson

Neal Wilkinson (also "Neil")

Simon John Wilkinson
(West One Music)

Simon Peter Wyndham Wilkinson:
Axelrod (note to self: IPI 00483521060)

Steve Jeanne Fr. "Steve" Willaert

Paul Ian Willard

George Henry Willcocks:
David Brianne
Spencer Brianne

Mark Willett

Brian John Cecil Willey:
Bill Bryan
Brian Russell
Bruno Tavares
Bruno Villi
Leon Valarino

Agnes Williams:
Harry Martin (note to self: IPI 00019798144)

Albert S. Williams

Charles Williams (also "Chas."):
Carlos Morini (also "Charles")

David Carey "Dave" Williams

David Paul Gifford Williams (most commonly just "Paul Williams"):
Matthew Wildman
Paul De Schroeder
Pierre Le Blanc
Terry Day (also "Terence")

Derek Williams:
Rikki Caine

Ffion Elisa Williams:
Ffion Elisa

Gerallt Leslie "Les" Williams:
Max Stahl

Hugh Williams

Huw Williams (note to self: IPI 00442678636):
Circuit Shaker
Electro Maniaque
Ljot Godfridson
Luxury Lovin Man
Mr. Gris
Neon Knight
(Score Production Music)

Huw David Gwynne Williams:
Dafydd Gwynne
Dave Roswell

Jacob Frederick Bernard "Jake" Williams:
Jake One

James "Jim" Williams

Jerome Antony Joshua Williams:
Dan Haffer

Joe Williams (note to self: IPI 00401720314)

John Christopher Williams (note to self: IPI I00121606809; classical guitarist)

Laurence Thomas Williams

Mark David Williams

Mark Ford Williams
(Audio Network)

Mark Richard Antony Williams (also "Marc")
(Music House)

Martin Michael James Williams

Nathaniel Williams, Jr.

Neil John Williams:
The Mighty Strinth

Rita Rachel Williams:
Mark Spencer

Steven Andrew "Steve" Williams (also "Stephen"):
Oochie Coochie

William Sidney Gwynn Williams

Spencer Williams:
Dodd Lennel
Gualterio Guillermos
Pierre Goudon
William Spencer

Malcolm Benjamin Graham Christopher Williamson

Roscoe Alexander Jock Williamson:

Ruskin Joseph Williamson

William Lambert "Bill" Williamson

Christopher Timothy "Chris" Willis

Jonathan Peter Willoughby

Timothy James "Tim" Wills:
Billy Handsome
Joseph Jack Jones
Mayfield Jackson

Colin Derek Willsher

Peter Martin "Pete" Willsher (also "Wilshire"):
Saul Nathan

Jake Rory Willson

Steven Reed "Steve" Wilmot

Alexander David Clifford "Alex" Wilson

Amanda Leigh Wilson:
Kayleigh King

Andrew Colin "Andy" Wilson:
Quick Cut (also "Quick Kut")

Anthony Howard Wilson:
Deke Arlon

Ben Wilson:
Bonn Lewis

Cecil Frank Petch Wilson:
Frank Petch

Dennis Miller Wilson:
Betty Lester
Howard Hammett

Henry Lane Wilson

Max Alexander Wilson

Norris D. "Norro" Wilson

Orlandus Wilson:
Airy Skeed

Patrick David Wilson:
David Strickland
Jolyon Wagg

Shalonda Katrice Wilson (also "Sholanda")

Eric Tobias "Toby" Wincorn:
Eric Tobias

William Peter "Pete" Wingfield

Peter Ross "Pete" Winslow:
P. Ross

Neil Winspear

Eric Winstone:
Abe Cantor
Bob Anthony
Erik Christiansen
Louis Dimanche
Max Kaye

Aubrey Winter:
Francois Thullier
Val Tournier

Christopher John "Chris" Winter:
John Christopher

Debra Louise "Debbie" Wiseman

Jay Witsey

Max Woiski

Carl Woitschach

Feleke Hailu Woldemariam

Ermanno Wolf Ferrari

David Peter Wolfert

Franklyn Roger Wolff

Erik Wøllo (also "Woello", "Wollo")

Barry George Womersley:
Barry G. Warmsley

Lawrence Mau-Yip Wong (also just "Yip Wong")

Arthur Wood:
Jean D'Argent
Jose Paque

Frederick Frank Wood

Gabriel Kwaku Wood:
Gabriel Serene

Gareth Haydn Wood

Haydn Wood:
Denis Dene
Hilary Wade
Hilary Ward
Hilton Schofield
Wood Haydn

Pamela Jayne Wood

Richard Simeon Wood

Sally Christine Woodall:
Adrian Wright
George Wilson

Timothy James "Tim" Woodbridge:
Timmy Tee

Jason Christopher Woodcock:
Subatomic (note to self: IPI 00567603333)

Peter John Woodcock

Peter Woodford

Amy Woodforde-Finden

Daniel Mark "Woddy" Woodgate

Charles Woodhouse:
Gustave Colin
Prosper Morand
Ronald Gray

Ken Frederick John "Kenny" Woodman

Michael Andrew Woodman:

Peter "Pete" Woodroffe

Antony James "Tony" Woods

Darrell John Woodward (also "Darrwll")

Vernon Peter Woodward:
Korky (note to self: IPI 00575174724)

William Benjamin Toby "Will" Woolf

Zachary Joseph Woolfson

Bruce Martin Woolley

Geoffrey Victor Neil "Geoff" Woolley:
Gee Dubaya

Michael Brian "Mikey" Woolmans

Wilfred Worden

Alexis Cyrll Damian Worrall (also "Worrell"):
Lexi Love (also "Lexilove")

John Worsley:
John Worth (also "Johnnie")
Les Vandyke

Christopher Patrick Hugh Wortley:
Kris Paket

Theodor Wottitz (also "Wottiz")

Henryk Wozniacki

Raymond Wraskoff:
Exotica Editions
Ricardo Zabales

James Wren

Denis Sidney Stewart Wright

Denys Justin "Denny" Wright:
Lee Saint John
Marc Dennis
Peter Justin

Eileen Barbara Wright née Nelson-Jones:
Alma Nelson

Frank Joseph Henry Wright

Hannelore Wright (also "Hannalore")

Kenneth A. Wright:
Edwin Gray
Leo Petter

Lawrence Wright:
Betsy O'Hogan
Everett Lynton
Gene McCarthy (also "MacCarthy")
Gene Williams
Haydon Augarde
Horatio Nicholls
Paul Paree
Victor Ambroise
W. Kerrigan

Marvin M. Wright

Osmond Lloyd Wright

Bernard Julian Wrigley

Gerhard F. "Gerd" Wrisch:
Franco Avera
Franzl Oberpointner
Werner Von Roehm

Sebastian Ludwik "Seb" Wronski

Morris Wu

Eleanor Laura "Ellie" Wyatt

Jon Peter Wygens (also "Wigens"):
River Varny

Stanley Wyllie

Simon Peter Wyndham Wilkinson:
Axelrod (note to self: IPI 00483521060)

Lindsay Janina Wynn

Michael Alexander "Mickey" Wynne (also "Micky"):
Right Honourable My T. Quinn

Jhang Fu Xuo (note to self: no IPI)

Roma Evelyn Yagnik

Jaime Yamin

Rié Yanagisawa

Colin Robert Yarck:
Colin from Walter Meego
Nick Ratliff

Richard Myhill Yarrow:
Remé Martin

Wajid Mirza Yaseen:
2nd Gen

Jonathan Yates

Richard Yeoman Clark

Chiang Chien Yi

Guo Yi (note to self: IPI 00180741084)

Samuel Yirga Mitiku

Paul V. Yoder:
Max Thomas

Manickam Yogeswaran

Hussain Seyed Yoosuf:
Yoosuf Hussain

Martin John York:
John Fordham
Sam Curran
Victor Darby

Peter Yorke:
Barbara Denham
Grant Hogan
Reg Kipling

Alfred "Alf" Young:
Earle Brigham

Brian Young (note to self: IPI 00188597204)

Douglas James "Doug" Young:
Little Rascals
New Voyager
Otaku (note to self: IPI 00291325275)
Paulo Ciotti
Re Animator

Gareth Young (note to self: IPI 00176860437)

James Edward Young:
Cypher (also "Cypha"; note to self: IPIs 00405181884, 00293408453)

John E. "Johnny" Young:
Johnny Takes the Fifth
Young John (note to self: IPI 00222550602)

Leon Edward Stephen Young:
Gill Adam
Malcolm Harvey
Karl Truemann

Richard Dennis "Dick" Young:
Darius Moon
Kurt Replay

Toby Nicholas Young

Victor Popular Young

Samuel Young Barnaby:
Prof. Longhair
Mr. Shiver (also just "Shiver")

Samuel Coke Youngblood, Jr.

Joseph Thomas "Joey" Youngman:
Count Funkula
Frequent Fliers
Mario Fabriani
White Collar Criminals
Wolfgang Gartner

David Robert William Yowell

James Roderick Yuill:
Simon Cyril Jackson

Diana Akina Yukawa

Adrian Dimitri Andrew Zagoritis:
Adrian Z.
Adrian Zag
Dave Stilton

Yordanka Vasileva Zagorska (no IPI?)

Elysha Mei-Yin Zaide:
Ill Esha

George Louis "Geo" Zalva Cruickshank (also "Cruikshank")

Geoffrey Paul "Geoff" Zanelli

Alain Claude Zaoui:
Alain Zackman
Alain Zaoui Ginsburg

Dweezil Zappa

Krisjanis Stefans "Kriss" Zarins

James Zavaleta

Hukwe Ubi Zawose

Wilhelm Zehle

Leopold Zeitlberger (also "Zeltlberger"):
M. Brannan

Hillary Beth Zemina née Bernstein:
Beth Hillary

Guido Zen:
Abul Mogard
Geoffrey Clarkin
Gerhard Georgstrom
Liquid Language

Sintayehu Zenebe Desalegn

Hong Shu Zhang:
Shu Hong

Benjamin Abrahim "Ben" Ziapour:
Ashley Barnes
Thomas Ellis

James Amed "Jamie" Ziapour:
Jay Butter

Maciej Tadeusz Zieliński:

Josef Zimanich (also "Joseph") (note to self: no IPI)

Hans Florian Zimmer

John J. "Jack" Zimmermann

Adolphe "Dolf" Zinsstag:
Claude Yvoire

Cecil Zinyuku

Salvatore A. "Torrie" Zito

Roy Ziv

Alfred Zmigrod:
Konrad Lueders
M. Alizati
M. van den Doorn

Josef Zmigrod:
Allan Gray (also "Alan")

Christina Mary Ann Zoina née Godbold

Vincent Anthony "Vinnie" Zummo, Jr.

Jakub Żytecki (note to self: no IPI)

Collaborative aliases:
Aliases used collaboratively by two or more composers. Note that these might not all be directly library-related.

Clifford William "Cliff" Adams & Howard Ellington Riddiford Barnes:
Imry Vidor
Jean Drancourt

Clifford William "Cliff" Adams, Francis Charles "Frank" Chacksfield & Jack Fishman:
David Forrest

Michael "Mike" Alexander, Colin Campbell & Trevor Alfred "Travis" Oerton:

Franz-Leo Andries & Heinz Gietz:
Carlos Geddaro
Leopold Graninger

Franz-Leo Andries & Alfons Walter:
Werner Heisterkamp

Kevin Mark Andrews, Gary John Dedman & Christopher William Hanson:
Hoxton Whores

Eric Hubert Arden & Henry Croudson:
Eric Denson

Eric Hubert Arden & Doreen Trebilco:
William Hellier

Christian Charles McLane Arnold, David Martin & Geoffrey Stanton "Geoff" Morrow:
Ruby Franklyn

Stephen James "Steve" Ashmore & Jacob Jim "Jake" Tinley:

Leslie James Baguley & ????:
Leslie Hicks

David Wilson Baker & Simon Gavin Lawrence Leonard:

Frank Barber, Albert Edward "Eddie" Calvert & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
Gino Cransty

Denis Mervyn "Bob" Barratt & Cyril Stapleton:
Buzz Gilmore

James "Jimmy" Baskin Kennedy & Maurice Alfred Cohen:
Henry Summers

James "Jimmy" Baskin Kennedy & ????:
Alec Lester
Victor Prince

Brian Bath, John Charles Morgan, Jr., Del Palmer, Ivan Joseph Penfold & Barry Sherlock:

Jack Baverstock, John "Primo" Gregori & Kenneth Evan "Ken" Jones:
Chaquito & Jose Real

Henry "Harry" Baynton-Power & Olive Mary Baynton-Power née Turner:
Jack Randall

Doris Margaret Beaumont née Dowler & Kenneth "Ken" Beaumont:
Bill Whitwell

Jack Beaver & William "Bill" MacLurg:
William Kingston

Raymond Elgar "Ray" Beaver & Jack Beaver:
Ralph Elman

Raymond Elgar "Ray" Beaver & Jack Patrick "Pat" Beaver:
Stewart Mainwaring

Brian Laurence Bennett, Stephen "Steve" Gray, Clive Redvers Hicks, Duncan Lamont, David Henry "Dave" Richmond:
Wally Asp

Brian Laurence Bennett & James Thomas "Jim" Stokoe:
James Aldenham

Syd Berman & Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields:
Lester Browne

Clem Bernard, Harold Elton Box & Desmond "Sonny" Cox:
Adrian Bernard

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & Leslie Hutchinsons:
Phil Swaby

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & Frederick "Fred" Lydiate:
Michael Rodney

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & William Henry MacDonnell:
Enrico Valdini

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & Alice Meynell:
John Max

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & Paul Reif:
Ernest Gage

Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry & David Gijsbert "Dolf" van der Linden:
George Arnos

Tobias "Toby" Best, Matthew James Carlton & Oluwafemi Agolabi "Femi" Olasehinde:
Someone Else

Kulwant Singh "Kully" Bhamra & Angus Gunn Campbell:
The Groove Snatcherz

Kulwant Singh "Kully" Bhamra & Andrew David "Andy" Whitmore:

Ronald Binge & Angelo Ferdinando Piccioni:
Josef Lundra

Stanley Black & Dick James:
Frances Stephens

George Henry James Blackmore & Harold Geller:
Larry Michael

Norman M. Blair & James "Jimmy" Baskin Kennedy:
Richard Kohn

Jennifer Jayne "Jenny" Bolton, Matthew James Carlton & James Ian Foster:
Triple J

Harold Elton Box, Desmond "Sonny" Cox, Harry Leon né Aaron "Harry" Sugarman & Don Pelosi:
Harry Boccolosi

Harold Elton Box, Irwin Dash & Adrian Keuleman:
Fred Heatherton

Sydney Bron & ????:
Bernard Edwards

Julian Brook Smith & Barry Anthony Kirsch:
Julian Kirsch

Edward John Broughton, Malcolm Mitchell & John Valmore "Johnny" Pearson:
John Mitchell
Mitch Michelo

Edward John Broughton, Malcolm Mitchell, John Valmore "Johnny" Pearson & Palo Sacas:
Manuel Ortega

Paul Simon Robertson-Brown & Jonathan Alexander "Jon" Stewart:
State Logik

Paul Simon Robertson-Brown, Jonathan Alexander "Jon" Stewart & Errol John Francis:
Solid State

Reginald Douglas Brownsmith & Howard Thomas:
Douglas Howard

John MacKenzie Burns, Andrew Whitson "Andy" Grossart & David Paul Gifford Williams:
Adja Bandjani
Julian Simons
Martin McKenzie-Gifford
Robin Jap
Scott Welsh

Stanley R. "Stan" Butcher, Harry Roberts & Sydney William Cordell:
Mel Baker

Ralph T. Butler & ????:
Charles Strickland

Ralph T. Butler & Harry Castling:
Nat Maceo

Ralph T. Butler, Stanley J. Damerell & Tolchard Evans:
Eugene Stanley
Reg Britton

Ralph T. Butler & Tolchard Evans:
Jack English

Ralph T. Butler & Fred Godfrey:
Albert Cloff

Ralph T. Butler & Huntley Trevor:
Butler Wallace

Ralph T. Butler & James John Turner Phillips:
Art Kay

Ralph T. Butler & Arthur "Art" Strauss:
Arturo Repostero
Norman Hardy

Ralph T. Butler & Ernest Wilson:
Henry Steinway
Jerry Durban

Alan Christopher Caddy, Gordon Melville & George Albert William Watkins:
C. C. Watville
G. G. Melkins

Albert Edward "Eddie" Calvert & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
Gilbert Norman

John Bruce Campbell & Stuart Crombie:
Stuart Bruce

Christopher "Chris" Carter & Cosey Christine Carol Newby:
Carter Tutti

Peter Canwell & Christopher Charles Chambers:
Charles Canwell

Charles James Nicholas "Charlie" Casey & Damian John Hand:

Reginald Hepworth "Reg" Casson & W. Allen Barker:
Bradley Miles
Geoffrey Wills
Miles Bradley

Francis Charles "Frank" Chacksfield & Jack Fishman:
Henri Boule

Francis Charles "Frank" Chacksfield, Frederick Peter Hargreaves & Jack Fishman:
Harry Collier

Charlie Chester & Reginald Dudley "Reg" Morgan:
Paul Renaro

David Maxwell "Dave" Clayton & Jon Marc Perry:
Pressure Zone

Philip Cocklin & Peter Leslie "Pete" Smith:
Pete Phillips (also "Philips")

Maurice Alfred Cohen & Frederick Peter Hargreaves:
Mel Miller

Maurice Alfred Cohen & Kenneth Morris:
Morris Carr

Maurice Alfred Cohen & Dave Silver:
Jules Pierre

Maurice Alfred Cohen & Leonard Elias "Leo" Blitz:
Joan Summers

William Ernest Francis "Bill" Connor & Simon Cohen:
Irving Washington

???? & Thomas Patrick "Tommie" Connor:
Geoffrey Furness

Roger Keith Coulam, Victor Harold "Vic" Flick, Brian Keith "Herbie" Flowers, Hugh James "Jim" Lawless & Alan Frederick Parker:

Desmond "Sonny" Cox & Harold Elton Box:
Phil Lalance (also "La Lance")

Gary James Crockett, Jason Glover & Dominic Glover:
The Sound Stylistics

Stuart Crombie & Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry:
Frank Sterling

Henry Croudson & William Arthur "Bill" Davies:
Bert Robbins

Robert "Bob" Dale, Maurice "Sonny" Miller & Arthur "Art" Strauss:
Mark Warren

Stanley J. Damerell & Ralph T. Butler:
Jack Stevens
Tex Richards

Stanley J. Damerell & Robert Joseph Hargreaves:
Leroy Henry
Noel Kay (Hargreaves-Damerell)
Stanley Robert

Gavin William Dare & David Alan "Dave" Howman:

Phillip Ian "Phil" Davies & ???? (William Arthur "Bill" Davies?):
Hill Davies

Terence Steven "Steve" Davies, Barbara Louise McGillivray, Robert Frederick "Bob" Howes & William "Bill" McGillivray:

Gerard John "Gez" Dewar & Paul William Smith:

Gerard John "Gez" Dewar & Charles James Nicholas Casey:

Roger Stephen Dexter & Alan John Blackham:
Rhythm Brothers
Vibe Music Imaging

Roger Stephen Dexter & Dominic Paul Nangle:
V Team

Richard Donnelly & Harry Leon né Aaron "Harry" Sugarman:
Chas. Adams (also "Charles")

Richard Donnelly, Harry Leon né Aaron "Harry" Sugarman, Charles Henry Forsythe:
The Malloys

John Henry "Johnny" Douglas & Neal Arden:
Nick Jason

Clarence James Dufour, George W. French & Edward H. Nash:
James Willard

Russell Jason Emanuel & Bruce Fingers:
Elton Presley

Russell Jason Emanuel, Brian "Dolph" Taylor, Nicholas Paul Smith & Paul Arnold Levinson:

Russell Jason Emanuel, Brian "Dolph" Taylor & Owen Frazer Elliott Thomas:

Paul James Emons, Richard Charles Goodliff, Ian Robson:
Skydiving Babies

Kenneth Essex & Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry:
Charles Kenbury

Kenneth Essex & Meyer De Wolfe:
S. X. De Wolfe

Tolchard Evans & Stanley J. Damerell:
Edmund Stanley
Hugo Lenares
Knox (Damerell-Evans)
Noel Stephen (Damerell-Evans)

Montague George Ewing, Henry B. "Harry" Tilsley, Tolchard Evans, Robert Joseph Hargreaves & Stanley J. Damerell:
Brian Thornton
Hy Norman

Brian Michael Fahey, Kenneth "Ken" MacKintosh & Gordon Langhorn:
Andy Burton

Andrew Valentine Cecil Fenner & Walter Sheppard Owen:
Cecil Fry (Owen-Fenner)
Cecil Lacon
Mark Wheeler
Paul Devereux (also "Devereaux")

Margaret Murphy Fiedler & Guy William Fixsen:

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & ????:
Howard Russell

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields, Howard Ellington Riddiford Barnes, William "Bill" McGuffie & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
Guido Miguel

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields, Howard Ellington Riddiford Barnes & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
A. Zamora
Charles Sherman
Charles Young (Fields-Roncoroni-Barnes)
Dick Boswell
Dino Pasquale
Ed Steiner (Fields-Roncoroni-Barnes)
Elmer Wayne
Franz Harback
Garland King
Henry Russell
Hugo Hollander
Jean Leclair
Joe Clancy
John Jerome
Johnny Firenze
Josef Linz
Karl Grossman
King Jingles Ltd (Fields-Roncoroni-Barnes)
Larry Hagen (Fields-Roncoroni-Barnes)
Milton Carson
Paul Metzler
Steve Lawrence (Roncoroni-Fields-Barnes)
Tibor Kordah

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields, Howard Ellington Riddiford Barnes, Peter Yorke & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
Herman Stultz

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields, Leonard Robert "Bob" Halfin & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
Jerry Duke
John Simon Rossiter (also just "Simon Rossiter")

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & Desmond Bernard O'Connor:
H. C. Bonocini

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
David Greer
Laine Bridges
Michael Feahy
Sam Lorraine

Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & Frank Walsh:
Frank Charles

Norman Fisher Jones, Howard James Gray & Trevor Robert Gray:
Luna Lounge

Jack Fishman & ????:
Alan Good
Harry Price
Ian Lilley
Sonny Terry

???? & Jack Fishman:

Jack Fishman & Geoffrey Everett:
Harold Calcin

Jack Fishman & Cyril Stapleton:
Alex Masters
Tony Manilla

Jack Fishman & Raymond Stuart "Ray" Martin:
George Van Houten

Gordon Franks & John Godfrey Owen "Paddy" Roberts:
Robert Gordon

Herbert Reginald Friedman & Charles Berman:
Yon Zoupe

Harold Geller & Jo Bevan:
Donna Maria

Aaron "Ron" Gilbert, Stephen John Gibson & David Luke Philip Walters:
Flicker Music

Toby Roland Langton-Gilks & Gavin Skinner:
Harmonic Zoo

Reece Karl Gilmore, Andrew Kenneth Dickenson & Peredur Wyn "Perry" ap Gwynedd:
Walther PPK

Reece Karl Gilmore & Darin Alexander McFadyen:

Eric Reginald Gosling & Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry:
James Brenner

Eric Reginald Gosling & Peter Hope:
Simon Campbell

Ian Murray Seafield Grant & Gordon Melville Rees:
Ian Gordon

John Livesey Barry Gray, Michael George Humphrey Fletcher & ????:
Martin Jerbourg

Barry Ian Green & James "Jim" Birkett:
Tiger Mouth

???? & Harry Philip "Phil" Green:
John Gerry Mann

Harry Philip "Phil" Green & Thomas Patrick "Tommie" Connor:
Joseph McCarthy (also "MacCarthy")

Harry Philip "Phil" Green & Maurice "Sonny" Miller:
Al McNamara (also "MacNamara")

Harry Philip "Phil" Green & Norman Newell:
Peter Starr

Harry Philip "Phil" Green & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
Earl Todd
Eddie Kawaha
Emilio Voglio
Luis Ramirez
Manuel Mercado (Paramor?-Green)
Miguel Juarez
Ross Nicolson
Sim Valentine (Paramor?-Green)
Vic Caroli
Vincente Paloma

Jason Robert Greenhalgh & Paul Brian Smith:
Subject Matter

Joyce Irene Grenfell & Richard Stewart Addinsell:
Ken West

Daniel Louis "Dan" Gresham & Matthew Alex Greshaw:
Nu Logic

Daniel Louis "Dan" Gresham & Daniel Charles "Dan" Smith:

Andrew Whitson "Andy" Grossart, Henry "Harry" Hughes, Paul Lomax & Noel Stevens:
Coney Island

Thomas Paul Geraint Hall & Robin David Rimbaud:
Snappy Sid

James S. Hancock & W. G. "Will E." Haines:
Harper Haines

James S. Hancock, W. A. B. "Billy" Thorburn, Harry Leon né Aaron "Harry" Sugarman & ????:
Art Harman

???? & Ronald Charles Douglas "Ronnie" Hanmer:
Alfred Ronell

Ronald Charles Douglas "Ronnie" Hanmer & Eric Reginald Gosling:
Eric Remsbery

Ronald Charles Douglas "Ronnie" Hanmer & Edmundo William Ros:
Jose Michelo

Frederick Peter Hargreaves & Roy Berry:
Erich Kahn

Frederick Peter Hargreaves & Jack Fishman:
Brian Wilson
Leonard Street
Margaret Hall
Peter Jack

Frederick Peter Hargreaves, B. G. "Bunny" Macgibbon Lewis, Annunzio Paolo Mantovani & Jack Fishman:
Emile Reisdorff

Robert Joseph Hargreaves & Stanley J. Damerell:
Erell Reaves

Bernard Wilfred "Bernie" Harris & George Arthur Elliot:
Cy Crawford

Bernard Wilfred "Bernie" Harris & Anthony Frederick Lilly:
Rene Laporte

Bernard Wilfred "Bernie" Harris & Walter Sheppard Owen:
William Harrod

Bernard Wilfred "Bernie" Harris & Reginald Clifford "Reg" Ridewood:
Jock Woodburn (also "Jack")

Thomas "Tom" Harrison & Kenneth Morris:
Ken Thomas

Thomas "Tom" Harrison & ????:
Peter Musio

Aaron Rodney Blaise Harry & Warren Bennett:

Joseph Washington Morton "Joe" Campbell, Paul Brian Hart, Philip James Jewson & Paul Cartledge:
Eric Walrus

Kenneth Alan James "Ken" Hawker & John Nicholas Shakespeare:
Lewis Carter

William Alan Hawkshaw, Alan Frederick Parker, Jerome Barry Morgan, Hugh James "Jim" Lawless & Brian Odgers:
Mike Cox

William Alan Hawkshaw, Alan Frederick Parker, Jerome Barry Morgan, Hugh James "Jim" Lawless & Leslie George William "Les" Hurdle:
Jon Watts

William Alan Hawkshaw, Alan Frederick Parker, Jerome Barry Morgan, Leslie George William "Les" Hurdle, Frank Ricotti & Michael "Mike" Moran:
The Rhythm Section

William Alan Hawkshaw & Barry Roy Reeves:
Geodave Baralnek

Andrew "Andy" Herron & Ian Herron:
Freebie and the Bean
Spectra Sonica

Glenn Herweijer & Stephen John Bernard Kielty:
South Soul Project

Glenn Herweijer & Timothy Francis Burke:
Mohican Sun

Glenn Herweijer & Zula Jake Warner:
Artificial Intelligence

Thomas Richard Hill, Daniel "Dan" Burrows & Thomas Kealan "Tom" Greenwood:

Irving Hiller, Daniel "Danny" Newman & Anthony Toby "Tony" Hiller:
Newman I. Hiller

Edward Charles Holmes & Herbert Leonard "Len" Stevens:
Edward Leonard

Katherine Lucy "Kate" Holmes & Tobias "Toby" Best:
Mission Control

John Lindesay Hooper & Harry Leader:
Georges Cugaro

Kenneth Charles "Ken" Howard & Alan Tudor Blaikley:
Howard Blaikley
Steve Barlby

Robert Stanley "Bob" Howard & Gordon Melville Rees:
Howard Farley

Robert Frederick "Bob" Howes, William "Bill" McGillivray, Terence Steven "Steve" Davies & Barbara Louise McGillivray:
Stephen St. Paul

Richard Joseph George Johnstone, Brian Young, Sean Johnston, Matthew Joseph Nelmes & Richard Guy Davies:

George Edward Jones & Jan Paul Salisbury:
Citadel of Kaos

Raymond Cyril "Ray" Jones & Robert Franchi:
Jack Phillips

Jack Jordan & Francis Charles "Frank" Chacksfield:
Jose Rafael

Jack Jordan, James Douglas "Jimmy" Grafton & Terence Alan Milligan:
Jordan Gordon-Douglas (also "Douglas Jordan Gordon")

Eric Stanley Jupp & Bernard Monshin:
Ricardo Manuelo

Eric Stanley Jupp & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
Al Carson
Hank Solomon

James Patrick "Jimmy" Kaleth, Bobby Godfrey Mitchell Halstead & Philip Jeremy "Phil" Radford:
Jacques Henry

Edward Kassner & Edmund Felton Rapley:
Edward Sears

Caspar John Valentine Kedros & ????:
Back II Boogie
Electro Convulsive Therapy

Caspar John Valentine Kedros & Scott Doran:
The Futures

Darius Tryphon Kedros & Caspar John Valentine Kedros:
Kin Lush
Tranquil Elephantizer

Kevin Michael Kelly & Scott Virgil Whitelaw:
Aldo Vanucci

Felix King & Edward "Teddy" White:
Felix Edwards

James "Jimmy" Lally & ????:
Hughes Cormack

Malcolm Richard Laws & Nainita K. Desai:
Sounds Appealing

Harry Leader & Dave Silver:
Johnny Farrago

Benny Lee, Joseph Angelo Roncoroni, Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & Howard Ellington Riddiford Barnes:
Marty Loeffler

Jack Leon & Harry Hudson:
Stephen-Fonora (possibly also "Stephen Fonora")

George Conrad "Con" Leonard & Norman John Warren:
Leonard Warren

Anthony Frederick Lilly, John North Gray, Kurt Schick & ????:
Denis King

Anthony Frederick Lilly & ????:
Miguel Gomez
Thomas A. Hawk
Wendy Young

Simon Donald Lockyer & Simon May:
Don Frost

Anthony "Tony" Lowry & Reginald Douglas Brownsmith:
A. Anthony Ticehurst
John Belton
Kenneth Campden
Rex Douglas

Anthony "Tony" Lowry & Clive Richardson:
Peter Crantock

Anthony "Tony" Lowry & Rhys Donald Lloyd Thomas:
Frank Howard

Kenneth "Ken" MacKintosh & ????:
Ken Wood

Kenneth "Ken" MacKintosh, R. Hartley & J. Harris:
Wilbur Schwartz

????, Kenneth "Ken" MacKintosh & Lewis Jack Seymour:
William Lane

Roderick Hal "Sandy" MacPherson & Samuel Balmforth "Sam" Wood:
Duncan MacLeod

Bruno Albert Magnoni & Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters:
Edrich Magnoni

Bruno Albert Magnoni, ???? & Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters:
Adrian Roberts

Annunzio Paolo Mantovani & Ronald Binge:
Abner C. Rosen
Renato Folia

Annunzio Paolo Mantovani & Angelo Ferdinando Piccioni:
Francesco Paolito
Pedro Manilla

Jonathan David Maris & Anthony Richard Michael Smith:
Mollusc Music

Raymond Stuart "Ray" Martin & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
Ian Hennessy
James Willet-Robertson (also "Willett-Robertson")

Raymond Stuart "Ray" Martin & Marcel Stellman:
Buddy Cadbury

Raymond Stuart "Ray" Martin, Ernest Wilson & Victor Silvester:
Nick Crawford

Hans May & ???? (Richard Etlinger?):
Mac Ayn

Simon May & Simon Donald Lockyer:
Don Frost

Cameron Ian McBride & Philip Harmer:

William "Bill" McGillivray & Robert Frederick "Bob" Howes:
Stephen Saint Paul

David Michael McGinnis & Robert Lord:
Tall Trees

William "Bill" McGuffie & Leonard Robert "Bob" Halfin:
Kathleen Smith

Christopher Leighton "Chris" Mercer, Donald Hanson Marvin Kerr, ????, ????, Gary Mervin Thain & William Peter "Pete" Wingfield:
Curly Crow

Ray Merrell & Cyril Stapleton:
Clive Douglas

James Moody & Thomas "Tommy" Rundle Reilly:
Dwight Barker
Max Martin

Louis Mordish & Bunny Laikin:
Ramon Dalvarez

Louis Mordish & Albert Bernard Gordon:
Louis Gordon

Louis Mordish & ???? (Albert Bernard Gordon?):
Fernando Gonzalez
Karl Brisse

Ivor Moreton, Harry Roy, Bill Currie & Michael Carr:
Mort Curroy

John Leonard "Len" Morris & Rae Jenkins:
Jay Lenn

John Leonard "Len" Morris, Rae Jenkins & Eric Wilson-Hyde:
Lindy Janes

John Leonard "Len" Morris & Richard Royle:
Earle Sitar

Peter Morris & Mieko Shimizu:
Street Furniture

Harry Mortimer & Peter Yorke:
Dan Kipling

Valerie Murtagh, Raymond "Ray" Adams & Elaine Adams née Murtagh:
Valerie Avon

Milroy Nadarajah, Mark Richard Antony Roberts & Joshua Frederick "Josh" Powell:
Thumpin Vinyl

Norman Newell & Maurice Alfred Cohen:
Cy Chalmers
Rick Jason

Norman Newell & Trevor Herbert "Terry" Stanford:
Peter Khan (Stanford?-Newell)
Russ Conway

Peter Richard Newton & Laurence Thomas Williams:
Rebel Musique

Desmond Bernard O'Connor, Ray Hartley & Samuel "Sam" Browne:
Theodore Hornblower

Oluwafemi Agolabi "Femi" Olasehinde, Matthew James Carlton:
A. G. Systems

Oluwafemi Agolabi "Femi" Olasehinde & Julian Francis Lopez:
Male Funktion

Oluwafemi Agolabi "Femi" Olasehinde, Julian Francis Lopez & Andrew Colin "Andy" Wilson:
Big Brother

Leslie Herbert Osborne & John Attewell:
Walter Fisher

Leslie Herbert Osborne & George Henry Martin:
Leslo Anales

Leslie Herbert Osborne & John Attewell:
Jose Segea

Reginald "Reg" Owen & Cyril Stapleton:
Simon Sheiler

Walter Sheppard Owen & Harold Charles Norbert Smart:
Cecil Angel

Peter Oxendale, Aaron "Ron" Gilbert, Stephen John Gibson & David Luke Philip Walters:
Sonic Cuts

Robert Osborne "Bobby" Pagan & ????:
Eric Lawler

Cedric King Palmer & William Henry MacDonnell:
William Mackane

Cedric King Palmer, Michael Spivakowsky & Edward Rubach:

Gabriel Philippe Charles Parès & Hippolyte Jacques Parès:
G. H. Laurain

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor & Jack Fishman:
Joe Kearney
Richard Foss

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor & Harry Gold:
Harold Moore

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor, Albert Edward "Eddie" Calvert & William Joseph "Bill" Oliver:
Heldo Seister

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor & Leslie Hutchinson:
Thomas Hall

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor, Leslie Hutchinson & Lew Jacobson:
Obadiah Jones

Norman William "Norrie" Paramor & Geoffrey Love:
Norman Jeffries

Alan Frederick Parker, Madeline Bell Broadus Reeves, Roger Frederick Cook, Brian Keith "Herbie" Flowers, Jerome Barry Morgan & Roger Keith Coulam:
B. Fox

Henry Richard Obree Parsley & Louis James Edwards:
Cotton Club

Cyril John "Cy" Payne & ????:
Clifford Payne

???? & John Valmore "Johnny" Pearson:
Cooney Sanders

John Valmore "Johnny" Pearson, Harold Cornelius "Harry" Fields & Joseph Angelo Roncoroni:
Johnny Jacoby

Lou Preager, Ronald Sidney Hill & Reuben Silver:
Vincent Shields

Lou Preager, Harold Elton Box & Desmond "Sonny" Cox:
Sim Simmons

Alexander Van Cleve Phillips & Alfred A. "Alf" Ralston:
Edward Ashley

Jack Popplewell, James J. Phillips & Geoffrey Parsons:
John Bull

Alfred "Freddy" Poser & George Richards:
Chris Monte

Alfred "Freddy" Poser, ???? & Derek Thomas Scott:
Luigi Mancini

Joshua Frederick "Josh" Powell & Mark Richard Antony Roberts:

Lou Preager & ????:
Fred Martin
Peter Lewis

Harry Rabinowitz, Martin John Kershaw, David Henry "Dave" Richmond & Harold Ernest Fisher:
Midas Touch

Timothy John Rayner & Daniel Peter Rayner:

Gordon Melville Rees & Norman William "Norrie" Paramor:
George Rinkerman
Graham Lifree

David Thomas Reilly & Thomas "Tommy" Rundle Reilly:
David Holland

Thomas "Tommy" Rundle Reilly & Donald David "Don" Phillips:
David Stephen

Carlos "Carles" Riba Faura & Nigel Mark Squires:
Planet X

Clive Richardson & Samuel "Sam" Heppner:
Paul Dubois

John Godfrey Owen "Paddy" Roberts, Harold Elton Box & Adrian Keuleman:
Morton Morrow

Edmundo William Ros & Peter Yorke:
Andre Lamont (also "Lamonte")

Michael Steven "Mike" Rose & Nicholas Anton Dominic "Nick" Foster:
Duffle Bag Boys

Edward Rubach & Fred Alexander:

Edward Rubach & Clarence James Dufour:
Vincente Mondez (also "Vincent")

Edward Rubach & Marcel Gardner:
Edouard De Lisle

Edward Rubach & David Wolfsthal:
Barry Seton

James Hallett "Hal" Saunders, Robert Henry Iredale & Thomas "Tommy" Tycho:
Leopold Sti

Harold David "Hal" Shaper & ????:
John Leonard

Alison Jane Shaw & James Ian "Jim" Shaw:
The Cranes

Eric Siday & Austen Herbert Croom-Johnson:
Eric Austen

Eric Siday & Reginald "Reg" Owen:
Eric Owen

Mary Dawn Slaney née Ludlow & Ivor Ernst Slaney:
Kirk Lomax

Harold Charles Norbert Smart & Cyril Stapleton:
Ron Johnson

H. Elliott Smith & ????:
James Sale

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters & ????:
Philip Hood

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters, ???? & Dennis Alfred "Den" Berry:
Alfred Austen

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters & Harry Mortimer:
Frank Seymour

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters & Gerald Francis Shaw:
Ernst Rubel (also "Ernest")

Stanley "Stan" Smith Masters & W. A. B. "Billy" Thorburn:
George Stanley

Anthony Martin Spurgin & Reginald "Reg" Owen:
Frank Marlow

Trevor Herbert "Terry" Stanford & Herbert Victor Lowe:
Nat Karta

Phyllis M. Steane, William Arthur "Bill" Davies, Walter H. Eastman & Harry Dawson:
Trevor Leigh

Arthur "Art" Strauss & Eric Stanley Jupp:
Erik Teufel

Arthur "Art" Strauss & Maurice "Sonny" Miller:
Earl Jackson

Arthur "Art" Strauss & Harry Roy:
Russell Lang

Harvey Lee Summers & Robert Logan Reilly Wilson:
Deep Sounds

Brian "Dolph" Taylor, Russell Jason Emanuel, Mark Lawrence Levinson & Reece Karl Gilmore:
Acidica (Emanuel-Taylor-Levinson-Gilmore)
Benga Boys
Blank Generation
Boom Boom Room (Emanuel-Taylor-Levinson-Gilmore)
Killa Sharx
Lap Catz
Omega Men
Spandex Ballet
Top Dogz
Usual Order

Peter Taylor & Clifford "Cliff" Twemlow:
Peter Reno

Henry B. "Harry" Tilsley, Tolchard Evans, Robert Joseph Hargreaves & Stanley J. Damerell:
Kathleen Woffett
Phyllis Mayhead

Henry B. "Harry" Tilsley & Tolchard Evans:
Clarice Mayne
Lee Stuart

Derrick Ronald Timms & ????:

Leonard Charles Trebilco, George W. French & Geoffrey Arthur "Geoff" Wilkins:
Brett Wilson

Leonard Charles Trebilco & Bernard Monshin:
Felix Calderas

Harold Turner & Henry Cyril Watters:
Mario Leoni

Leslie William Vinall & Ronald Binge:
John O'Notes

Herbert Maurice William "Bert" Weedon, Deryck Neil "Jerry" Allen & Ephraim Lionel Rubin:
Hank Grady

Jacob "Jake" Williams & Richard Miles "Rich" Thair:

Ruskin Joseph Williamson & Ruth Danielle Barrett:

Dennis Miller Wilson & Ivor Ernst Slaney:
Ernst Miller (also "Ernest")

Andrew Colin "Andy" Wilson & John Andrew Pennicard:

Ernest Wilson, Victor Silvester & Norman Newell:
Ivan Veeda

Peter Woodroffe & Christopher Bernard Madin:

Peter Yorke & Harry Mortimer:
Gliss Anderson
Ivor Gould

Peter Yorke, Leonard Elias "Leo" Blitz & James Campbell:
David Manners

Victor Popular Young & Thomas Griselle:
Albert Ellwood

Hans Florian Zimmer & Stanley Myers:
Ludos Tonalis

ISWC/IPI database
« Last Edit: March 12, 2025, 09:52:19 AM by Mr »


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2018, 02:32:00 AM »
Y-i-k-e-s. It took a good while, but I have now fully revised this list, with many small corrections and new additions to the existing entries.
Sincere apologies for some, in hindsight, rather obvious errors that have gone uncorrected until now.


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2019, 03:44:19 PM »
Jane Antonia Cornish:

Magnum Opus
Sam Bayley


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2019, 04:43:26 PM »
Thanks! List updated.


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2019, 12:16:20 AM »
James Copperthwaite:

Harry Angstrom
Anno Domini


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2019, 10:15:49 AM »


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Re: Aliases in Library - UK
« Reply #6 on: March 16, 2020, 04:01:57 PM »
Very interesting post. Thank You! :)