US label under Demeter Music and Sam Fox, based at 128 East 41st Street, New York, NY, an address it shares with Filmsounds, Inc.
D-1/D-2 - Documentary, Scenic, Industrial
D-3/D-4 - Oriental, Barbaric, Native
D-5/D-6 - Church, Christmas, Music Box/Musical Effects and Period Music, Played on Celesta
D-7/D-8 - Fanfares and Musical Effects/Accents and Musical Effects
D-9/D-10 - Modern Dramatic Cues for Bassoon and Timpani/Solo Bassoon Cues and Bridges of Childlike Character
D-11/D-12 - Untitled
D-13/D-14 - Untitled
D-15/D-16 - Untitled
D-17/D-18/D-19/20 - Impressionistic Variations on a Theme, Stated by Solo Harp (DM 292). Especially Suitable for Land or Seascapes, Oriental Locales; Also Laboratory Scenes./Untitled
D-21/D-22 -
D-23/D-24 - Untitled/Musical Effects
D-25/D-26 - Solo Instruments: Timpani, Percussion, Bagpipes, Harp, Jews Harp, Trombone. Useful for Comedy, Commercials./Large Medium and Small Gongs
D-27/D-28 - Electronic Effects
D-29/D-30 - Untitled
D-31/D-32 - Untitled
D-33/D-34 - Untitled
D-35/D-36 - Percussion
D-37/D-38 - Strip Tease: Trombone, and Percussion/Strip Tease: Trombone, Trumpet, Percussion
D-39/D-40 - Untitled
D-41/D-42 - Untitled
D-43/D-44 - Harpsichord (Amplified)/Guitar, Harpsichord, Violoncello
D-45/D-46 - Solo Guitar (Spanish)/Cartoon Music: Small Group with Harpsichord
D-47/D-48 - Untitled
D-49/D-50 - Untitled
D-51/D-52 - Untitled
D-53/D-54 - Untitled
D-55/D-56 - Untitled
D-57/D-58 - Dramatic Jazz
D-59/D-60 -
D-61/D-62 - Americana (Documentary, Patriotic, Scenic, Industrial)
D-63/D-64 - Americana; Religious, Contemplative; Novelty and Comic; Commercial Fanfares; Industrial, Mechanical, Dance/Cartoon, Comedy, Parody, Dramatic (Woodwind & Percussion)
D-65/D-66 - Dramatic; Includes Some Greek Melodies
D-67/D-68 -
D-69/D-70 - Untitled
D-71/D-72 - Solo Guitar/Solo Bouzouki (Greek Oriental)
D-73/D-74 - Untitled
D-75/D-76 - Untitled
D-77/D-78 - Italian-Dramatic and Documentary/Untitled
D-79/D-80 - ????/Untitled
D-81/D-82 - Americana
D-83/D-84 - Americana
Supplement; titles/descriptions from their
D-1, 2 - Documentary, scenic, and industrial
D-3, 4 - Barbaric, oriental; native and primitive dramatic
D-5 - Church, Christmas, music box
D-6 - Musical Effects, period music
D-7 - Fanfares and musical effects
D-8 - Accents, musical effects; novelty, commercial and cartoon effects
D-9 - Modern dramatic
D-10 - Cues and bridges of childlike character
D-11, 12 - Dramatic cues based on single theme
D-13 - Heavy dramatic cues based on singletheme
D-14 - Exotic violence or mystery
D-15 - Dramatic blues, sentimental and comedy moods and bridges
D-16 - Sentimental, humorous and tragic moods
D-17, 18 - Impressionistic: landscapes, seascapes, Oriental
D-19, 20 - Japanese koto; solo piano; solo accordion; musical effects
D-21, 22 - Musical effects: solo piano, chime, glockenspiel, vibraphone
D-23 - Musical effects for comedy and commercials
D-24 - Musical effects
D-25 - Solo instruments: timpani, bagpipes, harp, trombone
D-26 - Gong effects: Oriental dramatic or suspense
D-27, D-28 - Electronic
D-29 - Documentary, period, children, humorous, generally light
D-30 - Indian tunes (played by Western instruments)
D-31 - Industrial, documentary; space, mystery, tension
D-32 to 34 - Modern: industrial, fashion, glamour
D-35, 36 - Percussion: jazz, military, dramatic
D-37, 38 - Strip tease combo
D-39 to 42 - Dramatic
D-43 - Period, comic, and dramatic (amplified harpsichord)
D-44 - Dramatic Spanish
D-45 - Spanish, solo guitar
D-46 - Cartoon music: waltz, jazz, industrial, humorous
D-47 - Comedy and period cues
D-48 - Cartoon, period, comedy -- useful for commercials
D-49, 50 - Jazz, musical effects, comedy, music box
D-51 to 54 - Americana: documentary, scenic, dramatic, comedy
D-55, 56 - Scenic, pastoral, water; mystery and drama
D-57, 58 - Dramatic jazz
D-59 to 63 - Americana: documentary, patriotic, scenic, industrial
D-64 - Cartoon: comedy, parody, dramatic
D-65 to 70 - Dramatic
D-71 - Solo guitar: Greek, Western, Spanish; mystery, tension
D-72 - Solo bouzouki: Greek, Oriental
D-73, 74 - Fantastic, dramatic, sentimental, and comedy moods
D-75, 76 - Comedy, children, and light industrial
D-77 - Dramatic and documentary with Italian flavor
D-78 to 80 - Children, comedy, period, and pastoral
D-81 to 84 - Americana: documentary, scenic, period, patriotic
D-1/D-2 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-3/D-4 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-5/D-6 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-7/D-8 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-9/D-10 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-11/D-12 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-13/D-14 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-15/D-16 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-17/D-18/D-19/20 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-21/D-22 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-23/D-24 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-25/D-26 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-27/D-28 - David Sale (Daniel Sable)
D-29/D-30 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-31/D-32 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-33/D-34 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-35/D-36 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-37/D-38 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-39/D-40 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-41/D-42 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-43/D-44 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-45/D-46 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-47/D-48 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-49/D-50 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-51/D-52 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-53/D-54 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)/Van Genderen (Sam Trust)
D-55/D-56 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-57/D-58 - Gary Lawrence (Loren Glickman)
D-59/D-60 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-61/D-62 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-63/D-64 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)/Gary Lawrence (Loren Glickman)/David Sale (Daniel Sable)
D-65/D-66 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-67/D-68 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-69/D-70 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-71/D-72 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-73/D-74 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-75/D-76 - Gary Lawrence (Loren Glickman)
D-77/D-78 - Gary Lawrence (Loren Glickman)/Paul Levi
D-79/D-80 - David Sale (Daniel Sable)/Paul Csonka/Ruth Anderson
D-81/D-82 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)
D-83/D-84 - Frank Gartner (Frank Lewin)