Author Topic: Cetra Commenti Musicali  (Read 33664 times)


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Cetra Commenti Musicali
« on: February 03, 2018, 05:28:19 AM »

Italian label under Cetra/Fonit-Cetra, seemingly preceding the series of releases under Fonit, Usignolo, Goldfinger, etc.

As far as I can tell, nobody has yet endeavoured any attempt at listing the chronology of these releases, most likely due to their obscurity and unavailability. As the records only have a single digit as their catalogue number, they are usually listed also with the matrix numbers listed on their labels. For reference, I have added these in brackets below the entries.

Based on what I have found, these releases seem to be separated into different series, with differently coloured labels. Several numbers are repeated, confusingly. I have grouped the following by colour and then combined some colours with similar titles.

1 - Gialli - Franco Tamponi/F.B. Fabor (Fabio Borgazzi)/Sandro Brugnolini/Franco Salina/Leopoldo Perez-Bonsignore/Salve D'Esposito (runout: 30-12-65)
(MLC. 4937/MLC. 4938)
2 - Gialli - Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore/Kandar (Angelo Giacomazzi)/Rossi Abner/Enrico Colonnese/Raffaele Gervasio/Gianni Wilhelm/Umberto Rotondi (runout: 17-6-68)
(MLC. 6488/MLC. 6489)

1 - Ballabili - Mario Molino/Franco Scarica/William Assandri/Angelo Giacomazzi/Eugenio Calzia/Dheral (Eraldo Romanoni)/Athos Ceroni/Antonio Simonetti/Franco Tamponi (runout side A: 22-10-65, side B: 5-4-66)
(MLC. 4833/MLC. 4834/2)
2 - Ballabili - F.B. Fabor (Fabio Borgazzi) (runout: 2-5-66)
(MLC. 4931/2/MLC. 4932/2)
3 - Ballabili vari - Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Licinio Assandri/Angelo Giacomazzi/Salve D'Esposito/Glauco Masetti/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 17-9-66)
(MLC. 5319/MLC. 5320)
4 - Ballabili - William Assandri/Mario Molino/Enrico Colonnese/Michele Lacerenza/Mario Migliardi (runout: 7-12-66)
(MLC. 5458/MLC. 5459)
5 -
6 - Ballabili vari - Fabio Fabor (Fabio Borgazzi) (runout: 20-3-68)
(MLC. 6505/MLC. 6506)
7 -
8 - Ballabili - Miro Graziani (UNCONFIRMED)
(MLC. 6631/MLC. 6632?)
9 - Ballabili vari - Bruno Battisti D'Amario/Francesco Saverio Mangieri/Mario Molino/Giulio Razzi/Virgilio Buzzacchi/Iginio Buzzacchi (runout: 12-5-69)
(MLC. 6605/MLC. 6606)
10 -
11 -
12 -
13 - Ballabili vari - William Assandri
(MLC. 7074/MLC 7075)

1 - Romantici-drammatici - S. Simonetti/Umberto Rotondi/Miro Graziani/Francesco Saverio Mangieri/Gino Peguri/Enrico Simonetti/Luigi Tortorella/Luigi Zanetti (runout: 9-1-65)
(MLC. 4512/MLC. 4513)

1 - Stacchi sigle e finali - Mario Migliardi/Vidulesku (Mario Migliardi) (runout: 6-9-66)
(MLC. 5098/MLC. 5099)

1 -
2 - Antichi - Franco Tamponi/Leopoldo Gamberini/Enrico Colonnese/Giuseppe Gagliano/Italo Cammarota (runout: 1-7-66)
(MLC. 5178/MLC. 5179)
3 - Antichi - Mario Migliardi/Giancarlo Chiaramello/Illuminato Culotta/Daniele Paris/Umberto Rotondi/ (runout: 6-3-68)
(MLC. 6262/MLC. 6263)

1 -
2 - Drammatici - Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore/ Enrico Colonnese/Mario Migliardi/Umberto Rotondi/Franco Salina/Salve D'Esposito (runout: 6-3-68)
(MLC. 6260/MLC. 6261)

1 - Di maniera - Armando Renzi, music by Raffaele Gervasio (runout: 6-9-65)
(MLC. 4779/MLC. 4780)

Light red/orange:
1 - Folclore - Bruno Mattioli, music by Giancarlo Chiaramello (runout: 1-7-66)
(MLC. 5176/MLC. 5177)
2 - Folclore - Giancarlo Chiaramello/Enrico Colonnese/Mario Migliardi/Giuseppe Gagliano/Salve D'Esposito/Franco Salina/William Assandri (runout: 9-12-66)
(MLC. 5462/MLC. 5463)

1 -
2 - Romantici - Enrico Colonnese/Salve D'Esposito/Franco Salina/Franco Tamponi/Gianni Wilhelm (runout: 6-9-65)
(MLC. 4781/MLC. 4782)
3 - Romantici - Enrico Colonnese/Sandro Brugnolini/Salve D'Esposito/Leopoldo Perez-Bonsignore/Mario Migliardi/Franco Tamponi (runout: 27-8-66)
(MLC. 5340/MLC. 5341)
4 - Romantici - Mario Migliardi/Illuminato Culotta/Raffaele Gervasio/Abner Rossi/Mario Bottini/Giuliano Pomeranz/William Assandri/Gian Piero Reverberi (runout: 14-6-68)
(MLC. 6484/MLC. 6485)

1 - Panoramici - Franco Tamponi/Leopoldo Perez-Bonsignore/Simvay (Licinio Assandri)/William Assandri
(MLC. 5072/MLC. 5073)
2 - Panoramici - Giuseppe Gagliano/Enrico Colonnese/Franco Salina/Salve D'Esposito/Licinio Assandri/Franco Tamponi/Mario Migliardi (runout: 19-9-66)
(MLC. 5321/MLC. 5322)

Light Blue:
1 - Infanzia - Angelo Giacomazzi/Franco Tamponi/Giuseppe Gagliano/Salve D'Esposito/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 19-9-66)
(MLC. 5323/MLC. 5324)
2 - Infanzia - Enrico Colonnese/William Assandri/Salve D'Esposito/Elio Liguori/Raffaele Gervasio/Gianni Wilhelm/Elrocho (Mario Bottini)
(MLC. 6258/MLC. 6259)

1 - Jazz - Franco Mojoli/Rossi Abner/Glauco Masetti/Others
(MLC. 4331/MLC. 4332)
2 - Jazz: Soft jazz di G. Wilhelm/Jazz - Vermilio Almangano/Gianni Wilhelm/Rossi Abner/Angelo Giacomazzi/Franco Tamponi/Antonio Simonetti/Sandro Brugnolini (runout: 30-10-65)
(MLC. 4837/MLC. 4838)
3 - Jazz: Saul-Jazz/Jazz - Francesco Santucci/Sandro Brugnolini/Enzo Scoppa/Glauco Masetti/Mario Migliardi/Franco Mojoli
(MLC. 5317/MLC. 5318)
4 - Jazz - Franco Tonani (Francesco Cagnasso)
(MLC. 5547/MLC. 5548)
5 - Jazz - Basso-Valdambrini, music by Oscar Valdambrini/Attilio Donadio/Domboga (Arturo Casadei) (runout: 29-3-67)
(MLC. 5549/MLC. 5550)
6 - Jazz - Mario Migliardi/Piero Umiliani (runout: 30-3-67)
(MLC. 5553/MLC. 5554)
7 - Jazz - Vittorio Nadalin
(MLC. 6264/MLC. 6265[/i])

Green/Dark Green:
1 - Caratteristici - Italo Cammarota/Franco Tamponi/Franco Scarica/Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore/Enrico Colonnese/Ennio Molino (Mario Molino)/Franco Tamponi (runout: 6-9-65)
(MLC. 4777/MLC. 4778)
2 - Caratteristici - F.B. Fabor (Fabio Borgazzi)/Franco Tamponi/William Assandri/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 30-12-65)
(MLC. 4939/MLC. 4940)
3 - Caratteristici - Mario Migliardi/Enrico Colonnese/Angelo Giacomazzi/Giuseppe Gagliano/Franco Tamponi (runout: 16-9-66)
(MLC. 5315/MLC. 5316)
4 - Caratteristici - Enrico Colonnese/Salve D'Esposito
(MLC. 5460/MLC. 5461)
5 -
6 - Caratteristici - Vittorio Nadalin/Virgilio Buzzacchi/Francesco Saverio Mangieri/Franco Velani (Virgilio Fucile)/Altogrande (Luigi Astore)/Mario Carrara/Alterno (Fiorenzo Marchionni)/Abner Rossi/Fiorenzo Marchionni/Oiramsol (Mario Carrara)/Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Concar (Mario Consiglio)/Mario Consiglio (runout: 21-1-70)
(MLC. 7072/MLC. 7073)

1 - Comici-Burleschi - Raffaele Gervasio/Salve D'Esposito/Elio Liguori/Enrico Colonnese/Gianni Wilhelm/Umberto Rotondi/William Assandri/Otello Profazio/Daniele Paris (runout side A: 2-3-68, side B: 3-4-68)
(MLC. 6251/MLC. 6252)

1 - Polche - Mazurche - Quadriglie - Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Mario Piovano/Salvatore Patti/Umberto Tucci/Francesco Palatta/Giancarlo Zucchi/Iginio Buzzacchi (runout: 18-7-64)
(MLC. 4252/MLC. 4253)
2 - Polche - Mazurche - Quadriglie - Licinio Assandri/Michele Lacerenza/Umberto Tucci/Franco Scarica/Salve D'Esposito/Mario Molino (runout: 19-9-66)
(MLC. 5325/MLC. 5326)

1 - Descrittivi - Rossi Abner/Enrico Colonnese/Franco Tamponi/Raffaele Gervasio/Salve D'Esposito/Gianni Wilhelm/Fernando Ghilardotti/William Assandri/Otello Profazio (runout: 29-2-68)
(MLC. 6249/MLC. 6250)
2 - Descrittivi - Edoardo Brizio/Italo Cammarota/Vittorio Nadalin/Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore/Francesco Saverio Mangieri/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 13-5-69)
(MLC. 6828/MLC. 6829)
3 - Descrittivi - Gumilev (Salvatore Cirulli)/Altogrande (Luigi Astore)/Enrico Colonnese/Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Mario Carrara/Alterno (Fiorenzo Marchionni)/Abner Rossi/Oiramsol (Mario Carrara)/Fiorenzo Marchionni
(MLC. 7070/MLC. 7071)

Musica per banda - Banda dell'Aeronautica Militare, music by Alberto Di Miniello (UNCONFIRMED)
(MLC. 6386?/MLC.6387)

1 - Cosmo electron - Teo Usuelli (runout: 10.7.64) (UNCONFIRMED))
(MLC. 4240/MLC. 4241)

1 - Sinfonica - Teo Usuelli (runout: 6-7-64)
(MLC. 4228/MLC. 4229)

1 - Magico - Fantastici - Abissali - Raffele Gervasio/Mario Migliardi (runout: 6-12-66)
(MLC. 5456/MLC. 5457)

1 - Musiche per armonica e chitarra - Alessandroni-De Gemini, music by Alessandro Alessandroni/Franco De Gemini (runout: 26-11-69)
(MLC. 7004/MLC. 7005)

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -
5 - Antichi e arcaici - Gian Paolo Chiti/Sergio Montori (1973)
(M 9800/M 9801)

? - Di maniera - Armando Renzi, music by Raffaele Gervasio
(MLC. 4779/MLC. 4780)

? - Religiosi - Raffele Gervasio/Giuseppe Gagliano/Enrico Colonnese/Paolo Renosto/Vittorio Nadalin/Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore
(MLC. 6490/MLC. 6491)
« Last Edit: January 08, 2025, 10:57:20 AM by Mr »


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2019, 10:16:37 AM »
so hard to find out about these records but i have spotted one on ebay recently which means that there is a second one in the light blue series. it's incredible what still shows 2019(!). hell yeah!

2 - Infanzia - Enrico Colonnese/William Assandri/Salve D'Esposito/Elio Liguori/Raffaele Gervasio/Gianni Wilhelm/Mario Bottini (as Elrocho)
(MLC. 6258/MLC. 6259)

(borrowed these pictures from the actual auction)


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2019, 01:26:25 PM »
Nice find! Hopefully more pop up as we go.


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2020, 09:26:46 AM »
incredible! another yellow label appeared on discogs.

2 - Gialli - Leopoldo Perez-Bonsignore/Kandar (Angelo Giacomazzi)/Rossi Abner/Enrico Colonnese/Raffaele Gervasio/Giannetto Wilhelm/Umberto Rotondi
(MLC. 6488/MLC. 6489)

« Last Edit: January 31, 2020, 12:43:01 PM by milliondollars »


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2020, 07:53:48 PM »
Nice catch! List updated.


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2020, 06:46:42 PM »
good work
just let you know that I thought the same and I've updated discogs Cetra Commenti Musicali label by introducing series based on tag: "<theme> - <color> Label".

You can update first post with vol 2 Jazz:

2. Giannetto Wilhelm, Various - Jazz (MLC. 4837, MLC. 4838)

just one comment: Jazz series is pink label, not purple, but I own only this 2nd volume :)


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2020, 07:25:27 PM »
Nice find, thanks for sharing!
Since you have the record; in the runout of the vinyl, next to the label, there should be a stamped date. What does it say?

This looks to be the same as Ember Mood Music Library ERL 3349 "Ideas Unlimited".
« Last Edit: April 08, 2020, 07:35:39 PM by Mr »


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2020, 09:17:55 AM »
Nice find, thanks for sharing!
Since you have the record; in the runout of the vinyl, next to the label, there should be a stamped date. What does it say?

30.10.65, updated in discogs release too

This looks to be the same as Ember Mood Music Library ERL 3349 "Ideas Unlimited".

yep I found that release has exactly same list of tracks on french press and I've linked on discogs db
Weird thing is that "Ideas Unlimited" is credited to Howard Robert Orchestra whilst G. Wilhelm is only credited as author to few tracks on A side, no idea ;)


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2020, 11:32:18 AM »
Wonderful, thank you!
If you don't mind me asking, where did you stumble upon this LP? Did you find it yourself somewhere?

I wouldn't take the "Howard Robert" credit too seriously, it seems they used "Howard Robert" as a generic performing name for Ember's releases. As per always, details about the actual recording sessions are non-existent, but I think it's more likely the Cetra release was recorded in Italy than by the "Howard Robert Orchestra" in the UK/Germany. It sounds similar to other early Italian jazz recordings of the time to my ears, anyway. I'd guess this was probably recorded at RAI, considering the Cetra/Fonit-Cetra tie - though this ultimately remains speculation.

A curiosity; Angelo Giacomazzi and Antonio Simonetti's names both appear here, and copyright paperworks reveals an unlisted co-writing credit by Eugenio Calzia, the same trio of composers who were behind Costanza Records' first LP CO 10001, which I'd guess was recorded around the same time. This presumably featured a different ensemble headed by Matteo Treppiedi ("Harry Bendler"), however.


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2020, 12:01:18 PM »
If you don't mind me asking, where did you stumble upon this LP? Did you find it yourself somewhere?

It was the summer of 2002 and that year I decided not to go on vacation on my uncle's yacht, because I had to take the Cryptology exam in September.
I always have an eye around the rubbish bins, and that morning my eye fell on a Todis supermarket plastic bag: inside I found this album, sealed Alessandroni's "Open Air Parade" and few VHS horror movies from the 80s.
Every night I dream on it ;)

I wouldn't take the "Howard Robert" credit too seriously, it seems they used "Howard Robert" as a generic performing name for Ember's releases.


A curiosity ...



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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2020, 01:28:40 PM »
Jee, I just can't believe you found a Cetra Commenti Musicali and Open Air Parade (!!!) in a rubbish bin. It's insane, unbelievable, awesome! Gongrats edotetsuo.


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #11 on: April 10, 2020, 01:33:03 PM »
Haha wow, that's quite a story!


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2025, 02:34:11 AM »
Hello, here you can find some updates.

3 - Ballabili Vari - Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Licionio Assandri/Angelo Giacomazzi/Salve d'Esposito/Glauco Masetti/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 17-9-66)
(MLC. 5319/MLC. 5320)

2 - Drammatici - L. Perez Bonsignore/ Enrico Colonnese/Mario Migliardi/Umberto Rotondi/Franco Salina/Salve d'Esposito/ (runout: 6-3-68)
(MLC. 6260/MLC. 6261)

9 - Ballabili Vari - Bruno Battisti d'Amario/Francesco Saverio Mangeri/Mario Molino/Giulio Razzi/Virgilio Buzzacchi/Iginio Buzzacchi (runout: 12-5-69)
(MLC. 6605/MLC. 6606)

8 - Ballabili - Miro Graziani (UNCONFIRMED)
(MLC. 6631/MLC. 6632?)

1 - Di Maniera - Armando Renzi, music by Raffaele Gervasio (runout: 6-9-65)
(MLC. 4779/MLC. 4780)

1 - Ballabili - Mario Molino/Franco Scarica/William Assandri/Angelo Giacomazzi/Eugenio Calzia/Dheral (Eraldo Romanoni)/Athos Ceroni/Antonio Simonetti/Franco Tamponi (runout side A: 22-10-65, side B: 5-4-66)
(MLC. 4833/MLC. 4834/2)

3 - Antichi - Mario Migliardi/Giancarlo Chiaramello/Illuminato Culotta/Daniele Paris/Umberto Rotondi/ (runout: 6-3-68)
(MLC. 6262/MLC. 6263)

Light red:
1 - Folclore - Bruno Mattioli, music by Giancarlo Chiaramello (runout: 1-7-66)
(MLC. 5176/MLC. 5177)

1 - Comici-Burleschi - Raffaele Gervasio/Salve d'Esposito/Elio Liguori/Enrico Colonnese/Gianni Wilhelm/Umberto Rotondi/William Assandri/Otello Profazio/Daniele Paris (runout side A: 2-3-68, side B: 3-4-68)
(MLC. 6251/MLC. 6252)

Dark green:
1 - Polche - Mazurche - Quadriglie - Franco Scarica/Gaetano Romano/Mario Piovano/S. Patti/Umberto Tucci/Francesco Palatta/Giancarlo Zucchi/Iginio Buzzacchi (runout: 18-7-64)
(MLC. 4252/MLC. 4253)

1 - Caratteristici - Italo Cammarota/Franco Tamponi/Franco Scarica/L. Perez Bonsignore/Enrico Colonnese/Ennio Molino (Mario Molino)/Franco Tamponi (runout: 6-9-65)
(MLC. 4777/MLC. 4778)

1 - Descrittivi - Abner Rossi/Enrico Colonnese/Francesco Tamponi/Raffaele Gervasio/Salve d'Esposito/Gianni Wilhelm/Fernando Ghilardotti/William Assandri/Otello Profazio (runout: 29-2-68)
(MLC. 6249/MLC. 6250)

2 - Descrittivi - Edoardo Brizio/Italo Cammarota/Vittorio Nadalin/Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore/Francesco Saverio Mangeri/Enrico Colonnese (runout: 13-5-69)
(MLC. 6828/MLC. 6829)

1 - Sinfonica - Teo Usuelli (runout: 6-7-64)
(MLC. 4228/MLC. 4229)

1 - Musiche per Armonica e Chitarra - Alessandroni-De Gemini, music by Alessandro Alessandroni/Franco De Gemini (runout: 26-11-69)
(MLC. 7004/MLC. 7005)

Musica per Banda - Banda dell'Aeronautica Militare, music by Alberto Di Miniello (UNCONFIRMED)
(MLC. 6386?/MLC.6387)

Added some release dates:

2 - Caratteristici (runout: 30-12-65)
(MLC. 4939/MLC. 4940)

4 - Romantici (runout: 14-6-68)
(MLC. 6484/MLC. 6485)

1 - Romantici-drammatici (runout: 9-1-65)
(MLC. 4512/MLC. 4513)

6 - Caratteristici (runout: 21-1-70)
(MLC. 7072/MLC. 7073)

2 - Gialli (runout: 17-6-68)
(MLC. 6488/MLC. 6489)

6 - Ballabili vari (runout: 20-3-68)
(MLC. 6505/MLC. 6506)


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Re: Cetra Commenti Musicali
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2025, 09:31:41 AM »
Absolutely brilliant! Thank you so much. We're finally starting to see a sort of structure to this label and their releases.

S. Patti I have identified as Salvatore Patti - possibly the same person as the flutist of Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma della RAI.