German CD and digital label under Filmkunst-Musikverlags- und Produktionsgesellschaft mbH, founded 2000. Based in München, Bayern.
001 - Africa Sound
002 - Dolly Dobro
003 - Spanish Guitar & Flamenco
004 - Piano Soloists
005 - TV-Trailer
006 - Urban Thrilling Zone
007 - Sixties Crime
008 - Mystic
009 - Lonely City - John Goldham (Frank Loef)/Pete Mason (Wolf Wolff)/Michael Bartel/Peter Ditzer/Elisabeth Lehmann/Thomas Strasser/Michael Sternbacher/Frank Loef (2000)
010 - Dance 'till You Trance - Charlie Glass (Karl Jürgen Glas)/Walter Kadavy/Michael Bartel/Stefan Kartenberg/Karel Vagner/Hamid Varzi/Peter Ditzer/Elisabeth Lehmann (2000)
011 - Pure Chill-Out
012 - Funky Elements
013 - Lonely Jazz-Night - Frank Loef/Andrew Oswald (Ondrej Soukup)
014 - Baroque
015 - Magic Ocean - Stan Regal/Michael Sternbacher (2000)
016 - Love Stories
017 - Coming Home
018 - Great Panoramic
019 - Expedition
020 - Kid's Party
021 - Smile with Charlie - Quirin Amper Junior/Fred Strittmatter (2000)
022 - Xtreme Sports
023 - Relaxed Contemporary - Michael Bartel/Elisabeth Lehmann/Peter Ditzer/Karel Vagner/Thomas Strasser (2000)
024 - Dramatic Heartbreak
025 - Great Drama
026 - Premium Shortcuts for TV & Branding Vol. 1 - Mungo Parc (Frank Loef)/David Rushmore (Nikolaus Reichel)/Frank Loef/John Goldham (Frank Loef) (2000)
027 - Premium Shortcuts for TV & Branding Vol. 2 - Frank Loef/Jens Buchert/Steven Monroe (Jens Buchert)/John Goldham (Frank Loef)/Mungo Parc (Frank Loef)/David Rushmore (Nikolaus Reichel) (2000)
028 - Premium Shortcuts Vol. 3
029 - Premium Shortcuts Vol. 4
030 - Premium Shortcuts Vol. 5
031 - Premium Movie Shortcuts Vol. 6
032 - Premium Movie Shortcuts Vol. 7
033 - Antarctica
034 - Holiday on the Beach - Peter Prestel/Frank Loef/Micky Wolf/John Goldham (Frank Loef)/Karel Vagner/Michael Bartel/Peter Ditzer/Elisabeth Lehmann/Ulrich Schmidt-Salm/Matthias Ruckdäschel/Charlie Glass (Karl Jürgen Glas)/Hamid Varzi (2001)
035 - Buddenbrooks - Eugen Thomass (
036 - Sci-Fi Club Zone - Jens Buchert/Michael Bartel/Mark Bender (Günther Adlfinger)/Summer Steve (Christian Werner)/Pete Winter (Horst Haubrich)/Larry Rhodan (Jens Buchert)/Charlies Glass (Karl Jürgen Glas)/Hans Günther Dietz/Thorsten Teubner/Peter Ditzer/Elisabeth Lehmann/Marc Bradley (Marc Feix)/Andreas Heimle (
037 - Movin' Techno
038 - Highway Cowboys - Micky Wolf/Pete Mason (Wolf Wolff)/Ed Straker (Robert Papst)/Blue Star (Peter Ditzer)/Peter Ditzer/Elisabeth Lehmann/Thomas Strasser (
039 -
040 - Modern Science: Blessing or Curse?
041 - Oktoberfest
042 - Body Talk
043 - Dark Submarine
044 - Moods of Nature
045 - Moods of Love
046 - Olympic Spirits
047 - A Holy Christmas
048 - Urban Beats
049 - Modern Communication
050 - Spaghetti Western
051 - Fairs & Carnival & Circus - ???? (
052 - Wellness Weekend
053 - The Rich and the Famous
054 - Motor Sport
055 - Middle East & North Africa & India
056 - Scenic Alps
057 - Scenes from the Battlefield
058 - Gone Country
059 - East & South East Asia
060 - Bella Italia
061 - Computer World
062 - Australia
063 - Fairy Tales
064 - Ghost Story
065 - Islands
066 - Big Band & Swing
067 - The Middle Ages
068 - New Sentimental
069 - Greece & Turkey
070 - Flowy Pop
071 - African Wildlife
072 - Acoustic - Unplugged
073 - Happy Melodies & Easy Living
074 - Chill out after Work
075 - Roaring Twenties
076 - 70ies & 80ies Orchestra
077 - On the Road
078 - Human Drama
079 - Jazz It Up
080 - Assembly Lines & Industrial Machines
081 - Schoolgirl Report
082 - Fresh and Young
083 - Ocean Dive
084 - Mystic Asia
085 - Crime Time
Intervox086 - Travel around the Globe - Matthias Ruckdäschel/Vaclav Zahradnik/Christoph Gruber/Alfredo Garcia Garrido/Jose Alcaraz Torregrosa/Scott Hill/Stan Regal/Zdenek Pololanik/Fred Strittmatter/Quirin Amper Jr./Frederic W. Hollay/Peter A. Lang (
087 - Guitar Sounds
088 - Coffeehouse & Dinner Music
089 - Smooth & Ambient
090 - Walk of Fame
091 - Orchestral Accents
092 - Mysterious Aura
093 - Sweet Emotion
094 - History: Aspects of World War 2
095 - Biotechnical Research
096 - Nature Trails
097 - Arabian Beauty
098 - Pulsing City
099 - Adrenalin Junkies
100 - Livin' the Blues
101 - Space Expeditions
102 - Funny Dixie for Comedy Situations
103 - Retro Kitsch
104 - Body and Soul
105 - Go for Goal
106 - Bossa Brazil
107 - Urban Graffiti Youth
108 - Celtic Heritage
109 - World of Animals
110 - Cheez
111 - Funk Machine
112 - Great Explorers
113 - Modern Living
114 - Jetset Lounge
115 - Saucy Beats
116 - Laws of Nature
117 - Emerging China
118 - Predators and Prey
119 - Glamour Girls
120 - Brand Instinct
121 - Culture Conflict
122 - Urban Jungle
123 - Crimes & Clues
124 - India Inc.
125 - Family Stories
126 - Energy Supply
127 - Vive La France
128 - Gangs in the Hood
129 - Chills to the Bone
130 - Strictly on Air
131 - Summer Splash
132 - Olympic Spirit II
133 - Pure Atmosphere
134 - Modern Communication 2.0
135 - Maniacs
136 - Body Talk Vol. 2
137 - Freaky Angels
138 - E-Generation
139 - Russian Soul
140 - Africa Ahead
141 - Moloch & Masses
142 - Wanted/Missed
143 - Human Lab
144 - Bella Italia 2
145 - Go China
146 - Blockbuster
147 - Sports & Style
148 - Suspense Atmospheres
149 - Electronic Booster
150 - Hit the Spot
151 - Countdown
152 - Happy Melodies 2
153 - Markets in Motion
154 - Daily Struggle
155 - Magic Nature
156 - Viruses
157 - Moods of Love 2
158 - Dimension X
159 - On Sale
160 - Hit the Spot 2
161 - Fast Forward
162 - Corporate Identity
163 - End of Time
164 - Action
165 - Robotic Life
166 - Unplug & Play
167 - Vintage Voltage
168 - Young and What?
169 - Celeb Affair
170 - Minimal Threat
171 - Action Shots
172 - Winners
173 - Eat This!
174 - Happy Day
175 - Casual Deluxe
176 - Face of Aggression
177 - Green ID
178 - Watch Out
179 - Recycle
180 - Competition
181 - Too Sexy
182 - Vintage Crime
183 - Global Players
Intervox Production Music184 - Cozy Blue - Steve Mushrush/Walter Grund/Blue Star (Peter Ditzer)/Moritz Bintig/Thomas Strasser/Thomas Kandziora/Tina Rupp (Tina Pepper)/Robert Simon Thoma/Axel Tenner/Joachim Tospann/Alan Jay Reed
185 - Virtual Stories
186 - Facing Latin America
187 - Ready, Set, Goal!
188 - Showdown
189 - Style Royale
190 - Club Cats
191 - Angst
192 - Innovations
193 - Image Makers
194 - Look Back and Smile
195 - Police
196 - Sport Shots
197 - Hit the Spot 3
198 - Where to Arabia?
199 - Metropolitan
200 - Missing
201 - Evolution
202 - Underprivileged
203 - Retro Spins
204 - Sex Sells
205 - Balkan Spirit
206 - Design Guide - Jens Buchert/Viktor Petrov (Martin Weinert)/Shetty List (Martin Weinert)/Jon Hansson (Martin Weinert)/Amir Baghiri/Gillian Gordon (Angelika Stiegele)/Luca Brichese/Oliver F. Koelling/Christoph Kirdzik/Frank Wagner/Raffael Gruber/Christoph Gruber/Blue Star (Klaus Peter Ditzer)/Umbo (Hans Umschaden)/Moritz Bintig/Marc Bradley (Marc Felix)/Alan Jay Reed (Andreas Röhrig)/Christian Steenken (
207 - Silent Thrill
208 - Know How
209 - Cash Flow
210 - Heroes
211 - Casual Unplugged
212 - Inner Peace
213 - Brand & Attitude
214 - Vintage Love
215 - Cinematic Creeps
216 - Turkey Straight On
217 - Social Networks
218 - Make My Day
219 - Toxic
220 - Noblesse in Sports
221 - Wallet Stories
222 - Style Rebels
223 - Perfect Crime
224 - Experiments
225 - On a Mission
226 - Phenomena
227 - Charme & Cheez
228 - Mind in Balance
229 - Six Pack Heroes
230 - Tick Tock
231 - Galaxy
232 - Natural Disaster
233 - The Krauts Strike Back
234 - Green Planet
235 - Kiss a Millionaire
236 - Retro Crime
237 - Telescope
238 - Patchwork & Family
239 - Sports & Branding
240 - Future Blink
241 - Politics, Parties, Polls
242 - The Art of Living - Jon Hansson (Martin Weinert)/Ivan Bertolla/Leon Lucas/Raffael Gruber/Christoph Gruber/Matthias Ruckdäschel/Micky Wolf/Viktor Petrov (Martin Weinert)/Walter Grund/Ingo Herrmann/Marc Bradley (Marc Feix)/Arno Brugger/Bruce Maginnis/Adam Alexander (Adam Horvath)/Manuel Plötzky/Blue Star (Peter Ditzer)/Steve Mushrush/Tim Whitelaw/Frank Wagner/Peter Dirkmann/Taramar (Tanja Huttenloch)/Alexander Guski/Christoph Sauer/Alan Jay Reed (Andreas Röhrig)
243 - Cheer Me Up
244 - Blue Day
245 - Cruise Ship Lover
246 - Phobia
247 - Watch Your Food
248 - First Time
249 - Riddles
250 - Santa's Calling
251 - Marry Me
252 - Statistics
253 - Morning Show
254 - Maze
255 - Retro Kiss
256 - Finale
257 - Global Infarct
258 - Emergency Kit
259 - Heimat
260 - Smart Style
261 - Beauty Industry
262 - Puzzles
263 - Miss Ya
264 - Songs of Summer
265 - Migration
266 - Stress
267 - Sea & Sailorman
268 - Rockin' Kids
269 - Subtle Stories
270 - Love Songs
271 - Greetings from the Alps
272 - Detectives
273 - My Pretty Garden
274 - Kindergarden
275 - Fun Fair
276 - How It All Began
277 - Match Point
278 - Freeze
279 - Into the Green
280 - Brand Stories
281 - X-Sports
282 - Jamaica No Problem
283 - Farming
284 - Tragic Moments
285 - King & Castle
286 - History
287 - It's Showtime
288 - Eyes on Brazil
289 - Yiddish
290 - Pets
291 - Poverty Next Door
292 - Silent Tears
293 - Saulus or Paulus
294 - Religious Heritage
295 - Climate Alert
296 - Puberty
297 - Between the Lines
298 - Mafioso
299 - Life Is Good
300 - Conflict Zones
301 - Refugees
302 - Tube Stories
303 - Let's Have a Baby
304 - So Bizarre
305 - Counting Sheep
306 - Yesterday
307 - Yes
308 - Mama
309 - Blurred
310 - Made in Scotland
311 - Be You
312 - Archive of Mankind
313 - Basic Living
314 - A capella & charme
315 - 100% Organic
316 - Minimalism
317 - Retired and Now
318 - Money Talks
319 - Sorrow
320 - Oops!
321 - Corruption
322 - 9 to 5
323 - Epic Blast
324 - Elections
325 - Focus Greece
326 - Illusions
327 - Inspiring Ideas
328 - Enchanted World
329 - Clash of Galaxies
330 - Why
331 - Treasure Hunter
332 - Micro Macro
333 - Recycling
334 - Happy Ending
335 - Flow Motion
336 - Scare Me
337 - Make a Wish
338 - Click Clock
339 - Whistle and Smile
340 - Everyday Miracles
341 - Tragic Bizarre
342 - Memories
343 - Profiler
344 - Weird Village
345 - Asian Colours
346 - The Arab World
347 - Living Spaces
348 - Bavaria
349 - Precious and Priceless
350 - Salut
351 - Luxury Items
352 - Pulp Rock
353 - Urban Positivity
354 - Zoom
355 - Confidential
356 - Construction Site
357 - Where To
358 - Quality Time
359 - Just Bio
360 - Kitchen King
361 - Without a Trace
362 - Cyber War
363 - Emergency Call
364 - Online
365 - Glamour Chicks
366 - Climate Facts
367 - Political News
368 - Hooray
369 - Pollution
370 - Living Unplugged
371 - Urban Flow
372 - Hellfire
373 - Waiting
374 - Hope
375 - Grand Athletes
376 - Hola
377 - Surreal
378 - What
379 - Pills
380 - Product Test
381 - Garage Sale
382 - Slow Down
383 - Fake News
384 - Hello Spring
385 - Nature Views
386 - Translucent
387 - Connect
388 - Questions
389 - The Big Five
390 - Special Forces
391 - Make It Real
392 - Family Movies
393 - Puppies
394 - Mobile Style
395 - Halloween
396 - A.I.
397 - Underwater
398 - Do What You Love (DWYL)
399 - Logistics
400 - Cheers
401 - Latin Licks
402 - Spiky Xmas
403 - Goosebumps
404 - Subtle Traces
405 - Little Things
406 - Purism
407 - So Cute
408 - Stunning
409 - Leaders
410 - Freedom Alert
411 - Let's Clean Up
412 - Classy Sports
413 - Tomorrow
414 - Adventures
415 - Urban Sunrays
416 - Hello Weekend
417 - Ticking
418 - Health Check
419 - True Crime
420 - Cross Country
421 - Vintage Gems
422 - In Between
423 - Country Calls
424 - Latest News
425 - Retro Pop
426 - Let's Go
427 - May I Help U
428 - Back Then
429 - Hidden
430 - Funny Times
431 - Silent Moods
432 - Look Twice
433 - Space & Time
434 - Secret Agents
435 - Reflections
436 - Winter
437 - Neutral Pulse
438 - Slivovitz
439 - Gene Coding
440 - Hola Mexico
441 - Ongoing
442 - Truth
443 - Ideas
444 - Veggie
445 - Warriors
446 - Munich Boheme
447 - To the Top
448 - Lovely Sixties
449 - Desertopia
450 - What If
451 - Your Story
452 - Introspective
453 - Secrets
454 - Ambiguous
455 - Mister Cutie
456 - Planet First
457 - Paranormal
458 - Offline
459 - Galactic Atmo
460 - Jazz Hop
461 - Guitar Scapes
462 - Japanature
463 - Dark Drones
464 - Japan
465 - Up
466 - Olympic Games
467 - Big Moments
468 - Cloud OFfice
469 - Medi-Lab
470 - News Beds
471 - Go Local
472 - Retro Movies
473 - Concrete
474 - Conspiracy
475 - Warm Vibes
476 - Wanna Play
477 - Hacked
478 - Arabian Atmo
479 - By Nature
480 - Warm Patterns
481 - Vaccine
482 - Empires
483 - Horizons
484 - Pizzicats
485 - Electioneering
486 - Swinging Santa
487 - 50ies Jukebox
488 - True India
489 - Grey to Green
490 - Asian Views
491 - Sitcom Toolkit
492 - Sitcom Toolkit 2
493 - Dark Worlds
494 - Dark Worlds 2
495 - Heat Haze
496 - Gentle Breeze
497 - Funky Agents
498 - Pristine Places
499 - Energy Crisis
500 - Party Time
501 - Climate Change
502 - Dramatic Shift
Modern Movie Edition, CDs:
801 - Action (
802 - Drama & Epic (
803 - Drama and Atmospheric (
804 - Psycho (
805 - Suspense & Eerie (
806 - Suspense & Light Action (
807 - Suspense into Action (
808 - Nightscenes & Atmospheric (
809 - Urban & Nightscenes 1 (
810 - Modern City (
811 - Love & Romance (
812 - Comedy & Slapstick (
813 - Into the Night (
814 - Atmospheric Emotions (
815 -
816 - Bridges for Drama (
817 - Bridges for Action, Night Scenes & Crime (
818 - Bridges for Suspense & Psycho (
819 - Bridges for Mystery, Threat & Suspense (
820 - Bridges for Romance & Comedy (