Author Topic: The Mighty B! unknown tracks  (Read 6847 times)

Walk the Skies 202

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The Mighty B! unknown tracks
« on: October 20, 2023, 06:34:17 AM »
Finally decided to bring my search here. I've been trying to find the library cues from this short-lived Nicktoon for a while, but in recent times have been unable to find more through keywords or online identifiers.


This is close to all the remaining unknown tracks. The only major caveat is that I've excluded tracks from "So Happy Together," "Bee Afraid," and "Artificial Unintelligence," as I think much of those unknown tracks might be original compositions by Nicolas Carr, as he was on the music editing team for much of the first few episodes.

Main places to look with the releases ranging from the 60's to June 2011:
APM Music
Warner/Chappell Production Music [CPM]
West One Music
Cavendish Music [Strip Sounds]
SourceAudio [or any other website that hosts the Sound Ideas catalogue]

Easy Listening Archive

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Re: The Mighty B! unknown tracks
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2023, 06:49:46 PM »
I am not perfect....I always need to say this since the year 2002........till today those words are still valid... but in this case I can help you only a little bit:

In the Zip file, in the sound sample "wegotbee3.wav" I can hear the track "Happy Sixties" from the Composers Stephane Huguenin, Yves Sanna & Christian Padovan.

It is from Focus music, from the Album "KOS 73 - Happy Sixties - Volume 1"

Here the Details in short words:

Track: Happy Sixties

Artist: Stephane Huguenin, Yves Sanna & Christian Padovan

Album: KOS 73 - Happy Sixties - Volume 1

I hope this little information was helpful!


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Re: The Mighty B! unknown tracks
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2023, 11:54:20 PM »
I'm guessing that some of these might actually be short musical stings created for those episodes specifically, namely the "Bang the Drum Timely" rimshots and the solo piano "Row Row Row Your Boat" from "Hen and Bappy".

That "Penny Hearts Joey" bass gliss might be a sound effect, I'm guessing it may be on the Cartoon Express library since that has a ton of short musical effects, or even on the ProjectSAM "Animator" library.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2023, 12:03:33 AM by apmnut »

Walk the Skies 202

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Re: The Mighty B! unknown tracks
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2023, 01:21:46 AM »
I am not perfect....I always need to say this since the year 2002........till today those words are still valid... but in this case I can help you only a little bit:

In the Zip file, in the sound sample "wegotbee3.wav" I can hear the track "Happy Sixties" from the Composers Stephane Huguenin, Yves Sanna & Christian Padovan.

It is from Focus music, from the Album "KOS 73 - Happy Sixties - Volume 1"

After looking into it, I think the version used is "Happy Sixties Remix" from KOS-151, but a huge thanks to you for this info.

I'm guessing that some of these might actually be short musical stings created for those episodes specifically, namely the "Bang the Drum Timely" rimshots and the solo piano "Row Row Row Your Boat" from "Hen and Bappy".

That "Penny Hearts Joey" bass gliss might be a sound effect, I'm guessing it may be on the Cartoon Express library since that has a ton of short musical effects, or even on the ProjectSAM "Animator" library.

I feel like the rimshots might be original, or they were sourced from somewhere, especially given that the episode ends with the drum part of "Stand-Up Comic B" before cutting to the cymbal crash of "Drum Rolls (a)."

I've listened through all the bass glisses from Cartoon Express on SourceAudio, didn't hear anything that matched. ProjectSAM is a possibility given the show's usage of Symphonic Adventures, but I've yet to see the contents of ProjectSAM Animator show up anywhere.

A big problem with ID'ing a lot of these is the lack of cue sheets and/or available info. I've checked GEMA, and the only entry they have is for "So Happy Together/Sweet Sixteenth," and I don't know any other website like GEMA with cue sheets.

Walk the Skies 202

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Re: The Mighty B! unknown tracks
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2025, 10:20:27 AM »
Bumping to say I've found bangdrum8 to be another portion of Word Gets Around by Andrew Blaney, Bruton BR-482.