Hello. I do NOT want to request something that is too huge to do, but i would like a request for Chappell Recorded Music Library & Chappell AV albums, mainly pre-1990, which is from 1988 to 1989. I also like a some missing vinyl albums from my collection. Here are the following albums:
The only vinyl Chappell & Chappell AV albums i require for my missing albums are:
CHAP 106 - Solo Instruments
CHAP 113 - Period - 1900's; 10's; 20's; 30's
CHAP 115 - National Scotland
CHAP 116 - Solo Instruments - Stringed
CHAP 118 - Jingles Vol. 2 - Classical
CHAP 120 - Nostalgic Themes
CHAP 125 - National Ireland
CHAP 126 - Solo Instruments - Keyboards (the only album that is never being re-issued on CD)
CHAP 128 - Jingles Volume 3 - Vocals
CHAPAV 009 - Light Themes
CHAPAV 010 - AV Themes and Trailers
CHAPAV 013 - Atmospheric - Moods
CHAPAV 016 - Atmospheric - Earth/Land
CHAPAV 021 - Christmas
Now here's the following Chappell & Chappell AV CDs albums i require for my collection, mainly from 1988 to 1989 (which is pre-1990 albums) which are:
CHAP 101/2 CD - Electronic Themes/Drama
CHAP 103/4 CD - Period Music/Industrial
CHAP 105/6 CD - Wales & Woodwind/Brass
CHAP 107 CD - Pastoral/Romantic
CHAP 108/9 CD - Jingles/Shorts
CHAP 110 CD - Famous Themes
CHAP 111 CD - Themes/Atmos
CHAP 112 CD - Drama/Rock
CHAP 113 CD - Period/Nostalgia
CHAP 114 CD - Industrial/Activity
CHAP 115 CD - National Scotland
CHAP 116 CD - Solo Instruments - Stringed
CHAP 117 CD - Pastoral/Romantic
CHAP 118 CD - Classical Jingles
CHAP 119 CD - Children
CHAP 120 CD - Nostalgic Themes
CHAP 121 CD - Electronic/Sports
CHAP 122 CD - Drama/Horror
CHAP 123 CD - Early Music
CHAP 124 CD - Orchestral Suites Vol. 1
CHAP 125 CD - Ireland
CHAP 126 CD - Jingles - Vocal
CHAPAV 001/2 CD - Themes/Suites
CHAPAV 003/4 CD - Adventure/Themes
CHAPAV 005/6 CD - Themes/Trailers/Jingles
CHAPAV 007 CD - Themes
CHAPAV 008 CD - Dance/Pop
CHAPAV 009 CD - Light Themes
CHAPAV 010 CD - Themes/Trailers
CHAPAV 011 CD - Atmos - Vocal
CHAPAV 012 CD - Atmos - Danger/War
CHAPAV 013 CD - Atmos - Moods
CHAPAV 014 CD - Atmos - Space
CHAPAV 015 CD - Atmos - Sea/Water
CHAPAV 016 CD - Atmos - Earth/Land
CHAPAV 017 CD - Atmos - Elements/Weather
CHAPAV 018 CD - Atmos - Wildlife/Africa
CHAPAV 019 CD - Atmos - Wildlife/Nature
CHAPAV 020 CD - Atmos - Miscellaneous Shorts
CHAPAV 021 CD - Christmas
CHAPAV 022 CD - Dramatic/Orchestral Vol. 1
CHAPAV 023 CD - Reflections
CHAPAV 024 CD - Environmental Images
CHAPAV 025 CD - Themes/Pop/Atmos
CHAPAV 026 CD - Themes & Underscores 1
CHAPAV 027 CD - Electronic Themes & Underscores
CHAPAV 028 CD - Well Known Tunes Vol. 1
CHAPAV 029 CD - Well Known Tunes Vol. 2
CHAPAV 030 CD - Audio Visual/Sports
CHAPAV 031 CD - Emotive Themes
CHAPAV 032 CD - Themes & Underscores 2(ALL CD ALBUMS COMPLETED. Thanks Craig!)If anyone has one of these albums, then i will be appreciated. But if not doing my request, then that's fine by me, because i think this request was way too huge to do. But just take your time if you want, and don't rush. Anyway, please let me know if anyone has one of these. Thanks!