Damn, you overdelivered by 100%!!
ChunYinZi was so kind to provide me the very WAV material from SONOTON, so it's not his fault at all, but as said, SONOTON is weird. They don't even test-listen their stuff and the Christian Kägi album - you could see the faults in the waveform, those parts were literally filled blocks as it's just 100% volume screetching over several seconds in a periodic rhythm....
Your version is also clean with no skips, so your source is NOT from SONOTON but ripped from a clean CD!
Just to show you what I mean: sonoton.com/en/album/SCD0042/ Track 17 at minute 3:13 in the song going up to 3:20. These skips were driving me nuts and without your clean version, I'd simply cut the second loop off and fade out myself. But no need for this now!
Cool stuff!
And yes, it's "Driving Into Tomorrow". Ugh.
D'OH! Well, tomorrow is future...It's fascinating that Alan Shearer's tracks with lots going on sound not as cool as his underscores. I always found his "percussion-less" tracks much better, and this album also shows. Got a few new gems for my collection!
EDIT: Unfortunately though, "FUNKY PLANET" seem to be from SONOTON, as the first track already is damaged and screeches your ears off at the very first second. But I got my main interest from Alan Shearer though! It might be important for people to maybe check and replace e.g. SLOBBERBASS (Track 1) which is completely broken and full of "ear rapes" but also the most funkies way of skips I heard: It sounds like different tracks mixing up, eg. at 2:30. Is this even possible on a CD??? I mean, suddenly there is a snippet of a jazz song or vibraphone in an album that doesn't even has this sound on it?!? What the fuck!
Anyways, you can see the problem on the waveform very clearly and I wonder if SONOTON whose bread and butter is music has SOME standards...