Oh man, you guys are absolutely awesome! I have said it many times but I am not getting tired of repeating the truth, but LMT is the best forum and easily the most enjoyable online experience I have had - might it be video game communities, chat rooms or forums.
I really was ashamed for a bit for asking that bunch. I compiled that list over the couple of days and ended up with nine (yes, not ten, I was knackered yesterday and also found one on Soulseek not gatekeeped by that "1321" user who has all the SCDs but locked for some reason). The current problem is unforunately a side effect of me picking on a track-by-track basis while you store whole albums at once, eliminating my unfortunate situation. When I came back and I saw several people taking on my problem and "I♥The90s" filling up my gaps (and even named the folder after me, sitting down and compile a 2.3 GByte RAR file and upload that large thing) and other members helping to to solve technical problems after coming home from a ridiculously horrible workday is such balm on my soul.
All of you are amazingly great people, and it so wholesome to be a part of this place. I learned to enjoy music but also broadened my horizon of musical taste. Whilst my style and range is rather solid, I download almost all albums from the 1970s that are being shared by Retronic, Rocco and all those who own bookshelfs full of LPs up to the 2000s of Ben Kirb and Retromatic. The constant effort of ChunYinZi is priceless too and I really often think what kind of amazing luck it is to have him here, like access to the actual libraries, let that fortunate situation sink in!! Also that he is there almost daily to help or even ripping actual disk from that warehouse for us. And all those people who open their hard drives and cloud storages to contribute single puzzle pieces for someone else [like me] to also have their collection done is something that can not be unmentioned. It is almost like these weird kid's shows when all people fistbump each other like the friggin Power Rangers - "Teamwork Goooo!!"
Let alone all the lurkers from outside that do not register and enjoy this otherwise obscure (or non-obtainable) music with us!
I have deep respect and would add you to my evening prayer if I'd not be an atheist. Even the ones I had some conflicting opinions and such, but man, in the long run it's just another spicy part of a community and broadens a different horizon of mine - the social one!
EDIT: Fixed some typos.