So we must rebuild LMT... I started a Crea Sound + Mondiophone (+ Neuilly?) participative anthology!
In a first time, here are all my Mondiophone and Crea Sound rips (in both FLAC and MP3 320), with three MON-CD kindly provided by Craig-UK a long time ago:
Set 1
MON 5 - Patrice Sciortino - Jingle Non Stop
MON 11 - Jerry Mengo - Moody Brass
MON 13 - Patrice Sciortino - Soloist N°1
MON 14 - Patrice Sciortino - Soloist N°2
MON 20 - V/A - Pell Mell
MON 31 - Jerry Mengo - Trip To Jazzland
MCN 8015 - Janko Nilovic & co - Open Air (compilation)
NLY P 2094 - Rex Hamilton - Dolannes Melodie
Set 2
MON 61 - Alain Leroux and Nancy Redman - Transamotion
MON 62 - Alain Leroux and Nancy Redman - Livewire
MON-CD 65 - Mathieu Laurent and Frédéric Porte - Contempo (thanks to Craig-UK)
MON-CD 70 - V/A - New Generation (thanks to Craig-UK)
MON-CD 72 - V/A - Pulsations (thanks to Craig-UK)
MON-CD 84 - Edwin Pfanzagl - In The Style Of...