Throughout its original 90's run, Beavis and Butt-Head often featured library music in its episodes, most all of it coming from Associated Production Music's catalog. In this thread, I list out everything that's been identified to this point, as well as a complete (as can be) episode breakdown I've had in the works for a few months now.
Acapulco - David Snell
All Chill Out - Warren Bennett, Dave Barton [removed from APM site]
Apres Sport 2 - Mike Howlett, Benedict Hoffnung
Asylum 1 - Peter Northcote, Lindsay Jehan
Automatic Moves - Warren Bennett
Avalanche 2 - Patrick Wilson
Avalon - Steven Carter
Black Mass - Stephen St. Paul
Bomb the House - Pete Harris
Broken Silence - Robert Farnon
Brooklyn Bridge Revisited 3 - John Cameron
Building Tension - Louis Clark
Butterfly Sanctuary - Brian Bennett
Challenger 2 - Patrick Wilson, Adam Routh
Chasin' a Dream (A) - Phillip Pope, James Simpson
Cheek To Cheek 1 - Steve Byrd
Christmas Day - Dave Roylance, Bob Galvin
City To City 1 - John Cameron
Come Back 2 - Patrick Wilson
Countryville - Glen Sutton, Norris Wilson
Darkside - Brian Bennett
Eliminator! - Patrick Wilson, Julian Scott
Entry of the Bride - Leslie Pearson, Richard Wagner
Fetish 2 - Patrick Wilson
Flannel Party - Richard Wilkins
Footsteps of Horror - William Farran
Four Seasons: Spring, Movement 1 - Antonio Vivaldi
Free Spirit 1 - Richard Wilkins
Glory Road - Sam Fonteyn
Goonsville - Glen Sutton, Norris Wilson
Grey Dawn - David Snell
Happy Families - Sam Fonteyn
Heart and Soul 2 - Jonathan Butler
Heavenly Thunder 2 - Chris Tsangarides
House of Horror - William Farran
Important Montage - Keith Mansfield
Jackpot 3 - Dave Roylance, Bob Galvin
Johnny Too Bad 1 - Steve Byrd
Jungle Dance - Philip Nicholas
Kashmir - John Leach, George Fenton
Lovers Concerto 1 - Brian Bennett
Lucky Chance 1 - Dave Roylance, Bob Galvin
Metamorphosis - Steven Carter
Moving Target - Simon Benson, Eugenio Grandi
Northern Lights - John Cameron
Nutcracker - Sugar Plum - Peter Tchaikovsky
Oceansound - Steven Carter
Particles In Space - Philip Nicholas
Peer Gynt - Hall of Mtn. King - Edvard Grieg
Post Modern Hippie 1 - Richard Wilkins
Promises to Keep 1 - Alan Hawkshaw
Psycho - Jonathan Hodge
Race Winner 1 - Jon Christian
Raft Rider 1 - Mike Howlett, Benedict Hoffnung
Ride of the Valkyries - Richard Wagner [BR-0006]
Ridin' High and Handsome - Glenn Sutton, Norris Wilson
Rock Freeway - Patrick Wilson
Scared Stiff - Simon Benson, Eugenio Grandi
Sky Chaser 1 - Mike Howlett, Benedict Hoffnung
Slackers - Richard Wilkins
Soft Touch - Glen Sutton, Norris Wilson
The Sound of Success - Brian Bennett
Stage Dive - Richard Wilkins
Summer Launch (a) - Jonathan Hodge
Sweet Rapture 1 - Jonathan Butler
Teardown - Richard Wilkins
Thunderclap 1 - Patrick Wilson, Adam Routh
Thunderclap 2 - Patrick Wilson, Adam Routh
Troop Movement - Sam Fonteyn
Wedding Procession - Leslie Pearson, Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy
William Tell Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [BR-0004]
Wind Down 29 - Warren Bennett
Wipe Out - Duncan Lamont
Carlin / CPM
American Reveille - Jonathan Yates
American Rock - Chris Goulstone [CPM; version not on Warner/Chappell site]
Angel Chorus - Quito Colayco
Approaching Evil - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers
Approaching Evil [#14] - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers
Away In a Manger - Quito Colayco
Barbados - Andrew Hall
Chaplinesque - Rick Cassman, Vyv Hope-Scott
Children of the Street - Paul Gerard
Christmas Chapati - Terry Day
Clot Joplin - Kevin Jarvis
Clowns - Andrew Hall
Cool Cat - David Mellor
Creepies - Robert Farnon
Deck the Halls - Ib Glindemann
Discordant - David Farnon
Driving Rock - Chris Goulstone
Easing Tension - Peter Orm, Paul Orm
Eerie [#43.01] - David Farnon
Exorcist - David Mellor
Expectant - Judith Cann
First Snow - Geoff Cottrell
Fluffy Bears - Andrew Hall
Funeral March - Frederic Chopin, George Wilson
Happy Oompah - Rick Cassman, Vyv Hope-Scott
Hark the Herald Angels Sing [#47] - Alwyn Humphreys
Harsh Discord [#37.01] - Trevor Jones
Humpty Dumpty - Brian Peters
Jingle Bells - Ib Glindemann
Jingle Bell Swing - Ib Glindemann
Joy to the World [#9] - Ib Glindemann
Joy to the World [#10] - Ib Glindemann
Mad Panic - Trevor Grace
Mischief - Andrew Hall
Mystery Affair - Simon Benson
Next Door Neighbour - Rick Cassman, Vyv Hope-Scott
O Come All Ye Faithful [#13] - Christopher Payne
Oddball - David Mellor
Once Upon a Star - David Farnon
Organ Jam - David Mellor
Panic and Drama - David Mellor
Panic Music - Rick Cassman, Vyv Hope-Scott
Panic Stricken - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers
Relentless Pursuit - Chris Goulstone
Rocking Blues - Chris Goulstone
Sailors Hornpipe - Brian Peters
Shadows of Romance - Simon Benson
Shock Discord [#82.01] - David Farnon
Sixty Seconds to Climax - Christopher Payne, Paul Rogers
Sleep Time - Jo Parry, Cy Parry
Special Agent - David Farnon
Spymaster - Simon Benson
Stalking - Will Thomson, Trevor Nightingale
Tanzen Durch Technik - Peter Hinton, Steve Mann
Tense Moments - Simon Benson
Thrash - Chris Goulstone
Time Mover - Judith Cann
Toytown March - Andrew Hall
Vanquish - Trevor Nightingale, Will Thomson
Violence - Trevor Nightingale, Will Thomson
Warped Mind - Judith Cann
When the Saints Go Marching In [#35] - Anthony Wakefield
Winter Flight [#25] - Quito Colayco
Wonderland of Snow - Terry Day
Worldwatch - Larry Hochman
Carlin / CPM Classical Series
Swan Lake Act 2 Op 20(Mono) No 11 Scene Tempo Moderato - Peter Tchaikovsky
Commercial Non-Stop
Gobbledegook - Otto Sieben
Action News (b) - Dick Walter
Amarillo Swing - Richard Gilks
American Journey - Graham Preskett
America the Beautiful (a) - Graham De Wilde
Appalachian Sunset - Richard Gilks
Arlington Fanfare - Graham De Wilde
Autumn Sky - Robert Foster
A Backward Glance (a) - Richard Harvey
Battle at Sea - Johnny Pearson
Battle Hymn of Republic (b) - Graham De Wilde
Beat Boy - Richard Myhill
Best Wishes (a) - Nigel Jenkins
Blaze of Brass (a) - Cecil Milner
Blind Panic - Richard Harvey
Bliss - Alec Gould
Blood in the Gutter - Laurie Johnson
Born on the Wild Side - Clem Clempson
Brass Announcement - Douglas Gamley
Braziliana (a) - Keith Mansfield
Bridal Chorus - Peter Lea-Cox
Bring On the Girls - Dennis Farnon
Broadcast News - Curtis Schwartz
Broken Saddles - Richard Gilks
Call of Destiny (b) - Graham De Wilde
Capture - Dick Walter
Catfish Row - Benny Carter
Cha Cha Tijuana - Dennis Farnon
Chance Meeting (a) - Dick Walter
Chase That Car - Laurie Johnson
Childhood (a) - Robert Foster
Clowns' Cavalcade - Dick Walter
Cold Fear - Dick Walter
Comic Links (c) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (d) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (h) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (j) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (n) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (o) - Dick Walter
Comic Links (r) - Dick Walter
Comikarama - Dennis Farnon
Coronation of Little Willie - Dennis Farnon
Crystal Breeze - Johnny Pearson
Dawn of Light - Peter Lea-Cox
A Day at the Races - Dennis Farnon
Death in the City - Jack Beaver
Deck the Halls 59 - Richard Harvey
The Departure - Dick Walter
Dig This! - Curtis Schwartz
Dissonance - Dick Walter
Drag - Paul Gerard
Drama Shock (a) - Richard Harvey
Drama Shock (g) - Richard Harvey
Dramatic Impact 1 - Ivor Slaney
Dramatic Impact 2 - Ivor Slaney
Dramatic Impact 3 - Ivor Slaney
Electric Mayhem 12" - Curtis Schwartz
Emma Meets Some Jazz - Dennis Farnon
Fairground Fun (a) - Dick Walter
Film Fanfare (a) - Dick Walter
Flash Harry - Dick Walter
Force Factor - Dave Hewson
Friendly Smile - Keith Mansfield
Gay Time - Alan Perry
Gentle Drifter (a) - Richard Myhill
Gentle Lady (a) - Dick Walter
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen 59 - Richard Harvey
God Save the Queen - Graham De Wilde
Good Day (a) - Dick Walter
Good Morning, America (a) - Rod Argent, Robert Howes
Grand Designs A - John Devereaux, David Reilly
Green Bluegrass - Lloyd Green, Glen Sutton
Growing Together (a) - Dick Walter
Growing Up - Richard Myhill
The Gunfighter - Franco Micalizzi, Roberto Predagio [removed from APM site]
Hackney Carriage - Cedric King-Palmer
Hail to the Chief - Graham De Wilde
Hard and Fast (A) - John Devereaux
Hark the Herald Angels Sing 59 (a) - Richard Harvey
Health and Efficiency (a) - Andrew McCrorie-Shand
Heavy Action - Johnny Pearson
Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (a) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland
High Voltage - Keith Mansfield, John Adams
Holiday Islands - Keith Mansfield
Holiday Playtime - Cedric King-Palmer
Hot Shot A - Keith Mansfield
The Hurry Up - Kenny Graham
I Must Leave Town - Alfred Kluten
Imagine - Keith Mansfield
In Love (b) - Dick Walter
Insanity - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr
International Launch (a) - Graham De Wilde
Intersat News (A) - Graham De Wilde
Introspective - Dick Walter
It's a Sunny Day 59 - Dick Walter
It's Jazz Time Again - Dennis Farnon
Jingle Bells 59 - Richard Harvey
Joy to the World 59 - Richard Harvey
Kiss of Fire (a) - David Bradum, Bob Weston
The Leading Edge A [#13] - Richard Myhill
Life Goes On - Dick Walter
Lonely Stranger - Laurie Johnson
Lullaby (a) - Tony Kinsey
Lunar Arctic - Dick Walter
Make-Believe (a) - Dick Walter
Maniac Pursuit - Trevor Duncan
March of the Gollywogs - Dennis Farnon
March to Victory (a) - Paddy Kingsland
The Menacing Silence (a) - Richard Harvey
Merry as a Grig - Van Phillips
Model Girl - Gary Hughes
The Moose Hunters - Dennis Farnon
Mother Africa - David Bradnum
Moving Target - Dick Walter
The New Leaders (a) - Andy Clark
New Science (a) - Richard Myhill
News Plus (c) - Dick Walter
News Update (a) - Keith Mansfield
News Update (b) - Keith Mansfield
News Update (c) - Keith Mansfield
News Update (e) - Keith Mansfield
Newsweek (a) - Graham De Wilde
Night Butcher - Richard Harvey
Night Chill - Dick Walter
O Come All Ye Faithful (b) - Christopher Mercer
Oberlander - Wolfgang Kaltenbach
On With the Race - Dennis Farnon
Onward Christian Soldiers - Peter Lea-Cox
Open and End Fanfare - Nino Nardini
Outlook (A) - Nick Bardoni, Stephen Warr
Panic at Cecilia's - Dennis Farnon
Peer Gynt - Morning - Edvard Grieg, Fiachra Trench
People's Court (aka The Big One) - Alan Tew
Pictures of Spain - Richard Myhill
Police Car Chase - Jack Beaver
Polka Mit Pfiff - Elmer Stigman
Polly Put the Kettle On - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland
Pop Goes the Weasel (a) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland
Pop Mania (A) - Lee Ryda
A Positive View (C) - Keith Mansfield
Prelude to a Theme - Dick Walter
Press Day (b) - Graham De Wilde
Procession of the Knights - Barrie Hingley
The Pursued (a) - Richard Harvey
The Rap Trap (c) - Dick Walter
Raw Energy A - John Devereaux, David Reilly
Reported Missing (b) - Richard Harvey
Rock Alive! - Richard Myhill
Roman Legions - Richard Myhill
Romance at Midnight - Johnny Pearson
Romantic Legend - Eric Swan
Run! (a) - Richard Harvey
Sail Away 59 - Roger Dexter, Alan Bell
Secret Agent - David Lindup
Semper Fidelis - Robert Earley
Send Them Victorious (b) - Graham De Wilde
Score A - Richard Myhill
The Screaming - Dick Walter
Shock Horror (a) - Dick Walter
Shock Horror (b) - Dick Walter
Short Fanfare - Edward White
Silver Moon - Reginald King
Sleepy Shores - Johnny Pearson
Solitary - Dick Walter
Spiralling Up - Dick Walter
Star Warriors - Richard Harvey
Starstruck - Michael Larsen
The Star Spangled Banner (b) - Graham De Wilde
Sugar Plum Fairy 59 - Richard Harvey
Super Achievers - John Devereaux
Systematic - Curtis Schwartz
That Crazy Rag - Keith Nichols
Theatreland - Dick Walter
A Time of Change (B) - Keith Mansfield
Tom Tom the Piper's Son (a) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland
Traditional Values (a) - Tony Kinsey
Tragicomic - Dennis Farnon
Travellin' On (b) - Graham Preskett
The Twelve Days of Christmas 59 - Richard Harvey [removed from APM site]
Underwater World (a) - Graham De Wilde
Untitled Melody - Robert Pagan
The Victors (a) [#9] - Graham De Wilde
Voodoo Victim - Gilbert Vinter
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (a) - Richard Harvey, Brian Gulland
Whose That! - Dick Walter
Willy Nilly - Cyril Watters
The Woman at the Window - Dick Walter
Wonderland (a) - Richard Myhill
Work Station (B) - Matthew Cang
World Link Up (A) - Keith Mansfield
Yankee Doodle - Graham De Wilde
Your Turn Sir! (a) - Dick Walter
Selected Sound
Get It While It's Hot 1 - Peter Jordan
Hip-Hop - Luden Barnemuende, Johanna Fetsch
Prime-Time - Rolf Krueger
Prologue of a Drama #3 - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch
Prologue of a Drama #4 - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch
Prologue of a Drama #9 - Hans Conzelmann, Delle Haensch
Terminator - Rolf Krueger
Too Fast To Die - Hermann Skibbe
Winner [#95] - Rolf Krueger
Sonia Classical
William Tell-Overture - Gioacchino Rossini [SONIA-0409]
Angsty B - Steve James, Dirk Sullivan, Rick Waritz, Gregg Williams, Brent Williams
Another Lonely Lover - David Bell, Otto Sieben
Any Moment A - Peter Fallowell
Bartmania A - Guy Moon
Bass Alone 2 - Otto Sieben, Frank Novon
Confident Motivation A - Jeff Newmann
Cotton Glory - Leslie Hurdle, Michael Morgan
Cybernetic Overdrive A - Gerhard Daum
Disorientated A - Mladen Franko
Downhill E - Klaus Stuehlen
Downhill H - Klaus Stuehlen
Exploring the Dark A - Sammy Burdson
Final Battle E - Peter Fallowell
Flop and Go A - John Fox
Frontal Attack C - Sammy Burdson
Futures and Options 1 - Sammy Burdson, Mel Dean, Jean-Claude Madonne
Gigantic B2 - Geoff Bastow
Hard Attack A - Mac Prindy
Hard Attack B - Mac Prindy
Hell Drive B - Mac Prindy
Hell Drive C - Mac Prindy
Hey Daddy-o A - Sy Gorieb
Hot Phase - John Epping, Jeff Newmann
I'm Sentimental 1 - Mike Sunderland
Jingle Bells B - Sammy Burdson, John Fiddy
Journey To the Unknown B - Peter Fallowell
Kissed By the Sun A - John Epping
Kleine Nachtmusik-Menuett, Eine - Paul Gaechter, Wolfgang Mozart
Lifeblood D - Mladen Franko
Love Has Changed My Life [#33] - John Epping, Jeff Newmann, Francis Sebastian
Make the World Bright A - John Epping
Maple Leaves - Stephan Diez, F Akrya
Memphis Mud Slide A - Steve Goomas, Doug Perkins
Metal Boost A - Mac Prindy
Metal Mania - Stephan Diez, F Akrya
Minuet - Ludwig Beethoven [SCD-0052]
More Love A - John Epping
Mr. Plod - Otto Sieben, John Fiddy
Office Talks A - John Epping
Oscillation - Klaus Stuehlen
Proclamation A - Gregor Narholz
Promotech - John Epping, Jeff Newmann
Q-Link A2 - Geoff Bastow
Rabbis and Arabs A - Gil Flat, Frank Syman
Romeo and Juliet A - John Fox, Peter Tchaikovsky
Run Wild B - Wesley Plass
Santa Ana - Charly Hornemann
The Scent of Blood (A) - Peter Fallowell
Scotch on the Rocks - Otto Sieben, John Fiddy
Silent Night C [#27] - Otto Sieben
Soljering On - Sammy Burdson, Jean-Claude Madonne
Soul Cryin' B - Wesley Plass
Space Work 2 - Vladimir Kos Jr.
Spooking Around A - Sammy Burdson
Style and Luxury A - Laszlo Bencker
A Touch of Silk - Geoff Bastow, Jim Harbourg
Throb A - Wesley Plass
The Thunderer - Sousa - Jan Eriksen, John Sousa
Urban Romance B - Laszlo Bencker
Vesti La Giubba Act I Canio - Ruggero Leoncavallo
Victim B - Peter Fallowell
Victim D - Peter Fallowell
What About Us? A - John Epping, Jeff Newmann
Winter - John Fox, Mac Prindy
Wooden Porch Waltz A - Steve Goomas, Doug Perkins
Zeppomania A - Wesley Plass
Sonoton Authentic Series
Belly Dance A - Damil Ahmed
Fantasy of Waves - Katsutoshi Nagasawa
In Bloom - Tadao Sawai
Lantan - Pichit Paiboon
Poem of Crickets - Katsutoshi Nagasawa
Sitar Ecstasy - Yasotha Somasundram
Song of the Volga Boatmen B - Igor Tuhmanov
The Stone Garden - Seizan Ishigaki
Turkish Gathering A - Damil Ahmed
Turkish Gathering B - Damil Ahmed
Themes International
Thermal Glide (B) - Graham De Wilde
Elektra Records
Wedding March, Processional
Hollywood Edge
Music, Organ - Pipe Organ: Charge
Music, Organ - Pipe Organ: March
Killer Tracks
Completely Crazed - Grant Geissman
Dateline the World - John Hobbs
Sound Ideas
Bugle, Military - Military Taps
Calliope, Music FX; Digiffects, Circus
Cartoon, Gong - Large Chinese Gong, Hard Mallet
Choir Melody Tension, Music FX; Digiffects
Harp, Glissando - Continuous
March, Music - Theme 1B: Drums, Fanfare
Music, Box - Brahms Lullaby
Music, Choral - Accent 01
Music, Choral - Bridge 02
Music, Gong - Instrument, Gong, Large
Music, Gong - Large One Strike
Music, Guitar - High Note
Music, Guitar - Low Note 02
Music, Guitar - Low Note 04
Music, Guitar - Pick Slide 02
Music, Guitar - Pick Slide and Chord 01
Music, Guitar - Pick Slide and Chord 02
Music, Guitar - Pick Slide and Chord 03
Music, Percussion - Instrument, Snare Drum
Music, Theme - Circus or Carousel
Orchestra, Rehearsal - Oriental, Music, Foreign, Chinese
Snare Drum, March Stinger 01
Vibraphone, Dream - Long