Author Topic: Video Moods  (Read 25071 times)


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Video Moods
« on: February 05, 2018, 03:07:13 PM »

Video Moods, Music for Films
US label under New York-based publisher Emil Ascher, Inc. Issued its material on 10", 78RPM vinyl.

No performers are listed on any of the releases. Releases are undated.

EA 1001 - Dark of the Moon/Mischief Afoot/New Dawn/Repose/End of Day/Vigil/Hypertension/Mystic Night - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1002 - Despair/Emotional Conflict/Half-Way Mark/Blue Ridge/Thief in the Night/Copperhead/Lightning Thrust/Fire Bell/Alarm/Take It Away/Flippancy/Burnt Cake - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1003 - Waiting/May Night/Love's Triumph/Busy Bee/Hop and a Jump/Eccentric/Down the Avenue/Wind-Up/Confused Vision - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1004 - Entreaty/Quick Escape/Verdict Guilty/Jalopy Race/Lost Wanderer/Wrong Turn/Puzzled/Squeeze/Bull's Eye/Over the Cliff/Daffodil/Jig's Up/Crossed Swords/Everglade/Whimsy/Off to the Country - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1005 - Fulfillment/Green Mountains/Trail's End/Icy Chill/Forsaken/Job's Done/Spring Blossom/Trance/Fight's Won/Afraid - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1006 - Folderol/Poppycock/Shenanigans/Struggle/Hidden Danger/It's Over/Marine Band (March) - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/John L. Greenawald
EA 1007 - It's Delightful to Be Married/Spook Prints/Face at the Window/High Tension/Promise Me/Redemption - Vincent Scotto/Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1008 - Rebuff/Heart Stab/Lost Hope/Broken Vow/Kept Promise/Time Out/Prairie Song/Amber Grain/Harvest's In - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1009 - Home Again/Safe Journey/Happy Ending/Autumn Glow/Turmoil/Misty Swamp/First Nighter/Sign Off - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1010 - Open the Book/The Letter/Close the Book/Changing Situations/Round the Corner/Saturday Matinee - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1011 - Turnabout/Cloud on the Run/Nostalgic/Resignation/Cloister/Men of Iron March - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1012 - Melodie hebraic/Sundown Shadows/Justice/Hippity Hop - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1013 - Time Sequence: Hour Glass/Steps of Time/Sands of Time/The Spectre of Time/Pastorale/Appasionato into Romantic/Dramatic into Lyric/Dramatic Curtain - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA 1014 - Time Sequence: The Mists of Time/Of Time and Space/The Mine/Nostalgia No. 1/Nostalgia Finale No. 2 - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA 1015 - Solitude/The Survivors/Memorial Day No. 1 - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA 1016 - Nocturne/Memorial Day Finale No. 2/Memories/Omen - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA 1017 - Holiday Jaunt/High Jinks/Shocking Find/Fading Embers/Safe Harbor - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1018 - Hills of Home/One Too Many/High Seas/Broadway Ramble - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1019 - Dark Soliloquy/Detective Story/Blue Solitude/Wistful Wish/Pavan - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/Hans Eduard/Leon Goldman
EA 1020 - Vals norj/Rye Waltz/Mystic Maze/Undersea Cavern/Crisis - Maurice Brown/W. Clark Harrington/Emil Ascher/Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1021 - Empty Years/Tight Spot/Desert Solitude/You Were a Dream/Day Is Ending - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/Jane Clark (Amber Roobenian)/Dick Leibert
EA 1022 - Don't Breathe/Gateway to Romance/Conclusion/Rattler Fang/Spice Drop/Remembrance/Law of the Land - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1023 - Out of Focus/Exotic Night/Gun in the Rib/Driving Force/Prelude/Hot Pursuit - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1024 - Conquest/Conquest Curtain/Impact and Background/Powerful End/Lady Goes Shopping/Lady Goes Shopping Curtain/Lullaby to a Mannequin - John Marion (John Gart)
EA 1025 - Out of Despair/Private Eye/Escape/Silly Notions/Perfume Counter/Sweet Remembrance - John Marion (John Gart)
EA 1026 - Action Bridges: A-F/Prison Gate/Visions - John Marion (John Gart)
EA 1027 - Whirlpool/Cynic/Cynic Curtain/Strange Fascination/Medium Dramatic/Medium Dramatic Finish - John Marion (John Gart)
EA 1028 - Petite tonkinoise (It's Delightful to Be Married): Comedy Opening/Bridge/Bridge/Bridge/Curtain/Wheels within Wheels/Antique Air: Opening and Background/Bridge/Curtain - Vincent Scotto/Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/Amber Roobenian
EA 1029
EA 1030
EA 1031 - Hall of Fame: Opening and Background/Bridge and Background/Bridge and Background/Hall of Fame (Continued): Bridge and Background/Curtain/Sky High - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1032 - Mill Wheel/Suspicion Plus - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1033 - Testing Laboratory/Mystical Rite/Police Chase - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1034 - Plotters/All Purpose Industrial/Strange Hold/Southern Fire Brigade - ????/Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/Emil Ascher
EA 1035 - Power Station/Weird Curtain/Excited Ending/FLowing Runout/Underplay - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1036
EA 1037 - Pleasant Moments/Soft Tresses/Tommy Tiptoes/Caress - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1038 - Frolic/Spot Openings (6)/Flowing Neutral/Joyful Ending - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1039 - Smooth Journey/Quips/Punctuations (37) - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1040 - Against the Tide/Slight Turbulence/Sky Clear/Comedy Tags (17) - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1041
EA 1042
EA 1043 - Edge of the Sea/Karen/Fragrance/Sweet Melody: Grand Opening/Background - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/Emil Ascher
EA 1044 - Putting It Together/Idyll - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1045
EA 1046 - Rhapsodie melancholique/Merry Youth - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1047 - Caucasian Dance Song: Dramatic Opening/Intrigue/Dramatic Close/Hearts Entwined/Majestic Curtains (12)/Integrity - Amber Roobenian/W. Clark Harrington/Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1048 - Rising Anger/Tragic Episode: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Curtain/Light Curtain/Ascending Link - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1049 - Cartoon Antics/Energy Station/Road to Trouble/Romantic Curtain - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1050
EA 1051 - Queer Interlude/Fogbound - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)
EA 1052
EA 1053
EA 1054 - Tragic Interludes: Cut (I)-(IV)/Crime & Punishment: Cut (I)-(V)/Hasty Pudding - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1055
EA 1056 - Holiday Joy: Celebration/Winter Scene/Under Duress: Cut (I)-(III) - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1057 - Heats On: Cut (I)-(III)/Ladies Fashions/Hop to It - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1058
EA 1059
EA 1060
EA 1061 - Outcast/Notturno/Big City Blues (Jazz)/Love's Barrier - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1062
EA 1063 - River of Darkness/A Fair Wind - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1064 - This Is My Own/Toward the Goal: Opening/Bridge/Bridge/Bridge/Close - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1065 - Unlawful: Cuts I-V/So Nice/Office Work - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1066 - Frivolity/Amusing Links: Cut I-III/Kiddie Glide - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1067 - Quicksand/Pursuit/Propulsion/Furious Encounter - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky) (A-SIDE UNCONFIRMED)
EA 1068 - Chronometry/Portents/Flurry/The Long Walk/Velocity/Rage - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky) (B-SIDE UNCONFIRMED)
EA1069 - Moonless Night/Cartoonorama: Brass Buttons/Watch for the Manhole/Flying Rivets - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA1070 - Carefree/Going Up/Catch/Surprise/Up and Down/Who's Got It?/Cartoon Curtain/Documentary Curtain/Action Curtain/Eruption/Angry Statement - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky) (UNCONFIRMED)
EA1071 - Anyone Can Win/The Old Soft Shoe/Small Talk - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA1072 - Just Fun/An Unlikely Story - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)
EA1073 - Production Chart/New Frontiers/Mechanism - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky) (UNCONFIRMED)
EA1074 - National Product/Proclamation/Valse Eloise - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky) (UNCONFIRMED)
EA1075 - Doggie Glide/Playful Banter - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA1076 - Once Over Lightly/Swing Out/Light as a Feather - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA1077 - Skippy/Happy as a Lark - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA1080 - Industrial Panorama/Picnic Time/Butterfly - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA1082 - Girlish/To the Breaking Point/Brass to the Fore/Pledge of Faith/Grand Vistas - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)
EA 1083 - Title & Passage of Time/Childhood & School/Growing Up/Maturity - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1084 - Ads/The Final Ad/Preparation - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1085 - At Work/Baking Cake/Bulletin Board/The Old School - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1086 - Sophisticated Ads/Neutral Dramatic Bridge/Natures Way/Natures Way Bridge - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1087 - Cup of Happiness/Wheels of Industry/Hostility: Bridge/Bridge/Bridge/Bridge/Bridge - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1088 - House of Worship/Charred Ruin/Wings Away - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1089 - Moto tragico: Link/Link/Time Lapse/Link/Close/Murder at Midnight: Bridge/Bridge/Bridge/Curtain/Down the Field (March) - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1090 - Tempers Aflame: Sequence/Sequence/Sequence/Bridge/Bridge/Curtain/Paradise Walk/Fogbank - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1091 - Depths of the Sea/Big Worry/Bloodhound: Bridge/Curtain/Shock Cut Off/Background/Curtain - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1092 - Gay in Heart/Weird Presence: Opening/Closing/Sleigh Time/Comedy Bits: Cut 1/Cut 2/Cut 3 - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1093 - Easy Come, Easy Go/Shaping Up/Fiddle-De-Dee/Mock Tragic Bridge - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1094 - Spindles and Bobbins/Business Machine/Mexican Puebla/Mexican Village - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)/George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1095 - Latin Prelude/Latin Curtain/Sultry Temptress/Latin Dance/Slow Burn to Bongo Agitato - Dennis Jones
EA 1096 - Villainy to Anguish/Anger Bridge/Caribbean Scurry/Scenic Rhumba/Ships Coming - Dennis Jones
EA 1097 - Mexican Dance/Rossa Rhumba/Shopping in La Paz - Dennis Jones
EA 1098 - Children Playing/Chatter/Smalltown Neutral - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1099 - Byways by Burro: Part 1/Byways by Burro: Part 2/Doing the Marketing - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1100 - Business as Usual/Making Hay While the Sun Shines - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1101 - Soft as Silk: Part 1/Soft as Silk: Part 2/Cherry Petal Snow - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1102 - Andean Song/Vibe Chords & Corresponding Harp Sweeps - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1103 - Hebrew Folk Song/Fandango/Wedding Theme No. 1/Wedding Theme No. 2/Attacks and Stings: 1.-10. - Chaim Arkis
EA 1104 - Cocktail Time/Night Spot/Brass Accents (A-D)/Brass Tempo - Chaim Arkis
EA 1105 - Sad Forest/Nostalgique/Redemption/Wistful Bridge/French Byways - Chaim Arkis
EA 1106 - Reed Beat/Travelin' Light/In the Play Pen/Uppity - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1107 - Casual Stroll/In Playful Mood/Spring Comes to Town/Chatterbox/Pause - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1108 - Dexterity/Tutti Flutti/Easy Does It/Light Touch/Exuberance - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1109 - Courtroom Opening/Courtroom Background/Courtroom Close/Searching/On the Move/On the Move-Slow/On the Move-Tag - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1110 - Power/Planning/Rear Area/Night Watch - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1111 - Preparation/Aftermath/Aftermath-Tag/Retreat/Waiting Game - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1112 - Peeling Off/Exotica/Light Excitement/Languorous Nymph/Blush Colored Baby - Stanley Alexander
EA 1113 - The Teaser/Uplift/Mystical Maiden/Catwalk Strut - Stanley Alexander
EA 1114 - High Struttin' Baby/Frivolous Maiden/Double Exposure/Fast Curves - Stanley Alexander
EA 1115 - Theme on Three Titles/Theme on Three Titles-Short Curtain/Theme on Three Titles-Long Curtain/Theme on Three Titles-Punctuations/Theme on Three Titles-Time Passage - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1116 - Operating Room/Watchful Wait/Lonely Theme - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)/Dennis Jones
EA 1117 - By the Bedside/Helpless Victim - George Gigot (Robert Stringer)
EA 1118 - Crazy Saloon/Old Time Blues - Archie Gun (Eddie Warner)
EA 1119 - That's Fats/Heartbroken - Eddie Warner/Archie Gun (Eddie Warner)
EA 1120 - Charlie I Love You/Look behind You/Doris - Archie Gun (Eddie Warner)/Eddie Warner
EA 1121 - Brazilian Guitar/Rudolph Valentino Tango - Eddie Warner
EA 1122 - Gear Interlock: Open/Background/Close/High Flight Opening/Move That Load/Stow It Away - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1123 - Big Haul: Open/Background/Under Way/Push and Pull: Open/Background/Close - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1124 - Industry at Work: Open/Background/Close/Sovereign State - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)
EA 1125 - Getting in Shape/Scene of Action/Project Opening - Richard Hoffman (Everett Ascher)

EA ???? - ????/23 Starts and Finishes - ????/Frank Morton (Everett Ascher) - (1081, 1087?)
EA ???? - Storytime/Spot Closings/???? - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)/????
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 09:27:48 AM by Mr »

Walk the Skies 202

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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2018, 01:49:18 AM »
Saved the listing photos from the two eBay lots I lost,was able to make out a tiny bit of information from the photos.

EA [Number was a bit blurry, possibly 1006?] (A-side) - Storytime/Spot Closings/???? - Franz Mahl (Emil Ascher)

EA 1057 (A-side visible) - Ladies Fashions/Hop to It/???? - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)

EA 1067 (B-side) - ????/Pursuit/Propulsion/Furious Encounter - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)

EA 1068 (A-side) - Chronometry/Portents/Flurry/???? - Ward Sills (Wladimir Selinsky)

EA 1087 (B-side) - 23 Starts and Finishes/???? - Frank Morton (Everett Ascher)

There were two others I wasn't able to list, simply because they were too blurry to properly read.

Walk the Skies 202

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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2018, 04:05:51 AM »
Bit late on this, but check out this post courtesy of Caliban on the Spider-Man thread. Lots of VM Ward Sills info, including complete sides of EA 1067 AND 1068.


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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2024, 02:15:52 PM »
Revised and updated today, many gaps now filled.


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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2024, 04:03:06 PM »
Apparently there also exists a couple of Video Mood LPs as well, with EA LP 104 having music by K.L. Asher.


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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2024, 04:48:37 PM »
Oh, interesting! I've never seen those - do you have any photos?


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Re: Video Moods
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2024, 05:07:21 PM »
No photos on me at the moment, but this was documented at the Production Music Wiki's discography for Video Moods.