Library Music Themes

Info Database => Labels => Topic started by: Mr on April 21, 2018, 11:54:15 AM

Title: Non Stop Music Library
Post by: Mr on April 21, 2018, 11:54:15 AM
US CD label based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Founded 1981 by Randy Thornton and Bryan Hofheins.

NS50001 - Retro 50's Disc 1

NS60001 - Retro 60's Disc 1

NS70001 - Retro 70's Disc 1

NSAT001 - Attitude Disc 1
NSAT002 - Attitude Disc 2
NSAT003 - Attitude Disc 3
NSAT004 - Attitude Disc 4
NSAT005 - Attitude Disc 5
NSAT006 - Attitude Disc 6
NSAT007 - Attitude Disc 7

NSCL001 - Classical Disc 1

NSCY001 - Comedy Disc 1
NSCY002 - Comedy Disc 2

NSDZ001 - Dronez n Bedz Disc 1

NSFS001 - Film & Stage Disc 1
NSFS002 - Film & Stage Disc 2 - Vincent Frates/D. Todd Sorensen/Matthew Heider
NSFS003 - Film & Stage Disc 3 - D. Todd Sorensen/Vincent Frates/Michael J. Dowdle (1996)
NSFS004 - Film & Stage Disc 4
NSFS005 - Film & Stage Disc 5
NSFS006 - Film & Stage Disc 6
NSFS007 - Film & Stage Disc 7
NSFS008 - Film & Stage Disc 8
NSFS009 - Film & Stage Disc 9
NSFS010 - Film & Stage Disc 10
NSFS011 - Film & Stage Disc 11
NSFS012 - Film & Stage Disc 12
NSFS013 - Film & Stage Disc 13
NSFS014 - Film & Stage Disc 14
NSFS015 - Film & Stage Disc 15
NSFS016 - Film & Stage Disc 16
NSFS017 - Film & Stage Disc 17

NSFTS10A - Film Trailer Sampler 2010

NSHL001 - Holidays Disc 1
NSHL002 - Holidays Disc 2

NSHS001 - Heartstrings Disc 1

NSIN001 - Industrial Disc 1
NSIN002 - Industrial Disc 2

NSJB001 - Jazz/Blues Disc 1
NSJB002 - Jazz/Blues Disc 2
NSJB003 - Jazz/Blues Disc 3

NSLM001 - Light Moods Disc 1
NSLM002 - Light Moods Disc 2
NSLM003 - Light Moods Disc 3
NSLM004 - Light Moods Disc 4
NSLM005 - Light Moods Disc 5
NSLM006 - Light Moods Disc 6

NSLT001 - Latin Disc 1

NSNE001 - News Disc 1
NSNE002 - News Disc 2

NSOW001 - Out West Disc 1
NSOW002 - Out West Disc 2

NSPR-ACT-001 - Premiere Action Disc 1

NSSF001 - Sci-Fi Disc 1
NSSF002 - Sci-Fi Disc 2

NSSO001 - Solos Disc 1
NSSO002 - Solos Disc 2

NSST001 - Sports Tracks Disc 1
NSST002 - Sports Tracks Disc 2
NSST003 - Sports Tracks Disc 3
NSST004 - Sports Tracks Disc 4
NSST005 - Sports Tracks Disc 5
NSST006 - Sports Tracks Disc 6
NSST007 - Sports Tracks Disc 7
NSST008 - Sports Tracks Disc 8
NSST009 - Sports Tracks Disc 9

NSSW001 - Swing Disc 1
NSSW002 - Swing Disc 2

NSTC001 - Total Cheese Disc 1
NSTC002 - Total Cheese Disc 2
NSTC003 - Total Cheese Disc 3

NSTD001 - Techno/Dance Disc 1
NSTD002 - Techno/Dance Disc 2

NSUR001 - Urban Disc 1
NSUR002 - Urban Disc 2

NSUS001 - Underscoring Disc 1
NSUS002 - Underscoring Disc 2

NSWM001 - World Music Disc 1
NSWM002 - World Music Disc 2
NSWM003 - World Music Disc 3

NSWS001 - Wild Side Disc 1
NSWS002 - Wild Side Disc 2
NSWS003 - Wild Side Disc 3
NSWS004 - Wild Side Disc 4
NSWS005 - Wild Side Disc 5
NSWS006 - Wild Side Disc 6
NSWS007 - Wild Side Disc 7
NSWS008 - Wild Side Disc 8

NSXT001 - Xtreme Disc 1
NSXT002 - Xtreme Disc 2
NSXT003 - Xtreme Disc 3
NSXT004 - Xtreme Disc 4 - Eve Dowdle/Brett T. Raymond/KeriLyn Lenhart/Jessica L. Call/Russ Eastland/Blair Sutherland
NSXT005 - Xtreme Disc 5 - Eve Dowdle/Nathan Hofheins/KeriLyn Lenhart/Ginny Gale-Waldis

Producer Series:
NSPS-1980-001 - Producer Series, 1980's Disc 1
NSPS-1980-002 - Producer Series, 1980's Disc 2
NSPS-1980-003 - Producer Series, 1980's Disc 3

NSPS-1990-001 - 1990's Disc 1

NSPS-ACT-001 - Producer Series, Action Disc 1
NSPS-ACT-002 - Producer Series, Action CD #2 - Lisle Moore/D. Todd Sorensen/Scott Reinwand/Holly Frates/Lyle Durland/Vince Frates/Thomas R. Hopkins/Ben Carson/Daniel Lee/James Guymon (2003)
NSPS-ACT-003 - Producer Series, Action Disc 3
NSPS-ACT-004 - Producer Series, Action Disc 4

NSPS-ADV-001 - Producer Series, Adventure Disc 1
NSPS-ADV-002 - Producer Series, Adventure Disc 2
NSPS-ADV-003 - Producer Series, Adventure CD #3 - ???? (2005)

NSPS-ALT-001 - Producer Series, Alternative Rock CD# 1

NSPS-CHZ-001 - Producer Series, Cheeze/Kitsch Disc 1

NSPS-COR-001 - Producer Series, Corporate Disc 1
NSPS-COR-002 - Producer Series, Corporate Disc 2
NSPS-COR-003 - Producer Series, Corporate Disc 3

NSPS-DAN-001 - Producer Series, Dance Disc 1

NSPS-EPC-001 - Producer Series, Epic Disc 1

NSPS-FAN-001 - Producer Series, Fantasy Disc 1

NSPS-GTR-001 - Producer Series, Guitars Disc 1
NSPS-GTR-002 - Producer Series, Guitars Disc 2

NSPS-HEA-001 - Producer Series, Heart Rending/Moving Disc 1
NSPS-HEA-002 - Producer Series, Heart Rending/Moving Disc 2

NSPS-HOR-001 - Producer Series, Horror/Sci-Fi CD #1
NSPS-HOR-002 - Producer Series, Horror/Sci-Fi Disc 2

NSPS-HUM-001 - Producer Series, Comedy/Humor Disc 1
NSPS-HUM-002 - Producer Series, Comedy/Humor Disc 2
NSPS-HUM-003 - Producer Series, Comedy/Humor Disc 3

NSPS-JSM-001 - Producer Series, Jazz Smooth Disc 1
NSPS-JSM-002 - Producer Series, Jazz Smooth Disc 2

NSPS-JZS-001 - Producer Series, Jazz/Swing Disc 1

NSPS-Kid-001 - Producer Series, Kids/Cartoons Disc 1

NSPS-LT-001 - Producer Series, Latin Disc 1
NSPS-LT-002 - Producer Series, Latin Disc 2

NSPS-PAS-001 - Producer Series, Pastoral Disc 1

NSPS-ROM-001 - Producer Series, Comedy (Romantic) Disc 1
NSPS-ROM-002 - Producer Series, Comedy (Romantic) Disc 2
NSPS-ROM-003 - Producer Series, Comedy (Romantic) Disc 3

NSPS-Shorts-001 - Producer Series, Short Rises Disc 1

NSPS-SPT-001 - Producer Series, Sports Disc 1
NSPS-SPT-002 - Producer Series, Sports Disc 2

NSPS-SUS-001 - Producer Series, Suspense CD#1
NSPS-SUS-002 - Producer Series, Suspense CD#2
NSPS-SUS-003 - Producer Series, Suspense CD#3
NSPS-SUS-004 - Producer Series, Suspense CD#4

NSPS-VOC-001 - Producer Seres, Vocal Disc 1
NSPS-VOC-002 - Producer Seres, Vocal Disc 2

NSPS-WLD-001 - Producer Series, World Music Disc 1

NSPS107 - Aggressive Decibels
NSPS108 - Hot Latin
NSPS116 - Organic Networks
NSPS117 - Riff Rock Mania
NSPS118 - Commercial Lingerie 6
NSPS119 - Elevate 2

NSPSIND01 - Indie 1 - Jamen Brooks/John B. Hancock/Marcus Bently (Marc Thorup)/Joel Pack (2009)
Title: Re: Non Stop Music Library
Post by: SpenserJackson on January 13, 2019, 10:16:23 PM
Does anyone have the download links to these albums
Title: Re: Non Stop Music Library
Post by: Mr on January 13, 2019, 10:35:35 PM
The label ended up under Warner/Chappell Production Music, which still hosts the Producer Series. The rest you'll probably have to buy on CD.
Title: Re: Non Stop Music Library
Post by: Piter on January 03, 2025, 08:04:58 PM
The label ended up under Warner/Chappell Production Music, which still hosts the Producer Series. The rest you'll probably have to buy on CD.

I just found out that the "Producer Series" is nothing but their old albums just reorganized differently, meaning that 90% of their library is available on the Warner/Chappell website.

The "NSAT Attitude" series was re-released on both Non-Stop and Attitude as an independent library.

The 90% is because these albums are nowhere to be found, not even their names:


These were labeled on their website as "This is not a released CD" and some tracks were re-released on the AudioActive library:

NSUS001   Underscoring - Disc 1
NSUS002   Underscoring - Disc 2

These I'd assume are the same as Comedy - Humor 1/2/3:

NSCY001   Comedy - Disc 1
NSCY002   Comedy - Disc 2

I couldn't verify the tracks of these 2 to see if they are on new albums:

NSTD001   Techno/Dance - Disc 1
NSTD002   Techno/Dance - Disc 2

Hope this helps to someone looking for old tracks from this library.
Title: Re: Non Stop Music Library
Post by: Mr on January 06, 2025, 11:24:40 AM
Excellent addition, I was not aware of that - thanks for sharing!