Library Music Themes

Info Database => Track IDs => Topic started by: ζBUS on January 18, 2025, 01:44:19 AM

Title: Unknown Y2K-ish library track shared by two unlikely sources
Post by: ζBUS on January 18, 2025, 01:44:19 AM
Greetings, library music enjoyers! Today I present an unknown track far outside of the community's preference for 60s/70s/80s Western European library, and I have again resorted to asking for your help.

Don't panic though, it's not something from today's YouTube Audio Library/Artlist/Epidemic Sound slop; this track I'd say dates from 2000 or so, which is still right up the alley of some of us here at LMT.

I have usually not recieved responses to tracks I've presented for the community to ID in the past, so this time, as proof that this piece is indeed library, I present TWO unrelated sources using the same cue I'm looking for this time!

First, this old Road & Track TV video clip from 2006...

...and second, this narrated guide to online dating by Bob Lange (the tune is heard at the 11 second mark here).

AHA brings up the second video when I try to identify this track on their system. The offline fingerprinter was of no help either, only yielding the occasional false match with too few common hashes.

Could this be from one of the more obscure Y2K-era libraries which I've generally slept on in the past, such as Sound Ideas, BackTraxx, Music 2 Hues, or even Getty Images' long lost Pump Audio library?

Good luck, and thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Unknown Y2K-ish library track shared by two unlikely sources
Post by: ChunYinZi on January 18, 2025, 12:41:24 PM
This is from the American library  “TracksNow Music Library”

Album released in 2003

Music name : Sports Theme

Composer : Steve Hansen

Album Name : TracksNow Volume 4

Title: Re: Unknown Y2K-ish library track shared by two unlikely sources
Post by: ζBUS on January 18, 2025, 06:04:29 PM
Thank you so much! ChunYinZi delivers again!