Library Music Themes

Info Database => Labels => Topic started by: Mr on September 20, 2024, 01:04:35 PM

Title: The No License Required Music Library (NLR)
Post by: Mr on September 20, 2024, 01:04:35 PM
US label under NLR Inc., based in Fort Lauderdale, FL., itself a division of RTV Sales Corp.
Associated publisher is Waygate Publishing Co. (ASCAP).
Catalogue seems to be a mix of licensed cues from Poland/Italy as well as original material.

Vol. 1 - Comic/Light (1984)
Vol. 2 - Panorama/Environmental (1984)
Vol. 3 - Light Industrial (1984)
Vol. 4 - Moods (1984)
Vol. 5 - Spirely (1984)
Vol. 6 - Astro Watch (1984)
Vol. 7 -
Vol. 8 - Music Effects (1984)
Vol. 9 - Movie Music (1984)
Vol. 10 - New Day (1984)
Vol. 11 - Hey Boxer! (1985)
Vol. 12 - Fan Fare (1985)

Vol. 1 - Carlo Rustichelli/Gianni Ferrio/Ennio Morricone/"Bixio" (misattribution, likely referring to the original publisher - actually composed by Giulio D'Alessandro/others?)
Vol. 2 - Giorgio Gaslini/Fred Bongusto/Augusto Martelli/Ennio Morricone/Enrico Simonetti/Franco Bixio/Piero Piccioni/Carlo Savina/Gianni Ferrio
Vol. 3 - Franco Bixio
Vol. 4 - no composers listed (actually: Piero Piccioni/Carlo Savina/Guido De Angelis/Maurizio De Angelis/Armando Trovaioli/Teo Usuelli/Ennio Morricone/A. Francesco Lavagnino/Augusto Martelli/Enrico Simonetti/Carlo Rustichelli/Gianni Ferrio/Giorgio Gaslini)
Vol. 5 - Pierce?
Vol. 6 - Pierce?/Alex?
Vol. 7 -
Vol. 8 - Pierce?
Vol. 9 - Pierce?
Vol. 10 -
Vol. 11 - San Mateo (Mateusz Swiecicki)/Andrzej Korzynski
Vol. 12 - San Mateo (Mateusz Swiecicki)/Andrzej Korzynski/"Hompozejtor" (presumably a misattribution; misspelling of "kompozytor" ('composer'))

Reissue key:
Vol. 1:
A1 - A Strange Old Man (Rustichelli) = slightly looped (edited) version of "Uno strano vecchietto" (Cinevox MDF 33-7 "Vado vedo e sparo")
A2 - Dixieland (Ferrio) = "Dixieband" (Cinevox MDF 33/52 "Amico, stammi lontano almeno un palmo.... (la ballata di Ben and Charlie)")
A3 - I Come, I See, I Conquer (Rustichelli) = "Vado, vedo e sparo" (Cinevox MDF 33-7 "Vado vedo e sparo")
A4 - Fire Eater (Ferrio) = slightly looped (edited) version of "Il mangiatore di fuoco" (Cinevox MDF 33/52 "Amico, stammi lontano almeno un palmo.... (la ballata di Ben and Charlie)")
A5 - High Adventure (Ferrio) = "Le avventure di Top, cane fedele" (Cinevox M.D.F. 33/62 "L'isola misteriosa e il Capitano Nemo")
A6 - Flute Minuet (Rustichelli) = "Minuetto flautato" (Cinevox MDF 33/17 "Satyricon")
A7 - I'm Returning Home (Morricone) = "Ritorno a casa" (Cinevox MDF 33/60 "La cosa buffa")
A8 - Flowers of the Almond Tree (Rustichelli) = "Fiori di mandorlo" (Cinevox MDF 33/17 "Satyricon")
A9 - Little Bird (Ferrio) = shortened (edited) version of "Piccolo mistero a palazzo" (Cinevox MDF 33/65 "La calandria")
A10 - Circus Gang (Rustichelli) = "La banda del circo" (Cinevox MDF 33/28 "La collina degli stivali")
B1 - Rules of the Game (Bixio) = instrumental version of "Ma perchè domani" (Cinevox SC 15 "L'aeroplano"), NOTE: has an added synth lead melody. The synth sounds like a Yamaha DX7 and was probably added around the time of release, 1984.
B2 - Almost Near (Bixio) = ????, NOTE: sounds to have an added 80's synth bass.
B3 - Tender Game (Bixio) = instrumental, shortened (edited) version of "C'era una volta" (Cinevox SC 15 "L'aeroplano"), NOTE: also with added synth lead melody.
B4 - A Blue Veil (Bixio) = instrumental version of "Che cosa resterà" (Cinevox SC 15 "L'aeroplano"), NOTE: also with added synth lead melody.
B5 - Toward the Sky (Bixio) = instrumental, shortened (edited) version of "Jobim" (Cinevox SC 15 "L'aeroplano"), NOTE: also with added synth lead melody.
B6 - Destiny (Bixio) = ????, NOTE: sounds to have an added 80's synth lead melody.
B7 - Merrily (Bixio) = ????, NOTE: sounds to have an added 80's synth lead melody.

Vol. 2:
A1 - Moments (Gaslini) = "Attimi" (Cinevox MDF 33/51 "Un omicidio perfetto a termine di legge")
A2 - Giorgia's Motif (Bongusto) = "Motivo di Giorgia" (Cinevox MDF 33/55 "Gli ordini sono ordini")
A3 - Ballad of a Night in the North (Gaslini) = "Ballata di una notte al nord" (Cinevox MDF 33/46 "La pacifista")
A4 - What's Written in the Wind (Gaslini) = "Cio' che e' scritto nel vento" (Cinevox MDF 33/59 "Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobile")
A5 - Smiling (Gaslini) = "Sorridendo" (Cinevox MDF 33/59 "Rivelazioni di un maniaco sessuale al capo della squadra mobile")
A6 - Therefore (Martelli) = "Therefore" (Cinevox MDF 018 "Il magnifico Robin Hood")
A7 - How Miraculous (Morricone) = "Come un miracolo" (Cinevox MDF 034 "Forza G")
A8 - Variations on a Theme (Simonetti) = "Variazione del tema" (Cinevox MDF 33/66 "Baciamo le mani")
A9 - Clara's Theme (Simonetti) = "Tema di Clara" (Cinevox M.D.F. 041 "Il magnate")
B1 - Suspended in the Clouds (Morricone) = "Sospesi tra le nuvole" (Cinevox MDF 034 "Forza G")
B2 - Talking Bells (Gaslini) = "Bells-Dialogue" (Cinevox MDF 33/46 "La pacifista")
B3 - Death and Destruction (Rustichelli) = "Morte e distruzione" (Cinevox MDF 33/13 "Probabilita' zero")
B4 - White Temptations (Gaslini) = "Tentazione bianca" (Cinevox MDF 33/51 "Un omicidio perfetto a termine di legge")
B5 - Freedom (Piccioni) = "Voglia di libertà" (Cinevox MDF 33/53 "Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore")
B6 - Bad Advice (Bixio) = "Consiglio di mala" (Cinevox MDF 33/69 "Diario segreto da un carcere femminile")
B7 - Single (Savina) = "Sgomento" (Cinevox MDF 33/19 "I due Kennedy")
B8 - Sensations (Ferrio) = "Sensazioni" (Cinevox MDF 33/52 "Amico, stammi lontano almeno un palmo.... (la ballata di Ben and Charlie)")

Vol. 3:
A1 - Affectionately Yours (F. Bixio) = ????
A2 - White Beach (F. Bixio) = ????
A3 - A Night with You (F. Bixio) = ????
A4 - Two Leaps (F. Bixio) = ????
B1 - Sensations (F. Bixio) = ????
B2 - Voyage to the South (F. Bixio) = ????
B3 - Going Sailing (F. Bixio) = ????
B4 - Launchings 1 (F. Bixio) = ????
B5 - Launchings 2 (F. Bixio) = ????
B6 - Slow Flight (F. Bixio) = ????
B7 - Rain Cloud (F. Bixio) = ????
B8 - Hours of Love (F. Bixio) = ????
B9 - Palm Trees in the Sun (F. Bixio) = ????

Vol. 4:
A1 - Release Me = "Voglia di libertà" (Cinevox MDF 33/53 "Mimì metallurgico ferito nell'onore")
A2 - Ursus = "Ursus" (Cinevox MDF 33/19 "I due Kennedy")
A3 - Arriving in America = "Arrivo a New York" (Cinevox MDF 33/64 "Afyon oppio")
A4 - One Woman = "Paolina" (Cinevox MDF 33/26 "Nell'anno del Signore")
A5 - Epitaph = shortened (edited) version of "Epitaffio" (Cinevox MDF 33/45 "L'udienza")
A6 - Romeo & Juliet = "Come Giulietta e Romeo" (Cinevox MDF 33/60 "La cosa buffa")
B1 - Panzer Assault = "Assalto al panzer" (Cinevox MDF 33/12 "La battaglia dell'ultimo panzer")
B2 - Therefore = "Therefore" (Cinevox MDF 018 "Il magnifico Robin Hood")
B3 - Looking = slightly looped (edited) version of "L'agguato" (Cinevox MDF 33/66 "Baciamo le mani")
B4 - Mexican Dance = "Mexico lindo" (Cinevox MDF 33/9 "I quattro dell'Ave Maria")
B5 - High Adventure = "Le avventure di Top, cane fedele" (Cinevox M.D.F. 33/62 "L'isola misteriosa e il Capitano Nemo")
B6 - Small Invention = slightly looped (edited) version of "Piccola invenzione a due voci" (Cinevox MDF 33/58 "Quando le donne si chiamavano madonne")

Vol. 12:
A1 - Fan Fare (San Mateo) = ????
Theater Suite (San Mateo):
A2 - A. Tension = ????
A3 - B. Tension / Melancholy = ????
A4 - C. Dread = ????
A5 - D. CLimax = ????
A6 - E. Horror Build = ????
A7 - F. Suspense = ????
A8 - G. Aftermath = ????
A9 - "Old Kings" (San Mateo) = ????
A10 - Short Life (Korzynski) = "Krótkie życie" (unknown origin, performed by ARP Life)
A11 - Adelaida (Korzynski) = "Adelajda" (Tonpress S-64 "Tango jalousie/Adelajda")
B1 - Cruel Monks (Hompozejtor) = ????
B2 - Monk's Woe (Hompozejtor) = ????
B3 - Monk's Doom (Hompozejtor) = ????
B4 - Chimes of the Monks (Hompozejtor) = ????
Title: Re: The No License Required Music Library (NLR)
Post by: musictheorist on September 21, 2024, 01:14:46 AM
Some of these tracks got used on the Extreme Music album, XCD 004 - Cheeze.
Title: Re: The No License Required Music Library (NLR)
Post by: Lord Thames on October 04, 2024, 02:18:09 AM
Ah, so that's where the tracks credited to (but definitely not composed by) Jim Blake came from - NLR appears to have had some arrangement with the BBC sound effects library too, which may explain how some of Dennis Wilson's silent movie tracks ended up being released by Exteme wrongly credited to Blake
Title: Re: The No License Required Music Library (NLR)
Post by: Mr on November 13, 2024, 12:31:33 PM
Updated with a reissue key, identifying some of the original track titles and their origins. Most or all of the Italian cues are from Cinevox.