Library Music Themes

General Sharing & Discussion => Members Lounge => Topic started by: stackjackson on January 29, 2018, 04:18:49 PM

Title: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on January 29, 2018, 04:18:49 PM
The Original Library Music Themes (LMT) first opened to the public on 21 November, 2012. This visionary project was started by Retronic, who successfully ran it alone for some years before inviting a couple of others to help with admin and maintenance. Despite many ups and downs, LMT has been alive and active ever since. This is the Official Version 7, owned and operated by Retronic and the original LMT crew. Accept no substitutes!

Welcome aboard and enjoy!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on January 29, 2018, 05:19:12 PM
So glad to be here.  I didn't know the date it started but it came on the back of ending the retro-teque blog which started in March 2010.   Those old rips are archaic now, in compressed 128kbps- we've come a long way and quality not quantity has become more appealing.
I'm looking forward to re-capturing some of the old spirit of 2012; but you can't go back and things have changed.   Back then, almost every post was a big deal because stuff was so rare.  Newer followers of the genre probably can't imagine this.  When I posted 'DWSLP 3392 - Mean and Dirty' people messaged me asking me to take it down and keep it rare.  People had a hunger to hear more.  They may have heard one track that had been sampled by someone and were dying to hear more of that LP.  The way we listen has changed as technology has advanced. It's easy now to download an entire back catalogue of many labels.  That was something I dreamt of in the early to mid 90's when you were lucky to own a few LPs.

Let's keep enjoying, talking about and sharing our passion for the music.  It's easy to grab everything and never even listen to most of it- over exposure can make us take it for granted. I'm looking forward to more library chat in the years to come.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 29, 2018, 05:26:18 PM
I'm proud to be a part of this community, and so glad we can go on and share our knowledge and passion in this new warm home.

A big welcome to everyone who'll join us.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on January 30, 2018, 12:43:27 AM
Happy to be back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: keir on January 31, 2018, 01:07:52 AM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: owlglass on January 31, 2018, 03:23:41 AM
What a great surprise!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: a8detective on January 31, 2018, 03:39:14 AM
     Nice to be here! Thank you for setting it up. Vive le V.7!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: ITK1000 on January 31, 2018, 11:05:04 AM
Glad this was created.  Good to see everyone again.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: roope on January 31, 2018, 03:36:02 PM
 8) to be here!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Pumi on January 31, 2018, 04:12:54 PM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: LMTH303 on January 31, 2018, 05:31:37 PM
Thanks for giving me "safe-conduct" to the site again...will definitely feel more confortable with all of you around here...
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: [(Sub)] on January 31, 2018, 07:07:49 PM
Ellemtee 7 I believe in you !
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Muff Diver on January 31, 2018, 10:12:44 PM

I"m so glad we're all back where we belong. Believe it or not, I've missed you all.

I came back within hours of the Christmas Coup and immediately messaged Mr because 'suddenly' I was unable to raise any familiar faces at the previous spot. The news I received from Mr about our board was very shocking.

What a way to 'come home,' to find it wrecked and ransacked and none of your old keys will work in opening the door. That was my state of mind at the time - severe shock.

But we're all back, thanks to the technology to stay in touch.

I want to personally thank both Retronic and Mr for staying in touch with me and eventually sending me the "all clear" signal to return.

Anyways, thanks for letting me vent here. I really have missed the old folks and our wonderful board.

And I've also brought along some goodies which I'll be posting up very soon.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 31, 2018, 10:37:06 PM
I'm really really happy MD to see you back.

p.s. no squirrel??
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: elifunk on February 01, 2018, 11:54:08 AM
it's fantastic can see you again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 01, 2018, 11:58:32 AM
hey guys!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Flemming on February 01, 2018, 06:34:17 PM
Been around, since the first LMT and now its v7, time flies when your having a good time, im very thankful and grateful to be part of this. Thank you very much everybody  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 01, 2018, 06:44:18 PM
Good to see you Flemming! 
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Lobbykiller on February 01, 2018, 09:12:07 PM
Bless the real LMT!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Muff Diver on February 02, 2018, 02:31:32 AM
I'm really really happy MD to see you back.

p.s. no squirrel??

I haven't found the way to post up an avatar, yet.
It's been so long that I'll have to find Mr Squirrel again. Or download another.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 02, 2018, 04:58:29 AM
Ha! There he is..
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Simon666 on February 02, 2018, 08:56:21 AM
Great to see everyone here!  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Dick Turpin on February 02, 2018, 11:15:09 AM
Hi all and nice to see the familiar faces once again, ding ding round 7.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zebrazub on February 02, 2018, 07:40:09 PM
Howdo everybody, like the new logo!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Col Wolfe on February 02, 2018, 09:00:57 PM
This is very pleasing - lots of familiar names again.

Looking at the other place was like being in an episode of The Twilight Zone... looked the same on the surface but something.  Wasn’t.  Quite.  Right.   :o
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: morioncosacu on February 03, 2018, 03:55:37 AM
Hello and thank you for approval to join the board. Congratulations with the new home and actually the real one.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 03, 2018, 08:36:43 AM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Your Pal Doug on February 03, 2018, 11:16:49 AM
Thanks for the Welcome Mat RT
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Lord Thames on February 03, 2018, 08:56:06 PM
Well, hello again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: The_Eleventh_Hour on February 03, 2018, 10:37:51 PM
Thank goodness. Sanity will prevail at last!

Great to be here, thanks once again for setting up numero 7 - Fingers crossed it will be static for some while!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Caligula81 on February 04, 2018, 03:46:08 PM

I'm a little bit confused. Are there actually two different versions of LMT online? I see some members posting on both sides.

Anyway, good to see that there is still such a great community  collecting library music.


Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 04, 2018, 03:51:35 PM
It's a long story but here's a taste of what happened:
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Caligula81 on February 04, 2018, 04:57:14 PM
It's a long story but here's a taste of what happened:

That's sad and the whole story sounds really creepy. I just wondered why "mr" invites me to a new forum, but is still active as "mister" at the old board. But now, a closer look at "mister's" profile pic there, debunked the account as fake. I hope you don't have too much trouble with this kind of bs and thanks again for your continuous work over all this years.

For the love of music,


Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 04, 2018, 05:15:27 PM
Hello Caligula, nice to see you again!

About the lost LMTv6, the whole group that has been banned, still have their account there.
I would like to delete my account, and others probably too, but it's not possible cause the site is not reachable anymore for us.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 05, 2018, 12:43:25 AM
yeah i got locked out too. sent a message trying to get back in (cause PL is still there), but all i got was a message asking me to explain a comment i made on Retronic's blog. clearly i'm not wanted there, haha.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: milliondollars on February 05, 2018, 12:06:38 PM
nice to see you guys back on the scene...
nice to be in here again!  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 05, 2018, 01:58:01 PM
And nice to see you back home milliondollars.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: FictionOfColours on February 06, 2018, 12:26:38 AM
Hello again Mr! It's dreamfortress, the one who made the Library Music Disc 2 list. I don't know how much I'll end up posting here but I thought I'd let you know I'm here. Will probably put up a thread of some sort for my own library playlists in the DIY Compilations board.

And of course, hello to everyone else. I'm a big library fan, particularly of the 80s period; became obsessed thanks to the Sonne Immage youtube channel along with some Discogs searching, etc.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Muff Diver on February 06, 2018, 12:27:35 AM
sent a message trying to get back in, but all i got was a message asking me to explain a comment i made on Retronic's blog. 

Hey, Zach, I'm gladdaseeya once again! Are you unable to get in touch w PL since being locked out of LMT 6?

Speaking of which, even after stealing LMT 6 and changing the locks, that Mouthbreathing Moderator still feels the need to snoop around Retronic's site, jiggling all the doorknobs, searching for something else to steal. After all the harm it's caused, it's still feeling the paranoia and need to spy on the true Citizens of LMT "just in case." 

Years after the fact, Mouthbreather will most likely still be checking the rear view mirror, always with a feeling of worried dread. I guess when a person makes a lifestyle out of ripping people off, constantly looking over one's shoulder becomes a necessary survival skill.

That's no way to live.

That's one thing I've always enjoyed about LMT: the feeling of being in a safe community. Somehow, I get the feeling if this were a real village someplace, nobody would feel the need to lock their doors. How can that be a bad thing?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 06, 2018, 01:27:44 AM
Welcome, Dreamfortress! Glad to see you made it.
For those not aware, the "Disc 2" list he's talking about is a very nice 'best of' list for synth-y 80's library music he did over at RYM. Check it out (!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 06, 2018, 01:36:43 AM
Welcome Dreamfortress.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on February 06, 2018, 02:55:51 AM
That's one thing I've always enjoyed about LMT: the feeling of being in a safe community. Somehow, I get the feeling if this were a real village someplace, nobody would feel the need to lock their doors. How can that be a bad thing?

I agree, Muff. We've got a great community here, always have... and folks like you are a major part of it :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 06, 2018, 03:02:11 AM
I'm gladdaseeya once again! Are you unable to get in touch w PL since being locked out of LMT 6?

hey muff diver, great to see you too, always love reading your posts. yeah i've been in contact with PL, but unfortunately it doesn't look like he'll be over here anytime soon.  :-\
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zebrazub on February 08, 2018, 07:53:54 PM
Found myself locked out also after a few of my PM's went missing strangely. I had the feeling I was being spied on.

I hope PL joins us at some point  :-\
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: highplainsdrifter on February 11, 2018, 12:35:06 PM
Glad to see the old gang is back together again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 11, 2018, 04:40:23 PM
Good to see you again HPD. I like your avatar.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Jorge on February 12, 2018, 07:31:37 PM
Hi everyone,

Thanks to Mr for inviting me again.

I don't want to talk much about the "other" board, but they obviously have a great issue.

Perhaps it's a joke, but it has been hacked by "Morocco Cyber Army", who wants a ransom!?

Happy to be here
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 12, 2018, 07:39:28 PM
haha, wow he actually put up a fake hacked alert. crazy.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 12, 2018, 08:34:16 PM
Speachless.. this guy simply knows no limits.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on February 12, 2018, 08:42:07 PM
Welcome back Jorge, and everyone else!
The community is coming back together  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 12, 2018, 08:49:47 PM
Oh yeah, exactly.
I welcomed you on Safred topic Jorge.
But I do it form here too.
As Stack says, we're back again together.
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: apiko on February 13, 2018, 07:23:10 AM
I am very happy that the website and friends are back.   8]

Hello again to all friends. Many know me from Soulseek as kadehim aka so on other platforms apiko.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: BlackwatchPlaid on February 13, 2018, 07:29:31 AM
Ah great!  Nice to see this project didn't die.  Thanks to Mr for letting me know about it.  Better late than never :D

BTW, do the old rules apply here?  Most of what I have to share is studio released stuff and CD material.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: vchw on February 13, 2018, 08:25:46 AM
Hi there!  I'm a newbie here.  Many thanks to Big Archive for pointing me to this site.  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 13, 2018, 04:21:13 PM
Welcome (back), new and old!
Nice to see you here, kadehim :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 13, 2018, 04:25:03 PM
Welcome back Blackwatch.

And a special welcome to Apiko and vchw.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 13, 2018, 04:59:33 PM
Warm welcome everyone :-)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: tymime on February 14, 2018, 06:39:11 AM
Got suspicious when I saw the "hacker" message. Did some Googling, learned what was going on, wound up here. I don't know what it is, but somehow I realize now that the other place didn't feel real...

Anyway, glad to be back here. Hopefully for keeps this time (this board has some rough times, doesn't it?).
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 14, 2018, 09:57:37 PM
Welcome tymime. Yeah, for keeps..
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Walk the Skies 202 on February 14, 2018, 11:34:07 PM
Yo yo. Glad to see so many familiar faces again.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 15, 2018, 12:33:50 AM
Welcome back Skywalker.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: October Country on February 15, 2018, 04:09:27 AM
Now this lifts the spirits! :) Good to be Home once more, or like our old friend Bilbo says, "There And Back Again!"
And good to see the OG LMT crew back proper :) :) :)
Here's to LMT v7, Long may you run! Out all ye server gremlins, jealous bots & angry old ghosts!!!
Change - Return - Success!
I raise a toast to the New - Cheers!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 15, 2018, 08:58:04 AM
Nice cheery first post OC!  Good to see you :-)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Di Granti on February 15, 2018, 12:31:45 PM
Hi all mates
very glad to return to home and see all you are fine. I will post some libraries this week!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 15, 2018, 12:33:25 PM
Welcome back October and Di Granti.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 15, 2018, 09:23:43 PM
Welcome back! Nice to see even more familiar faces :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Rocco on February 16, 2018, 10:27:38 PM
Hello to all, I'm very glad to have found the community again.
I've been following you for some time on the previous boards. After learning something more about library music, I'd like to join the forum.
Thank you so very much.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 16, 2018, 10:29:02 PM
Welcome Rocco.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Jimmy Rich on February 17, 2018, 06:51:09 AM
Greetings, library music fans.

I am on this board now, to stay.

It shames me somewhat that I haven't even heard of this one (.NET) until "Morocco" invaded the other board (.COM)

- Sony Spy (previously Jimmy Rich)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on February 17, 2018, 07:54:29 AM
It's a long (and ridiculous) story!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on February 17, 2018, 01:52:44 PM
Greetings, library music fans.

I am on this board now, to stay.

It shames me somewhat that I haven't even heard of this one (.NET) until "Morocco" invaded the other board (.COM)

- Sony Spy (previously Jimmy Rich)

Welcome back, Jimmy ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Your Pal Doug on February 17, 2018, 02:35:16 PM
I was hoping you'd find us Sony Spy/JimmyRich
I was looking for you on Soulseek JRich1960.  You still there?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 17, 2018, 03:57:32 PM
Hello and welcome back JR/SS.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 18, 2018, 04:20:11 PM
welcome all! i emailed a ton of old members yesterday (anyone that i remembered, had the email of, and wasn't here yet).
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Rexkramer77 on February 18, 2018, 07:03:04 PM
welcome all! i emailed a ton of old members yesterday (anyone that i remembered, had the email of, and wasn't here yet).
Many thanks for your message.It's great to be part of this wonderful community again.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 18, 2018, 07:15:34 PM
Hey Rex, a warm welcome back. Nice to see you again.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 18, 2018, 08:17:18 PM
Ha! I've just noticed you came in as user n.77!!
What a timing..
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Rexkramer77 on February 18, 2018, 10:41:05 PM
Ha! I've just noticed you came in as user n.77!!
What a timing..
Good catch! I didn't notice that. :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Muff Diver on February 19, 2018, 08:38:03 PM
Everytime I "see" long-time members from the earlier LMT Boards, I feel a bit nostalgic. It's so good to see so many people again that I'd lost track of. I'm glad we're all back together again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zach on February 21, 2018, 01:49:34 AM
Zach, Many thanks for your message.It's great to be part of this wonderful community again.

glad you made it over!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: gympartnermusic on February 21, 2018, 08:50:19 PM
Hello again, again. Nice to see you all here.

I hope to contribute whatever I can and make this stay a permanent one.  :)

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 22, 2018, 12:19:06 AM
Welcome Gym!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: The Library Zone on February 22, 2018, 09:26:20 PM
Love to be here once again. I hope to contribue as much as i can. 


Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 22, 2018, 10:09:04 PM
Welcome back TLZ.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: mikeysweetz on February 22, 2018, 11:58:38 PM
Thanks for making this happen!

I discovered this only recently after a fellow Soulseek friend PM'd me about it. This was a few months ago, so it was the previous forum (the one with the drama, apparently).

It was excited to join, but then it got "hacked" and I was really bummed (and puzzled).

After reading about the past problems, I glad this new forum exists. Thanks again, and I'm glad to be here!  8] :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 23, 2018, 10:29:16 AM
You're very welcome Mickey.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: JMTeixeira on February 27, 2018, 03:26:10 PM
Hello again guys!

Thankful and proud to see that you keep pushing for this, despite recent setbacks.

Glad to be a part of this, thank you!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 27, 2018, 05:19:21 PM
Welcome back JMT.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Pharcyde on March 01, 2018, 06:40:55 PM
Glad to find you again.
cheers from Greece!!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 02, 2018, 09:47:23 AM
Welcome Pharcyde.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: kablamatic on March 06, 2018, 08:19:15 PM
Guess who's back? KB's back! I still appreciate help from all you for identifying various stock music tracks for my KaBlam! Music Identification Blogs. UPDATE 9/13/22: Blogs listed below have since been deleted due to lack of interest.

Also, one blogger user commented on my third blog asking if any of you have this album (except I just noticed that comment was deleted by the user himself):

If so, a rip would be appreciated! Thanks!

PS (regarding Mr)- Has Selected Sound #5196 worked for you yet via the zip folder? Otherwise, I would be happy to send you the actual CD-ROM myself.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 06, 2018, 08:37:33 PM
Welcome back Kablam
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on March 06, 2018, 09:35:34 PM
Welcome back, K!

PS (regarding Mr)- Has Selected Sound #5196 worked for you yet via the zip folder? Otherwise, I would be happy to send you the actual CD-ROM myself.
Sorry, haven't gotten around to that yet! Let's speak in PM ;)
Title: Hello!
Post by: JimAth on March 08, 2018, 04:09:56 PM
Being introduced to this forum by Mr himself, what can I say other than I found a treasure on-line! So, let me introduce myself...

My name is JimAth, but you can just call me Takis. I'm 21 years old, an Athens resident, and avid fan of library music!

When I was like 11, exactly 10 years ago, I began listening to soundtracks (I grew up with classical and the greek folk traditional music), and whenever I was watching Spongebob I really wanted to have the background music. So, I downloaded a torrent with the "Production Music" (still then, I couldn't exactly understand what was it all about) and submerged into the obscure world of the libraries. Everyday back then, I was googlin' and googlin' for albums (we had the dreaded Rapidshare back then -remember?), downloading and filling up my hard drive. 10 years ago, Facebook was still in its infancy, and blogs and forums were the place-to-be if you were on the search for obscure genres of music. Indeed, the blog community back then was very active and with exceptional quality (remember the Crime Lounge, a guy who used to upload albums but I just can't remember his name). Endless hours on the search...

Through library music, when I was around 15, I discovered jazz (even though I wouldn't fully appreciate it back then, as I do now), other genres and learned to distinguish between composers, eras and styles. When I entered University and had some money from student jobs, I started building my CD and Vinyl collection. I have around 4-5 CDs of Production music as of now (I mostly bought soundtracks and classical at first), but in the future I will enrich it with more findings.
Well, that's my -musical- life story! I hope we can have a very nice time here!



Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 08, 2018, 04:22:27 PM
Hello Takis, nice to read your story.
Welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on March 09, 2018, 03:16:48 AM
Welcome, JimAth!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Timmer on March 10, 2018, 10:37:07 PM
As an avid follower of library music for nearly 40 years, this continuing forum is unquestionably one of life's happy pleasures. A sincere THANK YOU! to those who are responsible for it and to those who so generously give of their time and resources. Back in the pre-Web era, one could have never dreamed it possible such a community of kindred spirits would ever exist.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on March 10, 2018, 10:41:48 PM
Great to see you. ;-)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on March 11, 2018, 12:02:04 AM
Cheers, Timmer. And welcome!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 11, 2018, 01:19:25 AM
Welcome Timmer.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: sguain on March 24, 2018, 01:21:15 PM
Hi all You guys and thanks to Greta for letting me know this beautiful place; it's not a long time I'm into library music but I think I have a reasonable collection, You can find me with the same nick on soulseek, hope I can help...

Have a Good Weekend, Cheers

Ps: sorry for my late "hi" but I haven't had a lot of free time lately
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on March 24, 2018, 01:25:55 PM
Welcome, squain.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on March 24, 2018, 04:05:48 PM
Welcome! Nice avatar ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: niknak on March 27, 2018, 09:54:22 PM
Somehow missed the welcome thread until now.

Hi Everyone, I Fell in love with library music after hearing Mike Ratledge's - Push Button on the tv show button moon back in the 80s.

It took quite a few years of digging and research to find out what music that was, then it was like discovering a whole new world. Library music of the 70's and 80's is pretty much all I ever listen to now.

This forum is just amazing, so pleased I discovered it.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on March 27, 2018, 10:36:47 PM
Welcome, niknak. Glad you found us.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 28, 2018, 11:01:29 AM
Hello Sguain and Niknak. Welcome both aboard.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: joelfan71 on March 29, 2018, 06:36:36 AM
A HUGE WELCOME to all the new members, and the returning ones as well.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Smeg on April 13, 2018, 04:25:19 AM
Hello, between the different boards I am glad to have found this one.  I am mostly a lurker but I will jump in after a while.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on April 13, 2018, 08:16:58 AM
Welcome Smeg.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: mucrim on April 23, 2018, 11:18:46 AM
Hello dear friends. I'm Mucrim, best regards from Istanbul. How nice to be with you again.

We will be together again in the future on Library Music Themes (v8) , Library Music Themes (v9) , Library Music Themes (v10)  :D
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on April 23, 2018, 11:59:43 AM
Welcome back Mucrim.
Let's hope v7 will be the definitive and last one.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: keir on May 04, 2018, 04:03:29 PM
One good thing about having to rejoin after the glitch - I've noticed the selection of preloaded music/celebrity avatars offered by this messageboard, it's incredible - straight out of 2001!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on May 04, 2018, 05:34:41 PM
Welcome back ;)
Hahaha! You know, I found that folder, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what its purpose was.

... I still quite don't.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: keir on May 04, 2018, 06:42:38 PM
Welcome back ;)
Hahaha! You know, I found that folder, but couldn't for the life of me figure out what its purpose was.

... I still quite don't.

It's clearly a convenience, so those of us living in 2001 can show our affiliation to Avril Lavigne or Limp Bizkit without having to source an avatar externally :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on May 04, 2018, 07:21:40 PM
Welcome back Keir.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: UpMarket on May 04, 2018, 07:35:19 PM
Hi all,
New member, though I have been in a pretty heavy library phase for a few years. Have definitely lurked around this forum previously and now looking engage a community of fans. Hi!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on May 04, 2018, 08:12:09 PM
Welcome back, keir!
And welcome aboard, UpMarket.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on May 05, 2018, 01:21:57 AM
Hi UpMarket, welcome!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Kirlian on May 13, 2018, 04:34:39 PM
Hi all, i am new into the library music. by accident i found this site and i really love it. never knew there are SOOO many releases.
Thanks for letting me join.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on May 13, 2018, 04:46:19 PM
You're welcome aboard Kirlian.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on May 13, 2018, 11:27:21 PM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Jimmy Rich on May 14, 2018, 10:13:29 PM
I'm back again, this time as Jimmy Rich not Sony Spy.

Specialty: Spider-Man / Prisoner / Doctor Who background music
Early-mid-60s British library, Conroy/BM/BMLP, JW Theme Music, big band bombast, early electronic
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on May 14, 2018, 10:27:38 PM
Welcome back Jimmy!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on May 14, 2018, 11:50:34 PM
Nice to see you again JR.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on May 15, 2018, 12:59:19 AM
Welcome back! It's a treat to see that Conroy blimp again :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: supaglam on June 02, 2018, 03:06:56 AM
Hi everyone, I have been browsing around the place for a while but, in all the confusion, I realised that I'd forgotten to create a profile. Problem fixed now.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on June 02, 2018, 04:24:15 PM
Welcome supaglam. Glad you decided to create a profile :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: cratedigga on June 03, 2018, 05:52:58 PM
Proud and glad to be here, long life to this amazing site and to everyone!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: mrmonarch on June 20, 2018, 08:20:10 PM
Long time lurker, took the plunge and registered. Love this forum. Hi to all.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on June 20, 2018, 08:53:33 PM
 ;) Welcome. y'all
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on June 22, 2018, 08:29:22 AM
I'm a bit late here, but welcome Cratedigga and MrMonarch.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: puppy azzy on June 23, 2018, 03:06:42 PM
congratulations  for this wonderful  blog
I'm a bit confused because I can not understand the difference between the term "not library  " and "library music" For example, I just downloaded and listened to the album shared by Greta in the Libray Music sector - CML 126 - Don Powell, Adolfo Waitzman , Franco Campanino - Theme With Variations - Sentimental Modern (1977): it contains some excerpts from soundtracks  from the movies  black emanuelle n2 / the climber  la ragazza dalla pelle di corallo  that according to my opinion should be included in the sector " not library "
Please explain the difference to me
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on June 23, 2018, 03:30:29 PM
Many library records were used in films but as opposed to producers paying a composer to write music especially for the film.  Lots of tracks are well known (ie, The Gonk used in Dawn of the Dead) but it is a library track first and foremost.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on June 23, 2018, 05:02:00 PM
congratulations  for this wonderful  blog
I'm a bit confused because I can not understand the difference between the term "not library  " and "library music" For example, I just downloaded and listened to the album shared by Greta in the Libray Music sector - CML 126 - Don Powell, Adolfo Waitzman , Franco Campanino - Theme With Variations - Sentimental Modern (1977): it contains some excerpts from soundtracks  from the movies  black emanuelle n2 / the climber  la ragazza dalla pelle di corallo  that according to my opinion should be included in the sector " not library "
Please explain the difference to me

That's a big topic, puppy azzy. A basic explanation can be found here =>
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on June 24, 2018, 10:43:02 AM
Many library records were used in films but as opposed to producers paying a composer to write music especially for the film.
In Italy, the opposite is often the case too, like with this CAM LP; already composed scores intended for specific films or TV series saw reuse as library cues. This is pretty much never mentioned on the releases themselves, however.

What 'makes' this "library music" in this case is the fact that it was released as part of a series of library releases, see the sleeve for instance:
Also, most of these cues were never released anywhere else.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: vinyl_lover_82 on July 04, 2018, 09:40:36 AM
hi every1,

registered a few weeks ago.....however my profile still hasn't been reviewd and so i still can't use the search function etc. :(

glad if some1 could help me here?

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on July 04, 2018, 11:04:55 AM
Hello Vinyl Lover, and welcome aboard.
Your profile is ok and doesn't need to be reviewed.
To use the search function it is necessary for everyone to be logged in. Just this.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: GabeMcNicols on July 04, 2018, 10:25:07 PM
Greetings my friends. My name is Gabe and similar to a few other "welcomes" that I've read here, I too have also recently discovered this amazing world of library music. I do thank you for allowing me to join, and yet while I'm still quite new to this area of music, I'm also very eager to learn about it. I can tell you my only experience thus far comes from a YouTube channel referencing a few themes from the Tim & Eric show. This may or may not have been a good thing.  :)

Many thanks to you all, Gabe.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on July 04, 2018, 10:28:03 PM
Welcome onboard Gabe.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr Rain on July 05, 2018, 04:00:37 PM
Hello all. I just joined. I've got quite a broad taste in music and I'm particularly into Library at the moment, which I guess has a broad range of styles itself. I came across this board by accident and thought I would have a look round. Thanks for letting me in  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on July 05, 2018, 10:40:18 PM
Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr Rain on July 06, 2018, 11:48:59 AM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on July 06, 2018, 05:21:49 PM
I'm interested in how newer members are getting into library music- share your tales.... :-)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on July 06, 2018, 10:33:36 PM
Welcome Mr Rain.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr Rain on July 07, 2018, 03:06:31 AM
Welcome Mr Rain.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr Rain on July 07, 2018, 03:11:33 AM
I'm interested in how newer members are getting into library music- share your tales.... :-)

It probably started around 10 years ago for me. I think I heard Justin Spear and Stuart Maconie playing and discussing it a few times on 6 music. I bought some compilation and reissue CDs, I went to see KPM All Stars perform live twice (I recorded one show - I should have it somewhere), I bought the Fuel book.

But then, for some unknown reason, my interest petered out.

Cut to last year when I found myself with time on my hands to listen to some music while I was working in the office. I listened to some old British Psych broadcasts on mixcloud and, when I ran out of them, I remembered someone had told me many years before about the OST Show on Resonance FM, so I started listening and was hooked again. Went through the three year archive three times. By this time I had relocated to Singapore and, for a tiny country, it has more than it's fair share of record shops but, when asking about library music, I was met with a blank look. Until I found a guy selling records in a disused factory unit. It turned out a large part of his stock came from broadcasting companies. Bingo! Several shelves packed with library records. The majority are De Wolfe but there are some other labels.

So, my library collection has started. Having said that, I'm not planning to collect as such, just buy the music I like and, if I buy anything I don't like, I will move it on.

And that's my story  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on July 07, 2018, 08:03:19 AM
Wow- somewhere with records for sale on that scale is rare-- enjoy plundering!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on July 07, 2018, 12:29:07 PM
Several shelves packed with library records
Wow, that would be a dram for everyone, to get stumbled with..
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on July 07, 2018, 01:57:12 PM
Singapore? A hidden trove of De Wolfe LPs? Amazing!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on July 07, 2018, 03:03:04 PM
That's quite a story! Welcome :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: GraniteCity on July 10, 2018, 02:14:21 AM
How can I collect library music?
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on July 10, 2018, 09:09:30 AM
Discogs and eBay are good starts if you’re buying LPs.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: GraniteCity on July 10, 2018, 12:14:12 PM
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: GabeMcNicols on July 10, 2018, 06:05:55 PM
I'm interested in how newer members are getting into library music- share your tales.... :-)

For me, I always knew of library music I guess you could say, I just wasn't fully aware of it or how to obtain it. I knew there was this awesome music that I'd hear on commercials or videos, but I just couldn't buy in the local record store, and nobody behind the counter ever knew what I was trying to explain or ask about. For the most part, it was simply a quest that I never fully explored because availability was so limited at the time. Within the last few years though, I guess the itch happened again where I was almost entranced by this music I could never find. Fast forward and I'm glued to the set watching a series called Tim & Eric Awesome Show, and also Dr. Steve Brule, both of which are loaded heavily with library music. I then started watching YouTube videos with information on tracks used in the show which was quite overwhelming, but it was great to finally learn something about this mysterious music that has eluded me all these years. Those steps lead me here, as a complete novice, but still very much entranced.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Shadowfan on July 18, 2018, 11:53:06 AM
I'm Back!! Great to see everyone again.

On another note - Finally managed to actually own an actual KPM 1000 series LP, after endless searching, and record shops going 'what an earth do you mean??'
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Shadowfan on July 18, 2018, 11:58:53 AM
I'm interested in how newer members are getting into library music- share your tales.... :-)

Always had an eclectic taste in music, collected soundtracks and rarities over the years, got record collector book, and the murky depths of the back pages mentioning library music.
started on KPM, Chappell and others, found such a depth and contrast, drives the wife round the bend.
but then again I do like very extreme music too, grindcore, metal, jazz, chiptune and the like.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on July 18, 2018, 04:19:35 PM
Welcome back, Shadowfan! Happy to see you here.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Shadowfan on July 18, 2018, 08:21:37 PM
Welcome back, Shadowfan! Happy to see you here.

glad to see you too.
yes, missed you guys terribly!
so little conversation about this music around...
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on July 19, 2018, 02:36:57 PM
Hello Shadowfan, welcome back.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Tommy Wong on August 22, 2018, 03:57:04 PM
Glad I found this place again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on August 22, 2018, 06:26:47 PM
Welcome back TW!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Muff Diver on August 22, 2018, 09:43:23 PM
My Mac early in July. I'm just now getting back, caught up on messages, etc.

Nice to see familiar faces again.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: ESP on October 01, 2018, 07:46:39 PM
Hello everybody, have loved library music for a long time now. Thanks again for this amazing amazing forum. Glad I found here eventually!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on October 02, 2018, 11:03:02 AM
Welcome ESP.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: ESP on October 23, 2018, 08:18:21 PM
Welcome ESP.

Just a fun headsup, I know roope from a couple years back. He has been a part of my introduction to this wonderful genre.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: roope on October 24, 2018, 08:23:54 PM
Ciao ESP! Nice to see you here!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on October 24, 2018, 09:10:46 PM
Haha, cool. Small world. Welcome!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: ESP on October 25, 2018, 03:14:43 PM
Ciao ESP! Nice to see you here!

Hi Roope, nice to be here. Hope to share some of my rips as a thanks to you people.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: eraserhead on November 18, 2018, 07:57:12 AM
Hi everyone,
I'm new here : I'm glad I found this forum ! I'm into Library music since 3 years now, specially italian one, but I listened to lot of different things from new classical to heavy rock...
(sorry for my poor english, I'm french !)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on November 18, 2018, 01:16:15 PM
Welcome, eraserhead!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on November 19, 2018, 08:39:44 PM
Bienvenue Eraserhead!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: musica pal pueblo on November 22, 2018, 10:58:26 AM
( I aka Guitarradeplastico ... in other )

thank you very much for this blog, I like to be grateful, some wonders I got in this great blog, necessary registration to thank (and ask for more albums)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on November 22, 2018, 08:38:10 PM
Bienvenido Musica Pal Pueblo/Guitarradeplastico.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Andrew on December 12, 2018, 05:36:18 AM
So happy to be back here..  can't believe I didn't come back sooner.

Hahaha  ;D:
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on December 12, 2018, 08:08:36 AM
Warm welcome back  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on December 12, 2018, 01:25:11 PM
Welcome back, Andrew, to your "One Big Happy Family" ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on December 12, 2018, 04:31:03 PM
Nice! Welcome back Andrew.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zibi67 on December 21, 2018, 01:44:49 PM
Better late than never . Hello to all cordially. On the occasion .Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2019 and  wishes for amazing music experiences . Zibi(Zbigniew)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: digdeeper on January 07, 2019, 12:08:06 AM
Hi all,
I'm a bit confused as to the story of LMT until now, since I don't quite recall when I signed up for the last one (, whether it was before or after the apparent original admin being booted out (just read about that now). I only remember having been hijacked by some "Moroccan Cyber Army" and disappearing shortly thereafter. Little did I know there has recently been established the apparent seventh generation of this forum, so I immediately signed up to this forum as well. Even though I haven't received the admin confirmation mail I was promised, it has either happened without notice or I can already login, thankfully.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on January 07, 2019, 03:42:39 AM
Welcome (back) digdeeper. That old .com site was just a glitch...
Not sure about the confirmation mail, but you're here ;)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 07, 2019, 04:44:29 PM
Welcome back digdeeper.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Domi55 on January 12, 2019, 01:52:18 PM
Used to be a member on previous LMT boards. Hopefully (and finally) the hard times are over. Feels great to be back and see you all again!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on January 12, 2019, 04:55:44 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 12, 2019, 11:43:57 PM
Yep, welcome back Domi.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: adamz689 on January 20, 2019, 11:00:12 PM
My name is Adam, and since 8 years I'm collecting video tapes and recovering TV stuff (usually from Polish TV) like oldschool channel designs, closedowns, startups, commercials, news reports etc. Of course TV=library music, especially TV from back then ;)
And I'm here now, introducing myself and hoping to succesfully cooperate with You here.
Regards  ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on January 21, 2019, 03:47:32 AM
Welcome, adamz689.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 22, 2019, 09:01:43 AM
Welcome aboard Adamz.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: VideoExplosion on February 04, 2019, 06:56:07 PM
Hi there everyone, I haven't been here in a while.

I may make some requests soon, as one of my hard drives crashed, and I need to recover some albums.

Happy to share what I have! If anyone wants to make a request.

All the best!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 04, 2019, 09:40:11 PM
Welcome back, VideoExplosion!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 05, 2019, 03:59:21 PM
Welcome back VE.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: exTEPPAMAN on February 18, 2019, 12:45:19 PM
Hello! My name is teppaman.Long time no see.
I noticed last year that the Library Music Themes were rebuilt, but I tried many times and I could not log in with "teppaman" so I created a new account with "exTEPPAMAN".
I have depressed, but now I cured.
I changed jobs and the living environment has changed, so I think that I can not write at frequencies like before.
However, I would like to write it little by little.
Best regards.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 18, 2019, 01:25:54 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 18, 2019, 09:08:19 PM
Nice to see you back Teppaman. Welcome.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Craig-UK on March 20, 2019, 10:21:36 PM
Just wondered if this version forum has a rules post?

I know the previous versions of this board use to have a rules section but I cannot locate one on here.
Reason why I ask is because I see an increase of people who sign up simply to make request after request without contributing the board whether it be an upload or discussion. This is such a great board with many amazing members and would be a shame for it to become full of "give me's".

Also may I make a suggestion on splitting Library Vinyl and CD rips. There are many members on here who simply collect vinyls and some who simply collect CD's. This would make people who collect whichever one a lot easier, plus easier to see if there is any updates. Just an idea anyway.

Keep up the fantastic work!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Silverrider85 on March 21, 2019, 07:24:08 PM
Hi there!

Subscribed me because of the great posts and vibes here on this beautiful place! Been collecting library records for a few years now, and even after all these years it still amazes me how many great records were made, which I've yet to discover! I hope to share some music with you in the near future.

Keep up the good work,
All the best,
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on March 22, 2019, 11:25:32 AM
You've come to the right place, welcome aboard! :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 24, 2019, 02:02:56 AM
Welcome aboard Stijn.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Don M Yowp on March 26, 2019, 07:36:26 AM
A short note to say "hello" once again, having tracked down the forum's latest location.
I see my Pal Doug is here. He really is a pal; he's been very generous and helpful to me over there years.
My interest is mainly in the Langlois and Hi-Q libraries, as well as the EMI Photoplay series from England.
I'll likely lurk when I'm here.

D.M. Yowp
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 26, 2019, 03:32:40 PM
Hello Don, and welcome.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Desmond on April 06, 2019, 02:30:39 PM
Hi everyone!

Finally I found an active forum dedicated to library music.  :D
I'm a big fan of library since a few years. Actually started with me aged 13 or 14, after I found some music I've searched since a long time accidentally when I somehow stumbled into a production music site. 

By now I have listened to more production and trailer music  than film music or any other "normal/popular" type of music!  ;D

I'm usually more into newer production music since production standards obviously greatly increase with newness. I'm also not a collector and very picky. But there is such a ton of production music out there and thus also a ton of gold!

I'm actually also a production and trailer music composer... haven't done much so far, just starting out - but working towards doing this full time. I don't like film scoring, too many restrictions, so library music in any form is the best outlet for me. :)

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Uncle Michael on April 08, 2019, 03:38:01 PM
"production standards obviously greatly increase with newness"


Welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Charlie Spliff on April 09, 2019, 01:11:55 PM
Hey guys & gals, long time no see, hope everyone is well  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on April 09, 2019, 02:16:58 PM
Welcome back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Charlie Spliff on April 09, 2019, 05:55:28 PM
Welcome back!

cheers matey, hope yer well!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: zoomo on April 17, 2019, 01:53:55 PM
Nice to be back albeit a different username, can't remember what it used to be.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Moleoman on April 17, 2019, 10:47:09 PM
Hello, everyone!

I have many nicknames on the Internet, but you can call me Moleoman here, and if I'm not mistaken I'm the second (after adamz689) user from Poland in this forum.

I'm interested in library music since ca. late 2015/2016, having been inspired the fact that adamz689 listed some music tracks identified by YouTube in descriptions of his uploads. Since the YT accounts tend to be banned, and the music YT identification in some reuploads sometimes fails, I've decided to make notes about used stock music in a Word document. Also, I have started to skim through various tracks and libraries (mostly those released before 2005/2006) available on production music websites mostly to find out about some mysteries about tracks I have heard during my childhood.

To ensure that my acquired knowledge about identified library music won't be lost in any way, I've set up some threads about production music in two forums - one in a Polish forum (mostly about tracks used in channels available either in Polish and/or in Poland) and two others on Animesuperheroes (previously Toonzone), each dedicated for stock music used in Turner's kids channels and Disney/Fox Kids/Jetix channels, respectively.

Of course, during my "quest" I have to overcome the obvious problems, such as when a particular track, album or even library becomes discontinued either in one territory or worldwide.  In fact, what frequently surprises me during my findings is when I find out that some musical pieces that I (or to an extent any person interested in stock music) thought to be library music, turns out to be either a commerical one, or even a... sound effect.

I hope my findings would be helpful for anyone interested in such types of music. By the way, I would also like to apologize for my poor English in some places.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on April 18, 2019, 08:05:04 AM
Welcome.  I wouldn't worry about a particular track or album being lost as most things had physical releases on vinyl or CDs somoeone will have it.  If it's was on vinyl somoene here is fairly likely to ne able to get it.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: scyome on April 19, 2019, 09:31:29 AM
I'm happy to know this site  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: kHz on May 09, 2019, 11:48:46 AM

It's my first day here.

Actually, it's my second week here. I've been lurking around the forum, seeing what you folks have been up to. And frankly, I'm blown away.

The amount of work and dedication on display is, to put it mildly, outstanding. Wish I'd discovered this forum earlier!

Cheers and thank you for the music :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on May 09, 2019, 02:44:21 PM
Thanks, kHz, and welcome aboard!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on June 09, 2019, 11:54:22 AM
I've been away for a while, and still not came back regularly,
but it's nice to see new faces and read your stories.
Welcome aboard Desmond, Moleoman, KHz and Zoomo.

And great to see you back too, Charlie Spliff. Missed you.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: sparkdaniel on January 26, 2020, 09:33:45 AM
Found this forum while googling for library music and was so excited to discover an active community dedicated to some of the best music created in the previous century! :)
I love library music and it's the soundtrack that accompanied my childhood, as it was heavily used in TV productions and between programs as filler music.
Excited to be here!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on January 26, 2020, 11:01:55 AM
Welcome aboard. Glad you found us.  Where did you grow up?  I had the same experience growing up with library music in the UK.  Huge chunk of my childhood was spent recording music off the TV with a microphone in my hand trying to stop the budgie chirping!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on January 26, 2020, 01:14:02 PM
Welcome, sparkdaniel!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 26, 2020, 11:48:35 PM
Welcome aboard Sparkdaniel.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: TServo2049 on February 02, 2020, 03:48:08 PM
I think I've been part of every iteration of LMT so far, but somehow I did not register for this one over the past two years. (Well, I swear I did, I even have my password written down and it seems to have been at the time 7.0 started up, but I tried to log in yesterday, it didn't work, and the password reset said my username/email didn't have an account associated with it, so I had to (re?)register.)

Anyway, I'm back!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Mr on February 02, 2020, 06:05:03 PM
Welcome home! We had a minor database screw-up early on which caused some users to 'disappear', that's probably why. Mea culpa
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: TServo2049 on February 02, 2020, 08:33:07 PM
Welcome home! We had a minor database screw-up early on which caused some users to 'disappear', that's probably why. Mea culpa

Mystery solved, I guess. All is forgiven.  :)
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 03, 2020, 01:45:13 AM
Welcome back TServo.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on February 03, 2020, 03:47:13 AM
Yes, an early user glitch as Mr says... happy you made it back after all these years!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: CharlieBucket on March 10, 2020, 03:13:23 AM
Greetings All,

CharlieBucket here. Recently stumbled across your incredible work here. Kudos to you all. I understand the labor of love and dedication it takes to maintain this level of audio sharing. I'm out of country but will do my best to share my part when I return. Ciao Tutti...!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 10, 2020, 05:33:08 PM
Welcome aboard Charlie.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Snowdog on October 14, 2022, 01:03:13 PM
Bad luck, everyone... I found you!

Haha! You can make the forum childproof but I'll still find a way in!  ;D

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on October 15, 2022, 03:09:28 AM
Good deal, Snowdog. Welcome!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on October 15, 2022, 08:29:18 AM
Welcome back Delia!!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: 7daystheory on October 31, 2022, 06:32:20 AM
Hey there. Can you let me know whats best website to upload stuff here. I see a lot requests that i have on my drive so i want to share with others. Some are my own rips, others are from different sources like SLSK. I want to contribute to this site, since so many of you guys are sharing some amazing stuff
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on October 31, 2022, 07:08:11 AM
Pixeldrain is simple. Mediafire, n Racaty all popular too.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on October 31, 2022, 08:33:52 AM
Those. Ditto.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: WIILKAS on April 08, 2023, 07:49:24 PM
Muchas gracias
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Data Panik on February 21, 2024, 10:18:41 AM
Awesome to be here - just discovered this site! Needless to say I'm a record collector... also occasional DJ who liberally sprinkles each show with library music and an eclectic smorgasbord of genres/era's/scenes that grab my ear.
Thanks for this labour of love and looking forward to contributing.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: nidostar on February 21, 2024, 10:36:35 AM
Welcome Data Panik. Sounds like LMT is the place for you. Enjoy!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: danthemusiclover on February 21, 2024, 11:47:09 AM
Hi Data Panik! Welcome
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on February 21, 2024, 12:16:24 PM
Welcome aboard Data Panik.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on February 22, 2024, 03:53:16 AM
Welcome Data!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Kilgoretrout74 on March 23, 2024, 10:31:00 AM
Greetings all. New member. UK based Library obsessive here, primarily Italian and British mid 60's to early 70's stuff: KPM, De Wolfe, Omicron, SR, etc.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on March 23, 2024, 10:58:42 AM
Welcome aboard Kilgoretrout.
Quite my tastes too!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Kilgoretrout74 on March 23, 2024, 11:17:25 AM
Welcome aboard Kilgoretrout.
Quite my tastes too!

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: lebikini on April 16, 2024, 10:16:36 PM
Hello! I’m new here too, having stumbled upon this while searching for a specific rip, and found a treasure trove of information and shared passions!

I’m based in Brighton, UK. I used to scour markets and charity shops for interesting looking vinyl as a teenager, and bought them based on the covers. I started collecting Frank Chacksfield, Bert Kaempfert and of course Geoff Love. Then I discovered the mighty CDHW label of obscure European soundtracks (Schulemadschen Report by Gert Wilden) and exploring Piero Umiliani, Jean Claude Vannier, and Alessandro Alessandroni. Later, I discovered the reissues of Finders Keepers, and Trunk Records, plus a few choice compilations leading me directly to the vaults of KPM, De Wolfe, Harmonic Mood Library and Sylvester.

I’m trying to find my way, and hoping you well-versed lot can help direct me to the diamonds and classics any self-respecting library muso should own!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on April 17, 2024, 02:47:45 PM
Welcome aboard Kilgoretrout and lebikini !
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: chopchop on June 07, 2024, 04:23:51 PM
HI guys I'm new here well not so new I was on the old one then I joined up on this one after I saw it was back up this is my first post on the new site I hope I can contribute a few bits and bobs and discover some old new things too.

Thank you to Retronic and the folks who run and maintain this forum its such a treasure of information and your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on June 08, 2024, 11:24:58 AM
Welcome back chopchop.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: interwho on June 23, 2024, 09:38:54 PM
Hi everyone - I'm also new here, I've been listening to library music for ages, but didn't know what the genre was called. Glad I was able to find this forum - thanks for keeping it running!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on June 23, 2024, 09:54:35 PM
Welcome interwho.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on June 24, 2024, 04:30:09 PM
Welcome aboard, interwho! Glad you found us.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: mistersofty on September 16, 2024, 12:48:54 PM
Hi from Switzerland! I've been digging weird and obscure music as long as I can remember (literally), I'm so glad I stumbled upon this forum.
Thanks to all the contributors, you people are doing God's work.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on September 17, 2024, 02:43:07 PM
Welcome, mistersofty!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on September 19, 2024, 07:40:58 PM
Thanks for your words mistersofty, and welcome aboard.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: SignalsAndBridges on January 13, 2025, 01:41:58 PM
Hello, LMT community! Been lurking on here for a while now. I make a podcast about library music called Signals & Bridges. I started it a little over a year ago and just released episode 17. Most episodes to-date have been sort of variety packs of whatever I happened to dig up (with a couple artist profile episodes mixed in), but I recently shifted to a label-by-label approach, thanks in large part to what I’ve learned from the wonderful folks on this site!

I was hesitant to post here at first because I knew next to nothing about library when I was starting out (the show has a “let’s learn together” premise), but after using LMT as a research source for a while, I’ve seen what a great, positive, supportive community this is, so I thought I ought to say hello! So, so glad this corner of the internet exists. I’m humbled by the body of work y’all have put together covering this strange and wonderful area of recorded music history and I hope I can contribute in some small way!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Retronic on January 13, 2025, 03:48:03 PM
Welcome. I’m enjoying listening to these while working from home this afternoon. 
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: stackjackson on January 13, 2025, 06:52:09 PM
Welcome, Signals & Bridges! Stories like yours truly bring a smile to my face and remind me why our work here is so worthwhile. I'm excited to tune in to your show!
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 14, 2025, 02:01:52 PM
Welcome aboard SignalsAndBridges.
Looking forward to listen to the podcast.
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: SuzenkoHK on January 21, 2025, 06:05:33 PM
Hello, I'm new here for listen the library music for any years

Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Yohanes Salomo on January 22, 2025, 12:31:05 AM
Hello, I'm new here for listen the library music for any years
Hello, Suzenko! ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Welcome to the Original Library Music Themes (v7)
Post by: Greta on January 25, 2025, 12:42:00 PM
Welcome aboard Suzenko.