Library Music Themes
General Sharing & Discussion => Modern Library Vinyl and CD rips - 1990s and Beyond => Topic started by: Craig-UK on March 08, 2023, 02:09:40 PM
Here are 89 Non-Stop Music albums that I managed to grab before their restructure. Please note that only 2 of these (NSRR's) are CD rips. Most are 320kbps but old files, some are even worse audition quality but at least it is good enough to ID tracks.
Many of the tracks are now discontinued or altered in the newer Non-Stop discs.
If you do have any albums that I am missing from 1994-2001 then please do share
Thanks, Craig!
Thank you!
Thanks, Craig! :D :D :D
Thanks a lot for those craig!
You can see "Sports Classic Theme I" (NSST 001 - Sports Tracks - Disc 1 - 1994) in action:
The oldest appearance I found is in 1992. So All those songs on this CD are at least two years older.
So, I finally had the time to go through them.
The first tracks were some typical over-the-top downbeat rock track for the sugar-rushed youth. Or at least that's what I felt when I listened. But then I discovered all the beauty and diversity in these tracks. They all have one in common: They ooze the late 90s but in a good sense. Tracks sound like the Need For Speed game main menu titles, your PlayStation 1 Snowboard game, the artsy grooves (like: "New York Rooftops") or media newscasts where everything was "On-Line", "email" and "Multimedi@". Many tracks also have this "the end is near" post-apocalyptic feel to it, I mean, the new Millenium is approaching, and we all get sucked in a black hole or the Y2K bugs in the computers world-wide blows up nuclear power stations or launch nuclear missiles - or at least that's the hysteria many of these tracks pick up sound-wise.
Albeit many of these tracks are from the early 2000s, they catch these vibes so good!
A time-capsule that brought me back to my elementary school times! Thanks Craig!
I wasn't able to grab these before they was removed, could someone kindly reupload them please if someone has them. Thank you.
I wasn't able to grab these before they was removed, could someone kindly reupload them please if someone has them. Thank you.
Updated the link
could you reupload them again please? :)
Here are 89 Non-Stop Music albums that I managed to grab before their restructure. Please note that only 2 of these (NSRR's) are CD rips. Most are 320kbps but old files, some are even worse audition quality but at least it is good enough to ID tracks.
Many of the tracks are now discontinued or altered in the newer Non-Stop discs.
If you do have any albums that I am missing from 1994-2001 then please do share
Any possibility to update link, please?
Any chance these can re-uploaded Craig.
Would you be able to reupload these gems, please?
Hi Graig , it would be nice to share this nice collection again if you would?
Regards Nikki ;) ;)
hi! does anyone have the link to these ? thanks!
I notice there have been SIX requests since May 2023 to reupload these recordings, and there has not been a single response, not even a "sometime later, possibly" or a "sorry it can't be done". There are a few users on this site who have voiced a desire for this music to be made available once more.
Perhaps the task shouldn't be left to the original uploader (CraigUK) if other users have the CDs on their systems and can upload.
Edit: Link below
What's going on here?
First, a member calling to attention the entire board for not responding to a request (not even with a "sorry I don't have it" or "sorry it's not possible"), being himself one of those who never answered...
Now, another member sharing only via private messages to those asking, but just if they're righteous members.
I remind the first one, that answering or not to a request is within the full right of everyone and nobody should be blamed for whatever he might choose to do (unavailability of material and/or time also to be considered).
And I would remind the second one to try remembering the spirit of this place, remembering the good willing of many people uploading or re-uploading many many thousand of files since years.
With all due respect, you share/re-share or you don't, it's up to you, but you're introducing a new and very questionable method here.
And I would remind the second one to try remembering the spirit of this place, remembering the good willing of many people uploading or re-uploading many many thousand of files since years.
With all due respect, you share/re-share or you don't, it's up to you, but you're introducing a new and very questionable method here.
You're absolutely right, apologies for that.
Here is the link for everyone - hxxps://
Hello Craig my old friend. Thank you for making these available for everyone once again. Would love to catch up with you, when you have time. Please email me at Also I'm willing to upload a good collection of Xtreme Music albums, if anyone is interested.
Hello Craig my old friend. Thank you for making these available for everyone once again. Would love to catch up with you, when you have time. Please email me at Also I'm willing to upload a good collection of Xtreme Music albums, if anyone is interested.
I'm interested!
Thank you very much Craig. :)
Hello Craig my old friend. Thank you for making these available for everyone once again. Would love to catch up with you, when you have time. Please email me at Also I'm willing to upload a good collection of Xtreme Music albums, if anyone is interested.
+1 for Extreme. I have the original albums XEL 1-30 if you or anyone is interested. They were shared on the forum some time ago. As for the cd run, it's not really a run as I only have 08 and 17 as one is a Christmas album and the other a 70's disco themed. Haven't really delved or looked into their cd's to be fair.
Thanks, Craig! ;D ;D ;D
+1 for Extreme. I have the original albums XEL 1-30 if you or anyone is interested. They were shared on the forum some time ago. As for the cd run, it's not really a run as I only have 08 and 17 as one is a Christmas album and the other a 70's disco themed. Haven't really delved or looked into their cd's to be fair.
I'm on the lookout for a number of XELs to upgrade my lossy versions. So any contributions gratefully received! For starters I can offer XELs 44, 51 and 53-55 in lossless here == h***s://
Well done Craig. That honors you.
Sorry Greta I haven't had time, I've been snowed under with other stuff, plus I am having computer problems. I am ususally slow to respond but I always get there eventually. Sorry if this has annoyed you or anyone.
I remind the first one, that answering or not to a request is within the full right of everyone and nobody should be blamed for whatever he might choose to do (unavailability of material and/or time also to be considered).
Technically yes, a person doesn't have to respond, but I thought after six calls for a reupload had been ignored, a few words from the uploader wouldn't have gone amiss... whatever those words were. I thought to completely ignore the messages with no words of reply seemed a bit off.
Also, I was suggesting that if anyone other than the original uploader had some of these recordings on their systems, perhaps they could upload them? No obligations expected, of course.
If I request something myself, I always ask in the form "if anyone has this recording on their system can they upload...?" Many times I ask and there is no response, but I just assume no one has what I requested, which is fine. I don't place this expectation on anyone. Many times you yourself have replied with "sorry I don't have it" or "sorry I only have mp3", and I don't make a fuss. I usually just say OK thanks anyway. And yes sometimes it's about a week later when I get back here to leave a message.
I've always found you very helpful, Greta, and I hope I've always remembered to say thank you. I know once or twice I requested something and the request was answered within a day, but it was nearly a week before I actually downloaded it, which is bad organisation on my part probably, but as I say I can't always get on the forum every day, due to other, outside concerns. A lot of the time I prefer to sit silent on the sidelines.
I have very little to contribute in return for anything unfortunately, but I always venture information about music if I have it to give.
In order to keep this thread on point, I've created another thread regards Extreme Music, so please head over there to continue that part...
Good call Tony. I’d thought about doing the same but life got in the way.
not that big deal after all right?
It seems to me that everything has settled down because after all we are among reasonable people, right?
Please, feel free to sit back, relax, and enjoy the place and the music.
To echo Gretas post, it really doesn’t matter what you have to contribute to the forum. If you have little or no new music to provide, just please don’t feel bad. We all had to start somewhere. 90% of people will be more than happy to help you or others out. Just carry on doing what you are doing and don’t worry about others.
Thanks for these! I think I have some random Non-Stop CDs I got in lots off eBay that I can look for to add some lossless rips to the thread
omg! Thank you SO much for the reupload!!