Library Music Themes
General Sharing & Discussion => Vintage Library Vinyl and CD rips => Topic started by: Retronic on January 01, 2019, 03:33:45 PM
HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone. Let's start the year with the continued good spirit and respect we have shared together this past 6-7 years on our forum :) Here's a fresh batch of early 80's German library. You'll likely have them all but maybe not in FLAC, so here's the first run of SONOTONs for your ears, seeing 2019 in with electronic loveliness.(
SON 000 : Sampler:
SON 101 : Amazing Space Vol. 1:
SON 102 : Unusual Sounds Vol.1:
SON 103 : Drum Punch:
SON 104 : Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol 1:
SON 105 : Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol 2:
SON 106 : Space Fiction:
SON 107 : A Musical Wildlife Vol.1:
SON 108 : A Musical Wildlife Vol.2:
SON 109 : A Musical Wildlife Vol.3:
SON 110 : A Musical Wildlife Vol. 4:
SON 111 : A Musical Wildlife Vol. 5:
SON 112 : A Musical Wildlife Vol. 6:
SON 113 : Underwater 1:
SON 114 : Underwater 2:
SON 115 : Biology:
SON 116 : Pollution:
SON 117 : Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol 1:
SON 118 : Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol 2:
SON 119 : Softly:
SON 120 : Amazing Space Vol. 2:
SON 121 : Disco:
Absolutely beautiful.
It was a pity not to have lossless rips of titles like "Drum Punch", "Biology", "Pollution" or the "Industrial Themes & Underscores".
Great upgrades for me.
Thank you Retro.
Wow, what a candy bag! Thanks you, Retronic!
And happy new year! 8]
wuut, is this for real?! Amazing, truly amazing. Thanks a million, Retro!
Excellent, thank you very much Retronic. Happy New Year to you too. :)
Really lovely to have these great sounds... Many thanks
Thank you very much, Retronic. It's great to have fresh rips of such wonderful albums.
Happy New Year to you too.
Really amazing share retronic, thank so much for the upgrades.
wow Retro, very cool shares
Many thanks Retronic, a big start for 2019!
I got 3 Sonoton in my crates, 257 274 290
if that can help !
Happy new year Retronic
thank you so much! i'm starting to like the Sonoton library more. i hope you have a happy new year! :)
I feel like Mr Creosote in Monty Python's The Meaning Of Life. I can't believe I downloaded all of those Sonotons!
Oh, I've got a tummy ache! Buuuuurp!
Thank you Retronic for that joyously, unexpected Sonoton bombardment. I'll hate myself in the morning. But tonight I feel awesome!
All I need now is a nice chocolate mint, to complete this wunnerful feast ;D
;D ;D I'm enjoying them too and again it helped me locate a track I have been after for absolutely years. I share this search for tracks from Prisoner (Cell Block H) with a couple of people and I'm sure they think I'm an idiot. Every time I discover a track it's on an LP I have had for (sometimes 20+) years! They must wonder why I don't find them earlier, but it's time. I'd love to work through every LP but it's usually been a needle drop and you easily miss tracks that way-- gotta play the whole thing. So doing this has paid off for me again!
BTW I don't intend to work through the whole set yet (I'm missing 159 I think) but I do have other odd ones done- 124, 125, 133,144, 145, 153, 157, 168, 169, 170, 180. I plan to do 130, 131 and 154 soon.
Great share man, thank you!
Incredible! Happy New Year, Retro! Thank you!
Woohoo! Really nice to find all these here in lossless...Thanks a million Retro!
...and a great year to you!
Some more Sonoton Ear Candy:
SON 124 : Pastoral Scenes & Underscores -
SON 125 : Dramatic Sounds and Movements Vol 1 -
SON 128 : Light Industrial -
SON 130 : Slow - Motion And Movement -
SON 131 : Fast - Motion And Dramatic Movements -
SON 133 : Unusual Sounds Vol.2 -
SON 134 : Panoramic Themes and Underscores
SON 135 : Sailing-Gliding-Floating -
SON 136 : Strictly For Children -
I've skipped the ones that look less interesting to me- the historic/ classical ones. Happy to do them if anyone's desperate but think they've been ripped before. Equally if someone wants to upload the missing ones in FLAC feel free :)
thank you retronic! :)
Beautiful, thanks again Retronic. :)
Dam retronic, i still haven't finished listening to all the other sonotons you shared! ;D . Nevertheless thank you for upgrading these, especially the "slow" and "fast" ones.
No worries. Slowly working through them- will probably stop around 200.
Many many thanks Retro. These records deserve a better quality.
No worries. Slowly working through them- will probably stop around 200.
There are loads of good ones after 200!
Always appreciate your time and efforts Retronic! Sonoton does indeed have some great titles through all the 1980's and beyond.
Thanks Retronic, for another installment of Sonoton vinyl rips ;D
Without being a party-pooper, I've found a discrepancy on my copy of SON 133. It's a 2x 320 rip of the LP.
Because of the 2x bundling .rar, the size of the file makes it appear as a FLAC file, until the file is opened. I don't know if anybody's had a chance to notice yet, which is why I'm having to bring it up.
Still, your 320 VBR is better than the original 320 CBR rip that I had, so it's all good ;D
Aside from that 320 copy of SON 133, all of your rips are new to me. It's an embarrassment of riches, like winning a musical lottery!
Thanks again for your fine FLAC rips.
I'm glad you told me that- I took it off my Sony FLAC player for ease as couldn't find the rip and it says it's a 1411 but I always thought it must do some compression on the player. I would imagine it is that it was recorded the same as the others. I'll dig it out and repost :)
No worries, Retronic. Thanks again for your largesse :)
Scratch that- I checked and it was a 320!! I will rip it at FLAC for consistency!
Wow, this is amazing! Thanks a lot, Retronic. You sure spoil us! :)
I was just wondering -- and I'm not sure how to ask this question in the nicest possible way without sounding ungrateful :-[ -- but at times some weird interference pop up in your files. Perhaps it's your turntable, or your cables, or something electrical interfering with... something? Here's a picture from a track off "Underwater, Vol. 1":
Those horizontal lines can be seen (and sometimes be heard) in some of your rips from time to time. Once again, I'm not complaining but I'm genuinely intrigued what this might be! I have absolutely no idea myself because I've never seen anything like this before. It sounds a bit like ring modulation or a bit crusher in the affected frequencies... :o
I recorded these over Christmas and the turntable was on the carpeted floor in the front room. I felt I could hear the turntable movement noise more. I heard some electro noise when editing these but I thought that it wasn’t on the rip as when I checked it wasn’t heard in the same place- if that makes sense. So it was live at the time of playing it back and not recorded on the rip.
I recorded most of the last bunch back in it’s place in the front room so would be interested if these ‘ghosts’ appear there. So SON 134-136.
SON 137 - Industrial Themes Vol 3
SON 138 - Mediterranee-Logo 2000
Andrew's posted missing Swinging Centuries LP's HERE (
Super, thank you Reronic. :)
Thank you Retronic for this turbo speed Sonoton trip!
That 138 sounds like a Mario World SNES platform soundtrack.
Thank you Retronic!
Thank you very much, Retronic, especially for the funny 138 I enjoy a lot!
SON 144 - Drugs
SON 145 - Contemporary Themes
SON 146 - Scenic Sequences
SON 148 - Soft and Tender
I skipped 147 (Age of Chivalry but can do if youre desperate)
Upper and upper... :) :)
Thank you Retro!!
It's a veritable Sonoton bonanza, thank you very much Retronic. ;D
incredible shares here, thanks retro
I don't have 149, 150 or 155 on vinyl but these have been shared before.
SON 151 - Descriptive Solo Guitars, Vol. 1
SON 152 - Descriptive Solo Flutes, Vol. 1
SON 153 - Scoop
SON 154 - Soft Moods
SON 156 - Descriptive Guitar and Flute, Vol. 1
SON 157 -Descriptive Solo Bass Instruments, Vol. 1
Never even heard most of these last ones!
Thanks Retro.
Beautiful! I'm wordless and in Sonoton heaven! Had quite a few of these on LP as well but still many I've wanted to hear! And it's great to have these in my digital collection too.
Sooooo great shares! I'm sure these shares have made many librarians happy!
Thanks a million for the fantastic bunches of Sonotons, Retronic.
Some upgrades and some new albums. Much appreciated!
Thanks Retronic to keep this post so interesting for all "library archivers" around here...many new ones and appreciated upgrades...Very nice!
Thank you so much for the great shares!
I really love this label so far - one of the best I have encountered so far.
Just piling on with the rest of the thanks, Retro! Wondrous goodies galore.
This is my first message here, so just off the top an enormous thank you to Retronic for this and all the other amazing shares but I also wanted to ask if I am the only one encountering issues when trying to open Retronic's rar files. All other rar's and zips posted on the board are opening fine for me, but all the Sonoton files I've downloaded as well as other Retronic rar files (PIL 9004 - Soul of a City, DWLP 3155 - Flutonium are two other examples) aren't opening for me with any of my usual tools (Stuffit, Macpar, RarExpander and UnRarX). Any ideas? Thanks!
Technical advice is not my skill set so can’t help I’m afraid. I use WinRAR To zip them.
Oh, and welcome!
As you're probably on a Mac machine, I recommend the freeware Keka.
I use Archiver too, but it's not free.
Hi Greta,
Perfect! Keka works. I will now go bask in all this Sonoton goodness! Thanks much for the pointers and cheers to both you and Retro...
Thanks for the latest batch Retronic. :)
I almost missed that last bunch :o
Thanks for more Sonoton, Retronic!
I need a mint...
Retronic, I don't know how to thank you. I just saw this topic. I identified 2 pieces my unknown musics in my top wanted list. Thank you very much!
Brilliant. Love it when that happens.
Thank you very much, Retronic!
Hi, can you please reupload SON 119 Softly, as the link is dead, Thank you
SON 119 Softly ;
@Retronic, Thank you very much for the link
I know i'm not in position to ask for so much but , could someone kindly re-up all of the 6 vols of A Musical Wildlife ? since none of the link are still working.
Thanks in advance.
SON 137 - Industrial Themes Vol 3
SON 138 - Mediterranee-Logo 2000
Andrew's posted missing Swinging Centuries LP's HERE (
Thank you Retronic, all links are dead. Can you or some other friend re-share again?
I know i'm not in position to ask for so much but , could someone kindly re-up all of the 6 vols of A Musical Wildlife ? since none of the link are still working.
Thanks in advance.
I did post something here but it might just be a compilation/ best of:
I I know i'm not in position to ask for so much but , could someone kindly re-up all of the 6 vols of A Musical Wildlife ? since none of the link are still working.
Thanks in advance.
I did post something here but it might just be a compilation/ best of:
Thank you Retronic , But the link is dead .
May i ask ? why everybody here uploads their rips on zippyshare knowing that zippy links get killed in a very short time , i think i would be much better if everyone starts uploading on mega so other users would be able to import the rips to their storage space more easily and re-share the imported files in case some of the links get killed.
I actually can't find these myself! Not sure where I've saved them. I'll keep looking and load up if I find them.
Musical Wildlife Series re-ups:
Thanks a lot for these gems Retronic! Amazing :)
Thank you for the re-up Retronic , truly appreciated .
Hi Retronic,
Thank you for ripping and posting all of these gems. I was wondering if you could please repost two Mladen Franco records that got taken down:
SON 105 : Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol 2
SON 120 : Amazing Space Vol. 2
SON 105 : Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol 2:!WYd2QCJS!M10lpOH8ghxczKIFdZdqWjckzCY27uYI3pm4nu_swWc
SON 120 : Amazing Space Vol. 2:!7JNS0ahS!LnOVGOlaOK-z1uMWaCOh-7hHWcLMHn_Fy1sbJQLcb8E
Thank you so much!!!
Would anyone be so kind as to re-upload the Wildlife series?
Kind regards,
Would it be possible for someone to re-up "Biology" and "Pollution"?
Thank you in advance :)
Would anyone be so kind as to re-upload the Wildlife series?
Kind regards,
The Wildlife Series:
SON 107 -!6TJkXC4A!iGnA11Pv4JeOhkJScUeZJWSCfBuWKplT7NEUuhoqX8U
SON 108 -!rXISgYwT!z0Y5txyoWFg-knh5knz2Xt5473l_gp3kDt6MIoIPC70
SON 109 -!HLRy3S5T!MMNuy32Arp6EGhsqcr2Vvtk07842YHhCQtOhLdEw6I8
SON 110 -!XSIkwIYK!XBuIwLxJQtf_oDw0O82GPhthJUWa1etWQrSQ1fthlKI
SON 111 -!WeRzyQyB!PTQ6eGLG3g90bRIf75XTH60WmGkE48h8l7QfK6EFFM0
SON 112 -!OTAhlYbC!OKwc7c5VOOdf4yHvkcQ2jRmRXEmMeboIWb59UcTvNY8
Thanks Retro for these.
Would it be possible for someone to re-up "Biology" and "Pollution"?
Thank you in advance :)
SON 115 Biology -!jDIHHCDQ!y6dLYHYoffM1DkTVTV0ZzOgPPXmHDxsWgN6JvtVBnYg
SON 116 Pollution -!3GA3hChB!-6zGjyZJN5_HBkU42iE5RsysUp4VPjaZo1bTssS5ISM
Thanks Retro again for these.
Would it be possible for someone to re-up "Biology" and "Pollution"?
Thank you in advance :)
SON 115 Biology -!jDIHHCDQ!y6dLYHYoffM1DkTVTV0ZzOgPPXmHDxsWgN6JvtVBnYg
SON 116 Pollution -!3GA3hChB!-6zGjyZJN5_HBkU42iE5RsysUp4VPjaZo1bTssS5ISM
Thanks Retro again for these.
Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much everyone!
Links are down :(
Links are down :(
What links are you referring to? The ones I recently re-upped are up.
Resurrecting this ole thread :)
Now, where were we?
Next up...SON 158 - Ballades Symphonoiques.!eA1GSIgS!Hmr4RWS0IDcbq8cWQIIT1MQ3M3fk0-piWsMHlUt3nlk
SON 159 - Joys For Girls and Boys.
Some sparkly electrotunes to lift our moods.With this along with the marvellous 'Catching Game'!2Ily0A5Z!Zs0c2rD6ei89iW-8Ke2R4ZRUkw_DTfJzkiwzCDfr8KI
Wonderful! Thanks a lot for the new additions, Retronic.
Indeed. Thank you!!
Many thanks Retronic
Thanks, Retronic!
Great, thanks Retronic. :)
Sonoton is great! Many thanks, Retronic.
Keep up the good work, Retronic! 8]
I want to thanks Retronic for all the uploads!
Unfortunatelly, many of the links are deleted. Can someone reupload them?
These are the ones I am looking for:
SON 000 - Sampler
SON 101 - Amazing Space Vol. 1
SON 102 - Unusual Sounds Vol.1
SON 103 - Drum Punch
SON 104 - Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol. 1
SON 105 - Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol. 2
SON 106 - Space Fiction
SON 107 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 1
SON 108 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 2
SON 109 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 3
SON 110 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 4
SON 111 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 5
SON 112 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 6
SON 113 - Underwater Vol. 1
SON 114 - Underwater Vol. 2
SON 115 - Biology
SON 116 - Pollution
SON 117 - Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol. 1
SON 118 - Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol. 2
SON 119 - Softly
SON 120 - Amazing Space Vol. 2
SON 121 - Disco
SON 124 - Pastoral Scenes & Underscores
SON 125 - Dramatic Sounds and Movements Vol. 1
SON 128 - Light Industrial
SON 130 - Slow - Motion And Movement
SON 131 - Fast - Motion And Dramatic Movements
SON 133 - Unusual Sounds Vol. 2
SON 134 - Panoramic Themes and Underscores
SON 135 - Sailing - Gliding - Floating
SON 136 - Strictly For Children
SON 137 - Industrial Themes Vol. 3
SON 138 - Mediterranee - Logo 2000
SON 144 - Drugs
SON 145 - Contemporary Themes
SON 146 - Scenic Sequences
SON 148 - Soft and Tender
SON 151 - Descriptive Solo Guitars, Vol. 1
SON 152 - Descriptive Solo Flutes, Vol. 1
SON 153 - Scoop
SON 154 - Soft Moods
SON 156 - Descriptive Guitar and Flute, Vol. 1
SON 157 - Descriptive Solo Bass Instruments, Vol. 1
(I'm missing 159 I think)
Hey Retro, are you still missing n.159? I can up it just in case.
I think he got it in the end as I'm sure I caught his upload last year. I'm sure it's Retro's rips that don't have track numbers and remember numbering them after downloading.
You must know Tony, I have the memory of a goldfish! lol.
Yes I do have the LP. 🙂
I want to thanks Retronic for all the uploads!
Unfortunatelly, many of the links are deleted. Can someone reupload them?
These are the ones I am looking for:
SON 000 - Sampler
SON 101 - Amazing Space Vol. 1
SON 102 - Unusual Sounds Vol.1
SON 103 - Drum Punch
SON 104 - Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol. 1
SON 105 - Contemporary Sounds & Movements Vol. 2
SON 106 - Space Fiction
SON 107 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 1
SON 108 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 2
SON 109 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 3
SON 110 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 4
SON 111 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 5
SON 112 - A Musical Wildlife Vol. 6
SON 113 - Underwater Vol. 1
SON 114 - Underwater Vol. 2
SON 115 - Biology
SON 116 - Pollution
SON 117 - Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol. 1
SON 118 - Industrial Themes & Underscores Vol. 2
SON 119 - Softly
SON 120 - Amazing Space Vol. 2
SON 121 - Disco
SON 124 - Pastoral Scenes & Underscores
SON 125 - Dramatic Sounds and Movements Vol. 1
SON 128 - Light Industrial
SON 130 - Slow - Motion And Movement
SON 131 - Fast - Motion And Dramatic Movements
SON 133 - Unusual Sounds Vol. 2
SON 134 - Panoramic Themes and Underscores
SON 135 - Sailing - Gliding - Floating
SON 136 - Strictly For Children
SON 137 - Industrial Themes Vol. 3
SON 138 - Mediterranee - Logo 2000
SON 144 - Drugs
SON 145 - Contemporary Themes
SON 146 - Scenic Sequences
SON 148 - Soft and Tender
SON 151 - Descriptive Solo Guitars, Vol. 1
SON 152 - Descriptive Solo Flutes, Vol. 1
SON 153 - Scoop
SON 154 - Soft Moods
SON 156 - Descriptive Guitar and Flute, Vol. 1
SON 157 - Descriptive Solo Bass Instruments, Vol. 1
SON 000 hxxps://
SON 101 hxxps://
SON 102 hxxps://
SON 103 hxxps://
Thanks keir!
Hi ) Can anybody reuploud - SON 144 - Drugs ? :)
Hi ) Can anybody reuploud - SON 144 - Drugs ? :)
Here you go:-
Thanks John, has been on my list for a while 8]
Thanks for the Drugs, John.
Thanks , John_Fred :)
SON 103 hxxps://
SON 103 hxxps://
catch him 8]
Would anyone have any of the following in lossless to share?
SON 102 - Unusual Sounds Volume 1, Reflections Thanks to OrganGrinder
SON 128 - Light Industrial Sounds And Movements Thanks oliverino
SON 133 - Unusual Sounds Volume 2, The Brain Thanks to OrganGrinder
SON 134 - Panoramic Scenes & Underscores
SON 177 - Sport Sequences Vol. 1 Thanks to OrganGrinder
SON 184 - Industrial Themes and Underscores Vol. 4 Thanks oliverino
SON 191 - Dramatic Sounds And Movements Vol. 2
SON 200 - Neutral Moods And Static Sounds Vol.1
SON 203 - New Waves Underscores
SON 218 - Dream Flow
SON 220 - Sea
SON 247 - Soundscapes Vol. 2 Thanks to OrganGrinder
SON 261 - Lady Robot - Jingles & Underscores
SON 284 - Testimony To The Past 2
SON 297 - Robot Couture - Underscores 2
Thanks in advance for any and all responses.
Would anyone have any of the following in lossless to share?
SON 102 - Unusual Sounds Volume 1, Reflections
SON 128 - Light Industrial Sounds And Movements
SON 133 - Unusual Sounds Volume 2, The Brain
SON 134 - Panoramic Scenes & Underscores
SON 177 - Sport Sequences Vol. 1
SON 184 - Industrial Themes and Underscores Vol. 4
SON 191 - Dramatic Sounds And Movements Vol. 2
SON 200 - Neutral Moods And Static Sounds Vol.1
SON 203 - New Waves Underscores
SON 218 - Dream Flow
SON 220 - Sea
SON 247 - Soundscapes Vol. 2
SON 261 - Lady Robot - Jingles & Underscores
SON 284 - Testimony To The Past 2
SON 297 - Robot Couture - Underscores 2
Thanks in advance for any and all responses.
+ + + :)
SON 102 / SON 133 / SON 177 / SON 247
SON 128
SON 184
Please reup of Sonoton – SON135
Please reup of Sonoton – SON135
better late than never
Can someone upload SON 130, SON 131, SON 144, and SON 180?
Thanks in advance!
Can someone upload SON 130, SON 131, SON 144, and SON 180?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks oliverino!
Would it be possible these SON 117, SON 118, SON 119, SON 137?
Would it be possible these SON 117, SON 118, SON 119, SON 137?
One more request from me, SON 116.
Thanks in advance!
Many thanks oliverino.
One more request from me, SON 116.
Thanks in advance!
Possible request these SON 101, SON 107, SON 108, SON 109, SON 110, SON 111, SON 112, SON 120, SON 150, SON 187?
Possible request these SON 101, SON 107, SON 108, SON 109, SON 110, SON 111, SON 112, SON 120, SON 150, SON 187?
i don't have 150 and 187.
Thank you so much oliverino!
i don't have 150 and 187.
I do. They're here: h***s://
Thanks once again oliverino.
And thanks also nidostar.
Know I'm request again, would anyone have these SON 153, SON 177, SON 178, SON 186, SON 192, SON 201, SON 238, SON 246, SON 270, SON 279, SON 294?
Know I'm request again, would anyone have these SON 153, SON 177, SON 178, SON 186, SON 192, SON 201, SON 238, SON 246, SON 270, SON 279, SON 294?
153: hxxps://
177: hxxps://
178: hxxps://
192: hxxps://
246: hxxps://
270: hxxps://
the rest i don't have
SON 186, 201, 238, 279 & 294 here: h***s://
Many thanks again Oliverino and Nidostar.
Would very much like to hear these SON 124, SON 130, SON 148, SON 160, SON 210, SON 213, SON 249, SON 250, SON 256, SON 264, SON 268, SON 310?
Bump: SON 179, SON 232, SON 234, SON 260, SON 282
Does anyone have SON 102 and SON 133?
Does anyone have SON 102 and SON 133?
102: hxxps://
133: hxxps://
Would very much like to hear these SON 124, SON 130, SON 148, SON 160, SON 210, SON 213, SON 249, SON 250, SON 256, SON 264, SON 268, SON 310?
Bump: SON 179, SON 232, SON 234, SON 260, SON 282
124: hxxps://
130: hxxps://
213: hxxps://
234: hxxps://
249: hxxps://
256: hxxps://
260: hxxps://
268: hxxps://
282: hxxps://
Does anyone have SON 102 and SON 133?
102: hxxps://
133: hxxps://
Thanks oliverino!
Many thanks Oliverino