Library Music Themes
Info Database => Labels => Topic started by: Mr on February 03, 2018, 04:34:12 AM
UK label under Inter-Art Music Publishers (Inter-Art Co. Ltd.), initially based at 16 Duncan Terrace, London.
Releases prior to IA 198 (1958) are undated.
Though the recordings naturally could have been made at a later date, copyright paperwork indicates that Inter-Art's first music publishings were from 1955; cues from IA 105, IA 106 and IA 123 were published in October 1955, suggesting the label was probably established around this time. Similarly, copyright entries indicate cues from IA 153, IA 177, 180, IA 194, IA 197 were published in September and October of 1957, as well as IA 208 (issued 1959) and IA 318 (issued 1962) as being published in December 1957.
According to an article by Paul Mandell published in the May 1996 edition of Film Score Monthly, Impress was formed by Gordon Barnes in 1955 "with the backing of a rich postcard manufacturer", went out of business in the "mid-70's" and was then bought up by Josef Weinberger Ltd.
The article also contains a short interview with Leonard Trebilco ("Trevor Duncan"), who details that the recording sessions were carried out with a large studio orchestra in Stuttgart, Germany, and he amusingly recounts that the orchestra was comprised both of "stiff" classical musicians in suits and a contrasting "faction" of jazz brass players.
Trebilco gives a few concrete details of note; musicians were enlisted through fixer Franz Biehler, and he mentions that Horst Fischer served as lead trumpeter for the recordings. And I'll add, considering the date and location, it's not unlikely that several of the other featured 'jazz' players were recruited from the Kurt Edelhagen and Erwin Lehn big bands as well.
It should be pointed out, however, that I have been unable to confirm or find the information about Impress' founding elsewhere, and it's unclear from the article itself where the author got this information.
In the article, Mandell also implies that the "Trevor Duncan" pseudonym was inspired by Impress' initial address... even though he is known to have been using this pen name since at least 1949.
- So I guess it should all be taken with a pinch of salt.
I also suspect the Weinberger acquisition may have happened considerably earlier; in 1959 (from IA 210 onwards), Inter-Art's address was changed to 33 Crawford Street, London, which was also the address of Josef Weinberger Ltd. (, and had been since at least 1948.
An August 1968 edition of "Cash Box" lists Inter-Art Music Publishers as a subsidiary of Joseph[sic] Weinberger Ltd.
For the rest of the catalogue issued on LPs, please see this thread (
10" 78s:
IA 101 - The Dark Stairway/The Difficult Journey Part I/The Difficult Journey Part II/Mystic/Clairvoyant - no performer listed, music by Steve Race/Van Phillips
IA 102 - Dockside Dawn/Dockside Twilight/Dissolution/Eerie Chime/Flannelfoot/Ominous Interlude - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips/Steve Race/Alfred Ralston
IA 103 - Royal Finale/Royal Moment/Regret/Pioneer/To and Fro/Atlantic Bridge/Poison Pen/Tension/Reunion/Sudden Embrace - no performer listed, music by Steve Race/Ronald Binge/Van Phillips
IA 104 - Busy Looms/Lost in the Desert/Mad Pursuit/Mad Pursuit Bridge/Anguished Moment/Up and Down - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge/Alfred Ralston/Steve Race
IA 105 - Staggering Home/Twinkle Toes/Fiesta/The Stab - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge/Van Phillips/Steve Race
IA 106 - Carefree/Mad as a Hatter/Cantering Cats/Faithful Love/Neapolitan Band/Comedy Canter/Flippant - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips/Ronald Binge/Steve Race
IA 107 - Interlude/Slow Thought/Beauty and the Beast/Desert Memory I/Desert Memory II/Country Weekend/Hornpipe Hangover - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge
IA 108 - East Side-West Side/First Day in Town/Regal Approach/Conflict/Cowboy Thriller/Skyline/Upward Sweep/Urgent - no performer listed, music by Steve Race/Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell)
IA 109 - Lovers Moon/Golden Morning/Waiting for Susan/Hilltop Honeymoon/Upland Romance/Roof Garden - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 110 - Quiet Forest/Wistful/Hand in Hand/Don't Forget/Yours Sincerely - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 111 - This Love Story/This Love Story (2nd Ending)/Sweet Dreams/This to Remember/Clifftop/Apple Blossom - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Desolate Village/Ten to Zero/The Small Hours/Mountain Side/Fever Chart/Clouding Over - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 113 - The House on the Moor/Silent Watcher/The Smugglers/Night Visitor/Pterodactyl - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell/Ronald Binge
IA 114 - Curlycues/Quirk/Apples and Pears/Beginner's Luck/Rag Doll/Morning After/Shopping Day/Tit for Tat/Orderly Sergeant/Baby Hippo/Hunt the Thimble - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 115 - Good Clean Fun/Aperitif/The Cheerful Undertaker/Hustle-Bustle/Helter-Skelter/Engagement Ring - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 116 - The Tyrant/Bitter Memory/Doubt Resolved/Homicide Squad/Anxious Moment/Ultimatum - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 117 - Remorse/Moonlight Meeting/Rendez-vous/First Meeting/Romantic Ending/Jeannine - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 118 - Grand Finale/Fanfare Ending/Caroline/June/Deborah/Honor/Final Curtain/Big Finish/Delicatesse/On the Pier/Girl on the Bus/Sparklette - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 119 - Grip of the Law: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Grip of the Law: Background - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 120 - Without Hope: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Without Hope: Background/Bridge 1/Bridge 2 - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 121 - Love Scene: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Love Scene: Background/Bridge 1/Bridge 2/Bridge 3 - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 122 - Practical Joker (Spass muss sein)/Moonlight with Maxine - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 123 - The Liberty Boat/Big Top - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge
IA 124 - The Girl from Home/Shopping Tour - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 125 - Man in a Hurry/Miss Melanie - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge
IA 126 - Strife/Clash - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 127 - Pacific Shore/Jessica/Daphne/Rosemary/White Sails/September Night/Thema/Harvest Time/Landscape - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 128 - The Web Tightens: Opening/Close/Romantic Penultimate/The Web Tightens: Background/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 129 - Iron Foundry/Man-Hunt/Coquette/Cheeky/Emotional Conflict/Prelude to Rapture/Capers/Glamourette/Mutt and Jeff - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 130 - Broad Horizon/Lynch Fever - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 131 - Carefree/Twinkle Toes - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 132 - Dancing Doughboy/Jeune fille - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter (UNCONFIRMED)
IA 133 - Jay Walker/Tempo for Strings - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Maurice Grew/Bruce Campbell
IA 134 - Popcorn Polka/Puppy Dog/Gentle Ways/Contemplation - no performer listed, music by Steve Race
IA 135 - Court Scene/Triumphant Heart/Saddle Days/Gilpins Ride - no performer listed, music by Steve Race
IA 136 - Dark Traffic: Opening/Bridge/Close 1/Sting/Dark Traffic: Background Part 1/Background Part 2/Close 2 - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 137 - Sceptred Isle/Song of Scotland - The Landsdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 138 - Elephant's Gavotte/Day Trip/Song of the Cotsworld/Catherine Wheel - no performer listed, music by Steve Race
IA 139 - Machine Man/Bars of Hell/Hangmans Knot/Barcarolle - no performer listed/The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race
IA 140 - Skylarks/Mountain Music - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge/Cedric Dumont
IA 141 - Determination/Nostalgique - The Landsdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 142 - Bathing Beach/Dolphin Dance/Edge of the Lake/Delia - no performer listed, music by Steve Race
IA 143 - Synchro-Stings/Synchro-Stings - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 144 - Eerie Vaults/Dry Throat/Cry from the Heart/Flash/Scream/Neutral - no performer listed/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race/Bruce Campbell
IA 145 - Saga/Norman Arches/Noble Heart/Flatfoot/Breasting the Tape/Running Jump/The Pang/The Call - no performer listed, music by Steve Race
IA 146 - Operations Room: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/River Patrol: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4 - no performer listed, music by James Stevens
IA 147 - Suite espanol: La guitarre (Flamenco)/El matador (Ferruca)/Suite espanol: La danzadora (Habenera)/La castaneta (Jota) - Pablo Huana, music by Jorge Enrique (George Elliott)
IA 148 - Sorrento Serenade/Tarentella di Napoli/Principality - Pablo Huana/The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Jorge Enrique (George Elliott)/Ronald Binge
IA 149 - Accordeon Solos: Cafe bonheur/Piece caprice/Accordeon Solos: In a Flap/The Merry Matelot - no performer listed, music by Henry Krein
IA 150 - Busybody/Once upon a Time - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Billy Mayerl
IA 151 - South Bank/Remembered Melody - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet
IA 152 - Serenade for Yvette/Northwind - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Kurt Rehfeld
IA 153 - Family Outing/Portuguese Party - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Gilbert Vinter
IA 154 - Annual Outing/Mediterranean Cruise - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Billy Mayerl
IA 155 - Jig-Jag/Fiddlers Frivol - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter/Kurt Rehfeld
IA 156 - Forward Amigos/Serenata amore - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by E. S. Pana (Reg. Casson)/Reg. Casson
IA 157 - Polly/Stumblebum/Spooky/Backed a Loser/Perky Peke (Close)/Lost Golliwog/White Mice/Nursery Game (Close)/Shy Kid/Beano - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 158 - Uneasy Dream/Uneasy Sleep/Generator House/Paranormal/Midway Break - no performer listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 159 - Rainy Season/Half Crown Hop (Lively)/Half Crown Hop (Slow)/Half Crown Hop (Piano) - no performer listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 160 - 20th Century Polka/Valse mystique - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 161 - The Cat and the Hippo/Romano's/Nearly Nuptial - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Ronald Binge
IA 162 - Lonely Glade/Vin ordinaire/Sampan Song/Jilted/Sweet Sorrow/Windy Corner - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge
IA 163 - Tragic Rhapsody (Part 1)/Tragic Rhapsody (Part 2) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 164 - Radio Show/Light Machines/Woodwind Lullaby/Piano Tension - no performer listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 165 - Aviary Concord/Aviary Discord/Toytown March/Toytown Fanfare/The Local Volunteer/Pompous Period Piece/Trio bouffe/Electronic Organ Stings - no performer listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 166 - Blue Fever (Part I)/Blue Fever (Part II) - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by John O'Notes (Leslie Vinall/Ronald Binge)
IA 167 - Mood Nine/In Your Arms - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by Leslie Vinall/John O'Notes (Leslie Vinall/Ronald Binge)
IA 168 - Palais Bounce/Gondola Scene - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by John O'Notes (Leslie Vinall/Ronald Binge)/Ronald Binge
IA 169 - Olympic Flame (March)/Toward Adventure - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet/Gilbert Vinter
IA 170 - High Day (March)/Air Display - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)/Gilbert Vinter
IA 171 - Jimmy O'Goblin/Juggins - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 172 - The Little Circus-Opening/The Little Circus-Close/Sentimental Spinster-Opening/Sentimental Spinster-Close/Puppet Parade/Strange Tenant - no performer listed, music by James Stevens
IA 173 - Bustling Billy-Opening/Bustling Billy-Close/Eerie Visitor-Opening/Eerie Visitor-Close/The Equilibrist/Swirling Mists - no performer listed, music by James Stevens
IA 174 - Mam'selle moderne/French Leave - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 175 - Sea Vista/Prairie Song/The Clansman (Patrol)/The Clansman (Lament) - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge
IA 176 - An English Garden/Remembered Romance - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Felton Rapley
IA 177 - Elizabethan Masque/White Cliffs - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Frederic Bayco/Bruce Campbell
IA 178 - River Reach/Pompette - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell/Fredric Bayco
IA 179 - Pert and Pretty/Noble Occasion - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 180 - Frou-frou/Evening in Capri - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge/Felton Rapley
IA 181 - Peg-Leg/Morning Flirtation - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Norman Whiteley/Kurt Rehfeld
IA 182 - Adelita March/Xmas Eve - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 183 - Rickshaw Ride/Bird of Omen/Trapset/Night Watch/Magic Circle/Stealthy Approach/The Great Wall - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge
IA 184 - Space Music: Asteroid/Milky Way/Space Call/Space Music: Mysterious Universe/Andromedra/The Great Nebula - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 185 - Space Music: Constellation/Lost in Space/Satellite/Space Music: The Great Void/Transit to Venus/Pluto - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 186 - Flea Circus: March of the Fleas/Ballerina/Flea Circus: The Clowns/Coach Ride - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 187 - Coming Up the Straight/Leading by a Head - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 188 - Comedy Endings: Sections 1-6/Sections 7-12/Sections 13-17/Comedy Transitions: Sections 1-6/Sections 7-12/Sections 13-18 - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips
IA 189 - Riot/The Tall Ships - The Landsdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 190 - St. Boniface Down-Part 1/St. Boniface Down-Part 2 - The Landsdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 191 - Shock Treatment: Opening/Background No. 1/Shock Treatment: Close/Background No. 2 - The Landsdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 192 - Cathedral: Part 1-Theme/Cathedral: Part 2-Vision - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 193 - Cathedral: Part 3 Organum/Part 4 Coda (to Fugue)/Cathedral: Part 5-Fugue - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 194 - A Song for Penelope/Top Model - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Norman Whiteley/Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)
IA 195 - Funtime/Bronze Medal - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)
IA 196 - Signing On/Signing Off/Tournament - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Norman Whiteley
IA 197 - Maids of Honour/String Cascade - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Billy Mayerl/Reginald King
IA 198 - Achievment/They're Off/Tragic Moments/Perilous Journey - no performer listed, music by Gilbert Vinter (1958)
IA 199 - Sporting Chance/Three Fanfares/Gongs/Greetings from Schwabenland (Schwabenland Gruesse) - no performer listed/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter/Kurt Rehfeld/no composer listed (1958)
IA 200 - In the Tyrol (Sonntag in Tirol)/Wine Harvest (Winzer Polka) - The Landsdowne Schrammel Band, music by Kurt Rehfeld (1958)
IA 201 - Vienna Fair (Prate Stimmung)/Romance (Romanze in Salzburg) - The Landsdowne Schrammel Band/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Kurt Rehfeld (1958)
IA 202 - Rhineland Pleasures (Rheinlaender Freuden)/The Merry Burgomaster (Der lustige Schultes) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Kurt Rehfeld (1958)
IA 203 - Wedding in the Black Forest (Schwarzwaelder Hochzeit)/Farmers' Polka (Bauern Polka) - The Lansdowne Band, music by Kurt Rehfeld (1958)
IA 204 - Fugato moderne/Little Poppett/Hurdy Gurdy Carousel - no performer listed/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/William Davies/James Stevens (1959)
IA 205 - Majestic Interlude/Ringelspiel/Crazy Daisy - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Billy Mayerl/Jack Helyer/Harry Rabinowitz (1959)
IA 206 - The Watermill/The Dance of the Snowflakes - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge (1959)
IA 207 - Temple in Twilight/Bambi's Babe - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips/Peter Yorke (1959)
IA 208 - Idle Fellow/The Three Swans/Screwy - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by King Palmer/Ronnie Munro/Gilbert Vinter (1959)
IA 209 - Tittle-Tattle/Tenderfoot/Majestic Link/Playful Link/By the Mosque - no performer listed, music by Maurice Grew/Harry Rabinowitz/William Davies/Van Phillips (1959)
IA 210 - Midnight Memory/A la francaise/Italian Vagabond/Pacemaker/Raindrop Nocturne/Golliwog Polka/Miss Crepe Suzette/Chord Happy - Max Martin and His Harmonica, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly) (1959)
IA 211 - Eighteen Harmonica Stings (No. 1 to 18)/Four Harmonica Stings (No. 19 to 22)/Serenade to a Thought/Vamping/Amateur Vamping - Max Martin and His Harmonica, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly) (1959)
IA 212 - Five Mysteriosos/Seven Space Stings/Popple Duffle/Guitar Mysterioso No. 1/Guitar Mysterioso No. 2 - Max Martin and His Harmonica/F. Brian and His Guitar, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly)/F. Brian (Brian Fahey) (1959)
IA 213 - Mitzi Girl/Sea Dance/Sea Tina/Tina Polka/Tina Jig/Gypsy Dance - A. Henderson and His Concertina, music by A. Henderson (Alfred Edwards) (1959)
IA 214 - Cowboy/Jogerer (Musical Clown)/Tina Tanz/Eb Shanty - A. Henderson and His Concertina, music by A. Henderson (Alfred Edwards) (1959)
IA 215 - Ducks Twaddle/Contra Bass/Sunset Lullaby/Cowboy Joe/Romance in G Minor/Contra Tina - A. Henderson and His Concertina, music by A. Henderson (Alfred Edwards) (1959)
IA 216 - Four Romantics: No. 1 Lucy's in Love/No. 2 Girl by the Fountain/Four Romantics: No. 3 Moonlight Melody/No. 4 Longing for Linda - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 217 - More Comedy Transitions: Sections 1 to 12/More Comedy Transitions: Sections 13 to 24 - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 218 - Stately Occasion/Emblem of Office/Hall of Fame/His Excellency - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 219 - Four Tension Links: No. 1 Back to the Wall/No. 2 The Forbidden Room/Four Tension Links: No. 3 Face at the Window/No. 4 The Hidden Watcher - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 220 - Two Aftermaths: No. 1 After the Fire/No. 2 After the Earthquake/At the Deathbed/Little Lame Girl - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 221 - Synchrosections, Part 1, Section (a)/Synchrosections, Part 1, Section (b)/Synchrosections, Part 2, Section (a)/Synchrosections, Part 2, Section (b) - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1960)
IA 222 - Overland to Oregon-Part 1: Title Music/Frontier Town/Night Camp/Overland to Oregon-Part 2: Wagon Train/Crossing the Bighorn - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1960)
IA 223 - Overland to Oregon-Part 3: Indian Country/Indian Attack/Overland to Oregon-Part 4: Opening/Theme/End Title/Firework Display - no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)/Ronald Hanmer (1960)
IA 224 - Off-Beat Story-Part 1/Off-Beat Story-Part 2: Link/Repeatable Background - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1960)
IA 225 - Empty Street/Portrait of the Sea: Turbulence/Portrait of the Sea: Tranquility/Starlit Mediterranean - no performer listed, music by Steve Race/Edward Purkiss/Felton Rapley (1960)
IA 226 - I Love Popsy: Opening/Bridges No. 1 to 4/Curtains No. 1 to 3/Closing/The Little People - no performer listed/The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge/Steve Race (1960)
IA 227 - Dark Thoughts/Afterthoughts/Gyroscope/General Alarm - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race/Felton Rapley/Heinz Herschmann (1960)
IA 228 - Silent Movie Rag/Sophisticated Afternoon - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Tolchard Evans/Alan Gray (Josef Zmigrod) (1960)
IA 229 - Maori Suite, Prelude: "E hine ma"/Maori Suite "Tamariki" (Children)/I Remember - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Max Saunders/R. Hoskins/Tommy Reilly (1960)
IA 230 - Maori Suite: "Waiata aroha" (Love Song)/Maori Suite: "Nga toa" (Warriors) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Max Saunders (1960)
IA 231 - Six Bizarre Episodes: No. 1 Time to Kill/No. 2 Uneasy Feeling/No. 3 Lead into Danger/Six Bizarre Episodes: No. 4 Clocks/No. 5 Apparitions/No. 6 Horror upon Horror - no performer listed, music by Wilfred Josephs (1960)
IA 232 - Dramatic Cameo/Plaintive Trumpet Link/Pizzicato Gavotte/String Pastoral - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Roger Barsotti/Sam Fontain (Samuel Soden) (1960)
IA 233 - Sportsman's Chance/Folies Parade - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Cyril Watters (1960)
IA 234 - Break Out/Murder Mile - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 235 - Whip Lash/Cobra - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 236 - Crisis/Chain Gang - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 237 - Sinister Street/The Slasher - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 238 - The Lawman: Title/Background No. 1/Background No. 2/Ending No. 1/Ending No. 2/Bluebird Express - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell/Kurt Rehfeld (1960)
IA 239 - Highlight/Blue Riband/Sports March/Espanolita - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Jack Helyer/Felton Rapley/Tolchard Evans/Vincent Mondez (Edward Rubach/Clarence Dufour) (1960)
IA 240 - Dance for a Square/Padam/Roulette - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/Leslie Vinall/Kurt Rehfeld (1960)
IA 241 - Victory/Good Sport (March)/Starlight/Latin Lou - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by Leighton Lucas/Wilfred Josephs/Michael Carroll (Charles Katz)/Sid Dale (1960)
IA 242 - Toby's Walk/Strictly Two/Reminiscing/Up-Beat - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by Ernest Ponticelli/Leslie Vinall/Paul Fenoulhet (1960)
IA 243 - Westcoast Bongo/Lullaby of Danceland/Excitement/Excitement, Extended/Gruesome Bassoon/Brass Chords/Happy Vision- The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra/The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Sid Dale/Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 244 - Bass Fanfare/Skeleton on the Prowl/Tenderness/Pain/Shock/Aching Memory/Machines/Lyrical Flute/Melancholy Bassoon/Foreboding/Tender Woodwind/Expectant Tension/Downward Harpglissando/Upward Harpglissando/Comical Fanfare/Humorous Woodwind/Hornpassage with Drum-Roll - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 245 - Piano Practice/The Circus Comes to Town/Rotating Machines/Dramatic Fugue - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 246 - The Sex Kitten/Terror/Mock Detective/Thoughtful Melody - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 247 - Burlesque loco/Evening on the North Sea/Persecution Mania/Upward Brass Glissando/Downward Brass Glissando/The Optimist - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 248 - Musique electronique: Magnetic Field/Mood Seven/Sweet and Sad/Musique electronique: Conflict No. 1/Conflict No. 2/Communications No. 1 - no performer listed, music by Eric Siday (1960)
IA 249 - Musique electronique: Sliding Thirds/Announcing/Musique electronique: Space Time/Space Agitato/Mood Three/Mood Six - no performer listed, music by Eric Siday (1960)
IA 250 - Musique electronique: Hypnosis/Reflections/Musique electronique: Anaesthesia/Sabre Dance - no performer listed, music by Eric Siday (1960)
IA 251 - Musique electronique: Night Tide/Communications No. 2/Musique electronique: Threat Attack - no performer listed, music by Eric Siday (1960)
IA 252 - Twelve Romantic Links (Nos. 1 to 12)/Ten Romantic Links (Nos. 13 to 22) - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 253 - Estrella-Opening/Estrella-Closing/Romantic Bridge/Romantic Hour-Opening/Romantic Hour-Closing/Romantic Link No. 23/Romantic Link No. 24 - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 254 - Summer Moon/Sweet Night/Prelude to Romance/Now and Forever - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 255 - Dear One/End of a Dream/Some Other Time/Anna/To Our Love - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 256 - Three Onions/Our Gang/Three Steps to Hades/Retrospect/To Helen/Never to Know - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 257 - Murder/Short Comedy Link/Three Dramatic Links: Nos. 1 to 3/What Happens Next/Will It Happen/Dramatic Bridge/Eight Comedy Bridges: Nos. 1 to 8 - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell/Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell) (1960)
IA 258 - Cymbeline/Dramatic-Tragic/Dramatic Curtain/Dramatic Mysterious/Love Has Won/Strolling Lovers/The Fussy Kind - no performer listed, music by Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell)/Alfred Ralston (1960)
IA 259 - In the Ballroom/On the Floor/Thee Sea Pictures: No. 1-Morning on the Lake/No. 2-Placid Pool/No. 3-Lakeside Sketch/Summer Garden - no performer listed, music by Malcolm Lockyer/Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 260 - Little Saunter/Awaited Moment/A Glimpse of Moonlight/Evil Conscience/Desolation/Mysterious Stranger - no performer listed, music by Alfred Ralston (1960)
IA 261 - Thirteen Dramatic Links: Nos. 1 to 13/Sinister Moment/Tremblant/Mysterious Ballet - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 262 - Industrial Workshop/River Romance/Spectral Waltz/Carnival Capers/Happy Hobo/Underground - no composer listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 263 - Dramatic Bridge/Waiting and Watching/Rough Justice (Dramatic Suite): Parts 1 to 5/Romantic Suite: No. 1 Twilight/No. 2 Parting/No. 3 Evening - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 264 - The Last Mile/Hospital Theatre - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 265 - Arctic Circle/Thanksgiving/Shadow of the Gallows - no performer listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 266 - Theme for Two/Comedy Bridge/Romantic Bridge/Woodland Romance/Menacing Shore/Five News Links: Nos. 1 to 5/Nine Drama Bridges: Nos. 1 to 9 - no performer listed, music by Bruce Campbell/Ronald Binge/Alfred Ralston/Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)/Malcolm Lockyer (1960)
IA 267 - Street Scene/Boy Meets Girl/Latin Quarter/Hour of Tragedy - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 268 - Comedy Burglar/Comedy Cracksman/Idle Jack/Little Miss Prim/Solemn Clown/All in Fun - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 269 - Four Tension Backgrounds: No. 1 Point of No Return/No. 2 Haunted Gallery/No. 3 Dark Alley/No. 4 Action Decided/Four Mysterious Backgrounds: No. 1 Enchanted Grotto/No. 2 Moment of Magic/No. 3 Grotto Link/No. 4 Magic Link - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 270 - Four Humorous Endings: No. 1 Happy as Larry/No. 2 Happy-Go-Lucky/No. 3 Jack Be Nimble/No. 4 Comic Strip/Three Humorous Backgrounds: No. 1 What a Life/No. 2 Poodle Cut/No. 3 Sparkling Wit - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 271 - Three Romantic Finales: No. 1 All's Well That Ends Well/No. 2 Midsummer Romance/No. 3 True to the End/Two Dignity Finales: No. 1 The Great Man Remembers/No. 2 Picture of Dignity/Two Comedy Finales: No. 1 Toke the Bloke/No. 2 The Red-Haired Trollop - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 272 - Twenty Shock Curtains (Nos. 1 to 10)/Twenty Shock Curtains (Nos. 11 to 20) - no performer listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 273 - Crime Variations: Theme for a Killer-Opening/Theme for a Killer-Closing/Remorseless Fate/Crime Variations: Murder Chase/Stealthy Approach - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson (1961)
IA 274 - Crime Variations: Eerie Mystery/Sudden Death/Running Figures/Poignant Scene - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson (1961)
IA 275 - Power Drive/November Fog/Closing Time/No Place like Home - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/King Palmer (1961)
IA 276 - Gaily Along/Vital Statistics/Georgian Facade/Sewing Circle - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/King Palmer (1961)
IA 277 - Happy Hurries: Nos. 1 to 8/Comic Consequences-Nos. 1 to 12 - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer (1961)
IA 278 - Romance in Beguine/Beat of the Baion/Rumbalero/Wild Boy/Comic Consequences-No. 13/Comic Consequences-No. 14/Comic Consequences-No. 15 - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer (1961)
IA 279 - Mixed Feelings: The Schizophrenic/The Moron/The Farewell Waltz - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge (1961)
IA 280 - Promenade/Galop/Pastorale/Lament - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet (1961)
IA 281 - Five Comic Characters: Eccentric Gent/Aunt Sally/Dilapidated Dandy/Old Fogey/Scare-Crow/Animal Kingdom: Elephant's Walk/Earthy Kit/Elusive Fel/Otter's Glide - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by King Palmer (1961)
IA 282 - Sentimentalities, Openings and Closings: Maudling Melody/Homespun Harmony/Sentimentalities, Openings and Closings: Moon and Mimosa/Stars and Sapphires - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge (1961)
IA 283 - Hallucination/Melancholia/Brain Fever/Crack-Up/The Psychopath/Subconcious - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 284 - Frenzy/Double Vision/Vertigo/The Neurotic/Delirium/Hysteria - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 285 - Twelve Comedy Backgrounds Nos. 1 to 3: No. 1 Roger the Lodger/No. 2 Play-Time/No. 3 Chug-a-Lug/Twelve Comedy Backgrounds Nos. 4 to 6: No. 4 January Sales/No. 5 Flute Trio (Schottische)/No. 6 Weary Willie (Bassoon Blues) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 286 - Twelve Comedy Backgrounds Nos. 7 to 9: No. 7 Jumping Jiminy/No. 8 Hubble-Bubble/No. 9 Bubble Bath/Twelve Comedy Backgrounds Nos. 10 to 12: No. 10 Peter Piper/No. 11 March of the Frogs (Bassoon Trio)/No. 12 Comic Oriental - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 287 - Woodwind Comedy Transitions Nos. 1 to 11/Woodwind Comedy Transitions Nos. 12 to 22 - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 288 - On the Trampolin/Tango Time - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Kurt Rehfeld/Bernard Monshin (1961)
IA 289 - Spanish Harlequin/Caribbean Dance - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Craddy/Madeleine Dring (1961)
IA 290 - Eight Instrumental Themes: Merry Maid of Madrid/Grievous Loss/Dreamy Thoughts/Hour of Faith/Eight Instrumental Themes: Aftermath of Tragedy/Crystal Drop/Haunting Ground/Kingdom of the Mind - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by King Palmer (1961)
IA 291 - Globe Trotting: Russian Dance/Russian Romantic/Finland/Globe Trotting: Sweden (Dance)/Norway (Dance)/Belgium (Flemish Dance) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter (1961)
IA 292 - Globe Trotting: Rumania (Dance)/Italy (Dance)/Italy (Romantic)/Globe Trotting: Jugoslavia (Dance)/Poland (Dance)/Greece (Romantic) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter (1961)
IA 293 - Bobsleigh/Scramble for Breakfast/Cor, Love a Duck! - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Jack Beaver/Raymond Beaver/Allan Street/Tony Lowry (1961)
IA 294 - Mizzi Pizzicato/Fiddlesticks/Venetian Serenade - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Harry Dexter/Felton Rapley (1961)
IA 295 - Loco-Motif/Bushfire - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by George S. English (1961)
IA 296 - Countryside Cameo/Mischief Makers - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer/Sydney Del Monte (1961)
IA 297 - Crime Squad: Pursuit/Showdown/Justice/Song of Industry/Vite-Vite - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gary Hughes/Ronald Hanmer/Kenneth Baynes (1961)
IA 298 - Happy Chappie/Get Cracking/Pot Luck - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Larry Ashmore/John Howlett/Cyril Watters (1961)
IA 299 - Miniature Suite (Woodwind)/Various Percussion Effects/Miniature Suite (Strings)/Various Percussion Effects - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet/no composer listed (1961)
IA 300 - Miniature Suite (Ensemble)/Miniature Suite (Brass)/Various Percussion Effects - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet/no composer listed (1961)
IA 301 - Synchro Jazz Part 1 (Rough): Nos. 1 to 5/Syncro Jazz Part 2 (Smooth): Nos. 1 to 8 - The Lansdowne Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 302 - Quotations for Murder, Part 1 (in Three Sections): No. 1/No. 2/No. 3/Quotations for Murder, Part 2 (in Three Sections): No. 1/No. 2/No. 3 - The Lansdowne Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 303 - Johnny Ubiquitous, Part 1 (Concert Jazz): Johnny Blues/Johnny Satire/Johnny Gone Wild/Johnny Ubiquitous, Part 2 (Concert Jazz): Johnny Tycoon/Johnny Depressive/Johnny Racketeer - The Lansdowne Concert Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 304 - Passport for Soho (Jazz Mysterioso in Three Sections): Section 1/Section 2/Section 3/Supper with Stephie (Concert Jazz) - The Lansdowne Concert Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 305 - Light Industrial Themes: 1. Development Area/2. Laboratory Test/3. Delivery Service/Light Dramatics: Voice of Intrigue/The Suspect/The Felony/The Pulse - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1961)
IA 306 - Harpsichord in Classical Style: Rondo (in the Manner of Mozart)/Sarabande (in the Manner of Handel)/Gavotte (in the Manner of Bach)/???? - no performer listed/????, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/???? (1961)
IA 307 - Dissonance: No. 1 Opening/No. 2 Closing/Dissonance: No. 3 Bridge/No. 4 Bridge/No. 5 Bridge/No. 6 Timpani/No. 7 Timpani - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Norman Kay (1962)
IA 308 - In Fine Fettle/Remembrance March - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Cyril Watters/Howard Blake (1962)
IA 309 - Four Piano Pieces: No. 1 Purple Hills/No. 2 Pastel Serenade/Four Piano Pieces: No. 3 Monday Kinda Blues/No. 4 Tune at Teatime - Dennis Wilson at the piano, music by Dennis Wilson (1962)
IA 310 - Harpsichord in Classical Style: No. 4 Gigue/Fugue/Dead Beat/Seven Piano Cadenzas: Nos. 1 to 7 - no performer listed, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/Heinz Herschmann/Johnny Douglas/Dennis Wilson (1962)
IA 311 - Knock It Off/Snap Decision/Cool and Bright One/Playin' It Cool - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by Johnny Douglas/Ernst Ponticelli/Max Harris/Ray Beaver (1962)
IA 312 - Main Line/Mechanised Melody/Travelogue - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Syd Dale/Ronald Hanmer/Heinz Herschmann (1962)
IA 313 - Blue Sea and Evening Sky/Spring Songster/Conquest of To-Morrow - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Howard Blake/King Palmer (1962)
IA 314 - Openings and Closings: No. 1 Enterprise/No. 2 Affairs of Importance/Men of the Mounties - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Tolchard Evans (1962)
IA 315 - Deserted City/Reeds in the Wind/Theme and Variations: Theme/Romantic/Gay/Dramatic/Sad/Closing - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Madeleine Dring/King Palmer (1962)
IA 316 - African Ritual/Night Out/Boating Song - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Len Stevens (1962)
IA 317 - The Silent Shadow/Crime Wave/Tragic Muse/Ice Pack - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race (1962)
IA 318 - Reverie/Tango Mirage - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Francis Chagrin (1962)
IA 319 - Men of Importance: The President/Commander-in-Chief/The Lord Mayor/The Prime Minister/The Governor General/Men of Importance: Head of State/Admiral of the Fleet/The Lord Chief Justice/The Queen's Messenger/The Standard Bearer - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1962)
IA 320 - Big City Galop/Machine Age/Holiday Mood - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer/Peter Hope/Jack Coles (1962)
IA 321 - Scatter-Brain/The Dignified Drunk - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1962)
IA 322 - Veteran on Wheels/Bazaar - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Tony Lowry (1962)
IA 323 - Priscilla in Paris/Johnny Giuoco - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Stefan Rogez (Louis Voss)/Harry Dexter (1962)
IA 324 - Four Neutral Backgrounds: No. 1 Conversation Piece/No. 2 Window Shopping/Four Neutral Backgrounds: No. 3 Grace and Charm/No. 4 Morning in the Park - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1962)
IA 325 - Scales of Justice/My Treasure/Five Light Comedy Sections: No. 1 Morning Exercise/No. 2 The Pally Poltergeist/The Pally Poltergeist Optional Ending/No. 3 Charlie Chipmunk/No. 4 Exit Comique/No. 5 Nine Steps - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race/Peter Yorke/Bruce Campbell (1962)
IA 326 - Caprice/Cheerful Charlie/Jolly Tar (Hornpipe)/Go to It - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson/Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/Dennis Wilson/John Howlett (1962)
IA 327 - Cool as a Cucumber/Sauntering Sam/Chanson du cafe triste/Quiet Rhythm - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen) (1962)
IA 328 - Morocco Bound/Tokyo Joe - The Landsdowne Dance Band, music by Archie Alexander (1962)
IA 329 - Black Velvet (Trad. Version)/Black Velvet (Slow Version) - The Lansdowne Dance Band, music by Archie Alexander (1962)
IA 330 - Afro-cubanos/Voice of the Jungle: Tribal Message/Jungle Call/Voice of the Jungle: Tribal Warriors/Tribal Feast No. 1/Tribal Feast No. 2 - no performer listed, music by Freddie Phillips (1962)
IA 331 - Voice of the Jungle: Cry of the Night Bird/Macaws Warning Call/Birds in the Jungle/Brooding Swamp No. 1/Brooding Swamp No. 2/Voice of the Jungle: Startled Flight/Jungle Village/Braziliana - no performer listed, music by Freddie Phillips (1962)
IA 332 - Tudor Impressions: Love Song/Festival March/Tudor Impressions: Three Fancies-No. 1/Three Fancies-No. 2/Three Fancies-No. 3 - The Tudor Players conducted by Max Saunders, music by Max Saunders (1962)
IA 333 - Tudor Impressions: Court Jesters (Ground)/Six Fanfares-No. 1/Six Fanfares-No. 2/Six Fanfares-No. 3/Six Fanfares-No. 4/Six Fanfares-No. 5/Six Fanfares-No. 6/Tudor Impressions: Royal March/Solemn Processional - The Tudor Players conducted by Max Saunders, music by Max Saunders (1962)
IA 334 - Tudor Impressions: Soldiers' March/Pastoral/Air/Tudor Impressions: Saraband/Serenade - The Tudor Players conducted by Max Saunders, music by Max Saunders (1962)
IA 335 - Tudor Impressions: Hunting Song/Tournament/Tudor Impressions: Chant/Country Dance - The Tudor Players conducted by Max Saunders, music by Max Saunders (1962)
IA 336 - Marine Aspects: No. 1 Naval Review/No. 2 Sailing in the Sun/No. 3 Men and the Sea/Marine Aspects: No. 4 Dockside Activity/Happy World - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Peter Hope/Axel van Düren (Herbert Peltzer) (1963)
IA 337 - Loreley Waltz/Happy Omen/Moscow Parade/Crinoline Waltz/Light Rhythmic Introductions: Nos. 1 to 5 - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/no performer listed, music by Strauss arr. Ronald Hanmer/Ronald Hanmer/Eric Kirkpatrick (Eric Gosling) (1963)
IA 338 - Tele Cha-Cha/Florida Shuffle/Grande fiesta (Pachanga)/Newsreel Openings Nos. 1 & 2 (Long and Short Version) - The Lansdowne Rhythm Group/no performer listed, music by Franko Sebastiani (Robby Spier)/Gotthard Welker/Louis Freichel/Eugen Mareczek (1963)
IA 339 - Newsreel Openings Nos. 3 & 4 (Long and Short Versions)/Hillbilly Wedding/Zick-Zack Zither/Samba nova - no performer listed/The Lansdowne Rhythm Group, music by Eugen Mareczek/Robbie Spier/Hubert Wolf (1963)
IA 340 - Alpine Gaiety/Cha-Cha Beguine/Rio baion/Spaghetti Parade - The Landsowne Rhythm Group, music by Robert von Kessler/Hubert Wolf/Klaus Köster (Klaus Werker) (1963)
IA 341 -
IA 342 - Percussion Motifs: Timpani/Tubular Bells/Percussion Motifs: Cymbal/Triangle/Xylophone/Glockenspiel/Vibraphone/Glockenspiel, Vibraphone and Celeste - no performer listed, music by Ronald Hanmer (1963)
IA 343 - Bethlehem Song/Santa's Sleigh/Desolate Land: Opening/Theme/Erosion - no performer listed, music by Steve Race/Freddie Phillips (1963)
IA 344 - Desolate Land: Poverty/Ending/Sad Memory/Fugato desparato/Urgency on High Strings/Hopeless Love/Urgency on Low Strings/Syncopated Brass Chords/Sinister Cello Unioso/Stealthy Bass Pizzicato/Dramatic Brass Chords/Brass Chords, Staccato Endings - no performer listed, music by Freddie Phillips/Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1963)
IA 345 - ????/Instrumental Inventions (Solos): Heavenly Harp/Vivacious Violin/Charming 'Cello/Burly Bass - ????/no performer listed, music by ????/Ronald Hanmer (1963)
IA 346 - Happy Occasion/Lyrical Scherzo/Happy Families - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Howard Blake/Sam Fonteyn (Samuel Soden)/Gilbert Vinter (1963)
IA 347 - Metropolitan Aspects: Evening-Gala Premiere/Night Fall/Dawn/Awakening/Metropolitan Aspects: City by Day/Skyline - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope (1963)
IA 348 - Nocturne/Sea Sketch/Intermezzo gioviale - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson/Rupert Paul (Paul Lewis)/Francis Chagrin (1963)
IA 349 - For Someone Special (Louise)/Stop Doing That - The Lansdowne Dance Band, music by Terry Rawlings/Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1963)
IA 350 - Advertising Aids: Lush Romantic/Pastoral/Romantic/Broad Scenic/Advertising Aids: Enterprise/Children/Teenage/Exciting Rhythm - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer (1963)
IA 351 - Confused Century/Hammond Organ with Guitar/Hammond Organ, High/Mysterioso in Jazz/Escape into Death - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram R¨phrig) (1963)
IA 352 - 'Cello Unioso & Bass Clarinet/Ominous Bass Clarinet/Hammond Organ & Percussion/Teen Brawl - The Landsowne Light Orchestra/The Lansdowne Dance Band, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Johnny Keating (1963)
IA 353 - The Rolling Main/Spring Frolic/Charter of Freedom - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Hanmer/Harry Dexter (1964)
IA 354 - Happy Youngsters/Winter's Morning/Snippet/Pigmy March/Small Scale - ????, music by Ronald Hanmer/King Palmer (UNCONFIRMED)
IA 355 - Festival in Greece/Searching/Rhythm Cocktail/Trombone Express - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra/The Lansdowne Rhythm Group, music by Tommy Rundle/Paulo Emmez (Maurice Arnold)/Peter Hope/Ernst Kugler (1964)
IA 356 - Suite: Pythagoras, Harmonic Numbers-Section 1/Section 2/Section 3/Suite: Pythagoras, Croton Landscape-Section 1/Section 2/Section 3 - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1964)
IA 357 - Suite: Pythagoras, The Tyrant-Opening/Part 1/Closing/Suite: Pythagoras-March - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by
IA 358 - Elizabeth and Spring/Autumn without Elizabeth - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1964)
IA 359 - Majestoso: Opening/Part 1/Part 2/Closing/Fly Past - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)/Nigel Brooks (1964)
IA 360 - Two Guitars: La mexicana enamorada/Two Guitars and Percussion: Bossa nova/Fiesta in Fugue (Joropo) - no performer listed, music by Freddie Phillips (1964)
IA 361 - Chiaroscuro (Sunlight on the Waters) (Two Guitars)/Cha-cha caracalho (Two Guitars and Percussion)/Two Guitars: Music in the English Style A/Music in the English Style B - no performer listed, music by Freddie Phillips (1964)
IA 362 - On the Road/Polyester/Machinery 1/Building Site/Machinery 2/Machinery 3/Laboratory - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Heinz Neubrand/Teddy Windholz/Heinz Sandauer (1964)
IA 363 - Scottish Bagpipes: A Gaelic Lament (Lament)/Scottish Bagpipes: The Snowcapped Mountains (Slow March) - no performer listed, music by Leslie Statham (1964)
IA 364 - Scottish Bagpipes: Braemar Gathering (Strathspey)/Mactavish's Party (Reel)/Scottish Bagpipes: The Isle of Maree (Slow March)/The Falls of Lorne (Retreat) - no performer listed, music by Leslie Statham (1964)
IA 365 - French Filly/Morning Constitutional/Track One/Pleasant Journey - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope (1964)
IA 366 - Comedy Links Nos. 1-9 (Woodwind & Brass)/Comedy Links Nos. 10-12 (Woodwind & Brass)/Bijou - no performer listed, music by Peter Hope/Nigel Brooks (1964)
IA 367 - Dolly's Gavotte/Dolly's Lullaby/Dolly's Playtime/Dolly's Party/Dolly's Coronation/Dolly's Gigue/Dolly's Games/Dolly's Waltz/Dolly's Delight - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1964)
IA 368 - Military Visions: Set I/Military Visions: Set II - ????, music by Paul Lewis (UNCONFIRMED)
IA 369 - Globe Trotting-Second Series: Scandinavia (Panoramic)/Scotland/Globe Trotting-Second Series: Slavonic Scene/Ireland - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter (1964)
IA 370 - Globe Trotting-Second Series: Wales (Landscape)/Portugal: Santa Maria/England (Pastoral)/France (Cabaret) - The Landsdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter (1964)
IA 371 - Faster than That/Night Drive/After a Fashion - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Howard Blake/Freddie Phillips/Harry Dexter (1964)
IA 372 - Boogie/Totem/Movin' Fives/Number 83/Mambo nostalgique/You're Not Here - guitar: Alan Edwards, music by Alan Edwards (1964)
I have about 200 of these.
IA 101 - The Dark Stairway (Steve Race) - Difficult Journey I (Steve Race) Difficult Journey II (Steve Race) - Mystic (Van Phillips) - Clairvoyant (Van Phillips)
IA 102 - Dockside Dawn (Van Phillips) - Dockside Twilight (Van Phillips) - Dissolution (Steve Race) - Eerie Chime (Steve Race) - Flannelfoot (Steve Race) - Ominous Interlude (Alfred Ralston)
IA 103 - Royal Finale (Steve Race) - Royal Moment (Steve Race) - Regal (Steve Race) - Pioneer (Steve Race) - To & Fro (Steve Race) - Atlantic Bridge (Ronald Binge) - Poison Pen (Van Phillips) - Tension (Steve Race) - Reunion (Steve Race) - Sudden Embrace (Steve Race)
IA 104 - Busy Looms (Ronald Binge) - Lost in the Desert (Alfred Ralston) - Mad Pursuit (Ronald Binge) - Mad Pursuit Bridges (Steve Race) - Anguished Moments (Steve Race) - Up and Down (Steve Race)
IA 105 - Staggering Home (Ronald Binge) - Twinkle Toes (Van Phillips) - Fiesta (Ronald Binge) - The Stab (Steve Race)
IA 106 - Carefree (Van Phillips) - Mad as a Hatter (Ronald Binge) - Cantering Cats (Steve Race) - Faithful Love (Ronald Binge) - Neapolitan Band (Ronald Binge) - Comedy Canter (Ronald Binge) - Flippant (Steve Race)
IA 107 - Interlude (Ronald Binge) - Slow Thought (Ronald Binge) - Beauty & The Beast (Ronald Binge) - Desert Memory 1 (Ronald Binge) - Desert Memory 2 (Ronald Binge) - Country Weekend (Ronald Binge) - Hornpipe Hangover (Ronald Binge)
IA 108 - East Side-West Side (Steve Race) - First Day In Town (Steve Race) - Regal Approach (Steve Race) - Conflict (Steve Race) - Cowboy Thriller (F. Farmer) - Skyline (Steve Race) - Upward Sweep (Steve Race) - Urgent (Steve Race)
IA 109 - Lovers Moon (Bruce Campbell) - Golden Morning (Bruce Campbell) - Waiting for Susan (Bruce Campbell) - Hilltop Honeymoon (Bruce Campbell) - Upland Romance (Bruce Campbell) - Roof Garden (Bruce Campbell)
IA 110 - Quiet Forest (Bruce Campbell) - Wistful (Bruce Campbell) - Hand In Hand (Bruce Campbell) - Don't Forget (Bruce Campbell) - Yours Sincerely (Bruce Campbell)
Will update this as i rip them :)
Woo Woo!!!
Brilliant, thanks!
Next 10 in the series:
IA 111 - This Love Story - This Love Story 2nd Ending - Sweet Dreams - This To Remember - Clifftop - Apple Blossom (All tracks by Bruce Campbell)
IA 112 - Desolate Village - Ten To Zero - The Small Hours - Mountain Side - Fever Chart - Clouding Over (All tracks by Bruce Campbell)
IA 113 - The House On The Moor (Bruce Campbell) - Silent Watcher (Bruce Campbell) - The Smugglers (Ronald Binge) - Night Visitor (Bruce Campbell) - Pterodactyl (Bruce Campbell)
IA 114 - Curlycues - Quirk - Apples & Pears - Beginner's Luck - Rag Doll - Morning After - Shopping day - Tit For tat - Orderly Sergeant - Baby Hippo - Hunt The Thimble (All tracks by Bruce Campbell)
IA 115 - Good Clean Fun - Aperitif - The Cheerful Undertaker - Hustle Bustle - Helter Skelter - Engagement Ring (All tracks by Van Phillips)
IA 116 - The Tyrant - Bitter Memory - Doubt Resolved - Homicide Squad - Anxious Moment - Ultimatum (All tracks by Van Phillips)
IA 117 - Remorse - Moonlight Meeting - Rendez-vous - First Meeting - Romantic Ending - Jeannine (All tracks by Van Phillips)
IA 118 - Grand Finale - Fanfare Ending - Caroline - June - Deborah - Honor - Final Curtain - Big Finish - Delicatesse - On The Pier - Girl on the Bus - Sparklette (All tracks by Van Phillips)
IA 119 - GRIP OF THE LAW: Opening - Closing - Dramatic Penultimate - Light - Romantic - Background (All tracks by Trevor Duncan)
IA 120 - WITHOUT HOPE: Opening - Closing - Dramatic - Light - Romantic - Background - Bridge 1 - Bridge 2 (All tracks by Trevor Duncan)
Found one in a Dutch thrift store of all places. It was in an album book of some Charles Brull Harmonics that I have to sort.
IA 218 - Stately Occasion (Van Phillips) - Emblem of Office (Van Phillips) - Hall of Fame (Van Phillips) - His Excellency (Van Phillips)
Landsdowne Light Orchestra
“Copyright Recording First Published 1960”
Next Ten - 121-130:
IA 121 - LOVE SCENE: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Background/Bridge No. 1/Bridge No. 2/Bridge No. 3 (Bruce Campbell)
IA 122 - Practical Joker/Moonlight With Maxine (Van Phillips)
IA 123 - The Liberty Boat/Big Top (Ronald Binge)
IA 124 - The Girl From Home/Shopping Tour (Bruce Campbell)
IA 125 - Man In A Hurry/Miss Melanie (Ronald Binge)
IA 126 - Strife/Clash (Bruce Campbell)
IA 127 - Pacific Shore/Jessica/Daphne/Rosemary/White Sails/September Night/Thelma/Harvest Time/Landscape (Bruce Campbell)
IA 128 - THE WEB TIGHTENS: Opening/Close/Romantic Penultimate/Background/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate (Trevor Duncan)
IA 129 - Iron Foundry - Man-hunt - Coquette - Cheeky - Emotional Conflict - Prelude to Rapture - Capers - Glamourette - Mutt & Jeff (Van Phillips)
IA 130 - Broad Horizon - Lynch Fever (Trevor Duncan)
I have the info archived from the cached version of the page, and I added some new releases too.
10" 78s:
IA 101 - The Dark Stairway/The Difficult Journey Part I/The Difficult Journey Part II/Mystic/Clairvoyant - Steve Race/Van Phillips
IA 102 - Dockside Dawn/Dockside Twilight/Dissolution/Eerie Chime/Flannelfoot/Ominous Interlude - Van Phillips/Steve Race/Alfred Ralston
IA 103 - Royal Finale/Royal Moment/Regret/Pioneer/To and Fro/Atlantic Bridge/Poison Pen/Tension/Reunion/Sudden Embrace - Steve Race/Ronald Binge/Van Phillips
IA 104 - Busy Looms/Lost in the Desert/Mad Pursuit/Mad Pursuit Bridge/Anguised Moment/Up and Down - Ronald Binge/Alfred Ralston/Steve Race
IA 105 - Staggering Home/Twinkle Toes/Fiesta/The Stab - Ronald Binge/Van Phillips/Steve Race
IA 106 - Faithful Love/Neapolitan Band/Comedy Canter/Flippant/Carefree/Mad as a Hatter/Cantering Cuts - Ronald Binge/Steve Race/Van Phillips
IA 107 - Interlude/Slow Thought/Beauty and the Beast/Desert Memory I/Desert Memory II/Country Weekend/Hornpipe Hangover - Ronald Binge
IA 108 - East Side-West Side/First Day in Town/Regal Approach/Conflict/Cowboy Thriller/Skyline/Upward Sweep/Urgent - Steve Race/Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell)
IA 109 - Lovers Moon/Golden Morning/Waiting for Susan/Hilltop Honeymoon/Upland Romance/Roof Garden - Bruce Campbell
IA 110 - Quiet Forest/Wistful/Hand in Hand/Don't Forget/Yours Sincerely - Bruce Campbell
IA 111 - This Love Story/This Love Story (2nd Ending)/Sweet Dreams/This to Remember/Clifftop/Apple Blossom - Bruce Campbell
IA 112 - Desolate Village/Ten to Zero/The Small Hours/Mountain Side/Fever Chart/Clouding Over - Bruce Campbell
IA 113 - The House on the Moor/Silent Watcher/The Smugglers/Night Visitor/Pterodactyl - Bruce Campbell/Ronald Binge
IA 114 - Curlycues/Quirk/Apples and Pears/Beginner's Luck/Rag Doll/Morning After/Shopping Day/Tit for Tat/Orderly Sergeant/Baby Hippo/Hunt the Thimble - Bruce Campbell
IA 115 - Good Clean Fun/Aperitif/The Cheerful Undertaker/Hustle-Bustle/Helter-Skelter/Engagement Ring - Van Phillips
IA 116 - The Tyrant/Bitter Memory/Doubt Resolved/Homicide Squad/Anxious Moment/Ultimatum - Van Phillips
IA 117 - Remorse/Moonlight Meeting/Rendez-vous/First Meeting/Romantic Ending/Jeannine - Van Phillips
IA 118 - Grand Finale/Fanfare Ending/Caroline/June/Deborah/Honor/Final Curtain/Big Finish/Delicatesse/On the Pier/Girl on the Bus/Sparklette - Van Phillips
IA 119 - Grip of the Law: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Grip of the Law: Background - Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 120 - Without Hope: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Without Hope: Background/Bridge 1/Bridge 2 - Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 121 - Love Scene: Opening/Closing/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate/Romantic Penultimate/Love Scene: Background/Bridge 1/Bridge 2/Bridge 3 - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 122 - Practical Joker/Moonlight with Maxine - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 123 - The Liberty Boat/Big Top - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 124 - The Girl from Home/Shopping Tour - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 125 - Man in a Hurry/Miss Melanie - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge
IA 126 - Strife/Clash - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 127 - Pacific Shore/Jessica/Daphne/Rosemary/White Sails/September Night/Thema/Harvest Time/Landscape - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 128 - The Web Tightens: Opening/Close/Romantic Penultimate/The Web Tightens: Background/Dramatic Penultimate/Light Penultimate - no artist listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 129 - Iron Foundry/Manhunt/Coquette/Cheeky/Emotional Conflict/Prelude to Rapture/Capers/Glamourette/Mutt and Jeff - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 130 - Broad Horizon/Lynch Fever - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 131 - Carefree/Twinkle Toes - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 132 - Dancing Doughboy/Jeune fille - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 133 - Jay Walker/Tempo for Strings - ????, music by Maurice Grew/Bruce Campbell
IA 134 - Popcorn Polka/Puppy Dog/Gentle Way/Contemplation - no artist listed/????, music by Steve Race
IA 135 - Court Scene/Triumphant Heart/Saddle Days/Gilpin's Ride - ????, music by Steve Race
IA 136 - Dark Traffic: Opening/Bridge/Close 1/Sting/Dark Traffic: Background Part 1/Background Part 2/Close 2 - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 137 - Sceptred Isle/Song of Scotland - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 138 - Elephant's Gavotte/Day Trip/Song of the Cotswolds/Catherine Wheel - ????, music by Steve Race
IA 139 - Machine Man/Bars of Hell/Hangman's Knot/Barcarolle - ????, music by Steve Race
IA 140 - Skylarks/Mountain Music - ????, music by Ronald Binge/Cedric Dumont
IA 141 - Determination/Nostalgique - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 142 - Bathing Beach/Dolphin Dance/Edge of the Lake/Delia - ????, music by Steve Race
IA 143 - Synchro-Stings: No. 1/No. 2/No. 3/No. 4/Major Chords/Minor Chords/Synchro-Stings: No. 5/No. 6/No. 7/No. 8/No. 9/No. 10/Atonal Chords - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 144 - Eerie Vaults/Dry Throat/Cry from the Heart/Flash/Scream/Neutral - ????, music by Steve Race/Bruce Campbell
IA 145 - Saga/Norman Arches/Noble Heart/Flatfoot/Breasting the Tape/Running Jump/The Pang/The Call - ????, music by Steve Race
IA 146 - Operations Room: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/River Patrol: Part 1/Part 2/Part 3/Part 4 - no artist listed, music by James Stevens
IA 147 - La gitarre (flamenco)/El matador (ferruca)/La danzadora (habanera)/La castaneta (jota) - ????, music by Jorge Enrique (George Elliott)
IA 148 - Sorrento Serenade/Tarantella di Napoli/Principality - ????, music by Jorge Enrique (George Elliott)/Ronald Binge
IA 149 - Accordeon Solos: Cafe Bonheur/Piece Caprice/???? - no artist listed/????, music by Henry Krein/Barry Gray
IA 150 - Busybody/Once upon a Time - ????, music by Billy Mayerl
IA 151 - South Bank/Remembered Melody - ????, music by Paul Fenoulhet
IA 152 - Serenade for Yvette/Northwind - ????, music by Kurt Rehfeld
IA 153 - Family Outing/Portuguese Party - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Gilbert Vinter
IA 154 - Annual Outing/Mediterranean Cruise - ????, music by Billy Mayerl
IA 155 - Jig-Jag/Fiddlers' Frivol - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter/Kurt Rehfeld
IA 156 - Forward Amigos/Serenata amore - ????, music by E. S. Pana (Reg Casson)/Reg Casson
IA 157 - Polly/Stumblebum/Spooky/Backed a Lose/Perky Peke ("Close")/Lost Golliwog/White Mice/Nursery Game/Shy Kid/Beano - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 158 - Uneasy Dream/Uneasy Sleep/Generator House/Paranormal/Midway Break - no artist listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 159 - Rainy Season/Half-Crown Hop: Lively/Slow/Piano - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 160 - 20th Century Polka/Valse mystique - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 161 - The Cat and the Hippo/Romano's/Nearly Nuptial - - ????/no artist listed, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Ronald Binge
IA 162 - Lonely Glade/Vin ordinaire/Sampan Song/Jilted/Sweet Sorrow/Windy Corner - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 163 - Tragic Rhapsody Part 1/Tragic Rhapsody Part 2 - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 164 - Radio Show/Light Machines/Woodwind Lullaby/Piano Tension - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 165 - Aviary Concord/Aviary Discord/Toytown March/Toytown Fanfare/The Local Volunteer/Pompous Period Piece/Trio bouffe/Electronic Organ Stings - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 166 - Blue Fever (Part I)/Blue Fever (Part II) - The Landsdowne Dance Orchestra, music by John O'Notes (Ronald Binge)
IA 167 - Mood Nine/In Your Arms - ????, music by Leslie Vinall/John O'Notes (Ronald Binge)
IA 168 - Palais Bounce/Gondola Scene - ????, music by John O'Notes (Ronald Binge)/Ronald Binge
IA 169 - Olympic Flame/Toward Adventure - ????, music by Paul Fenoulhet/Gilbert Vinter
IA 170 - High Day/Air Display - ????, music by Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)/Gilbert Vinter
IA 171 - Jimmy O'Goblin/Juggins - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 172 - The Little Circus: Opening/Closing/Sentimental Spinster: Opening/Closing/Puppet Parade/Strange Tenant - ????, music by James Stevens
IA 173 - Bustling Billy: Opening/Closing/Eerievisit: Opening/Closing/The Equilibrist/Swirling Mists - ????, music by James Stevens
IA 174 - Mam'selle moderne/French Leave - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 175 - Sea Vista/Prairie Song/the Clansmen: Patrol/Lament - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 176 - An English Garden/Remembered Romance - ????, music by Felton Rapley
IA 177 - Elizabethan Masque/White Cliffs - ????, music by Fredric Bayco/Bruce Campbell
IA 178 - River Reach/Pompette - ????, music by Bruce Campbell/Fredric Bayco
IA 179 - Pert and Pretty/Noble Occasion - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 180 - Frou-frou/Evening in Capri - ????, music by Ronald Binge/Felton Rapley
IA 181 - Peg-Leg/Morning Flirtation - ????, music by Norman Whiteley/Kurt Rehfeld
IA 182 - Adelita March/Xmas Eve - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 183 - Rickshaw Ride/Bird of Omen/Trapset/Night Watch/Magic Circle/Stealthy Approach/The Great Wall - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 184 - Space Music: Asteroid/Milky Way/Space Call/Space Music: Mysterious Universe/Andromeda/The Great Nebula - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 185 - Space Music: Constellation/Lost in Space/Satellite/The Great Void/Transit to Venus/Pluto - no artist listed, music by Van Phillips
IA 186 - Flea Circus: March of the Fleas/Ballerina/Flea Circus: the Clowns/Coach Ride - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 187 - Coming up the Straight/Leading by a Head - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 188 - Comedy Endings: Sections 1-17/Comedy Transitions 1-18 - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra/????, music by Van Phillips
IA 189 - Riot/The Tall Ships - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra/????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 190 - St. Boniface Down Part 1/St. Boniface Down Part 2 - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 191 - Shock Treatment: Opening/Background No. 1/Shock Treatment: Close/Background No. 2 - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 192 - Cathedral: Theme/Cathedral: Vision - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 193 - Cathedral: Organum/Coda/Cathedral: Fugue - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 194 - A Song for Penelope/Top Model - ????, music by Norman Whiteley/Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)
IA 195 - Funtime/Bronze Medal - ????, music by Buddy Abinger (Gilbert Vinter)
IA 196 - Signing On/Signing Off/Tournament - ????, music by Norman Whiteley
IA 197 - Maids of Honour/String Cascade - ????, music by Billy Mayerl/Reginald King
IA 198 - Achievement/They're Off/Tragic Moments/Perilous Journey - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 199 - Sporting Chance/Three Fanfares/Gongs/Greeting from Schwabenland - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter/Kurt Rehfeld
IA 200 - In the Tyrol/Wine Harvest - ????, music by Kurt Rehfeld
IA 201 - Vienna Fair/Romance - ????, music by Kurt Rehfeld
IA 202 - Rhineland Pleasures/The Merry Burgomaster - ????, music by Kurt Rehfeld
IA 203 - Wedding in the Black Forest (Schwarzwaelder Hochzeit)/Farmers' Polka - The Lansdowne Band/????, music by Kurt Rehfeld (1958)
IA 204 - Fugato moderne/Little Poppet/Hurdy Gurdy Carousel - ????, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/William Davies/James Stevens
IA 205 - Majestic Interlude/Ringelspiel/Crazy Daisy - ????, music by Billy Mayerl/Jack Helyer/Harry Rabinowitz
IA 206 - The Watermill/The Dance of the Snowflakes - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 207 - Temple in Twilight/Bambi's babe - ????, music by Van Phillips/Peter Yorke
IA 208 - Idle Fellow/The Three Swans/Screwy - ????, music by King Palmer/Ronald Munro/Gilbert Vinter
IA 209 - Tittle Tattle/Tenderfoot/Majestic Link/Playful Link/By the Mosque - ????, music by Maurice Grew/Harry Rabinowitz/William Davies
IA 210 - Midnight Memory/A la francaise/Italian Vagabond/Pacemaker/Raindrop Nocturne/Golliwog Polka/Miss Crepe Suzette/Chord Happy - ????, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly)
IA 211 - Eighteen Harmonica Stings/Four Harmonica Stings/Serenade to a Thought/Vamping/Amateur Vamping - ????, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly)
IA 212 - Five Mysteriosos/Seven Space Stings/Popple Duffle/Guitar Mysterioso No. 1/Guitar Mysterioso No. 2 - ????, music by Max Martin (James Moody/Tommy Reilly)/F. Brian (Brian Fahey)
IA 213 - Mitzi Girl/Sea Dance/Sea Tina/Tina Polka/Tina Jig/Gipsy Dance - ????, music by A. Henderson (Alf Edwards)
IA 214 - Cowboy/Jogerer (Musical Clown)/Tina Tanz/E Flat Shanty - ????, music by A. Henderson (Alf Edwards)
IA 215 - Duck's Twaddle/Contra Bass/Sunset Lullaby/Cowboy Joe/Romance in G Minor/Contra Tina - ????, music by A. Henderson (Alf Edwards)
IA 216 - Four Romantics: Lucy's in Love/Girl by the Fountain/Four Romantics: Moonlight Melody/Longing for Linda - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 217 - More Comedy Transitions: Nos. 1-12/More Comedy Transitions: Nos. 13-24 - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 218 - Stately Occasion/Emblem of Office/Hall of Fame/His Excellency - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 219 - Four Tension Links: Back to the Wall/The Forbidden Room/Four Tension Links: Face at the Window/The Hidden Watcher - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 220 - Two Aftermaths: After the Fire/After the Earthquake/At the Deathbed/Little Lame Girl - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 221 - Synchrosections, Part 1a/Synchrosections, Part 1b/Synchrosections, Part 2a/Synchrosections, Part 2b - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 222 - Overland to Oregon - Part 1: Title Music/Frontier Town/Night Camp/Overland to Oregon - Part 2: Wagon Train/Crossing the Bighorn - no artist listed, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1960)
IA 223 - Overland to Oregon - Part 3: Indian Country/Indian Attack/???? - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)/????
IA 224 - Off-Beat Story - Part 1/Off-Beat Story - Part 2 - The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 225 -
IA 226 - I Love Popsy: Opening/Bridges No. 1 to 4/Curtains No. 1 to 3/Closing/The Little People - no artist listed/The Lansdowne Concert Orchestra, music by Ronald Binge/Steve Race (1960)
IA 227 - Dark Thoughts/Afterthoughts/Gyroscope/General Alarm - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race/Felton Rapley/Heinz Herschmann (1960)
IA 228 - Silent Movie Rag/Sophisticated Afternoon - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Tolchard Evans/Alan Gray (Josef Zmigrod) (1960)
IA 229 - Maori Suite: Prelude: "E hine ma"/Maori Suite: "Tamariki" (Children)/I Remember - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra/no artist listed, music by Max Saunders/R. Hoskins/Tommy Reilly (1960)
IA 230 - Maori Suite: "Waiata aroha" (Love Song)/Maori Suite: "Nga toa" (Warriors) - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Max Saunders (1960)
IA 231 - Six Bizarre Episodes: Time to Kill/Uneasy Feeling/Lead into Danger/Six Bizarre Episodes: Clocks/Apparitions/Horror upon Horror - no artist listed, music by Wilfred Josephs (1960)
IA 232 - Dramatic Cameo/Plaintive Trumpet Link/Pizzicato Gavotte/Strings Pastoral - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Roger Barsotti/Sam Fonteyn (Samuel Soden) (1960)
IA 233 - Sportsman's Chance/Folies Parade - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Cyril Watters (1960)
IA 234 - Break Out/Murder Mile - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 235 - Whip Lash/Cobra - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 236 - Crisis/Chain Gang - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 237 - Sinister Street/The Slasher - ????, music by Bruce Campbell
IA 238 - The Lawman: Title/Background No. 1/Background No. 2/Ending No. 1/Ending No. 2/Bluebird Express - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell/Kurt Rehfeld (1960)
IA 239 - Highlight/Blue Riband/Sports March/Espanolita - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Jack Helyer/Felton Rapley/Tolchard Evans/Vincent Mondez (Edward Rubach/Clarence Dufour) (1960)
IA 240 - Dance for a Square/Padam/Roulette - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/Leslie Vinall/Kurt Rehfeld (1960)
IA 241 - Victory/Good Sport (March)/Starlight/Latin Lou - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Leighton Lucas/Wilfred Josephs/Michael Carroll/Syd Dale (1960)
IA 242 - Toby's Walk/Strictly Two/Reminiscing/Up-Beat - The Lansdowne Dance Orchestra, music by Ernie Ponticelli/Leslie Vinall/Paul Fenoulhet (1960)
IA 243 - Westcoast Bongo/Lullaby of Danceland/Excitement/Excitement, Extended/Greusom Bassoon/Brass Chords/Happy Vision - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Syd Dale/Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 244 - Bass Fanfare/Skeleton on the Prowl/Tenderness/Pain/Shock/Aching Memory/Machines/Lyrical Flute/Melancholy Bassoon/Foreboding/Tender Woodwind/Expectatnt Tension/Downward Harpglissando/Upward Harpglissando/Comical FAnfare/Humorous Woodwind/Hornpassage with Drum-Roll - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 245 - Piano Practice/The Circus Comes to Town/Rotation Machines/Dramatic Fugue - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 246 - The Sex Kitten/Terror/Mock Detective/Thoughtful Melody - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 247 - Burlesque Loco/Evening on the North Sea/Persecution Mania/Upward Brass Glissando/Downward Brass Glissando/The Optimist - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig) (1960)
IA 248 - Musique electronique: Magnetic Field/Mood Seven/Sweet and Sad/Musique electronique: Conflict No. 1/Conflict No. 2/Communications No. 1 - Eric Siday (1960)
IA 249 - Musique electronique: Sliding Thirds/Announcing/Musique electronique: Space Time/Space Agitato/Mood Three/Mood Six - Eric Siday (1960)
IA 250 - Musique electronique: Hypnosis/Reflections/Musique electronique: Anaesthesia/Sabre Dance - Eric Siday (1960)
IA 251 - Musique electronique: Night Tide/Communications No. 2/Musique electronique: Threat Attack - Eric Siday (1960)
IA 252 - Twelve Romantic Links (Nos. 1 to 12)/Ten Romantic Links (Nos. 13 to 22) - no artist listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 253 - Estrella - Opening/Estrella - Closing/Romantic Bridge/Romantic Hour - Opening/Romantic Hour - Closing/Romantic Link No. 23/Romantic Link No. 24 - Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 254 - Summer Moon/Sweet Night/Prelude to Romance/Now and Forever - no artist listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 255 - Dear One/End of a Dream/Some Other Time/Anna/To Our Love - no artist listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 256 - Three Onions/Our Gang/Three Steps to Hades/Retrospect/To Helen/Never to Know - no artist listed, music by Bruce Campbell (1960)
IA 257 - Murder/Short Comedy Link/Three Dramatic Links: No. 1/No. 2/No. 3/What Happens Next?/Will It Happen?/Dramatic Bridge/Eight Comedy Bridges: Nos. 1-8 - ????, music by Bruce Campbell/Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell)
IA 258 - Cymbeline/Dramatic-Tragic/Dramatic Curtain/Dramatic Mysterious/Love Has Won/Strolling Lovers/The Fussy Kind - ????, music by Fred Farmer (Bruce Campbell)/Alfred Ralston
IA 259 - In the Ballroom/On the Floor/Thee Sea Pictures: Morning on the Lake/Placid Pool/Lakeside Sketch/Summer Garden - ????, music by Malcolm Lockyer/Ronald Binge
IA 260 - Little Saunter/Awaited Moment/A Glimpse of Moonlight/Evil Conscience/Desolation/Mysterious Stranger - no artist listed, music by Alfred Ralston (1960)
IA 261 - Thirteen Dramatic Links/Sinister Moment/Tremblant/Mysterious Ballet - no artist listed, music by Ronald Binge (1960)
IA 262 - Industrial Workshop/River Romance/Spectral Waltz/Carnival Capers/Happy Hobo/Underground - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 263 - Dramatic Bridge/Waiting and Watching/Rough Justice: Parts 1-5/Romantic Suite: Twilight/Parting/Evening - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 264 - The Last Mile/Hospital Theatre - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 265 - Arctic Circle/Thanksgiving/Shadow of the Gallows - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 266 - Theme for Two/Comedy Bridge/Romantic Bridge/Woodland Romance/Menacing Shore/Five News Links: Nos. 1-5/Nine Drama Bridges: Nos. 1-9 - ????, music by Bruce Campbell/Ronald Binge/Alfred Ralston/Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)/Malcolm Lockyer
IA 267 - Street Scene/Boy Meets Girl/Latin Quarter/Hour of Tragedy - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 268 - Comedy Burglar/Comedy Cracksman/Idle Jack/Little Miss Prim/Solemn Clown/All in Fun - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 269 - Four Tension Backgrounds: Point of No Return/Haunted Gallery/Dark Alley/Action Decided/Four Mysterious Backgrounds: Enchanted Grotto/Moment of Magic/Grotto Link/Magic Link - no artist listed, music by Van Phillips (1960)
IA 270 - Four Humorous Endings: Happy as Larry/Happy-Go-Lucky/Jack Be Nimble/Comic Strip/Three Humorous Backgrounds: What a Life/Poodle Cut/Sparkling Wit - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 271 - Three Romantic Finales: All's Well That Ends Well/Midsummer Romance/True to the End/Two Dignity Finales: The Great Man Remembers/Picture of Dignity/Two Comedy Finales: I Toke the Bloke/The Red-Haired Trollop - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 272 - Twenty Shock Curtains: Nos. 1-10/Twenty Shock Curtains: Nos. 11-20 - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 273 - Crime Variations: Theme for a Killer - Opening/Theme for a Killer - Closing/Remorseless Fate/Murder Chase/Stealthy Approach - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson (1961)
IA 274 - Crime Variations: Eerie Mystery/Sudden Death/Running Figures/Poignant Scene - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson (1961)
IA 275 - Power Drive/November Fog/Closing Time/No Place like Home - ????, music by Peter Hope/King Palmer
IA 276 - Gaily Along/Vital Statistics/Georgian Facade/Sewing Circle - ????, music by Peter Hope/King Palmer
IA 277 - Happy Hurries: Nos. 1-8/Comic Consequences: Nos. 1-12 - ????, music by Ronald Hanmer
IA 278 - Romance in Beguine/Beat of the Baion/Rumbalero/Wild Boy/Comic Consequences Nos. 13-15 - ????, music by Ronald Hanmer
IA 279 - Mixed Feelings: The Schizophrenic/The Moron/The Farewell Waltz - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 280 - Promenade/Galop/Pastorale/Lament - ????, music by Paul Fenoulhet
IA 281 - Five Comic Characters: Eccentric Gent/Aunt Sally/Dilapidated Dandy/Old Fogey/Scare-Crow/Animal Kingdom: Elephant's Walk/Earthy Kitt/Elusive Eel/Otter's Glide - ????, music by King Palmer
IA 282 - Sentimentalities (Openings and Closings): Maudlin Melody/Homespun Harmony/Sentimentalities (Openings and Closings): Moon and Mimosa/Stars and Sapphires - ????, music by Ronald Binge
IA 283 - Hallucination/Melancholia/Brain Fever/Crack-Up/The Pschopath/Subconcious - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 284 - Frenzy/Double Vision/Vertigo/The Neurotic/Delirium/Hysteria - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Van Phillips (1961)
IA 285 - Twelve Comedy Backgrounds: Roger the Lodger/Play-Time/Chug-a-Lug/Twelve Comedy Backgrounds: January Sales/Flute Trio (Schottische)/Weary Willie (Bassoon Blues) - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 286 - Twelve Comedy Backgrounds: Jumping Jiminy/Hubble-Bubble/Bubble Bath/Twelve Comedy Backgrounds: Peter Piper/March of the Frogs (Bassoon Trio)/Comic Oriental - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 287 - Woodwind Comedy Transitions: Nos. 1-11/Woodwind Comedy Transitions: Nos. 12-22 - ????, music by Van Phillips
IA 288 - On the Trampolin/Tango Time - ????, music by Kurt Rehfeld/Bernard Monshin
IA 289 - Spanish Harlequin/Caribbean Dance - ????, music by Peter Haysom-Craddy/Madeleine Dring
IA 290 - Eight Instrumental Themes: Merry Maid of Madrid/Grievous Loss/Dreamy Thoughts/Hour of Faith/Eight Instrumental Themes: Aftermath of Tragedy/Crystal Drop/Haunting Ground/Kingdom of the Mind - ????, music by King Palmer
IA 291 - Globe Trotting: Russian (Dance)/Russian (Romantic)/Finland/Globe Trotting: Sweden (Dance)/Norway (Dance)/Belgium (Flemish Dance) - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 292 - Globe Trotting: Rumania (Dance)/Italy (Dance)/Italy (Romantic)/Globe Trotting: Jugoslavia (Dance)/Poland (Dance)/Greece (Romantic) - ????, music by Gilbert Vinter
IA 293 - Bobsleigh/Scramble for Breakfast/Cor, Love a Duck! - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Jack Beaver/Raymond Beaver/Allan Street/Tony Lowry (1961)
IA 294 - Mizzi pizzicato/Fiddlesticks/Venetian Serenade - ????, music by Harry Dexter/Felton Rapley
IA 295 - Loco-Motif/Bushfire - ????, music by George S. English
IA 296 - Countryside Cameo/Mischief Makers - ????, music by Ronald Hanmer/Sydney Del Monte
IA 297 - Crime Squad: Pursuit/Showdown/Justice/Crime Squad: Song of Industry/Vite vite - ????, music by Gary Hughes/Ronald Hanmer/Kenneth Baynes
IA 298 - Happy Chappie/Get Cracking/Pot Luck - ????, music by Larry Ashmore/John Howlett (C. J. W. Howlett)/Cyril Watters
IA 299 - Miniature Suite (Woodwind)/Various Percussion Effects/Miniature Suite (Strings)/Various Percussion Effects - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Paul Fenoulhet/no composer listed (1961)
IA 300 - Miniature Suite (Ensemble)/Miniature Suite (Brass)/Various Percussion Effects: Side-Drum and Cymbal/Side-Drum Rolls (Crescendo/Diminuendo)/Side-Drum Roll (Martial) - ????, music by Paul Fenoulhet/no composer listed
IA 301 - Synchro Jazz Part 1 (Rough)/Synchro Jazz Part 2 (Smooth) - The Lansdowne Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 302 - Quotations for Murder, Part 1 (in Three Sections)/Quotations for Murder, Part 2 (in Three Sectiosn) - The Lansdowne Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1961)
IA 303 - Johnny Ubiquitous (Part 1): Johnny Blues/Johnny Satire/Johnny Gone Wild/Johnny Ubiquitous (Part 2): Johnny Tycoon/Johnny Depressive/Johnny Racketeer - ????, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 304 - Passport for Soho (Jazz Mysterioso in Three Sections): Section 1-3/Supper with Stephie (Concert Jazz) - The Lansdowne Concert Jazz Orchestra, music by Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco)
IA 305 - Light Industrial Themes: Development Area/Laboratory Test/Delivery Service/Light Dramatics: Voice of Intrigue/The Suspect/The Felony/The Pulse - The Landsowne Light Orchestra, music by Bruce Campbell (1961)
IA 306 - Harpsichord in Classical Style: Rondo (in the Manner of Mozart)/Sarabande (in the manner of Handel/Gavotte (in the manner of Bach)/Harpsichord in Classical Style: Grave (in the manner of Bach)/Air (in the manner of Bach)/Minuet (in the manner of Mozart) - ????, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)
IA 307 - Dissonance: No. 1 - Opening/No. 2 - Closing/No. 3 - Bridge/No. 4 - Bridge/No. 5 - Bridge/No. 6 - Timpani/No. 7 - Timpani - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Norman Kay
IA 308 -
IA 309 -
IA 310 -
IA 311 -
IA 312 -
IA 313 - Blue Sea And Evening Sky/Spring Songster/Conquest Of Tomorrow - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Howard Blake/King Palmer
IA 314 -
IA 315 - Deserted City/Reeds In The Wind/Theme And Variations: Theme/Romantic/Gay/Dramatic/Sad/Closing - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Madeleine Dring/King Palmer
IA 316 - African Ritual/Night Out/Boating Song - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Len Stevens
IA 317 - The Silent Shadow/Crime Wave/Tragic Muse/Ice Pack - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Steve Race
IA 318 - Reverie/Tango Mirage - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Francis Chagrin (Alexander Paucker)
IA 319 - Men of Importance: The President/Commander-in-Chief/The Lord Mayor/The Prime Minister/The Governor General/Men of Importance: Head of State/Admiral of the Fleet/The Lord Chief Justice/The Queen's Messenger/The Standard Bearer - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music byVan Phillips (1962)
IA 320 -
IA 321 -
IA 322 - Veteran On Wheels/Bazaar - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Tony Lowry
IA 323 -
IA 324 -
IA 325 -
IA 326 -
IA 327 - Cool As A Cucumber/Sauntering Sam/Chanson Du Cafe Triste/Quiet Rhythm - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Alan Langford (Alan Owen)
IA 328 -
IA 329 -
IA 330 - Tribal Warriors/Tribal Feast No. 1/Tribal Feast No. 2/Afro-Cubanos/Voice Of The Jungle - Tribal Message/Voice Of The Jungle - Jungle Call - Music by Freddie Phillips
IA 331 -
IA 332 -
IA 333 -
IA 334 -
IA 335 -
IA 336 - Marine Aspects: No. 1 - Naval/No. 2 - Sailing In The Sun/No. 3 Men And The Sea/No. 4 - Dockside Activity/Happy World - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope/Axel Van Dueren
IA 337 -
IA 338 - Tele Cha Cha/Florida Shuffle/Grande Fiesta (Pachanga)/Newsreel Openings Nos. 1 & 2 - The Lansdowne Rhythm Group/No artist listed, music by Franko Sebastiani (Robby Spier)/Gotthard Welker/Louis Freichel/Eugen Mareczek (1963)
IA 339 - Hillbilly Wedding/Newsreel Opening 3/Newsreel Opening 4/Zick Zack Zither/Samba Nova - The Lansdowne Rhythm Group, music by Hubert Wolf
IA 340 -
IA 341 -
IA 342 -
IA 343 -
IA 344 - Desolate Land: Poverty/Ending/Sad Memory/Fugato Desperato/Urgency On High Strings/Hopeless Love/Urgency On Low Strings/Syncopated Brass Chords/Sinister Cello Unioso/Stealthy Bass Pizzicato/Dramatic Brass Chords/Brass Chords, Staccato Ending - Music by Freddie Phillips/Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 345 -
IA 346 -
IA 347 - Metropolitan Aspects: Evening: Gala Premiere/Nightfall/Dawn/Awakening/City By Day/Skyline - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Peter Hope
IA 348 - Nocturne/Sea Sketch/Intermezzo Gioviale - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Ernest Tomlinson/Rupert Paul (Paul Lewis)/Francis Chagrin (Alexander Paucker)
IA 349 - For Someone Special (Louise)/Stop Doing That - The Lansdowne Dance Band, music by Terry Rawlings/Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1963)
IA 350 -
IA 351 - Confused Century/Hammond Organ With Guitar/Hammond Organ, High/Mysterioso In Jazz/Escape Into Death - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)
IA 352 - Cello Unioso & Bass Clarinet/Ominous Bass Clarinet/Hammond Organ & Percussion/Teen Brawl - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra/The Lansdowne Dance Band, music by Wolf Droysen (Wolfram Röhrig)/Johnny Keating
IA 353 -
IA 354 -
IA 355 -
IA 356 -
IA 357 -
IA 358 -
IA 359 -
IA 360 -
IA 361 - Chiaroscuro (Sunlight on the Waters)/Cha-cha caracalho/Music in the English Style A/Music in the English Style B - Two Guitars/Two Guitars and Percussion, music by Freddie Phillips (1964)
IA 362 - On the Road/Polyester/Machinery 1/Building Site/Machinery 2/Machinery 3/Laboratory - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Heinz Neubrand/Teddy Windholz/H. Sandauer (1964)
IA 363 -
IA 364 -
IA 365 -
IA 366 -
IA 367 -
IA 368 -
IA 369 - Globe Trotting-Second Series: Scandinavia (Panoramic)/Scotland/Globe Trotting-Second Series: Slavonic Scene/Ireland - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Gilbert Vinter (1964)
IA 370 -
IA 371 - Faster Than That/Night Drive/After A Fashion - The Lansdowne Light Orchestra, music by Howard Blake/Freddie Phillips/Harry Dexter
IA 372 -
10" LPs:
IA 373 - Untitled - Van Phillips (1966)
IA 374 - Untitled - Sydney Dale/Sam Fonteyn (Samuel Soden)/Tony Lowry/Paul Lewis/Gilbert Vinter (1966)
IA 375 - Industrial Suite - Peter Hope/Nigel Brooks/Eric Jupp/Desmond Champ/Harold Geller (1966)
IA 376 - Panoramic-Scenic/Pastoral and Romantic - Nigel Brooks/Cyril Watters/Bruce Campbell/Larry Ashmore/Leslie Statham/Paul Fenoulhet/Peter Hope (1966)
IA 377 - Harpsichord Stings and Bridges (1-17)/Music in the Style of the Masters - Paul Lewis/Sydney Kaye/Max Saunders/Cyril Watters (1966)
IA 378 - Untitled - Syd Dale (1966)
IA 379 - Untitled - Syd Dale/Julia Woolf (Vivian Ellis)/Paul Kühmstedt (1966)
IA 380 - Impressions of India - The Sapna's from India, music by Naresh Sohal (1967)
IA 381 - Caribbean Kaleidoscope - Gerald Forsyth & His Trinidadian Steel Band, music by Gerald Forsyth (1968)
IA 382 - Untitled/The Nation Builders - Ivor Slaney/Paul Lewis (1968)
IA 383 - Untitled - Paul Lewis/Anthony Mawer (1968)
IA 384 - Untitled - Thomas Elerth (Robert Franchi)/Ronald Hanmer/Julia Woolf (Vivian Ellis) (1968)
IA 385 - Percussion Galore - Ivor Slaney (1968)
IA 386 - Choral Contrasts - The Tomlinson Singers conducted by Fred and Ernest Tomlinson, music by Ernest Tomlinson/Fred Tomlinson (1968)
IA 387 - Small Group Sounds - King Palmer/Sydney Dale (1968)
IA 388 - The Jet-Set Sound - Sydney Dale (1969)
IA 389 - The Jet-Set Sound/Softly Softly - Jazz Again - Sydney Dale/Johnny Hawksworth (1969)
IA 390 - Jazz Again - Johnny Hawksworth (1969)
IA 391 - Classical Guitar and Ensemble/Rhythms for Guitar and Ensemble - Paul Lewis (1969)
IA 392 - Sounds of the Seventies/Soundsd a Popp-In' - Ronald Hanmer/Johnny Douglas (1969)
IA 393 -
IA 394 - Jazz Elementals, Nos. 1-7/Trivia in Jazz, Nos. 1-10 - Alan Langford (Alan Owen)/Max Saunders (1970)
IA 395 - Untitled - Thomas Elerth (Robert Franchi) (1970)
IA 396 - Untitled - Anthony Mawer/King Palmer (1970)
IA 397 - Pictures in the Wind/Twenty Twelve-Tone Bridges and Interludes - Ronald Hanmer/Harry Dexter (1970)
IA 398 - "Inversions" Suite for Pop Percussion/Melody in Percussion - Sydney Dale (1970)
IA 399 - "Go-Go-Go!"/"Rhythm-Rhythm-Rhythm!" - Reginald G. Wale//Art Morgan/Tony Carr (1972)
IA 400 - Beats and Ballads - The Projection, music by ????
IA 401 - For Guitars Only/Skin Sounds - Pete Phillips (Philip Cocklin/Pete Smith)/Roger Montgomery/T. Fernandez/Steve Smith/Howard Blake (1973)
IA 402 - Contrasts - The "Flying Dutchmen", music by Piet van Meren (Pete Moore) (1973)
IA 403 - Shades of Rock - Projection, music by Pete Smith/Phil Chilton (Philip Cocklin)
IA 404 - Harmony Grass/Reggae - You Me & Us/Oceans Eleven
IA 405 - Design in Brass and Silver - Jim Parker
IA 406 - Live-Netutral-Earth - Don Harper (1975)
IA 407 - Flick's Own - Vic Flick (1975)
IA 408 - Blowing Hot and Cold - Ray Davies
IA 409 - Prime Cuts - Toni Campo (1976)
IA 410 - Pop of the Tops! - Zack Laurence (1976)
IA 411 - A Touch of Ivory - Kay Newman (Kathleen Crees)/Derek Austin
IA 412 - Merry Christmas - Anthony Mawer/Geoff Bastow (1976)
IA 413 - Flute Meets Harp - David Snell (1976)
IA 414 - More Power to Your Elbow - Steve March (1977)
IA 415 - Melody All the Way - Zack Laurence (1977)
IA 416 - Ad-News! - Oscar Louis (1977)
IA 417 - Pop Stars (Zack's Zodiak) - Zack Laurence (1978)
IA 418 - Flying Flutes - John G. Tyssen (Hanns Schmidt-Theissen)
IA 419 - Pastoral Moods
IA 420 - Panoramic and Western Themes
IA 421 - Gut Reaction! - Duncan Lamont (1979)
IA 422 - Sonic Brass - Don Harper (1979)
IA 423 - Hi-Tech! - Derek Austin (1979)
IA 424 - Mystery and Imagination - Desmond Champ
IA 425 - A Touch of Class - Kevin Peek (1980)
IA 426 - Force Field - George Fenton (George Howe) (1980)
IA 427 - Synthasia - Derek Austin (1980)
IA 428 - Other Worlds - Trevor Duncan (Leonard Trebilco) (1981)
Fully revised and nearly completed today.