Always share in mp3, always!!!
But why share in lossy mp3 instead of lossless flac, why?
We live in the year 2018 where a 2 tb hard disk is very cheap. The times when a hard disk costs a ability are finally over.
But why?
Bets way to consider it, is this.
If i had the 1 album that you are looking for, have been looking for for years, the only one you need to finish a collection; but only had it in 128k, would you pass on it.
Ethos is, yes we would always like the best quality, but it is better to take what you can get, than go without!
Exactly, and Thank You!
If the listener decides to download the music, rather than whining, they should be thanking that uploader for their time & effort. To say nothing of their personal $$ to purchase the recordings, then ripping & tagging said recordings.
Beggars can't be choosers.
Otherwise, go out and buy your own copy.
Ibelli, I look forward to visiting your blog