Author Topic: Need original name and original album of this track  (Read 5849 times)

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Need original name and original album of this track
« on: May 31, 2018, 10:08:43 PM »
Please, listen this:

This is released under the track name "narcissus" from the artist "The Manhattan Society". It comes from the album "Broadway Nights" from Selectracks.

I want the original lossless files, not those fake lossless files! I search through thru all library music sites, no chance. So please, did someone know that one filename original please?

Many thanks in advance!

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Re: Need original name and original album of this track
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2018, 10:34:44 PM »
I found out by myself: Izz bottoms up from robert valentino.

izz from valentino music the digital releases. But even in wav download this song is fake lossless!

But why?