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Requests / Re: Most Wanted Lossless Part 1.
« Last post by OrganGrinder on December 02, 2024, 10:54:59 AM »
please reupload - SP 10067 - Luciano Fineschi - High Fever & S.R.M. 506 - Giuliano Sorgini - Musica Da Ballo
Track IDs / Re: Unknown tracks from "Fabulous Floppers II" VHS (1988)
« Last post by Fabio on December 02, 2024, 09:53:39 AM »
Thank you  :D
I'm not opening a new topic, since it's the same VHS family, but I'm adding to the list of unknown songs a track from the 1986 VHS "Kings of the Sport":

FF2 (14)
FF2 (84)
KOTS (13)
Requests / Music House, John Cameron albums request
« Last post by VinylHunter on December 02, 2024, 09:19:31 AM »
Saga (Drama 1)

Drama 9 - Secrets Of The 20th Century

Good musician but not always easy to find his stuff.
The music is of course the main thing, but here is a folder
of the complete "cover art" I've made (or folder art) for the Sound Library series.
All made by cut-and-paste with the old Microsoft Photo Editor and WordArt in Word (Win 8.1).
The latest volumes are 85, 220 & 221.
All the links are on page 1 of this thread, and all still active as far as I know.

Track IDs / Re: Busch Gardens Williamsburg Video Adventure (1994)
« Last post by Yohanes Salomo on December 02, 2024, 06:51:14 AM »

This Anheuser-Busch Theme Parks video includes one piece of stock music from Sound Ideas as the rest are unknown to find.

- Duckwalk by Hennie Bekker [SI-K1] (Sound Ideas)

There are a lot of tracks in this video. The one at 19:48 is driven by a LinnDrum.
*screaming like Master Chief from Halo 3* Aaaaaaiiiiiieeeeeee!!! I found one in the intro. This one's from Davenport Music Library called "Paramount" composed by Neal Davenport.
General Discussion / Re: Identifying/locating specific songs
« Last post by apmnut on December 02, 2024, 05:23:34 AM »
The "Track IDs" forum is your friend!
Vintage Library Vinyl and CD rips / [RCA] - SP 10079 - Spitfire Debs - Dawn (1980)
« Last post by Ice8 on December 02, 2024, 04:55:51 AM »
Well! Entering the last month of the year, I bring you a good LP to listen to.


Requests / Re: Various Conroy requests
« Last post by KPMPK1001 on December 02, 2024, 03:57:12 AM »
Bumping this thread to see if anyone has these albums.
General Discussion / Identifying/locating specific songs
« Last post by cedarlakeinn on December 02, 2024, 03:49:27 AM »
Where does one post on the website to see if someone can identify and possibly locate a song?
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