Hello! Anyway, i don't wanted to say this to you because you might feel uncomfortable, but remember these rescinded OGM requests from February? Here are these:
OGM Premium Contemporary 6
OGM Premium Contemporary 12
OGM Premium Contemporary 22
OGM Premium Contemporary 23
OGM Premium Contemporary 24
OGM Premium Contemporary 26
OGM Premium Contemporary 29 (which you already have, but i haven't got one)
OGM Premium Contemporary 30
OGM Premium Contemporary 33 (the Premium line's last release)
I'm not too sure if you are going to accept these or not accepting these. Please let me know. Thanks.

About OGM
If I had to deal with everyone's OGM needs in the LTM forums
It would easily exceed 100
I obviously don't have that much time.
So I'll focus on the OGM albums that many have mentioned, which is fair enough
And those who have helped me, I will pay extra attention to their needs