Author Topic: Music from the Monty Python films  (Read 4986 times)

Walk the Skies 202

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Music from the Monty Python films
« on: July 13, 2023, 10:13:08 AM »
One of the most well-known uses of stock music in mainstream film, here's a breakdown of the music in the films of Monty Python.

Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
- Wide Horizons - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Start of opening credits)
- Ice Floe - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Opening credits)
- Country Wide - Anthony Mawer [De Wolfe] (Opening credits continue)
- Mexican Busker - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (Llama credits)
- The Big Country - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (England, 932 A.D.)
- Homeward Bound - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (King Arthur comes to a field)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Lady of the Lake story)
- Crossed Swords - Dudley Matthew [De Wolfe] (Arthur fights the Black Knight)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Monks chanting)
- Eveil A L'aube - Edward Michael [De Wolfe] (Arthur knights Sir Bedevere)
- Achievement - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (The Book of the Film)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Shot of Camelot)
- Camelot Song - Neil Innes [original composition]
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (God speaks to Arthur)
- ? [original composition?] (The Quest For the Holy Grail animation)
- Homeward Bound - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (Arthur and co. head to the French castle)
- ? [original composition?] (The Tale of Sir Robin)
- Sir Robin - Neil Innes [original composition]
- In the Shadows No. 2 - Paul Ferris [De Wolfe] (Robin and minstrels go deeper into the woods)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] ("Halt!")
- Sir Robin - Neil Innes [original composition]
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Animation)
- ? [original composition?] (The Tale of Sir Galahad)
- ? [original composition?] (Galahad sees the grail beacon)
- Harp Glissandi 1 - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Galahad enters Castle Anthrax)
- Au Fil De L'Eau - Edward Michael [De Wolfe] ("The Castle Anthrax?")
- Si Simple Est Cette Histoire - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Galahad is led to the beds)
- Harp Glissandi 1 - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] ("What seems to be the trouble?")
- Et Viviane Enchanta Merlin - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Doctors look over Galahad)
- Harp Glissandi 1 - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Galahad encounters many other girls)
- ? (Girls saying "hello" to Galahad)
- Aurore Tragique - Vladimir Cosma [De Wolfe] (Scene 24)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Arthur and his knights in the woods)
- ? [original composition?] (The Tale of Sir Lancelot)
- Love Theme - Peter Knight [De Wolfe] (Prince Herbert attempts to sing)
- Magenta - Roger Webb [De Wolfe] (Prince Herbert attempts to sing again)
- Starlet In the Starlight - Kenneth Essex [De Wolfe] (Prince Herbert attempts to sing yet again)
- Early One Morning - John Bath [De Wolfe] (Lancelot and Concord traveling)
- ? [original composition?] (Music played at the castle)
- Battle Action No. 2 - Derek Laren [De Wolfe] (Drums as Lancelot approaches)
- Flying Messenger - Oliver Armstrong [De Wolfe] (Lancelot's attack)
- Romantic Overturette No. 3 - Peter Francklyn [De Wolfe] (Prince Herbet once again attempts to sing)
- Flying Messenger - Oliver Armstrong [De Wolfe] (Lancelot tries to attack the remaining guests)
- He's Going To Tell - Neil Innes [original composition]
- Homeward Bound - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (Arthur and his knights come to a village)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] ("Who sent you?"; "Another shrubbery!"; "A herring!")
- Sir Robin - Neil Innes [original composition]
- Sir Robin (Instrumental) - Neil Innes [original composition] (Animated portion)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Seasons change)
- Sir Robin (Instrumental) - Neil Innes [original composition] (Minstrels follow Arthur and co.)
- Homeward Bound - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (Arthur and co. in the mountains)
- ? (Ominous music as Arthur and co. approach the cave)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] ("Too late!"; Rabbit kills Bors)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Brother Meynard brings forth the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Arthur throws the Holy Hand Grenade at the killer rabbit)
- ? (Ominous music as Arthur and co. enter the cave)
- Agitato No. 1 - Derek Laren [De Wolfe] (Also plays as Arthur and co. enter the cave)
- ? (Ominous music as Arthur and co. enter the cave)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Black Beast of Aaaaaargghh appears)
- Desperation - Ivor Slaney [De Wolfe] (Arthur and Bedevere cross the Bridge of Death)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Intermission screen)
- Desperation - Ivor Slaney [De Wolfe] (Bridge cross continued)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (Arthur and Bedevere continue without Lancelot)
- ? (Arthur and Bedevere stop)
- The Promised Land - Stanley Black [De Wolfe] (Arthur and Bedevere ride the boat)
- ? (Drums as Arthur's army prepares for battle)
- Revolt - Eric Towren [De Wolfe] (Arthur's army charges)
- [original composition by Neil Innes] (The end)

Monty Python's Life of Brian:
- Caesar's Entry (A) - Trevor Jones [Ready Music; reissued by CPM as "Caesar's Entry [#16.01]"] (The Colosseum, Jerusalem)
- Vision De Frayeur - Edward Michael [De Wolfe] (Brian getting dragged to a cell; Brian in line with other prisoners)

Monty Python's The Meaning of Life:
- Black Velvet - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (Fish watch Howard being served)
- The Meaning of Life - Eric Idle, John Du Prez [original composition]
- Salute To Greatness - Earl Ward [De Wolfe] (Doctors enter the operation room; Doctors get the equipment ready; Administrator enters)
- Peasant Flute (Version 1) - John Leach [Ready Music; reissued by CPM as "Peasant Flute 1"] (The Miracle of Birth Part Two: The Third World)
- Every Sperm Is Sacred (Instrumental) - Andre Jacquemin, Dave Howman [original composition] (Father walking home)
- Every Sperm Is Sacred - Michael Palin, Terry Jones, Andre Jacquemin, Dave Howman [original composition]
- Oh Lord Please Don't Burn Us - John Cleese, Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, John Du Prez [original composition]
- Toccato & Fugue In D Minor - Andrew Fenner [De Wolfe] (The rugby match)
- ? ("We will eat the cake.")
- Wonderment Chord - Trevor Jones [Ready Music; reissued by CPM] (Hand of God)
- Congo March - Y. Ngani [De Wolfe] (Sergeant marching up and down the square by himself)
- ? (1st Zulu War 1879) [GEMA lists a track called Brass Fanfare by Paul Reade, can't find anything confirming this]
- Tom-Tom Rhythms - Sy M'Boko [De Wolfe] (African drums in the background)
- Apollo - Kenneth Gamble, Ronald Waterworth [De Wolfe] (Pan to Ainsworth shaving)
- Tom-Tom Rhythms - Sy M'Boko [De Wolfe] (Arrow destroys Ainsworth's mirror)
- ? (Ainsworth and co. walk through the battlefield)
- Dark Forest - Jack Trombey [De Wolfe] (Ainsworth and co. exploring the jungle)
- Giants of Sport - John Reids [De Wolfe] (The Middle of the Film)
- King and Country - Paul Lewis [De Wolfe] (Start of Find the Fish)
- Black Velvet - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (Old couple exits elevator)
- Island Greeting 2 - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (Hawaiian-themed dungeon)
- Hava Nagila - Janos Lehar [De Wolfe] (The Meaning of Life Part V: Live Organ Transplants)
- Galaxy Song - Eric Idle, John Du Prez [original composition]
- ? (The Very Big Corporation of America)
- ? (Harry talks about how matter is energy)
- The Crimson Permanent Assurance score - John Du Prez [original composition] (The Crimson Permanent Assurance attacks)
- Grey Morning - Harold East [De Wolfe] (The Meaning of Life Part VI: The Autumn Years)
- Penis Song - Eric Idle [original composition]
- Spinecharge - Paul Lewis [De Wolfe] (Mr. Creosote; Mr. Creosote reacts to the mint)
- Feeling Sad - Harold East [De Wolfe] (The Meaning of Life Part VI B: The Meaning of Life)
- Lullaby - Harold East [De Wolfe] (Gaston arrives at his house)
- Nocturnal No. 3 - Paul Ferris [De Wolfe] (The Meaning of Life Part VII: Death)
- Calling All Cars - Henry Farrar [De Wolfe] (Arthur Jarrett introduced)
- Flying Messenger - Oliver Armstrong [De Wolfe] (Topless women chase Arthur)
- ? (Arthur is chased off a cliff)
- Weird Dream - Stuart Hondes [De Wolfe] (Grim Reaper approaches a house)
- Nocturnal No. 3 - Paul Ferris [De Wolfe] (Inside the house)
- Dracula Chord - Trevor Jones [Ready Music; reissued by CPM] (Grim Reaper steps forward; Grim Reaper walks through the table)
- Harsh Discord 2 - Trevor Jones [Ready Music; reissued by CPM as "Harsh Discord [#37.02]"] ("The salmon mousse.")
- ? (Everyone at the table dies and follows the Grim Reaper)
- Wonderment Chord - Trevor Jones [Ready Music; reissued by CPM] (People and Grim Reaper arrive in Heaven)
- Black Velvet - Keith Papworth [De Wolfe] (Heaven is the hotel from earlier)
- ? (Choir as the people walk into the lobby)
- Christmas In Heaven - Terry Jones, Eric Idle [original composition]
- Liberty Bell - A. W. Sherriff [De Wolfe] (Monty Python's Flying Circus theme)
- Black Star - John Saunders [De Wolfe] (Plays as "Liberty Bell" fades into "Galaxy Song")
- Galaxy Song - Eric Idle, John Du Prez [original composition] (Plays over the credits)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 07:12:12 AM by Walk the Skies 202 »


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2023, 10:35:56 AM »
According to an album I have (shared by foobar2000? earlier this year) Vision Of Fear (Vision de Frayeur) appears in the Holy Grail not Life Of Brian. But I don't know where in the film exactly. Can't help with Trevor Jones's Full Ceremonial Fanfare I'm afraid. But since you list three of his tracks in The Meaning Of Life could it be it also appears in that film and not Life Of Brian?


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2023, 07:26:03 PM »
- Si Simple Est Cette Histoire - Pierre Arvay [De Wolfe] (Galahad is led to the beds)

I don't think this one is correct. The music where Galahad first enters the castle and walks with the nurse is a more low-key cue with harp, woodwind and some light choir at the start. I didn't get any result when running AudD with the dialogue removed.

The one following this is correct (Galahad in bed), and I checked the other tracks in the same album but no luck.


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2023, 09:54:56 PM »
I know this does not help, but I remember a while ago listening to the Coloursound vinyls and hearing a track that was from Holy Grail or Life of Brian. I forget which and I forget which track too unfortunately. If I come across it again I shall post on here.


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2024, 08:38:57 PM »
'Harp Glissandi No. 1' by Pierre Arvay was also used in the Castle Anthrax scene, though replaced with original music by Elizabeth Parker in the stereo version.

'Vision de Frayeur' is used when Brian is dragged into the cell, and again when the prisoners are cuing up for crucifixion. I have not found a copy of 'Full Ceremonial Fanfare', but 'Caesar's Entry' from the same album appears at the beginning of the amphitheatre scene. I don't know of other library music in Life of Brian, if any; most of it is the unreleased original score by Geoffrey Burgon.


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2024, 01:13:39 PM »
I had to look up who Elizabeth Parker is. According to Gilliam commissioned her to write new music for bits that didn't have music before, and it's also indicated that Gilliam wasn't 100% happy with some of the library tracks - it's not completely clear from that article the extent of the job. Given that 'Si Simple Est Cette Histoire' in the above list is not heard on the DVD, that's probably one of hers.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2024, 01:18:38 PM by snowydive »


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2024, 05:10:44 AM »
I just happened upon the opening music from the Holy Grail trailer ( "Légende officielle" by Pierre Arvay (


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2024, 12:49:46 AM »
Also in the Holy Grail trailer (the mock Seventh Seal clip at 2:25) is "Chronoradial" by Patrice Sciortino (

The music from the restaurant at the end (2:58) is still unidentified.


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2024, 08:40:26 PM »
All of the films are now posted on my Monty Python Music Identification blog:

"Eastern Flute" is actually "Peasant Flute (Version 1)" from Ready Music LPDG 110. "Tom-Tom Rhythm" by Sy M’Boko (DW/LP 3267) and "Dark Forest" by Jack Trombey (DWS/LP 3300) are also used in the Zulu War sketch. "Weird Dream" by Stuart Hondes (Hudson HMCS/LP 510) is used in the Grim Reaper sketch.

"Brass Fanfare" by Paul Reade is still a mystery.

Walk the Skies 202

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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #9 on: April 28, 2024, 07:13:39 AM »
All of the films are now posted on my Monty Python Music Identification blog:

"Eastern Flute" is actually "Peasant Flute (Version 1)" from Ready Music LPDG 110. "Tom-Tom Rhythm" by Sy M’Boko (DW/LP 3267) and "Dark Forest" by Jack Trombey (DWS/LP 3300) are also used in the Zulu War sketch. "Weird Dream" by Stuart Hondes (Hudson HMCS/LP 510) is used in the Grim Reaper sketch.

"Brass Fanfare" by Paul Reade is still a mystery.
Your work for both the TV series and the films has been nothing short of fantastic.

I've also found that the GEMA-listed "Apollo" is the Meaning of Life track during the pan to Ainsworth shaving on the battlefield.


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2024, 05:59:02 PM »
Thank you very much!


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Re: Music from the Monty Python films
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2024, 06:10:59 PM »
"Gong Effect" by Jack Trombey (DW 2900) and "Chinese Character No. 3" by John Leach (DW/LP 2387) are also used in the Holy Grail trailer. For Meaning of Life, "Fanfare for Space" by John Saunders (DW/LP 3457) is used in the main trailer and "Royal Occasion" by Herbert Chappell (DW/LP 3053) is used in the "telepathy" trailer.