Author Topic: Aliases in Library - Australia  (Read 13753 times)


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Aliases in Library - Australia
« on: May 13, 2018, 02:38:05 PM »
Fresh list. Australian composers mostly registered through APRA/AMCOS.

As with the others, the basic key here is:
Real name
Real name:
Alias 1
Alias 2

Michael Elkington Allen

Judith Mary "Judy" Bailey

Brian Champtaloup Baker:
Guido Lemonde

John Milton Barrett

Brian Kevin Beamish

Phillip John "Phil" Beazley:
Pippa Jones

Peter James Benson:
Beamo Tymes Music

Peter John Beveridge:
John Cooke

Nicolette Boaz

Warwick Allan Bone (also "Warrick")

Alan Jeffrey Bowles:

Murray William Burns (also "Burnes")

Michael Arthur "Mike" Butcher

Michael Edward "Mike" Caen:
Mark Kahn
Kim Turoa
Mike Cave
Mike Cornell
Mike Edward

Albert Anthony Calvo

Matthew James Carpenter

Gary John Carruthers

David Malcolm Chapman

Pietro "Peter" Ciani:
Park Field

Richard Charles "Rik" Cole

Matthew Robert Corbett:
Jim Jammy
Kiyoshi Takegoshi
Lauren Atwood
Lowell Freeman

Yantra De Vilder

Andrew John Downer

Christopher John "Chris" Elves:
Brett Harrison
Lee Golding

Salvatore "Sonny" Fazio:
Sonny Fox

Igor Fedotov:

Michael William Ferenci:
Al Abastore
Dewey Morning
Miklosh F.

Simon David Figliuzzi

Michael Fix

Michael Andrew French:
Bridget Guilbenhoff
Shari French

Carlo Giacco

Brian Wayne Gowers

Philippe Gubbay (also "Gabbay"):
G. Philippe David

Joseph Adam Halford

Garry John Hardman:
Garry Hartmann
John James
Soul Richard
Vic Bitter

Bruce Harris

Clive Maxwell Harrison

Michael Charles Hawke

David Charles Hewitt:
David C. Hevitt
David Ivanov
Dick Splash
Franz Gurgen
Karl Karlson

Patrick Robert Hippert:
Patrick Densborn
Patrick Roberts

David Philip Hobson

Graeme Kenneth Hodge

David Anthony Holmes

Robert Anthony Howson

Justin Barry Humphries

Anthony John "Tony" Hunt:
Tony Murphy

Martyn John "Marty" Irwin

Peter C. Jackson:
Adrian Cooke
Cooke Jackson
Jackson Cooke
Peter Cooke

Andrew Robert "Andy" James

Ian Haig Jamieson:
Ian Haig

Ricky Lee "Rick" Kelly:

Ilan Kidron:

Michael Basil Kokinos

Spencer John Lee

Peter Kent W. MacPherson:
Burning Giraffe

Bruce Zisis Maginnis:
Bruce Magiannis
Zed Parker

Peter John Martin:
Don James
Luke Perrini (also "Perini")
Peter James

Jay Justin McCarthy (also "MacCarthy"):
Jay Justin

David Lyall Douglas Raymond McDonald (also "MacDonald")

Hugh Thomas McDonald (also "MacDonald")

Justin McDonough Pounsett

Brent Don McFarlane

Gary McKay (also "MacKay")

Russell Talbot McKenna (also "MacKenna"):
Carlos Emmanuel
Gordon Black
Rock McIan
Rusty Nayles Productions
Victor Lobos

Matthew Grant McKenzie-Smith (also "MacKenzie-Smith")

Louis G. McManus (also "MacManus")

Donald Vivian "Don" Meers

Marc Mittag

Yvon Firmin Mounier

Allen Samuel Murphy (also "Alan")

David John Antony "Dobe" Newton

Benjamin Robert Northey

Anthony James "Tony" Naylor:
Domingo Mendez
James Cooper
Roberto Gonzales (also "Gonzalez")

Ants Juhani "John" Neeme

Robert "Robi" Parolin

Christopher Paul "Chris" Pelcer

Robert Bernard "Red" Perksey né Siegbert Perlstein

Douggie Reece:
Ken Gover
Ken Glover

Raymond Cameron Mark "Ray" Rivamonte

James Kelly Ryan

Frank Sablotny:
Francois Sablon
Frank Tayla

Laurence William Schuberth

Annabel Ruth Seargeant

Brian Stanley Shirtliff

Michael Francis "Mick" Slocum:
Ray Baker

Lesley Ann Sly

Philip Randal Smart:

Paul Anthony Smith

Barry Bruce "Kevin" Stanton

Frank S. Strangio:
Gabriel De Franco
Sebastian Peters

Peter George Sullivan

Neil Campbell Sutherland

Neil Thurgate

Colin Reginald Timms

Sean Edward "Tunes" Timms

David Lawrence T. Tipoki

Robert Neil Upward

Paul Neil Van Ross

Adrian James Watkins:
White Sirens

Colin Nigel Webber:
Nigel Taylor
Taylor Nigel

Michael Joseph "Mike" Wilkie:
Daniel Steane
Perry Davies
Ryan Golding
Roger Dodgers

Antony Raymond "Tony" Williams

Paul Lancaster Wiltshire

Jan Frank Wositzky

Peter Michael Norman Wright:
Shep Ryan

Collaborative aliases:
Aliases used collaboratively by two or more composers. Note that these might not all be directly library-related.

Spencer John Lee & Barry Bruce "Kevin" Stanton:
« Last Edit: May 20, 2024, 05:02:43 PM by Mr »