Library Music Themes

General Sharing & Discussion => Blogs => Topic started by: Uncle Michael on January 22, 2019, 06:17:58 PM

Title: Fraykers
Post by: Uncle Michael on January 22, 2019, 06:17:58 PM
I apologize if this is the wrong place to open this thread. If the moderators wish to relocate it, that's fine. I put it here because there was once upon a time, a Fraykers blog.

The internet sheds almost no light on the provenance of the Fraykers comps. I've been listening to that stuff for years and am quite curious about them, who made them, under what circumstances, etc.

I'm aware there may be some aspects of this that some may not be disposed to publicly discuss.
Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: Retronic on January 22, 2019, 06:32:25 PM
Frayker has been mentioned a few times lately. He was an American chap living in the UK and as you already know he made the funkiest compilations around circa 2009-12??? I was a big fan of Fraykers Breaks and we used to be in regular touch with each other- he helped me ‘age’ some of my old artwork/ comp covers to make that them look like old LPs.
I found a ton of his comps the other week and on a previous version of LMT we pooled resources on all of his output.  I miss his being around.
He was great at collating funky, cop show-style themes and incidentals and I think mixed in some original soundtracks but it was mostly library.  He turned me on to some of the US labels.
Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: Greta on January 22, 2019, 06:48:28 PM
Big fan of Fraykers comps too!
We've been discussing, sharing and collecting, probably every comp from him, in a very previous incarnation of LMT.
Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: Uncle Michael on January 22, 2019, 09:29:51 PM
I recently acquired all that ITK1000 has shared. I think I already had most of it before that. I doubt that I had any that weren't in the ITK1000 share...but it's not impossible.
Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: stackjackson on January 23, 2019, 03:16:07 AM
Frayker used to poke around LMT once in awhile, even shared a rip or two, but to my knowledge he hasn't signed up since the last board. No idea where he is now.
Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: Muff Diver on January 25, 2019, 09:40:24 PM
Frayker used to poke around LMT once in awhile, even shared a rip or two, but to my knowledge he hasn't signed up since the last board. No idea where he is now.

You know, Stack, all this got me to thinking about Frayker. Aside from putting Frayker's photo on the sides of milk cartons, it seems to me that...

Frayker may have taken a vacation on the same island where Junkie disappeared, so long ago, afaik. I mean, it's possible, right?

Btw, "Frayker's Island" kinda has a ring to it, no?

Cue the suspenseful music & narrator's voice from the old Batman TV Series (1966):

"Meanwhile, the wheels are turning frantically in Muff Diver's fertile, but depraved imagination..."


I have a fab idea for a new cable pilot, featuring nymphomanical female cannibals, copious amounts of cannibal nudity, exotic wildlife on the Island (featuring a Sasquatch and The Beast With Two Backs), and plenty of Library Music tracks...

The Skipper, or The Professor, saves the day by introducing Library Music to the all-female cannibals, who no longer have a dinner date with our heroes. Instead, there's a big beach party, ice cold beers, and twisting to The KPM All-Stars  8].

This could work! It all depends on a low, air-conditioned room-temp IQ of the Troglodytic, mouth-breathing viewing audience and a huuuuuge suspension of disbelief. Plenty of alcohol (or weed) liberally applied by said Troglodyte audience wouldn't hurt, either...

{memos to self}

On the other hand, maybe we can skip the cable pilot because this all sounds like a plot of a typical porn flick. Porn would be cheaper, too.

Frayker would have wanted it this way. Maybe.  ::)

Now if you all will excuse me, I've got a script to write!  :)

Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: stackjackson on January 26, 2019, 12:04:04 AM
Right on, Muff. I'm all in with that new cable pilot... let me see the script when you're finished ;)

Title: Re: Fraykers
Post by: Retronic on January 26, 2019, 06:39:39 AM
Could the original 'Charlie's Angels' be hired to find Frayker (we at LMT had a whip round to keep that greedy Bosley happy).  Jill can infiltrate the cannibal gang as a new tennis coach, Kelly can talk to the Professor about his childhood and Sabrina can explain it all to us at the end (a la Velma in Scooby Doo).
I'm working on the soundtrack as we speak..... *searches "Exotica"*